. Reverting Mbed firmware to support customers using ADMW1001 device firmware v82.25. 2. New Mbed firmware will be available when ADMW1001 device firmware is released to the public. 3. SPI speed is reduced to 700KHz 4.The program compiled and tested with device FW v82.25

Revisions of i2c0_sensirionSHT3X_config.c

Revision Date Message Actions
51:e013f4d2fb9a 2020-03-06 1. Reverting Mbed firmware to support customers using ADMW1001 device firmware v82.25.; 2. New Mbed firmware will be available when ADMW1001 device firmware is released to the public. ; 3. SPI speed is reduced to 700KHz File  Diff  Annotate
45:f5f553b8c0d5 2020-01-20 Added AVDD support File  Diff  Annotate
38:7604d3b44dd5 2019-11-21 Default config is thermocouple k type File  Diff  Annotate
32:52445bef314d 2019-10-25 Register map updated.; Files changed:; 1. ADMW1001_REGISTERS.h; 2.ADMW1001_REGISTERS_typedefs.h; 3.admw_api.h; ; Changes are done to support the new register map. ; Files changed:; 1.utils.c; 2.admw1001.c; ; admw_spi.cpp file is changed to test DRDY issue ; File  Diff  Annotate
25:b278a215cf3b 2019-10-01 Added README.txt file File  Diff  Annotate
19:09d58952b65d 2019-09-09 AdSense, ADI Sense, ADISNS1000 are replaced with ADMW1001 File  Diff  Annotate
15:b5d57daeb7c0 2019-07-26 Modified the copyright notice File  Diff  Annotate
13:97cb32670539 2019-07-25 admw1001.c file is updated ; ; config version changed to 2.0 from 1.7 File  Diff  Annotate
8:2f2775c34640 2019-06-20 admw1001 files are updated and code clean up is done. Project is building. File  Diff  Annotate
6:9d393a9677f4 2019-06-15 Register map is updated and sensor config files are modified File  Diff  Annotate
5:0728bde67bdb 2019-06-05 Replaced all references to ADISense/ADISENSE1000/adi_sense with ADMW/ADMW1001/admw and the prject builds. File  Diff  Annotate
0:85855ecd3257 2019-04-01 Initial Commit File  Diff  Annotate