Library to control a Graphics TFT connected to 4-wire SPI - revised for the Raio RA8875 Display Controller.

Dependents:   FRDM_RA8875_mPaint RA8875_Demo RA8875_KeyPadDemo SignalGenerator ... more

Fork of SPI_TFT by Peter Drescher

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00001 // This file contains a perl script used to modify the mikroe generated fonts.
00002 //
00003 // Do not "include" this file into your project - just copy everything from
00004 // the #if to the #endif and put it into a .pl file on your local PC to
00005 // run it (this script requires that you have Perl installed).
00006 #if 0
00008 #
00009 #
00010 # Parse and Modify Mikroe Font File and make a few strategic changes
00011 #
00012 # Copyright (c) 2019 by Smartware Computing, all rights reserved.
00013 #
00014 use strict;
00015 use warnings;
00017 use POSIX;
00019 my @HelpInfo = (
00020     "                                                                           ",
00021     "This script modifies a font file which was generated with a tool by        ",
00022     "MikroElektronika - GLD Font Creator.                                       ",
00023     "                                                                           ",
00024     "That tool creates the font data set for an embedded system from a Windows  ",
00025     "True Type font. The user is encouraged to ensure that the font used is     ",
00026     "properly licensed, or drawn from a source that does not have a license     ",
00027     "restriction.                                                               ",
00028     "                                                                           ",
00029     "This script will read and then modify the file for a few specific purposes:",
00030     "  * <space>   character is redefined to set the width to 1/4 the height,   ",
00031     "              because the normal behavior sets it much too narrow.         ",
00032     "  * '0' - '9' characters are redefined to set the width equal to the width ",
00033     "              of the widest digit, or to the user override value.          ",
00034     "                                                                           ",
00035     "And just because it can, it then improves upon the documentation in the    ",
00036     "resulting data structure.                                                  ",
00037     "                                                                           ",
00038     "This script was created by Smartware Computing, and is provided 'as is'    ",
00039     "with no warranty or suitability of fitness for any purpose. Anyone may use ",
00040     "or modify it subject to the agreement that:                                ",
00041     "  * The Smartware copyright statement remains intact.                      ",
00042     "  * Modifications for derivative use are clearly stated in this header.    ",
00043     "                                                                           ",
00044     "Modifications from the original:                                           ",
00045     "  * none.                                                                  ",
00046     "                                                                           ",
00047 );
00050 my $FixFile = 1;        # Fix the file with planned changes
00051 my $Details = 1;        # Emit more detailed information
00052 my $Debug = 0;          # 0=None, 1=Some, 2=Detailed
00054 my $DigitWidth = 0;     # can be set on the command line, or it uses width('0')
00055 my $ff = "";            # FontFile
00056 my $of = "";            # Output File - otherwise stdout
00057 my $OH;                 # Handle to the output file
00059 my $prg = $0;
00060 $prg =~ s/.*[\\\/]//;
00061 $prg =~ s/\.pl//i;
00062 my $args = join(" ", @ARGV);
00064 if (!@ARGV) {
00065     ShowHelp();
00066     exit;
00067 }
00068 foreach (@ARGV) {
00069     if (/-0=(\d+)/) {
00070         $DigitWidth = $1;
00071     } elsif (/-d=(\d+)/) {
00072         $Debug = $1;
00073     } elsif ($ff eq "") {
00074         $ff = $_;
00075     } elsif ($of eq "") {
00076         $of = $_;
00077     } else {
00078         ShowHelp();
00079         exit;
00080     }
00081 }
00082 if (! -e $ff) {
00083     printf("Can't read $ff\n");
00084     ShowHelp();
00085     exit;
00086 }
00087 if (! -T $ff) {
00088     printf("File $ff isn't text.\n");
00089     ShowHelp();
00090     exit;
00091 }
00092 if ($of ne "") {
00093     open($OH, ">$of") || die("Can't write to $of");
00094     select($OH);
00095 }
00097 my @data = ();      # Raw byte stream from the source file
00098 my @FileTop;
00099 my $FontDeclaration;
00100 my @FileBot;
00101 my %charData;       # charData{$char}{width}, {$char}{data}
00103 ImportFontFile();
00104 DumpRawData() if ($Debug >= 2);
00106 my $unk_0 = GetValueAt_Size_(0,1);
00107 my $unk_1 = GetValueAt_Size_(1,1);
00109 my $firstChar = GetValueAt_Size_(2,2);
00110 my $lastChar = GetValueAt_Size_(4,2);
00111 my $fontHeight = GetValueAt_Size_(6,1);
00112 my $unk_2 = GetValueAt_Size_(7,1);
00114 printf("// Char Range [%4X - %4X]\n", $firstChar, $lastChar) if ($Debug);
00116 for (my $char = $firstChar; $char <= $lastChar; $char++) {
00117     my $offsetToChar = 8 + 4 * ($char - $firstChar);
00118     my $charWidth = GetValueAt_Size_($offsetToChar,1);
00119     my $charDataNdx = GetValueAt_Size_($offsetToChar + 1, 2);
00120     $charData{$char}{width} = $charWidth;
00121     my $count = (floor(($charWidth+7)/8));
00122     @{$charData{$char}{data}} = GetByteArrayAt_Size_($charDataNdx, $count * $fontHeight);
00123 }
00125 ShowFonts() if ($Debug >= 2);   # Before Modifications
00126 FixChars() if ($FixFile);
00127 ShowFonts() if ($Debug);        # After Modifications
00128 EmitFile();
00129 if ($of ne "") {
00130     select(STDOUT);
00131     close($OH);
00132 }
00133 exit;
00135 #########################################################################
00137 sub FixChars {
00138     my @newDat;
00139     my $char;
00140     my $charWidth;
00141     my $BytesWide;
00143     #
00144     # * <space>   character is redefined to set the width to 1/4 the height.
00145     #
00146     $char = 0x20;                           # Fix <space>
00147     $charWidth = floor($fontHeight/4);
00148     $charData{$char}{width} = $charWidth;
00149     $BytesWide = floor($charWidth/8);
00150     for (my $i=0; $i<($BytesWide*$fontHeight); $i++) {
00151         $charData{$char}{data}[$i] = 0x00;
00152     }
00155     #
00156     # * '0' - '9' characters are redefined to set the width equal to width('0')
00157     #             or to the user override value.                              
00159     #
00160     if ($DigitWidth > 0) {
00161         $charWidth = $DigitWidth;   # User override option
00162     } else {
00163         $charWidth = DigitMaxWidth();           # Set it to the width of the widest digit
00164     }
00165     $BytesWide = floor(($charWidth+7)/8);
00166     #printf("Set Width = $charWidth, BytesWide = $BytesWide, Height = $fontHeight\n");
00167     for ($char = 0x30; $char <= 0x39; $char++) {
00168         for (my $h=0; $h<$fontHeight; $h++) {
00169             for (my $w=0; $w<$BytesWide; $w++) {
00170                 my $pDst = $h * $BytesWide + $w;
00171                 if ($w < ceil($charData{$char}{width}/8)) {
00172                     my $pSrc = $h * floor(($charData{$char}{width}+7)/8) + $w;
00173                     $newDat[$pDst] = $charData{$char}{data}[$pSrc];
00174                 } else {
00175                     $newDat[$pDst] = 0x00;
00176                 }
00177             }
00178         }
00179         $charData{$char}{width} = $charWidth;
00180         for (my $i=0; $i<($fontHeight * $BytesWide); $i++) {
00181             $charData{$char}{data}[$i] = $newDat[$i];
00182         }
00183         #RenderChar($char);
00184         #<stdin>;
00185     }
00186 }
00188 sub DigitMaxWidth {
00189     my $max = 0;
00190     for (my $char=0x30; $char <= 0x39; $char++) {
00191         $max  = $charData{$char}{width} if ($max < $charData{$char}{width});
00192     }
00193     return $max;
00194 }
00196 sub ImportFontFile {
00197     # 0 = scanning
00198     # 1 = after '{'
00199     # 2 = found '}'
00200     my $state = 0;
00202     open(FH, "<$ff") || die("Can't open $ff");
00203     while (<FH>) {
00204         my $rec = $_;
00205         chomp $rec;
00206         if ($state == 0) {
00207             if ($rec =~ /^const .*{/) {
00208                 $FontDeclaration = $rec;
00209                 $state = 1;
00210             } else {
00211                 push @FileTop, $rec;
00212             }
00213         } elsif ($state == 1) {
00214             if ($rec =~ /};/) {
00215                 $rec =~ s/^ +(.*)$/$1/ if ($Details);
00216                 push @FileBot, $rec;
00217                 $state = 2;
00218             } else {
00219                 $rec =~ s/( +)/ /g;
00220                 next if ($rec =~ /^ *$/);
00221                 $rec =~ s# +//.*##;
00222                 $rec =~ s/^ +(.*)$/$1/;
00223                 $rec =~ s/^(.*),$/$1/;
00224                 $rec =~ s/0x//g;
00225                 push @data, split(",", $rec);
00226             }
00227         } elsif ($state == 2) {
00228             push @FileBot, $rec;
00229         }
00230     }
00231     close FH;
00232 }
00235 sub ShowHelp {
00236     print "\n\n$prg\n\n";
00237     foreach (@HelpInfo) {
00238         print "    $_\n";
00239     }
00240     print <<EOM;
00241 $prg <MikroeFontFile> [Options] [<OptionalNewFile>]
00243     Process the MikreFontFile, optionally generating a new file.
00245     Options:
00246      -0=xx      Set Digit '0' - '9' width to xx
00247      -d=x       Set Debug Level 0=None, 1=Some, 2=More
00249 EOM
00250 }
00252 sub ShowFonts {
00253     for (my $char = $firstChar; $char <= $lastChar; $char++) {
00254         my $charWidth = $charData{$char}{width};
00255         printf("\n// === %d (0x%2X) === w:%d, h:%d\n", $char, $char, $charWidth, $fontHeight);
00256         RenderChar($char);
00257     }
00258 }
00260 sub EmitFile {
00261     if ($Details) {
00262         foreach (@HelpInfo) {
00263             print "//    $_\n";
00264         }
00265         print "// Script Activation:\n";
00266         printf("//   %s %s\n", $prg, $args);
00267         print "\n";
00268     }
00270     print join("\n", @FileTop) . "\n";      # Mikroe header
00271     printf("%s\n", $FontDeclaration);
00272     printf("    // Font Info\n") if ($Details);
00273     printf("    0x%02X,                   // Unknown #1\n", $unk_0);
00274     printf("    0x%02X,                   // Unknown #2\n", $unk_1);
00275     printf("    %s,              // FirstChar\n", HexStream($firstChar,2));
00276     printf("    %s,              // LastChar\n", HexStream($lastChar,2));
00277     printf("    %s,                   // FontHeight\n", HexStream($fontHeight,1));
00278     printf("    0x%02X,                   // Unknown #3\n", $unk_2);
00281     printf("    // Directory of Chars  [Width] [Offset-L] [Offset-M] [Offset-H]\n") if ($Details);
00282     my $offsetToChar = 8 + 4 * ($lastChar - $firstChar + 1);
00283     for (my $char = $firstChar; $char <= $lastChar; $char++) {
00284         my $charWidth = $charData{$char}{width};
00285         my $charByteCount = floor(($charWidth+7)/8) * $fontHeight;
00286         my $asc = ($char >= 0x20 && $char < 0x7F) ? chr($char) : "<non-printable>";
00287         $asc = "\\\\" if ($char == 0x5C);
00288         my $details = ($Details) ? sprintf("    // 0x%02X '%s' ", $char, $asc) : "";
00289         printf("    0x%02X,%s,0x%02X,%s\n",
00290             $charWidth, HexStream($offsetToChar,2), 0,
00291             $details
00292         );
00293         $offsetToChar += $charByteCount;
00294     }
00295     printf("    // Chars Bitstream\n") if ($Details);
00296     for (my $char = $firstChar; $char <= $lastChar; $char++) {
00297         my $charWidth = $charData{$char}{width};
00298         my $charByteCount = floor(($charWidth+7)/8) * $fontHeight;
00299         my $asc = ($char >= 0x20 && $char < 0x7F) ? chr($char) : "<non-printable>";
00300         $asc = "\\\\" if ($char == 0x5C);
00301         my $string = GetSomeHexBytes($char, 0, 8 * $charByteCount);
00302         printf("    %s%s  // 0x%02X '%s'\n",
00303             $string,
00305             ($char != $lastChar) ? "," : "",
00306             $char, $asc
00307         );
00308     }
00309     print join("\n", @FileBot);
00310 }
00312 sub DumpRawData {
00313     my $i;
00314     print "// ";
00315     for ($i=0; $i<=$#data; $i++) {
00316         printf("%02X ", hex($data[$i]));
00317         print "\n// " if ($i % 16 == 15);
00318     }
00319     print "\n";
00320 }
00323 sub HexStream {
00324     my ($value, $len) = @_;
00325     my @parts;
00326     while ($len--) {
00327         push @parts, sprintf("0x%02X", $value & 0xFF);
00328         $value >>= 8;
00329     }
00330     return join(",", @parts);
00331 }
00333 sub RenderChar {
00334     my ($char) = shift;
00335     my $h = $fontHeight;
00336     my $w = $charData{$char}{width};
00339     PrintChar($char,$w,$h,@{$charData{$char}{data}});
00340 }
00342 sub PrintChar {
00343     my ($char,$w,$h,@datablock) = @_;
00346     printf("//     +%s+    \n// ", '-' x $w);
00347     my $row = 0;
00348     my $boolStream = 0;
00349     while ($h--) {
00350         my $pixels = $w;
00351         my $bitmask = 0x01;
00352         my $rowStream = $boolStream;
00353         printf("%02X  |", $row++);
00354         my $tail = "";
00355         while ($pixels) {
00356             my $byte;
00357             $datablock[$rowStream] = 0 if (!defined($datablock[$rowStream]));
00358             $byte = $datablock[$rowStream];
00359             printf("%s", ($byte & $bitmask) ? "*" : " ");
00360             $bitmask <<= 1;
00361             if ($pixels > 1 && ($bitmask & 0xFF) == 0) {
00362                 $bitmask = 0x01;
00363                 $rowStream++;
00364             }
00365             $pixels--;
00366         }
00367         printf("|    %s\n// ", $tail);
00368         $boolStream += ($rowStream - $boolStream + 1);
00369     }
00370     printf("    +%s+\n", '-' x $w);
00371 }
00374 sub GetSomeHexBytes {
00375     my ($char, $offSet, $w) = @_;
00376     my @out;
00377     my $x = 0;
00380     $w = floor(($w+7)/8);
00381     while ($w--) {
00382         my $c = 0;
00383         $c = $charData{$char}{data}[$offSet + $x++] if (defined($charData{$char}{data}[$offSet + $x]));
00384         push @out, sprintf("0x%02X", $c);
00385     }
00386     return join(",", @out);
00387 }
00389 sub GetSomeBytes {
00390     my ($char, $offSet, $w) = @_;
00391     my $string = "";
00392     my $x = 0;
00395     $w = floor(($w+7)/8);
00396     while ($w--) {
00397         $string .= sprintf("%02X ", $charData{$char}{data}[$offSet + $x++]);
00398     }
00399     return $string;
00400 }
00402 sub GetValueAt_Size_ {
00403     my ($offset, $size) = @_;
00404     my $value = 0;
00405     while ($size--) {
00406         $value = ($value << 8) | hex($data[$offset + $size]);
00407     }
00408     return $value;
00409 }
00411 sub GetValueFromArray_At_Size_ {
00412     my ($offset, $size, $ary) = @_;
00413     my $value = 0;
00414     while ($size--) {
00415         $value = ($value << 8) | hex($$ary[$offset + $size]);
00416     }
00417     return $value;
00418 }
00420 sub GetByteArrayAt_Size_ {
00421     my ($offset, $size) = @_;
00422     my @bytes;
00423     while ($size--) {
00424         push @bytes, hex($data[$offset++]);
00425     }
00426     return @bytes;
00427 }
00429 sub GetByteSreamAt_Size_ {
00430     my ($offset, $size) = @_;
00431     my $value = "";
00432     while ($size--) {
00433         $value .= sprintf("%02X ", hex($data[$offset++]));
00434     }
00435     return $value;
00436 }
00440 #endif