A twist to the computer that landed man on the moon. More information can be found at http://hackaday.io/project/294-Open-Source-DSKY

Dependencies:   DS1302 keypad mbed


diff -r aee9ee1296cd -r 29cff763ae36 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Apr 09 03:00:37 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Apr 24 03:29:32 2014 +0000
@@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
 /* Introduction
 This is a personal project used developed by penguinos to mix old school technology with a modern twist.
-Version 0.02: March. 4 2014
-    Added Keypad Functionality
-        - Added fucntion for Verb
-        - Added function for Noun
-        - Added function for Enter
-        - Used goto in Verb and Noun to prevent any nestled Loops.
-        - Contains Button_Sort Function to move location based on button press
-    Cleaned certain parts of the code for efficentcy    
+Version 0.03: March. 8 2014
+    - Planning to add a DS1302 RTC into the platform
 Notable Credits:
 NASA! - Release of technical documentations regarding the AGC and DSKY
 Ron Burkley and Contributers of "Virtual AGC — AGS — LVDC — Gemini" - Providing Technical documentations, Source Code, explanations,
@@ -17,9 +10,41 @@
 Warning: This may contain author crude language, random memes, and random thoughts.
+ /* Pin Usage
+Real Time Clock
+    SCLK    PTC5
+    IO      PTC4
+    CE      PTC3
+    Row0    PTD4
+    Row1    PTA12
+    Row2    PTD3
+    Row3    PTA5
+    Col1    PTA13
+    Col2    PTD5
+    Col3    PTD0
+    Col4    PTD2
+Shift Registers
+    Latch   PTC6
+    Clock   PTC10
+    Data    PTC11
+ */
+// For RTC 
+#define SCLK    PTC5
+#define IO      PTC4
+#define CE      PTC3
+// Comment Line if DS1302 is already running
+#define INITIAL_RUN
 using namespace std;
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "Keypad.h" // Keypad
+#include "DS1302.h" // RTC for DS1032
+DS1302 clk(SCLK, IO, CE); //DS1302 clk(SCLK, IO, PTC3);
 //Declare Variables
 int shift = 0; // Shift Data
@@ -33,10 +58,12 @@
 int Verb; // DSKY Verb
 int Noun; // DSkY Noun
 int Enter; // DSKY Enter
 int Set_GET_Seconds = 30; // Configure the Set Get in seconds. 1/100th of a second
 char Set_get_miliseconds = 10;
 char Set_Get_Seconds_Byte = 0;
 char Set_Get_Seconds_Byte2 = 0;
+// Shift Register
 char data = 0;
 char data2 = 0;
 char data3 = 0;
@@ -44,7 +71,7 @@
     0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04,
     0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09
+// Keypad
 char Keytable[] = { '1', '2', '3', '+', // R0
                     '4', '5', '6', '-', // R1
                     '7', '8', '9', 'E', // R2
@@ -52,6 +79,11 @@
 //  C0   C1   C2   C3
+// RTC Variables
+int TIME_VALUE = 1397702161;
+int Time_Difference;
+// Button State
 int32_t Index = -1; // Button
 int     State;
@@ -64,13 +96,13 @@
 void blinkAll(int amount, int delay);// Function that Blinks all LED
 //void ShiftingOut(char myDataOut);
-// Program Name
+// Program Names
 void Ground_Elapse_Time(); // Ground Elapse Time
 // Pin modes for each pins
-DigitalOut LatchPin(PTC7); //Pin for ST_CP of 74HC595 Pin # 12
-DigitalOut ClockPin(PTC0); //Pin for SH_CP of 74HC595 Pin # 11
-DigitalOut DataPin(PTC3);  //Pin for to DS of 74HC595 Pin # 14
+DigitalOut LatchPin(PTC6); //Pin for ST_CP of 74HC595 Pin # 12
+DigitalOut ClockPin(PTC10); //Pin for SH_CP of 74HC595 Pin # 11
+DigitalOut DataPin(PTC11);  //Pin for to DS of 74HC595 Pin # 14
 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx Serial Output to PC Enabling this WILL consume resources. Use only for debug
@@ -294,5 +326,18 @@
 // Need to fill this too...
 void Ground_Elapse_Time()
+    #ifdef INITIAL_RUN
+    clk.set_time(TIME_VALUE);
+    #endif
+    char storedByte = clk.recallByte(0);
+    printf("\r\nStored byte was %d, now increasing by one\r\n", storedByte);
+    clk.storeByte(0, storedByte + 1);
+    while(1) {
+        time_t seconds = clk.time(NULL);
+        Time_Difference = seconds - TIME_VALUE;
+        printf("%d \n", Time_Difference);
+        //printf("Time as a basic string = %s\r", ctime(&seconds));
+        wait(1);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file