Simple demo for the Raio RA8875 Based Display with a 4-wire SPI interface.
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RA8875 Based Display Controller¶
A basic library for this low cost display from The module supports I2C, 3-Wire SPI, 4-Wire SPI, 8-bit Parallel and 16-bit Parallel.
The companion library supports the 4-Wire SPI.
Sample Program¶
#include "mbed.h" #include "RA8875.h" RA8875 lcd(p5, p6, p7, p12, NC, "tft"); // MOSI, MISO, SCK, /ChipSelect, /reset, name Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); int main() { pc.baud(460800); // I like a snappy terminal, so crank it up! pc.printf("\r\nRA8875 Test - Build " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\r\n"); pc.printf("Turning on display\r\n"); lcd.Reset(); lcd.Power(true); // display power is on, but the backlight is independent lcd.background(Black); lcd.foreground(Blue); lcd.cls(); lcd.Backlight(1.0); lcd.puts(0,0, "Raio RA8875 Display Controller Library\r\n"); lcd.puts("This library uses a 4-wire SPI interface.\r\n\r\n" " 400,15, 15, BrightRed);\r\n" "lcd.fillcircle( 440,15, 15, RGB(128,255,128));\r\n" "lcd.ellipse( 400,50, 25,10, BrightBlue);\r\n" "lcd.fillellipse( 440,50, 25,10, Blue);\r\n" "lcd.triangle( 400,75, 430,90, 410,100, Magenta);\r\n" "lcd.filltriangle( 440,100, 480,120, 450,130, Cyan);\r\n" "lcd.rect( 400,150, 479,200, Brown);\r\n" "lcd.fillrect( 410,160, 470,190, Pink);\r\n" "lcd.roundrect( 405,200, 450,255, 10,16, Yellow);\r\n" "lcd.fillroundrect(420,220, 435,250, 5,8, RGB(10,30,50));"); 400,15, 15, BrightRed); lcd.fillcircle( 440,15, 15, RGB(128,255,128)); lcd.ellipse( 400,50, 25,10, BrightBlue); lcd.fillellipse( 440,50, 25,10, Blue); lcd.triangle( 400,75, 430,90, 410,100, Magenta); lcd.filltriangle( 440,100, 480,120, 450,130, Cyan); lcd.rect( 400,150, 479,200, Brown); lcd.fillrect( 410,160, 470,190, Pink); lcd.roundrect( 405,200, 450,255, 10,16, Yellow); lcd.fillroundrect(420,220, 435,250, 5,8, RGB(10,30,50)); while (1) ; }