Simple demo for the Raio RA8875 Based Display with a 4-wire SPI interface.

Dependencies:   mbed RA8875

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00001 //
00002 // Demo Program
00003 //  mbed version   Graphics Working   PrintScreen Working? "/local/file.bmp"
00004 //  v148           Yes                No,   FILE *Image = fopen(Name_BMP, "wb"); fails
00005 //  v142           Yes                No,   FILE *Image = fopen(Name_BMP, "wb"); fails
00006 //  v140           Yes                No,   FILE *Image = fopen(Name_BMP, "wb"); fails
00007 //  v138           Yes                No,   FILE *Image = fopen(Name_BMP, "wb"); fails
00008 //  v137           Yes                Yes
00009 //  v136           Yes                Yes
00010 //  v128           Yes                Yes
00011 //
00012 #include "mbed.h"           // testing: v147 - working: v146, v145, v142, v136, v128, fails: v148
00013 #include "RA8875.h"         // v138 - tested working
00014 #include "MyFont18x32.h"
00015 #include "BPG_Arial08x08.h"
00016 #include "BPG_Arial10x10.h"
00017 #include "BPG_Arial20x20.h"
00018 #include "BPG_Arial31x32.h"
00019 #include "BPG_Arial63x63.h"
00021 // These two defines can be enabled, or commented out
00022 //#define BIG_SCREEN
00023 //#define CAP_TOUCH
00024 #define LCD_C 16         // color - bits per pixel
00026 #ifdef CAP_TOUCH
00027 RA8875 lcd(p5,p6,p7,p12,NC, p9,p10,p13, "tft"); // MOSI,MISO,SCK,/ChipSelect,/reset, SDA,SCL,/IRQ, name
00028 #else
00029 RA8875 lcd(p5,p6,p7,p12,NC, "tft");             //MOSI, MISO, SCK, /ChipSelect, /reset, name
00030 #endif
00031 LocalFileSystem local("local");                     // access to calibration file for resistive touch and printscreen
00033 #ifdef BIG_SCREEN
00034 #define LCD_W 800
00035 #define LCD_H 480
00036 #else
00037 #define LCD_W 480
00038 #define LCD_H 272
00039 #endif
00041 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);            // And a little feedback
00042 Timer measurement;
00044 RetCode_t callback(RA8875::filecmd_t cmd, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t size)
00045 {
00046     static FILE * fh = NULL;
00047     static unsigned int bytesDone = 0;
00048     static unsigned int totalBytes = 0;
00050     switch(cmd) {
00051         case RA8875::OPEN:
00052             bytesDone = 0;
00053             totalBytes = *(uint32_t *)buffer;
00054             pc.printf("PrintScreen callback to write %u bytes\r\n", totalBytes);
00055             fh = fopen("/local/file.bmp", "w+b");
00056             if (!fh)
00057                 return(file_not_found);
00058             break;
00059         case RA8875::WRITE:
00060             bytesDone += size;
00061             pc.printf("  Write %d bytes => %d of %d\r\n", size, bytesDone, totalBytes);
00062             fwrite(buffer, 1, size, fh);
00063             pc.printf("  %3d %% complete\r\n", ((100 * bytesDone)/totalBytes));
00064             break;
00065         case RA8875::CLOSE:
00066             fclose(fh);
00067             pc.printf("PrintScreen Closed.\r\n");
00068             break;
00069         default:
00070             pc.printf("Unexpected callback %d\r\n", cmd);
00071             break;
00072     }
00073     return noerror;
00074 }
00077 int main()
00078 {
00079     pc.baud(460800);                            // I like a snappy terminal, so crank it up!
00080     pc.printf("\r\nRA8875 Soft Fonts - Build " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\r\n");
00082     measurement.start();
00083     lcd.frequency(500000);
00084     lcd.Reset();
00085     lcd.init(LCD_W, LCD_H, LCD_C, 40);
00087     // **************************
00088     //RunTestSet(lcd, pc);  // If the library was compiled for test mode...
00090     lcd.foreground(RGB(255,255,0));
00091     lcd.puts(0,100, "RA8875 Soft Fonts - Build " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\r\n");
00093     lcd.SelectUserFont(Dave_Smart18x32);
00094     lcd.puts("**** ! Soft Fonts ! **** 0123456789\r\n");
00095     lcd.puts("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\r\n");
00096     //lcd.puts("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\r\n");
00097     lcd.SelectUserFont();
00098     lcd.puts("Back to normal\r\n");
00099     lcd.SelectUserFont(BPG_Arial08x08);
00100     lcd.puts("BPG_Arial08x08 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\r\n");
00101     //lcd.puts("BPG_Arial08x08 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\r\n");
00102     lcd.SelectUserFont(BPG_Arial10x10);
00103     lcd.puts("BPG_Arial10x10 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\r\n");
00104     //lcd.puts("BPG_Arial10x10 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\r\n");
00105     lcd.SelectUserFont(BPG_Arial20x20);
00106     lcd.puts("BPG_Arial20x20  ");
00107     lcd.SelectUserFont(BPG_Arial31x32);
00108     lcd.puts("BPG_Arial31x32\r\n");
00109     lcd.SelectUserFont(BPG_Arial63x63);
00110     lcd.puts("BPG_Arial63x63");
00111     pc.printf("Time trial completed in %d uSec\r\n", measurement.read_us());
00113     lcd.rect(0,0, 10,10, BrightRed);
00115     pc.printf("PrintScreen activated ...\r\n");
00116     RetCode_t r = lcd.PrintScreen(0,0,LCD_W,LCD_H,"/local/file.bmp", 8);
00117     pc.printf("  PrintScreen returned %d - %s\r\n", r, lcd.GetErrorMessage(r));
00119     //lcd.AttachPrintHandler(callback);
00120     //lcd.PrintScreen(0,0,LCD_W,LCD_H,8);
00123     while(1) {
00124         ;       // end
00125     }
00126 }