Minor changes to support ADMW FWv1.17.75

--- a/inc/admw1001/ADMW1001_REGISTERS_typedefs.h	Thu Feb 06 11:04:31 2020 +0000
+++ b/inc/admw1001/ADMW1001_REGISTERS_typedefs.h	Mon Feb 17 11:23:39 2020 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
 /* ================================================================================
      Created by   : 
-     Created on   : 2020 Jan 08, 12:45 GMT Standard Time
-     Created on   : 2020 Jan 08, 12:45 GMT Standard Time
+     Created on   : 2020 Jan 15, 14:45 GMT Standard Time
      Project      :   ADMW1001_REGISTERS
      File         :   ADMW1001_REGISTERS_typedefs.h
@@ -18,7 +16,6 @@
      This file was auto-generated. Do not make local changes to this file.
      Auto generation script information:
        Script:        C:\Program Files (x86)\Yoda-19.05.01\generators\inc\genHeaders
        Last modified: 26-SEP-2017
@@ -74,38 +71,6 @@
-/** @defgroup Interface_Config_B Interface Configuration B (Interface_Config_B) Register
- *  Interface Configuration B (Interface_Config_B) Register.
- *  @{
- */
-/*  =========================================================================
- *! \enum   ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_B_Single_Inst
- *! \brief  Select Streaming or Single Instruction Mode (Single_Inst) Enumerations
- *  ========================================================================= */
-typedef enum
-  SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_B_STREAMING_MODE          = 0,  /**< Streaming mode is enabled          */
-  SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_B_SINGLE_INSTRUCTION_MODE = 1   /**< Single Instruction mode is enabled */
-} ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_B_Single_Inst;
-/* ==========================================================================
- *! \struct ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_B_Struct
- *! \brief  Interface Configuration B Register bit field structure
- * ========================================================================== */
-typedef struct _ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_B_t {
-  union {
-    struct {
-      uint8_t reserved0   :  7;
-      uint8_t Single_Inst :  1;  /**< Select Streaming or Single Instruction Mode */
-    };
-    uint8_t VALUE8;
-  };
-} ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_B_t;
 /** @defgroup Chip_Type Chip Type (Chip_Type) Register
  *  Chip Type (Chip_Type) Register.
  *  @{
@@ -139,8 +104,7 @@
 typedef struct _ADMW_SPI_Product_ID_L_t {
   union {
     struct {
-      uint8_t Product_ID_Trim_Bits :  4;  /**< These Bits Vary on Die Configured for Multiple Generics */
-      uint8_t Product_ID_Fixed_Bits :  4;  /**< Product_ID_Fixed_Bits[3:0] These Bits are Fixed on Die Configured for Multiple Generics */
+      uint8_t Product_ID :  8;  /**< Product_ID[7:0] The Device Chip Type and Family */
     uint8_t VALUE8;
@@ -160,7 +124,7 @@
 typedef struct _ADMW_SPI_Product_ID_H_t {
   union {
     struct {
-      uint8_t Product_ID_Fixed_Bits :  8;  /**< Product_ID_Fixed_Bits[11:4] These Bits are Fixed on Die Configured for Multiple Generics */
+      uint8_t Product_ID :  8;  /**< Product_ID[15:8] The Device Chip Type and Family */
     uint8_t VALUE8;
@@ -168,27 +132,6 @@
-/** @defgroup Chip_Grade Chip Grade (Chip_Grade) Register
- *  Chip Grade (Chip_Grade) Register.
- *  @{
- */
-/* ==========================================================================
- *! \struct ADMW_SPI_Chip_Grade_Struct
- *! \brief  Chip Grade Register bit field structure
- * ========================================================================== */
-typedef struct _ADMW_SPI_Chip_Grade_t {
-  union {
-    struct {
-      uint8_t Device_Revision :  4;  /**< Device Hardware Revision */
-      uint8_t Grade           :  4;  /**< Device Performance Grade */
-    };
-    uint8_t VALUE8;
-  };
-} ADMW_SPI_Chip_Grade_t;
 /** @defgroup Scratch_Pad Scratch Pad (Scratch_Pad) Register
  *  Scratch Pad (Scratch_Pad) Register.
  *  @{
@@ -311,85 +254,6 @@
-/** @defgroup Transfer_Config Transfer Config (Transfer_Config) Register
- *  Transfer Config (Transfer_Config) Register.
- *  @{
- */
-/*  =========================================================================
- *! \enum   ADMW_SPI_Transfer_Config_Stream_Mode
- *! \brief  When Streaming, Control Master to Slave Transfer (Stream_Mode) Enumerations
- *  ========================================================================= */
-typedef enum
-  SPI_TRANSFER_CONFIG_UPDATE_ON_WRITE        = 0,  /**< Transfers after each byte/mulit-byte register */
-  SPI_TRANSFER_CONFIG_UPDATE_ON_ADDRESS_LOOP = 1   /**< Transfers when address loops                  */
-} ADMW_SPI_Transfer_Config_Stream_Mode;
-/* ==========================================================================
- *! \struct ADMW_SPI_Transfer_Config_Struct
- *! \brief  Transfer Config Register bit field structure
- * ========================================================================== */
-typedef struct _ADMW_SPI_Transfer_Config_t {
-  union {
-    struct {
-      uint8_t reserved0   :  1;
-      uint8_t Stream_Mode :  1;  /**< When Streaming, Control Master to Slave Transfer */
-      uint8_t reserved2   :  6;
-    };
-    uint8_t VALUE8;
-  };
-} ADMW_SPI_Transfer_Config_t;
-/** @defgroup Interface_Config_C Interface Configuration C (Interface_Config_C) Register
- *  Interface Configuration C (Interface_Config_C) Register.
- *  @{
- */
-/*  =========================================================================
- *! \enum   ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_C_Strict_Register_Access
- *! \brief  Multibyte Registers Must Be Read or Written in Full (Strict_Register_Access) Enumerations
- *  ========================================================================= */
-typedef enum
-  SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_C_NORMAL_ACCESS = 0,  /**< Normal mode, no access restrictions                              */
-  SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_C_STRICT_ACCESS = 1   /**< Strict mode, multi-byte registers require all bytes read/written */
-} ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_C_Strict_Register_Access;
-/*  =========================================================================
- *! \enum   ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_C_CRC_Enable
- *! \brief  CRC Enable (CRC_Enable) Enumerations
- *  ========================================================================= */
-typedef enum
-  SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_C_ENABLED  = 1   /**< CRC Enabled  */
-} ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_C_CRC_Enable;
-/* ==========================================================================
- *! \struct ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_C_Struct
- *! \brief  Interface Configuration C Register bit field structure
- * ========================================================================== */
-typedef struct _ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_C_t {
-  union {
-    struct {
-      uint8_t CRC_EnableB :  2;  /**< Inverted CRC Enable */
-      uint8_t reserved2   :  2;
-      uint8_t Send_Status :  1;  /**< Sends Status in 4-Wire Mode When Enabled */
-      uint8_t Strict_Register_Access :  1;  /**< Multibyte Registers Must Be Read or Written in Full */
-      uint8_t CRC_Enable             :  2;  /**< CRC Enable */
-    };
-    uint8_t VALUE8;
-  };
-} ADMW_SPI_Interface_Config_C_t;
 /** @defgroup Interface_Status_A Interface Status A (Interface_Status_A) Register
  *  Interface Status A (Interface_Status_A) Register.
  *  @{
@@ -433,7 +297,6 @@
   CORE_COMMAND_LATCH_CONFIG     = 7,   /**< Latch configuration.                           */
   CORE_COMMAND_LOAD_LUT         = 8,   /**< Load LUT from flash                            */
   CORE_COMMAND_SAVE_LUT         = 9,   /**< Save LUT to flash                              */
-  CORE_COMMAND_POWER_DOWN        = 20,  /**< Enter Low Power State                                             */
   CORE_COMMAND_LOAD_CONFIG_1    = 24,  /**< Load registers with configuration from flash   */
   CORE_COMMAND_SAVE_CONFIG_1    = 25   /**< Store current registers to flash configuration */
 } ADMW_CORE_Command_Special_Command;
@@ -478,7 +341,8 @@
 typedef enum
   CORE_MODE_DRDY_PER_CONVERSION = 0,  /**< Data ready per conversion */
-  CORE_MODE_DRDY_PER_CYCLE      = 1   /**< Data ready per cycle      */
+  CORE_MODE_DRDY_PER_CYCLE      = 1,  /**< Data ready per cycle      */
 } ADMW_CORE_Mode_Drdy_Mode;
@@ -542,9 +406,8 @@
  *  ========================================================================= */
 typedef enum
-  CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_CYCLE_SW = 0,   /**< Ground Switch Opens outside of measurement cycle to conserve power */
-  CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_CLOSE_SW = 1,  /**< Ground Switch Closed                                               */    
+  CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_OPEN_SW  = 0,  /**< Ground Switch Opens outside of measurement cycle to conserve power */
+  CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_CLOSE_SW = 1   /**< Ground Switch Closed                                               */
 } ADMW_CORE_Cycle_Control_GND_SW_CTRL;
@@ -698,9 +561,10 @@
       uint16_t Sensor_OverRange   :  1;  /**< Indicates If the Sensor is Overrange */
       uint16_t CJ_Soft_Fault      :  1;  /**< Cold Junction Soft Fault */
       uint16_t CJ_Hard_Fault      :  1;  /**< Cold Junction Hard Fault */
-      uint16_t ADC_Input_OverRange :  1;  /**< Indicates the ADC Input is Overrange */
-      uint16_t Sensor_HardFault    :  1;  /**< Indicates Sensor Hard Fault */
-      uint16_t reserved8           :  8;
+      uint16_t ADC_Input_OverRange : 1;  /**< Indicates the ADC Input is Overrange */
+      uint16_t Sensor_HardFault    : 1;  /**< Indicates Sensor Hard Fault */
+      uint16_t Threshold_Exceeded  : 1;      
+      uint16_t reserved7           :  7;
     uint16_t VALUE16;
@@ -913,7 +777,6 @@
 typedef struct _ADMW_CORE_LUT_Offset_t {
   union {
     struct {
       uint16_t LUT_Offset : 11;  /**< Offset into the Lookup Table */
       uint16_t reserved11 :  5;
@@ -1076,9 +939,9 @@
  *  ========================================================================= */
 typedef enum
-  CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_LUT_DEFAULT  = 0,  /**< Default lookup table for selected sensor type        */
-  CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_LUT_CUSTOM   = 1,  /**< User defined custom lookup table.                    */
-  CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_LUT_RESERVED = 2   /**< Reserved                                             */
+  CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_LUT_DEFAULT  = 0,  /**< Default lookup table for selected sensor type */
+  CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_LUT_CUSTOM   = 1,  /**< User defined custom lookup table.             */
+  CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_LUT_RESERVED = 2   /**< Reserved                                      */
 } ADMW_CORE_Sensor_Details_LUT_Select;
@@ -1213,20 +1076,6 @@
  *  @{
-/*  =========================================================================
- *! \enum   ADMW_CORE_Settling_Time_Settling_Time_Units
- *! \brief  Units for Settling Time (Settling_Time_Units) Enumerations
- *  ========================================================================= */
-typedef enum
-  CORE_SETTLING_TIME_MILLISECONDS = 0,  /**< Micro-seconds */
-  CORE_SETTLING_TIME_SECONDS      = 1,  /**< Milli-seconds */
-  CORE_SETTLING_TIME_RESERVED     = 2,  /**< Seconds       */
-  CORE_SETTLING_TIME_UNDEFINED    = 3   /**< Undefined     */
-} ADMW_CORE_Settling_Time_Settling_Time_Units;
 /* ==========================================================================
  *! \struct ADMW_CORE_Settling_Time_Struct
  *! \brief  Settling Time Register bit field structure
@@ -1234,8 +1083,8 @@
 typedef struct _ADMW_CORE_Settling_Time_t {
   union {
     struct {
-      uint16_t Settling_Time : 14;  /**< Settling Time to Allow When Switching to Channel */
-      uint16_t Settling_Time_Units :  2;  /**< Units for Settling Time */
+      uint16_t Settling_Time :  8;  /**< Additional Settling Time in Milliseconds. Max 255ms */
+      uint16_t reserved8     :  8;
     uint16_t VALUE16;
@@ -1522,17 +1371,6 @@
 /*  =========================================================================
- *! \enum   ADMW_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Comms_Digital_Sensor_Comms_En
- *! \brief  Enable Digital Sensor Communications Register Parameters (Digital_Sensor_Comms_En) Enumerations
- *  ========================================================================= */
-typedef enum
-  CORE_DIGITAL_SENSOR_COMMS_DIGITAL_COMMS_DEFAULT = 0,  /**< Default parameters used for digital sensor communications       */
-  CORE_DIGITAL_SENSOR_COMMS_DIGITAL_COMMS_USER    = 1   /**< User supplied parameters used for digital sensor communications */
-} ADMW_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Comms_Digital_Sensor_Comms_En;
-/*  =========================================================================
  *! \enum   ADMW_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Comms_SPI_Clock
  *! \brief  Controls Clock Frequency for SPI Sensors (SPI_Clock) Enumerations
  *  ========================================================================= */
@@ -1590,12 +1428,12 @@
 typedef struct _ADMW_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Comms_t {
   union {
     struct {
-      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_Comms_En :  1;  /**< Enable Digital Sensor Communications Register Parameters */
-      uint16_t SPI_Clock               :  4;  /**< Controls Clock Frequency for SPI Sensors */
-      uint16_t I2C_Clock               :  2;  /**< Controls SCLK Frequency for I2C Sensors */
-      uint16_t reserved7               :  3;
-      uint16_t SPI_Mode                :  2;  /**< Configuration for Sensor SPI Protocol */
-      uint16_t reserved12              :  4;
+      uint16_t reserved0  :  1;
+      uint16_t SPI_Clock  :  4;  /**< Controls Clock Frequency for SPI Sensors */
+      uint16_t I2C_Clock  :  2;  /**< Controls SCLK Frequency for I2C Sensors */
+      uint16_t reserved7  :  3;
+      uint16_t SPI_Mode   :  2;  /**< Configuration for Sensor SPI Protocol */
+      uint16_t reserved12 :  4;
     uint16_t VALUE16;
@@ -1606,7 +1444,6 @@
 #if defined (__CC_ARM)
 #pragma pop