Dependencies:   HW4 FP MQTTPacket

Fork of MQTT by MQTT



File content as of revision 6:4d312a49200b:

 * Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corp.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 *    http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 *   http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * Contributors:
 *    Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
#include "MQTTClient.h"
#include "MQTTPacket.h"

template<class Network, class Timer, class Thread> MQTT::Client<Network, Timer, Thread>::Client(Network* network, Timer* timer, const int buffer_size, const int command_timeout)
   buf = new char[buffer_size];
   readbuf = new char[buffer_size];
   this->ipstack = ipstack;
   this->command_timeout = command_timeout;
   //this->thread = new Thread(0); // only need a background thread for non-blocking mode
   this->ipstack = network;
   this->packetid = 0;
   this->timer = timer;

template<class Network, class Timer, class Thread> int MQTT::Client<Network, Timer, Thread>::getPacketId()
	return this->packetid = (this->packetid == MAX_PACKET_ID) ? 1 : ++this->packetid;

template<class Network, class Timer, class Thread> int MQTT::Client<Network, Timer, Thread>::sendPacket(int length, int timeout)
    int sent = 0;
    while (sent < length)
        sent += ipstack->write(&buf[sent], length, -1);
    return sent;

template<class Network, class Timer, class Thread> int MQTT::Client<Network, Timer, Thread>::decodePacket(int* value, int timeout)
    char c;
    int multiplier = 1;
    int len = 0;

    *value = 0;
        int rc = MQTTPACKET_READ_ERROR;

            rc = MQTTPACKET_READ_ERROR; /* bad data */
            goto exit;
        rc = ipstack->read(&c, 1, timeout);
        if (rc != 1)
            goto exit;
        *value += (c & 127) * multiplier;
        multiplier *= 128;
    } while ((c & 128) != 0);
    return len;

 * If any read fails in this method, then we should disconnect from the network, as on reconnect
 * the packets can be retried. 
 * @param timeout the max time to wait for the packet read to complete, in milliseconds
 * @return the MQTT packet type, or -1 if none
template<class Network, class Timer, class Thread> int MQTT::Client<Network, Timer, Thread>::readPacket(int timeout) 
    int rc = -1;
    MQTTHeader header = {0};
    int len = 0;
    int rem_len = 0;

    /* 1. read the header byte.  This has the packet type in it */
    if (ipstack->read(readbuf, 1, timeout) != 1)
        goto exit;

    len = 1;
    /* 2. read the remaining length.  This is variable in itself */
    decodePacket(&rem_len, timeout);
    len += MQTTPacket_encode(readbuf + 1, rem_len); /* put the original remaining length back into the buffer */

    /* 3. read the rest of the buffer using a callback to supply the rest of the data */
    if (ipstack->read(readbuf + len, rem_len, timeout) != rem_len)
        goto exit;

    header.byte = readbuf[0];
    rc = header.bits.type;
    return rc;

template<class Network, class Timer, class Thread> int MQTT::Client<Network, Timer, Thread>::cycle()
    int timeout = 1000L;
    /* get one piece of work off the wire and one pass through */
    // 1. read the socket, see what work is due. 
    int packet_type = readPacket(-1);

	printf("packet type %d\n", packet_type);
    switch (packet_type)
        case CONNACK:
			printf("connack received\n");
        case PUBACK:
        case SUBACK:
        case PUBREC:
        case PUBCOMP:
        case PINGRESP:
    return packet_type;

template<class Network, class Timer, class Thread> int MQTT::Client<Network, Timer, Thread>::connect(MQTTPacket_connectData* options, FP<void, MQTT::Result*> *resultHandler)
	int len = 0;
	int rc = -99;
	MQTTPacket_connectData default_options = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer;

    /* 2. if the connect was successful, send the MQTT connect packet */   
	if (options == 0)
		default_options.clientID.cstring = "me";
		options = &default_options;
	this->keepalive = options->keepAliveInterval;
	len = MQTTSerialize_connect(buf, buflen, options);
    rc = sendPacket(len); // send the connect packet
	printf("rc from send is %d\n", rc);
    /* 3. wait until the connack is received */
    if (resultHandler == 0)
        // this will be a blocking call, wait for the connack
		if (cycle() == CONNACK)
			int connack_rc = -1;
			if (MQTTDeserialize_connack(&connack_rc, readbuf, readbuflen) == 1)
				rc = connack_rc;
        // set connect response callback function
    return rc;

template<class Network, class Timer, class Thread> int MQTT::Client<Network, Timer, Thread>::subscribe(const char* topicFilter, enum QoS qos, FP<void, Message*> messageHandler, 
		FP<void, Result*> *resultHandler)
	int rc = -1, 
	    len = 0;
	MQTTString topic = {(char*)topicFilter, 0, 0};
	len = MQTTSerialize_subscribe(buf, buflen, 0, getPacketId(), 1, &topic, (int*)&qos);
	rc = sendPacket(len); // send the subscribe packet
	/* wait for suback */
    if (resultHandler == 0)
        // this will block
		if (cycle() == SUBACK)
			int count = 0, grantedQoS = -1;
			if (MQTTDeserialize_suback(&packetid, 1, &count, &grantedQoS, readbuf, readbuflen) == 1)
				rc = grantedQoS; // 0, 1, 2 or 0x80 
        // set subscribe response callback function
	return rc;