Delta Battery, CAN_bus, DIO P2P, ROS

Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos ros_lib_kinetic

diff -r 6d5307ceb569 -r ed085acbbde5 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Oct 02 00:57:35 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Aug 22 07:44:05 2019 +0000
@@ -1,832 +1,236 @@
 0412 combine the sevro motor encoder to publish
-#include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h"
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "CAN.h"
-#include "I2Cdev.h"
-#include "MPU6050.h"
+#include "cmsis_os.h"
 #include <ros.h>
 #include <ros/time.h>
 #include <std_msgs/Int16.h>
 #include <std_msgs/String.h>
 #include <std_msgs/Float32.h>
 #include <sensor_msgs/BatteryState.h>
+#include <sensor_msgs/LaserEcho.h>
 #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h> //set buffer larger than 50byte
 #include <math.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
-#include <tiny_msgs/tinyVector.h>
-#include <tiny_msgs/tinyIMU.h>
 #include <string> 
 #include <cstdlib>
-#define Start 0xAA
-#define Address 0x7F
-#define ReturnType 0x00
-#define Clean 0x00
-#define Reserve 0x00
-#define End 0x55 
-#define Motor1 1 
-#define Motor2 2 
-#define LENG 31   //0x42 + 31 bytes equal to 32 bytes
-#define Write 0x06
-#define Read 0x03
-#define DI1 0x0214      //0214H means digital input DI1 for sevro on
-#define APR 0x0066      //0066H means encoder abs rev
-#define SP1 0x0112
 #define CAN_DATA  0x470
 #define CAN_STATUS  0x471
-#define IDLE            0
-#define ACT_MG_ON       1
-#define ACT_MG_OFF      2
-#define Check_BMS_ON    3
-#define Check_BMS_OFF   4
-#define WAIT_BAT        5
+#define PC_BAUDRATE 115200
 //Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
 Timer t;
 Serial              RS232(PA_9, PA_10);
-DigitalOut          Receiver(D7);                     //RS485_E
+DigitalOut          Receiver(D7);     //RS485_E
 DigitalOut          CAN_T(D14);
 DigitalOut          CAN_R(D15);
-DigitalOut          DO_0(PC_5);
-DigitalOut          DO_1(PC_6);
-DigitalOut          DO_2(PC_8);
-DigitalOut          DO_3(PC_9);
-DigitalOut          DO_4(PA_12);
-DigitalIn           DI_0(PB_13);
-//CAN                 can1(PB_8,PB_9);  // CAN Rx pin name, CAN Tx pin name
-//CANMsg              rxMsg;
-//CANMessage          rxMsg;
-Ticker CheckDataR;
-MPU6050 mpu;//(PB_7,PB_6);     // sda, scl pin
-ros::NodeHandle  nh;
-tiny_msgs::tinyIMU imu_msg;
-ros::Publisher imu_pub("tinyImu", &imu_msg);
+DigitalOut          DO_0(PC_3);
+DigitalOut          DO_1(PC_2);
+//DigitalOut          DO_2(PF_1);
+//DigitalOut          DO_3(PF_0);
+DigitalOut          DO_4(PC_15);
+DigitalOut          DO_5(PC_14);
+DigitalOut          DO_6(PC_13);
+DigitalOut          DO_7(PB_7);
+DigitalOut          DO_8(PA_14);
+DigitalOut          DO_9(PA_13);
+//DigitalOut          DO_10(PF_7);
+//DigitalOut          DO_11(PF_6);
+DigitalOut          DO_12(PC_12);
+DigitalOut          DO_13(PC_10);
+DigitalOut          DO_14(PD_2);
+DigitalOut          DO_15(PC_11);
+DigitalOut          led1(LED1);
-std_msgs::Float32 VelAngular_L;
-ros::Publisher pub_lmotor("pub_lmotor", &VelAngular_L);
+//DigitalIn           DI_0(PF_5);
+DigitalIn           DI_1(PC_4);
+DigitalIn           DI_2(PB_13);
+DigitalIn           DI_3(PB_14);
+DigitalIn           DI_4(PB_15);
+DigitalIn           DI_5(PB_1);
+DigitalIn           DI_6(PB_2);
+DigitalIn           DI_7(PB_11);
+DigitalIn           DI_8(PB_12);
+DigitalIn           DI_9(PA_11);
+DigitalIn           DI_10(PA_12);
+//DigitalIn           DI_11(PD_8);
+DigitalIn           DI_12(PC_5);
+DigitalIn           DI_13(PC_6);
+DigitalIn           DI_14(PC_8);
+DigitalIn           DI_15(PC_9);
-std_msgs::Float32 VelAngular_R;
-ros::Publisher pub_rmotor("pub_rmotor", &VelAngular_R);
-sensor_msgs::BatteryState BTState;
-ros::Publisher BT_pub("BatteryState", &BTState);
+//const unsigned int  RX_ID = 0x792;
+int id_count[15];
+long        Radial_range[15];
+long        Radial_speed[15];
+long        Radial_Acc[15];
+long        Angle[15];
+long        Power[15];
+long tmp_dis;
+long dis[7];
+long ldata;
+float fdata1,fdata2;
+float fRange[15],fAngle[15];
-std_msgs::Int16 DI;
-ros::Publisher DI_pub("DI_pub", &DI);
+//=========Battery varable================
+uint32_t SOC;
+uint32_t Tempert;
+uint32_t RackVoltage = 0;
+uint32_t Current = 0;
+uint32_t MaxCellV = 0;
+uint32_t MinCellV = 0;
+uint32_t seq;
-std_msgs::Int16 ACT_state;
-ros::Publisher ACT_state_pub("ACT_state_pub", &ACT_state);
+void CAN_thread(const void *args);
+void DIO_thread(const void *args);
+//CAN                 can1(PB_8,PB_9);  // CAN Rx pin name, CAN Tx pin name
+CAN     can1(D15,D14);//PB_8,PB_9);  // CAN Rx pin name, CAN Tx pin name
+//CANMsg              rxMsg;
+CANMessage          rxMsg;
+osThreadDef(CAN_thread, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);
+osThreadDef(DIO_thread, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);
-std_msgs::Int16 Error_state;
-ros::Publisher Error_state_pub("Error_state_pub", &Error_state);
-uint32_t seq;
+ros::NodeHandle  nh;
-//========define ACT_state return code============================================
-#define Satndby         0
-#define Busy            1
-#define Sensor_error    2
-#define BMS_error       3
-#define MPU6050_GYRO_FS MPU6050_GYRO_FS_2000
-#define MPU6050_ACCEL_FS MPU6050_ACCEL_FS_2
-#define PC_BAUDRATE 38400     
-#define DEG_TO_RAD(x) ( x * 0.01745329 )
-#define RAD_TO_DEG(x) ( x * 57.29578 )
+std_msgs::Int16 str_msg1;
+std_msgs::Int16 str_msg2;
+std_msgs::Int16 str_msg3;
+std_msgs::Int16 DI_data;
+std_msgs::Int16 ACT_state;
+std_msgs::Int16 Error_state;
+std_msgs::Int16 DO;
+sensor_msgs::BatteryState BTState;
+ros::Publisher sonar1("sonar1", &str_msg1);
+ros::Publisher sonar2("sonar2", &str_msg2);
+ros::Publisher sonar3("sonar3", &str_msg3);
+ros::Publisher DI_data_pub("DI_data_pub", &DI_data);
+ros::Publisher ACT_state_pub("ACT_state_pub", &ACT_state);
+ros::Publisher Error_state_pub("Error_state_pub", &Error_state);
+ros::Publisher BT_pub("BatteryState", &BTState);
-const int FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE = 128;
-uint8_t fifoBuffer[FIFO_BUFFER_SIZE];
-uint16_t fifoCount;
-uint16_t packetSize;
-bool dmpReady;
-uint8_t mpuIntStatus;
-const int snprintf_buffer_size = 100;
-char snprintf_buffer[snprintf_buffer_size];
-uint8_t teapotPacket[14] = { '$', 0x02, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0x00, 0x00, '\r', '\n' };
-int16_t ax, ay, az;
-int16_t gx, gy, gz;
-float Lrpm,Rrpm;
-float ticks_since_target;
-float motor_rpm_r, motor_rpm_l;
-float timeout_ticks;
-int counter;
-    double w;
-    double rate;
-    double Dimeter;
-    float dx,dy,dr;
-int lastsensorState = 1;    
-int sensorState;     
-int db_conter = 0;
-int buffer[9] = {0};
-int dataH,datanum;
-int motor_seq,motor_old_seq;
-int state_code;
-int error_code;
-char recChar=0;
-bool recFlag=false;
-char recArr[20];
-int index=0;
-int BMS_state;
-        uint32_t SOC;
-        uint32_t Tempert;
-        uint32_t RackVoltage = 0;
-        uint32_t Current = 0;
-        uint32_t MaxCellV = 0;
-        uint32_t MinCellV = 0;
-struct Offset {
-    int16_t ax, ay, az;
-    int16_t gx, gy, gz;
-}offset = {150+600, -350+300, 1000, -110-100, 5, 0};//{150, -350, 1000, -110, 5, 0};    // Measured values
-struct MPU6050_DmpData {
-    Quaternion q;
-    VectorFloat gravity;    // g
-    float roll, pitch, yaw;     // rad
-long map(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max) {
-  return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
+void DO_ACT(const std_msgs::Int16 &msg){    
+       DO_0 = ( & 0x001);
+       DO_1 = ( & 0x002);
+//       DO_2 = ( & 0x004);
+//       DO_3 = ( & 0x008);
+       DO_4 = ( & 0x010);
+       DO_5 = ( & 0x020);
+       DO_6 = ( & 0x040);
+       DO_7 = ( & 0x080);
+       DO_8 = ( & 0x100);
+       DO_9 = ( & 0x200);
+//       DO_10 = ( & 0x0400);
+       DO_12 = ( & 0x1000);
+       DO_13 = ( & 0x2000);
+       DO_14 = ( & 0x4000);
+       DO_15 = ( & 0x8000);        
+        led1 = !led1;        
+        osDelay(1);
-//==========define sub function========================
-bool Init();
-void dmpDataUpdate();
-unsigned int CRC_Verify(unsigned char *cBuffer, unsigned int iBufLen);
-int myabs( int a );
-void TwistToMotors();   
-//=======================     motor      =================================================
-unsigned int CRC_Verify(unsigned char *cBuffer, unsigned int iBufLen)
-    unsigned int i, j;
-    //#define wPolynom 0xA001
-    unsigned int wCrc = 0xffff;
-    unsigned int wPolynom = 0xA001;
-    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    for (i = 0; i < iBufLen; i++)
-    {
-        wCrc ^= cBuffer[i];
-        for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
-        {
-            if (wCrc &0x0001)
-            {
-                wCrc = (wCrc >> 1) ^ wPolynom;
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-                wCrc = wCrc >> 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return wCrc;
-void Sendmessage(float Rrpm,float Lrpm)
-//    RS232.printf("Wr = %.1f\n",Rrpm);
-//    RS232.printf("Wl = %.1f\n",Lrpm);
-unsigned char sendData[16];
-unsigned int tmpCRC;
-int motor1,motor2;
-    sendData[0] = Start;
-    sendData[1] = Address;
-    sendData[2] = ReturnType;
-    sendData[3] = Clean;
-    sendData[4] = Reserve;
-    sendData[5]  = 0x01;//motor1Sevro ON
-    sendData[6] = 0x01;//motor2Sevro ON
-if (Rrpm>0){sendData[7] = 0x00;}else{sendData[7] = 0x01;}
-if (Lrpm>0){sendData[8] = 0x01;}else{sendData[8] = 0x00;}
-   motor1 =  abs(Rrpm);
-   motor2 =  abs(Lrpm); 
-    sendData[9] = (motor1>>8);//motor1speedH
-    sendData[10] = (motor1 & 0xFF);//motor1speedL
-    sendData[11] = (motor2>>8);//motor2speedH
-    sendData[12] = (motor2 & 0xFF);//motor2speedL
-    sendData[13] = End;
-    tmpCRC = CRC_Verify(sendData, 14);
-    sendData[14] = (tmpCRC & 0xFF);
-    sendData[15] = (tmpCRC>>8);
-    int i;
-    for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-    {
-        RS232.printf("%c",sendData[i]);
-    }
-    RS232.printf("\r\n");
-void TwistToMotors()
-    float right,left;
-//    double vel_data[2];
-    float vel_data[2];
-    float motor_rpm_vx, motor_rpm_theta;
-    motor_old_seq = motor_seq;
-    w = 0.302;//0.2 ;//m
-    rate = 20;//50;
-    timeout_ticks = 2;
-    Dimeter = 0.127;//0.15;
-    // prevent agv receive weird 1.0 command from cmd_vel
-    if (dr == 1.0){
-        dr = 0.001;
-    }
-    right = ( 1.0 * dx ) + (dr * w /2);
-    left = ( 1.0 * dx ) - (dr * w /2);
-    motor_rpm_vx = ( 1.0 * dx )*rate/(Dimeter/2)*60/(2*3.1416);
-    if((motor_rpm_vx !=0) && (myabs(motor_rpm_vx)<100)){
-        if(motor_rpm_vx >0){
-            motor_rpm_vx = 100;
+ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Int16> DO_data_sub("DO_data_sub", &DO_ACT);
+void CAN_thread(const void *args){
+    while (true) {      
+         if ({
+            seq++;
+            SOC =[0]>>1;
+            Tempert =[1]-50;
+            RackVoltage  = ((unsigned int)[3] << 8) + (unsigned int)[2];
+            Current      = ((unsigned int)[5] << 8) + (unsigned int)[4];        
+            MaxCellV =[6];
+            MinCellV =[7];                                                
-            motor_rpm_vx = -100;
+            BTState.voltage = 0;
+            BTState.current = 0;
+            BTState.design_capacity = 80;
+            BTState.percentage = 0;            
-    }
-    motor_rpm_theta=(dr * w /2)*rate/(Dimeter/2)*60/(2*3.1416);
-    motor_rpm_r = motor_rpm_vx+ motor_rpm_theta;
-    motor_rpm_l = motor_rpm_vx- motor_rpm_theta;
-    if (myabs(motor_rpm_r)<100|| myabs(motor_rpm_l)<100){
-        if( dx==0){
-            if(dr>0){
-                motor_rpm_r=100;
-                motor_rpm_l=-100;
-            }else if (dr<0){
-                motor_rpm_r=-100;
-                motor_rpm_l=100; 
-            }else{
-                motor_rpm_r=0;
-                motor_rpm_l=0;
-            }
-        }
-        else if(dx>0){
-            if (myabs(motor_rpm_r)<100){
-                motor_rpm_r =100;
-            }
-            if (myabs(motor_rpm_l)<100){
-                motor_rpm_l =100;
-            }
-        }
-        else{
-            if(myabs(motor_rpm_r)<100){
-                motor_rpm_r =-100;
-            }
-            if(myabs(motor_rpm_l)<100){
-                motor_rpm_l =-100;
-            }
-        }
+        BTState.header.stamp =;
+        BTState.header.frame_id = 0;
+        BTState.header.seq = seq;
+        BTState.voltage = RackVoltage*0.1;
+        BTState.current = Current;
+        BTState.design_capacity = 50;
+        BTState.percentage = SOC;                                 
+        osDelay(10);        
-        vel_data[0] = motor_rpm_r;
-        vel_data[1] = motor_rpm_l;
-    //Sendmessage(vel_data[0],vel_data[1]);
-    //Sendmessage(motor_rpm_l,motor_rpm_r);
- = vel_data[0];
- = vel_data[1];
-    //if( >2000 ||>2000){
-    //}
-    //else{
-    pub_rmotor.publish( &VelAngular_R );
-    pub_lmotor.publish( &VelAngular_L );
-    //}
-    //RS232.printf("Wr = %.1f\n",vel_data[0]);
-    //RS232.printf("Wl = %.1f\n",vel_data[1]);
-    ticks_since_target += 1;
-int myabs( int a ){
-    if ( a < 0 ){
-        return -a;
-        }
-        return a;
-        }
-int str2int(const char* str, int star, int end)
-    int i;
-    int ret = 0;
-    for (i = star; i < end+1; i++)
-    {
-        ret = ret *10 + (str[i] - '0');
+void DIO_thread(const void *args){
+    while (true) {      
+ = 0xffff-0x0001-0x0800 - ((int)DI_1<<1) - (((int)DI_2)<<2) - (((int)DI_3)<<3) - (((int)DI_4)<<4);
+ -= (((int)DI_5)<<5);
+ -= (((int)DI_6)<<6);
+ -= (((int)DI_7)<<7);
+ -= (((int)DI_8)<<8);
+ -= (((int)DI_9)<<9);
+ -= (((int)DI_10)<<10);
+// -= (((int)DI_11)<<11);
+ -= (((int)DI_12)<<12);
+ -= (((int)DI_13)<<13);
+ -= (((int)DI_14)<<14);
+ -= (((int)DI_15)<<15);
+        osDelay(10);        
-    return ret;     
-void update_state(int code1,int code2){
-std_msgs::Int16 DO;
-//DO_0 MAG_1
-int State;
-void DO_ACT(const std_msgs::Int16 &msg){
-    //0xFF for action procedure
-    if ( == 0x21){
-        error_code = 99;
-        State = WAIT_BAT;//ACT_MG_ON;
-    }
-    if ( == 0x20){
-        error_code = 99;
-        State = ACT_MG_OFF;
-    }
-    if ( == 0x00){
-        DO_0 = 0;
-        DO_1 = 0;
-        DO_2 = 0;
-        DO_3 = 0;
-        DO_4 = 0;
-    }
-    if ( == 0x40){    
-            //BMS trigger
-            DO_3 = 1;            
-            wait(3);
-            DO_3 = 0;
-    }
-        if ( == 0x50){    
-            //Main Relay off
-            DO_4 = 0;            
-    }
-        if ( == 0x51){    
-            //Main Relay on
-            DO_4 = 1;            
-    }
-    if ( == 0x31){    
-            //Lock triggrt
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 1;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            wait_ms(500);
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-    }
-    if ( == 0x30){    
-            //unLock triggrt
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            DO_0 = 1;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            DO_0 = 1;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 1;
-            wait_ms(500);
-            DO_0 = 1;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-    }
-ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Int16> ACT_sub("DO_data", &DO_ACT);
-void messageCb(const geometry_msgs::Twist &msg)
-//    RS232.printf("messageCb");
-    ticks_since_target = 0;
-    dx = msg.linear.x;
-    dy = msg.linear.y;
-    dr = msg.angular.z;
-//    RS232.printf("dx = %d,dy = %d,dr = %d\r\n",dx,dy,dr);
-    TwistToMotors(); 
-    //ReadENC(Motor1);
-ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Twist> cmd_vel_sub("cmd_vel", &messageCb);
- //======================================================================================
-void dmpDataUpdate() {
-    // Check that this interrupt has enabled.
-    if (dmpReady == false) return;
-    mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus();
-    fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount();
-    // Check that this interrupt is a FIFO buffer overflow interrupt.
-    if ((mpuIntStatus & 0x10) || fifoCount == 1024) {
-        mpu.resetFIFO();
-        //pc.printf("FIFO overflow!\n");
-        return;
-    // Check that this interrupt is a Data Ready interrupt.
-    } else if (mpuIntStatus & 0x02) {
-        while (fifoCount < packetSize) fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount();
-        mpu.getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, packetSize);
-        mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&dmpData.q, fifoBuffer);
-        if ( snprintf( snprintf_buffer, snprintf_buffer_size, "Quaternion : w=%f, x=%f, y=%f, z=%f\n", dmpData.q.w, dmpData.q.x, dmpData.q.y, dmpData.q.z ) < 0 ) return;
-        pc.printf(snprintf_buffer);
-    #endif
-    #ifdef OUTPUT_EULER
-        float euler[3];
-        mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&dmpData.q, fifoBuffer);
-        mpu.dmpGetEuler(euler, &dmpData.q);
-        if ( snprintf( snprintf_buffer, snprintf_buffer_size, "Euler : psi=%fdeg, theta=%fdeg, phi=%fdeg\n", RAD_TO_DEG(euler[0]), RAD_TO_DEG(euler[1]), RAD_TO_DEG(euler[2]) ) < 0 ) return;
-        pc.printf(snprintf_buffer);
-    #endif
-        mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&dmpData.q, fifoBuffer);
-        mpu.dmpGetGravity(&dmpData.gravity, &dmpData.q);
-        float rollPitchYaw[3];
-        mpu.dmpGetYawPitchRoll(rollPitchYaw, &dmpData.q, &dmpData.gravity);
-        dmpData.roll = rollPitchYaw[2];
-        dmpData.pitch = rollPitchYaw[1];
-        dmpData.yaw = rollPitchYaw[0];
-        if ( snprintf( snprintf_buffer, snprintf_buffer_size, "Roll:%6.2fdeg, Pitch:%6.2fdeg, Yaw:%6.2fdeg\n", RAD_TO_DEG(dmpData.roll), RAD_TO_DEG(dmpData.pitch), RAD_TO_DEG(dmpData.yaw) ) < 0 ) return;
-        pc.printf(snprintf_buffer);
-#ifdef servotest
-        int servoPulse = map((long)(RAD_TO_DEG(dmpData.yaw)*100), -9000, 9000, 500, 1450);
-        if(servoPulse > 1450) servoPulse = 1450;
-        if(servoPulse < 500) servoPulse = 500;
-        sv.pulsewidth_us(servoPulse);
-    #endif
-        teapotPacket[2] = fifoBuffer[0];
-        teapotPacket[3] = fifoBuffer[1];
-        teapotPacket[4] = fifoBuffer[4];        
-        teapotPacket[5] = fifoBuffer[5];
-        teapotPacket[6] = fifoBuffer[8];
-        teapotPacket[7] = fifoBuffer[9];
-        teapotPacket[8] = fifoBuffer[12];
-        teapotPacket[9] = fifoBuffer[13];
-        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
-            pc.putc(teapotPacket[i]);
-        }
-    #endif
-        float temp = mpu.getTemperature() / 340.0 + 36.53;
-        if ( snprintf( snprintf_buffer, snprintf_buffer_size, "Temp:%4.1fdeg\n", temp ) < 0 ) return;
-        pc.printf(snprintf_buffer);
-    #endif
-//        pc.printf("\n");
-    }
-bool Init() {
-    DO_0 = 0;
-    DO_1 = 0;
-    DO_2 = 0;
-    DO_3 = 0;
-    DO_4 = 1;//for manual turn on the LiBattery, and turn on the main relay to open Load
-    seq = 0;
-    nh.initNode();
-//    nh.advertise(imu_pub);
-    nh.advertise(pub_lmotor);
-    nh.advertise(pub_rmotor);
-    nh.advertise(BT_pub);
-    nh.advertise(DI_pub);
-    nh.advertise(ACT_state_pub);
-    nh.advertise(Error_state_pub);
-    nh.subscribe(cmd_vel_sub);
-    nh.subscribe(ACT_sub);
-    //==========================
-    /*
-    mpu.initialize();
-    if (mpu.testConnection()) {
-//        pc.printf("MPU6050 test connection passed.\n");
-    } else {
-//        pc.printf("MPU6050 test connection failed.\n");
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (mpu.dmpInitialize() == 0) {
-//        pc.printf("succeed in MPU6050 DMP Initializing.\n");
-    } else {
-//        pc.printf("failed in MPU6050 DMP Initializing.\n");
-        return false;
-    }
-    //mpu.setXAccelOffsetTC(;
-//    mpu.setYAccelOffsetTC(offset.ay);
-//    mpu.setZAccelOffset(;
-    mpu.setXAccelOffset(1000); //2000 -3134
-    mpu.setYAccelOffset(0);
-    mpu.setZAccelOffset(0);
-    mpu.setXGyroOffset(800);//offset.gx);
-    mpu.setYGyroOffset(0);//;
-    mpu.setZGyroOffset(0);//offset.gz);
-    mpu.setFullScaleGyroRange(MPU6050_GYRO_FS_250);//2000);
-    mpu.setFullScaleAccelRange(MPU6050_ACCEL_FS_2);
-    mpu.setDMPEnabled(true);    // Enable DMP
-    packetSize = mpu.dmpGetFIFOPacketSize();
-    dmpReady = true;    // Enable interrupt.
-        */
-    //pc.printf("Init finish!\n");
-    return true;
-int MG_ACT(int state)
-//    int ret;
-    if (state == 1){    //MAG_ON
-//        if (sensorState == 0){     //Battery on-position
-            //Lock triggrt
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 1;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            wait_ms(500);
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            // if Battery is off, then do turn on
-//            if (BMS_state == 0){
-            //BMS ON
-            DO_3 = 1;
-            wait(4);
-            DO_3 = 0;
-//            }
-            return 1;
-//        }
-    }
-    else if (state == 2){//MAG_OFF
-            // if Battery is on, then do trun off
-//            if (BMS_state == 1){
-            //BMS ON
-            DO_3 = 1;
-            wait(4);
-            DO_3 = 0;
-//            }
-            //unLock triggrt
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            DO_0 = 1;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            DO_0 = 1;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 1;
-            wait_ms(500);
-            DO_0 = 1;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            DO_0 = 0;
-            DO_1 = 0;
-            DO_2 = 0;
-            return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
 int main() {
-    MBED_ASSERT(Init() == true);
-    CANMessage rxMsg;
-    DI_0.mode(PullUp);
+    nh.initNode();
+//    nh.advertise(sonar1);
+//    nh.advertise(sonar2);
+//    nh.advertise(ACT_state_pub);
+    nh.advertise(DI_data_pub);
+    nh.advertise(BT_pub);
+    nh.subscribe(DO_data_sub);
+//    DI_0.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_1.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_2.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_3.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_4.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_5.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_6.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_7.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_8.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_9.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_10.mode(PullUp);
+//    DI_11.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_12.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_13.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_14.mode(PullUp);
+    DI_15.mode(PullUp);
+    wait_ms(10);
+    osThreadCreate(osThread(CAN_thread), NULL);
+    osThreadCreate(osThread(DIO_thread), NULL);
+//    CANMessage rxMsg;    
     CAN_T = 0;
     CAN_R = 0;
-    CAN     can1(D15,D14);//PB_8,PB_9);  // CAN Rx pin name, CAN Tx pin name
+//    CAN     can1(D15,D14);//PB_8,PB_9);  // CAN Rx pin name, CAN Tx pin name
-    //Lock triggrt
-    wait_ms(500);
-    DO_0 = 0;
-    DO_1 = 0;
-    DO_2 = 0;
-    DO_0 = 0;
-    DO_1 = 1;
-    DO_2 = 0;
-    wait_ms(500);
-    DO_0 = 0;
-    DO_1 = 0;
-    DO_2 = 0;
-    wait_ms(500);
-        seq++;
-        motor_seq = seq;
-        t.start();
-        //================================
-        //========define ACT_state return code============================================
-        //#define Satndby         0x00
-        //#define Busy            0x01
-        //#define Sensor_error    0x10
-        //========================================================
-        counter++;
-        state_code = State;
-        switch (State){
-            int ret;
-            case IDLE:
-                counter = 0;
-            break;
-            case WAIT_BAT:
-            if (sensorState == 0){
-                State = ACT_MG_ON;
-                counter = 0;
-            }
-            if (counter>1000){
-                State = IDLE;
-                error_code = Sensor_error;
-            }
-            break;
-            case ACT_MG_ON:
-                ret = MG_ACT(1);
-                if (ret){
-//                     DO_4 = 0; 
-                     State = Check_BMS_ON;
-                     counter = 0;
-                }
-                if (counter>10){
-                    State = IDLE;
-                    error_code = Sensor_error;
-                    DO_0 = 0;
-                    DO_1 = 0;
-                    DO_2 = 0;
-                    DO_3 = 0;
-                    DO_4 = 0;
-                }
-            break;
-            case Check_BMS_ON:
-                if (BMS_state == 1){
-                    // turn on parrel wire to share the UPS current
-                    DO_4 = 1;
-                    State = IDLE;
-                    error_code = 0;
-                }
-                if (counter>100){
-                    State = IDLE;
-                    error_code = BMS_error;
-                    DO_0 = 0;
-                    DO_1 = 0;
-                    DO_2 = 0;
-                    DO_3 = 0;
-                    DO_4 = 0;
-                }   
-            break;
-            case ACT_MG_OFF:
-                // turn off parrel wire to avoid voltage feedback to UPS
-                DO_4 = 0;
-                ret = MG_ACT(2);
-                if (ret){ 
-                     State = Check_BMS_OFF;
-                     counter = 0;
-                }
-                if (counter>10){
-                    State = IDLE;
-                    error_code = Sensor_error;
-                }                
-            break;
-            case Check_BMS_OFF:
-                if (BMS_state == 0){
-                    State = IDLE;
-                    error_code = 0;
-                }
-                if (counter>100){
-                    State = IDLE;
-                    error_code = BMS_error;
-                }   
-            break;
-            }
- = state_code;
-        ACT_state_pub.publish( &ACT_state);
-        wait_ms(10);
- = error_code;
-        Error_state_pub.publish( &Error_state);
-        wait_ms(10);
-        //============DI==================
-        int reading = DI_0;
-        if (reading == lastsensorState) {
-            db_conter = db_conter+1;
-        }
-        else{
-            db_conter = 0;
-        }        
-        if (db_conter > 3) {
-            sensorState = reading;
-   = sensorState; 
-        }
-        lastsensorState = reading;
-        DI_pub.publish( &DI);
-        wait_ms(10);
-        //=========================================
-        if ( && (t.read_ms() > 5000))  {
-            if( == CAN_DATA){
-                BMS_state = 1;
-                SOC =[0]>>1;
-                Tempert =[1]-50;
-                RackVoltage  = ((unsigned int)[3] << 8) + (unsigned int)[2];
-                Current      = ((unsigned int)[5] << 8) + (unsigned int)[4];
-                MaxCellV =[6];
-                MinCellV =[7];                
-                BTState.header.stamp =;
-                BTState.header.frame_id = 0;
-                BTState.header.seq = seq;
-                BTState.voltage = RackVoltage*0.1;
-                BTState.current = Current;
-                BTState.design_capacity = 80;
-                BTState.percentage = SOC;
-                BT_pub.publish( &BTState );
-                t.reset();   
-            } // if
-        } // if
-        else{
-            BMS_state = 0;
-        }
-        if (motor_seq  > motor_old_seq + 5){
-        motor_rpm_r = 0;
-        motor_rpm_l = 0;
-        }       
-        Sendmessage(motor_rpm_l,motor_rpm_r);
-        wait_ms(70);
-        //wait_ms(100);     
-        nh.spinOnce();    
+        DI_data_pub.publish( &DI_data);
+//        sonar1.publish( &str_msg1);
+//        sonar2.publish( &str_msg2);
+        BT_pub.publish( &BTState );        
+        nh.spinOnce();                         
+        osDelay(50);          
\ No newline at end of file