Library to control a Graphics TFT connected to 4-wire SPI - revised for the Raio RA8875 Display Controller.

Dependents:   FRDM_RA8875_mPaint RA8875_Demo RA8875_KeyPadDemo SignalGenerator ... more

Fork of SPI_TFT by Peter Drescher

See Components - RA8875 Based Display

Enhanced touch-screen support - where it previous supported both the Resistive Touch and Capacitive Touch based on the FT5206 Touch Controller, now it also has support for the GSL1680 Touch Controller.

Offline Help Manual (Windows chm)

/media/uploads/WiredHome/ (download, rename to .zip and unzip)

diff -r 52cbeede86f0 -r 3f82c1161fd2 RA8875.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RA8875.cpp	Sun Jan 12 17:40:32 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+/// RA8875 Display Controller Library.
+/// This is being created for a specific display from,
+/// which is 480 x xxx. It has other attributes (like display controller
+/// managed backlight brightness. So, there are expectations and some
+/// defined constants based on that specific display.
+#include "RA8875.h"
+//#define DEBUG "RAIO"
+// ...
+// INFO("Stuff to show %d", var); // new-line is automatically appended
+#if (defined(DEBUG) && !defined(TARGET_LPC11U24))
+#define INFO(x, ...) std::printf("[INF %s %3d] "x"\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
+#define WARN(x, ...) std::printf("[WRN %s %3d] "x"\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
+#define ERR(x, ...)  std::printf("[ERR %s %3d] "x"\r\n", DEBUG, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
+#define INFO(x, ...)
+#define WARN(x, ...)
+#define ERR(x, ...)
+#define RA8875_DISPLAY_WIDTH  480
+#define RA8875_DISPLAY_HEIGHT 272
+/// @TODO what is the size?
+/// If we're using the built-in font, read it from the chip.
+/// If we're using a custom font, get it from the font metrics.
+const int size_x = 16;
+const int size_y = 16;
+#define PERFORMANCE_RESET performance.reset()
+#define REGISTERPERFORMANCE(a) RegisterPerformance(a)
+static const char *metricsName[] = 
+    "Point", "Line", "Rectangle", "Rounded Rectangle", "Triangle", "Circle", "Ellipse"
+// When it is going to poll a register for completion, how many 
+// uSec should it wait between each polling activity.
+#define POLLWAITuSec 10
+RA8875::RA8875(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName csel, PinName reset, const char *name)
+    : spi(mosi, miso, sclk)
+    , cs(csel)
+    , res(reset)
+    , GraphicsDisplay(name)
+    font = NULL;                        // no external font, use internal.
+    select(false);                      // deselect the display
+    frequency(RA8875_DEFAULT_SPI_FREQ); // data rate
+    init();
+    performance.start();
+    ClearPerformance();
+void RA8875::ClearPerformance()
+    for (int i=0; i<METRICCOUNT; i++)
+        metrics[i] = 0;
+void RA8875::RegisterPerformance(method_e method)
+    unsigned long elapsed = performance.read_us();
+    if (method < METRICCOUNT && elapsed > metrics[method])
+        metrics[method] = elapsed;
+void RA8875::ReportPerformance()
+    for (int i=0; i<METRICCOUNT; i++) {
+        printf("%10d uS %s\r\n", metrics[i], metricsName[i]);
+    }    
+RetCode_t RA8875::WriteCommand(unsigned char command, unsigned int data)
+    select(true);
+    spiwrite(0x80);
+    spiwrite(command);
+    if (data <= 0xFF) {   // only if in the valid range
+        spiwrite(0x00);
+        spiwrite(data);
+    }
+    select(false);
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::WriteData(unsigned char data)
+    select(true);
+    spiwrite(0x00);
+    spiwrite(data);
+    select(false);
+    return noerror;
+unsigned char RA8875::ReadCommand(unsigned char command)
+    WriteCommand(command);
+    return ReadData();
+unsigned char RA8875::ReadData(void)
+    unsigned char data;
+    select(true);
+    spiwrite(0x40);
+    data = spiread();
+    select(false);
+    return data;
+unsigned char RA8875::ReadStatus(void)
+    unsigned char data;
+    select(true);
+    spiwrite(0xC0);
+    data = spiread();
+    select(false);
+    return data;
+unsigned int RA8875::fontwidth(void)
+    if (font == NULL)
+        return size_x;
+    else
+        return width() / font[1];
+unsigned int RA8875::fontheight(void)
+    if (font == NULL)
+        return size_y;
+    else
+        return height() / font[2];
+RetCode_t RA8875::locate(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
+    return SetTextCursor(x * fontwidth(), y * fontheight());
+int RA8875::columns(void)
+    return width() / fontwidth();
+int RA8875::rows(void)
+    return height() / fontheight();
+int RA8875::width(void)
+    return RA8875_DISPLAY_WIDTH;
+int RA8875::height(void)
+    return RA8875_DISPLAY_HEIGHT;
+RetCode_t RA8875::SetTextCursor(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
+    WriteCommand(0x2A, x & 0xFF);
+    WriteCommand(0x2B, x >> 8);
+    WriteCommand(0x2C, y & 0xFF);
+    WriteCommand(0x2D, y >> 8);
+    INFO("SetTextCursor(%d,%d)", x,y);
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::SetTextFont(RA8875::font_t font)
+    if (/*font >= RA8875::ISO8859_1 && */ font <= RA8875::ISO8859_4) {
+        WriteCommand(0x21, (unsigned int)(font));
+        return noerror;
+    } else {
+        return bad_parameter;
+    }
+RetCode_t RA8875::SetTextFontControl(fill_t fillit,
+    RA8875::font_angle_t angle, 
+    RA8875::HorizontalScale hScale, 
+    RA8875::VerticalScale vScale, 
+    RA8875::alignment_t alignment)
+    if (hScale >= 1 && hScale <= 4 && 
+    vScale >= 1 && vScale <= 4) {
+        unsigned char x = 0;
+        if (alignment == align_full)
+            x |= 0x80;
+        if (fillit == NOFILL)
+            x |= 0x40;
+        if (angle == rotated)
+            x |= 0x10;
+        x |= ((hScale - 1) << 2);
+        x |= ((vScale - 1) << 0);
+        WriteCommand(0x22, x);
+        return noerror;
+    } else {
+        return bad_parameter;
+    }
+RetCode_t RA8875::SetTextFontSize(RA8875::HorizontalScale hScale, RA8875::VerticalScale vScale)
+    unsigned char reg = ReadCommand(0x22);
+    if (hScale >= 1 && hScale <= 4 && vScale >= 1 && vScale <= 4) {
+        reg &= 0xF0;    // keep the high nibble as is.
+        reg |= ((hScale - 1) << 2);
+        reg |= ((vScale - 1) << 0);
+        WriteCommand(0x22, reg);
+        return noerror;
+    } else {
+        return bad_parameter;
+    }
+int RA8875::_putc(int c)
+    if (c) {
+        if (c == '\r') {
+            unsigned int x;
+            x = ReadCommand(0x30) | (ReadCommand(0x31) << 8);   // Left edge of active window
+            WriteCommand(0x2A, x & 0xFF);
+            WriteCommand(0x2B, x >> 8);
+        } else if (c == '\n') {
+            unsigned int y;
+            y = ReadCommand(0x2C) | (ReadCommand(0x2D) << 8);   // current y location
+            y += fontheight();
+            if (y > height())               // @TODO > active window, then scroll?
+                y = 0;
+            WriteCommand(0x2C, y & 0xFF);
+            WriteCommand(0x2D, y >> 8);
+        } else {
+            if (font == NULL) {
+                WriteCommand(0x40,0x80);
+                WriteCommand(0x02);
+                select(true);
+                WriteData(c);
+                while (ReadStatus() & 0x80)
+                    wait_us(POLLWAITuSec);            // Chk_Busy();
+                select(false);
+            } else {
+                unsigned int x = (ReadCommand(0x2A) | (ReadCommand(0x2B) << 8)) / fontwidth();
+                unsigned int y = (ReadCommand(0x2C) | (ReadCommand(0x2D) << 8)) / fontheight();
+                character(x,y,c);
+            }
+            // @TODO right of active window, then wrap?
+        }
+    }
+    return c;
+void RA8875::puts(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const char * string)
+    SetTextCursor(x,y);
+    puts(string);
+void RA8875::puts(const char * string)
+    if (*string != '\0') {
+        INFO("puts(%s)", string);
+        #if 1
+        while (*string) {           // @TODO calling individual _putc is slower... anything to do?
+            _putc(*string++);
+        }
+        #else
+        WriteCommand(0x40,0x80);    // Put display into text mode
+        WriteCommand(0x02);
+        select(true);
+        while (*string != '\0') {
+            WriteData(*string);
+            ++string;
+            while (ReadStatus() & 0x80)
+                wait_us(POLLWAITuSec);            // Chk_Busy();
+        }
+        select(false);
+        #endif
+    }
+RetCode_t RA8875::SetMemoryCursor(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
+    WriteCommand(0x46, x & 0xFF);
+    WriteCommand(0x47, x >> 8);
+    WriteCommand(0x48, y & 0xFF);
+    WriteCommand(0x49, y >> 8);
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::SetWindow(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
+    WriteCommand(0x30, x & 0xFF);   // HSAW0
+    WriteCommand(0x31, x >> 8);     // HSAW1
+    WriteCommand(0x32, y & 0xFF);    // VSAW0
+    WriteCommand(0x33, y >> 8);      // VSAW1
+    WriteCommand(0x34, (x+width-1) & 0xFF);  // HEAW0
+    WriteCommand(0x35, (x+width-1) >> 8);    // HEAW1
+    WriteCommand(0x36, (y+height-1) & 0xFF); // VEAW0
+    WriteCommand(0x37, (y+height-1) >> 8);   // VEAW1
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::cls(void)
+    clsw(FULLWINDOW);
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::clsw(RA8875::Region_t region)
+    WriteCommand(0x8E, (region == ACTIVEWINDOW) ? 0xC0 : 0x80);
+    while (ReadCommand(0x8E) & 0x80)
+        wait_us(POLLWAITuSec);
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::pixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, color_t color)
+    foreground(color);
+    return pixel(x,y);
+RetCode_t RA8875::pixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
+    RetCode_t ret;
+    #if 1
+    color_t color = GetForeColor();
+    WriteCommand(0x40,0x00);    // Graphics write mode
+    SetMemoryCursor(x, y);
+    WriteCommand(0x02);         //start data write
+    WriteData(color & 0xFF);
+    WriteData(color >> 8);
+    ret = noerror;
+    #else
+    // There isn't actually a set pixel function that I found
+    // so we'll emulate it as we can.
+    ret = line(x,y, x,y);
+    #endif
+    return ret;
+RetCode_t RA8875::line(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, color_t color)
+    foreground(color);
+    return line(x1,y1,x2,y2);
+RetCode_t RA8875::line(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2)
+    WriteCommand(0x91, x1 & 0xFF);
+    WriteCommand(0x92, x1 >> 8);
+    WriteCommand(0x93, y1 & 0xFF);
+    WriteCommand(0x94, y1 >> 8);
+    WriteCommand(0x95, x2 & 0xFF);
+    WriteCommand(0x96, x2 >> 8);
+    WriteCommand(0x97, y2 & 0xFF);
+    WriteCommand(0x98, y2 >> 8);
+    unsigned char drawCmd = 0x00;       // Line
+    WriteCommand(0x90, drawCmd);
+    WriteCommand(0x90, 0x80 + drawCmd); // Start drawing.
+    while (ReadCommand(0x90) & 0x80)    // await completion.
+        wait_us(POLLWAITuSec);
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::fillrect(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, 
+    color_t color, fill_t fillit)
+    return rect(x1,y1,x2,y2,color,fillit);
+RetCode_t RA8875::rect(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, 
+    color_t color, fill_t fillit)
+    foreground(color);
+    return rect(x1,y1,x2,y2,fillit);
+RetCode_t RA8875::rect(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, 
+    fill_t fillit)
+    if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) {
+        pixel(x1, y1);
+    } else if (x1 == x2) {
+        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+    } else if (y1 == y2) {
+        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+    } else {
+        WriteCommand(0x91, x1 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x92, x1 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x93, y1 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x94, y1 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x95, x2 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x96, x2 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x97, y2 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x98, y2 >> 8);
+        unsigned char drawCmd = 0x10;   // Rectangle
+        if (fillit == FILL)
+            drawCmd |= 0x20;
+        WriteCommand(0x90, drawCmd);
+        WriteCommand(0x90, 0x80 + drawCmd); // Start drawing.
+        while (ReadCommand(0x90) & 0x80)    // await completion.
+            wait_us(POLLWAITuSec);
+    }
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::fillroundrect(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, 
+    unsigned int radius1, unsigned int radius2, color_t color, fill_t fillit)
+    foreground(color);
+    return roundrect(x1,y1,x2,y2,radius1,radius2,fillit);
+RetCode_t RA8875::roundrect(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, 
+    unsigned int radius1, unsigned int radius2, color_t color, fill_t fillit)
+    foreground(color);
+    return roundrect(x1,y1,x2,y2,radius1,radius2,fillit);
+RetCode_t RA8875::roundrect(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1 ,unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, 
+    unsigned int radius1, unsigned int radius2, fill_t fillit)
+    RetCode_t ret = noerror;
+    if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) {
+        pixel(x1, y1);
+    } else if (x1 == x2) {
+        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+    } else if (y1 == y2) {
+        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+    } else {
+        WriteCommand(0x91, x1 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x92, x1 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x93, y1 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x94, y1 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x95, x2 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x96, x2 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x97, y2 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x98, y2 >> 8);
+        //while (r && r > (x2 - x1) || r > (y2 - y1))
+        //    r--;
+        WriteCommand(0xA1, radius1 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0xA2, radius1 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0xA3, radius2 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0xA4, radius2 >> 8);
+        unsigned char drawCmd = 0x20;       // Rounded Rectangle
+        if (fillit == FILL)
+            drawCmd |= 0x40;
+        WriteCommand(0xA0, drawCmd);
+        WriteCommand(0xA0, 0x80 + drawCmd); // Start drawing.
+        while (ReadCommand(0xA0) & 0x80) {   // await completion.
+            wait_us(POLLWAITuSec);
+        }        
+    }
+    return ret;
+RetCode_t RA8875::triangle(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, 
+    unsigned int x3, unsigned int y3, color_t color, fill_t fillit)
+    foreground(color);
+    return triangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,color,fillit);
+RetCode_t RA8875::filltriangle(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, 
+    unsigned int x3, unsigned int y3, color_t color, fill_t fillit)
+    foreground(color);
+    return triangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,color,fillit);
+RetCode_t RA8875::triangle(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1 ,unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, 
+    unsigned int x3, unsigned int y3, fill_t fillit)
+    RetCode_t ret = noerror;
+    if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 && x1 == x3 && y1 == y3) {
+        pixel(x1, y1);
+    } else {
+        WriteCommand(0x91, x1 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x92, x1 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x93, y1 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x94, y1 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x95, x2 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x96, x2 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x97, y2 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x98, y2 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0xA9, x3 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0xAA, x3 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0xAB, y3 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0xAC, y3 >> 8);
+        unsigned char drawCmd = 0x01;       // Triangle
+        if (fillit == FILL)
+            drawCmd |= 0x20;
+        WriteCommand(0x90, drawCmd);
+        WriteCommand(0x90, 0x80 + drawCmd); // Start drawing.
+        while (ReadCommand(0x90) & 0x80)    // await completion.
+            wait_us(POLLWAITuSec);
+    }
+    return ret;
+RetCode_t RA8875::circle(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int radius, 
+    color_t color, fill_t fillit)
+    foreground(color);
+    return circle(x,y,radius,fillit);
+RetCode_t RA8875::fillcircle(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int radius, 
+    color_t color, fill_t fillit)
+    foreground(color);
+    return circle(x,y,radius,fillit);
+RetCode_t RA8875::circle(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int radius, fill_t fillit)
+    RetCode_t ret = noerror;
+    if (radius <= 0) {
+        ret = bad_parameter;
+    } else if (radius == 1) {
+        pixel(x,y);
+    } else {
+        WriteCommand(0x99, x & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x9a, x >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x9b, y & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0x9c, y >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0x9d, radius & 0xFF);
+        unsigned char drawCmd = 0x00;       // Circle
+        if (fillit == FILL)
+            drawCmd |= 0x20;
+        WriteCommand(0x90, drawCmd);
+        WriteCommand(0x90, 0x40 + drawCmd); // Start drawing.
+        while (ReadCommand(0x90) & 0x40)    // await completion.
+            wait_us(POLLWAITuSec);
+    }
+    return ret;
+RetCode_t RA8875::ellipse(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int R1, unsigned int R2, color_t color, fill_t fillit)
+    foreground(color);
+    return ellipse(x,y,R1,R2,fillit);
+RetCode_t RA8875::ellipse(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int R1, unsigned int R2, fill_t fillit)
+    RetCode_t ret = noerror;
+    if (R1 <= 0 || R2 <= 0) {
+        ;   // do nothing
+    } else if (R1 == 1 && R2 == 1) {
+        pixel(x, y);
+    } else {
+        WriteCommand(0xA5, x & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0xA6, x >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0xA7, y & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0xA8, y >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0xA1, R1 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0xA2, R1 >> 8);
+        WriteCommand(0xA3, R2 & 0xFF);
+        WriteCommand(0xA4, R2 >> 8);
+        unsigned char drawCmd = 0x00;   // Ellipse
+        if (fillit == FILL)
+            drawCmd |= 0x40;
+        WriteCommand(0xA0, drawCmd);
+        WriteCommand(0xA0, 0x80 + drawCmd); // Start drawing.
+        while (ReadCommand(0xA0) & 0x80)    // await completion.
+            wait_us(POLLWAITuSec);
+    }
+    return ret;
+RetCode_t RA8875::frequency(unsigned long Hz)
+    spi.frequency(Hz);
+    //       __   ___
+    // Clock   ___A     Rising edge latched
+    //       ___ ____
+    // Data  ___X____
+    spi.format(8, 3);           // 8 bits and clock to data phase 0
+    init();
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::Power(bool on)
+    WriteCommand(0x01, (on) ? 0x80 : 0x00);
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::Reset(void)
+    WriteCommand(0x01, 0x01);   // Apply Display Off, Reset
+    wait_ms(2);                     // no idea if I need to wait, or how long
+    WriteCommand(0x01, 0x00);   // Display off, Remove reset
+    wait_ms(2);                     // no idea if I need to wait, or how long    
+    init();
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::Backlight_u8(unsigned char brightness)
+    static bool is_enabled = false;
+    if (brightness == 0) {
+        WriteCommand(0x8a); // Disable the PWM
+        WriteData(0x00);
+        is_enabled = false;
+    } else if (!is_enabled) {
+        WriteCommand(0x8a); // Enable the PWM
+        WriteData(0x80);
+        WriteCommand(0x8a); // Not sure why this is needed, but following the pattern
+        WriteData(0x81);    // open PWM (SYS_CLK / 2 as best I can tell)
+        is_enabled = true;
+    }
+    WriteCommand(0x8b, brightness);  // Brightness parameter 0xff-0x00
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::Backlight(float brightness)
+    unsigned char b;
+    if (brightness > 1.0)
+        b = 255;
+    else if (brightness < 0)
+        b = 0;
+    else
+        b = (unsigned char)(brightness * 255);
+    return Backlight_u8(b);
+RetCode_t RA8875::set_font(const unsigned char * _font)
+    font = _font;
+    return noerror;     // trusting them, but we could put some checks in here...
+RetCode_t RA8875::background(color_t color)
+    WriteCommand(0x60, (color>>11));                  // BGCR0
+    WriteCommand(0x61, (unsigned char)(color>>5));    // BGCR0
+    WriteCommand(0x62, (unsigned char)(color));       // BGCR0
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::background(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
+    WriteCommand(0x60, r);
+    WriteCommand(0x61, g);
+    WriteCommand(0x62, b);
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::foreground(color_t color)
+    WriteCommand(0x63, (unsigned char)(color>>11));
+    WriteCommand(0x64, (unsigned char)(color>>5));
+    WriteCommand(0x65, (unsigned char)(color));
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::foreground(unsigned char setR, unsigned char setG, unsigned char setB)
+    WriteCommand(0x63, setR);
+    WriteCommand(0x64, setG);
+    WriteCommand(0x65, setB);
+    return noerror;
+unsigned int RA8875::GetForeColor(void)
+    color_t color;
+    color  = (ReadCommand(0x63) & 0x1F) << 11;
+    color |= (ReadCommand(0x64) & 0x3F) << 5;
+    color |= (ReadCommand(0x65) & 0x1F);
+    return color;
+color_t RA8875::DOSColor(int i)
+    {
+    const color_t colors[16] = 
+        {
+        Black,    Blue,       Green,       Cyan,
+        Red,      Magenta,    Brown,       Gray,
+        Charcoal, BrightBlue, BrightGreen, BrightCyan,
+        Orange,   Pink,       Yellow,      White
+        };
+    if (i < 16)
+        return colors[i];
+    else
+        return 0;
+    }
+const char * RA8875::DOSColorNames(int i) 
+    {
+    const char * names[16] = 
+        {
+        "Black",    "Blue",       "Green",       "Cyan",
+        "Red",      "Magenta",    "Brown",       "Gray",
+        "Charcoal", "BrightBlue", "BrightGreen", "BrightCyan",
+        "Orange",   "Pink",       "Yellow",      "White"
+        };
+    if (i < 16)
+        return names[i];
+    else
+        return NULL;
+    }
+// Private functions
+unsigned char RA8875::spiwrite(unsigned char data)
+    unsigned char retval;
+    retval = spi.write(data);
+    return retval;
+unsigned char RA8875::spiread(void)
+    unsigned char retval;
+    unsigned char data = 0;
+    retval = spi.write(data);
+    return retval;
+RetCode_t RA8875::select(bool chipsel)
+    cs = (chipsel == true) ? 0 : 1;
+    return noerror;
+RetCode_t RA8875::init(void)
+    Backlight_u8(0);
+    WriteCommand(0x88, 0x0a);               // PLLC1 - Phase Lock Loop registers
+    wait_ms(1);
+    WriteCommand(0x89, 0x02);
+    wait_ms(1);
+    //?
+    WriteCommand(0x10, 0x0C);  //SYSR   bit[4:3]=00 256 color  bit[2:1]=  00 8bit MPU interface, 1x 64k color             1x   16bit
+    //?
+    WriteCommand(0x04, 0x82);    //PCLK
+    wait_ms(1);
+    // Horizontal Settings
+    WriteCommand(0x14, RA8875_DISPLAY_WIDTH/8 - 1);                     //HDWR//Horizontal Display Width Setting Bit[6:0]
+    WriteCommand(0x15, 0x02);                     //HNDFCR//Horizontal Non-Display Period fine tune Bit[3:0]
+    WriteCommand(0x16, 0x03);                     //HNDR//Horizontal Non-Display Period Bit[4:0]
+    WriteCommand(0x17, 0x01);                     //HSTR//HSYNC Start Position[4:0]
+    WriteCommand(0x18, 0x03);                     //HPWR//HSYNC Polarity ,The period width of HSYNC.
+    // Vertical Settings
+    WriteCommand(0x19, (RA8875_DISPLAY_HEIGHT-1)&0xFF);                     //VDHR0 //Vertical Display Height Bit [7:0]
+    WriteCommand(0x1a, (RA8875_DISPLAY_HEIGHT-1)>>8);                     //VDHR1 //Vertical Display Height Bit [8]
+    WriteCommand(0x1b, 0x0F);                     //VNDR0 //Vertical Non-Display Period Bit [7:0]
+    WriteCommand(0x1c, 0x00);                     //VNDR1 //Vertical Non-Display Period Bit [8]
+    WriteCommand(0x1d, 0x0e);                     //VSTR0 //VSYNC Start Position[7:0]
+    WriteCommand(0x1e, 0x06);                     //VSTR1 //VSYNC Start Position[8]
+    WriteCommand(0x1f, 0x01);                     //VPWR //VSYNC Polarity ,VSYNC Pulse Width[6:0]
+    // Clear ram image
+    SetWindow(0,0, width(), height());          // Initialize to full screen
+    foreground(Black);
+    background(Black);
+    cls();
+    return noerror;