Team E1
Fork of HTTPServer by
- Committer:
- leihen
- Date:
- 2013-06-01
- Revision:
- 5:dc88012caef1
- Parent:
- 4:d065642c32cc
- Child:
- 7:cb7fec1265b5
File content as of revision 5:dc88012caef1:
/* HTTPRequestHandler.h */ /* Copyright (c) 2013 Henry Leinen (henry[dot]leinen [at] online [dot] de) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef __HTTPREQUESTHANDLER_H__ #define __HTTPREQUESTHANDLER_H__ #include "mbed.h" #include "HTTPConnection.h" #include <map> typedef std::map<const char*,const char*> HTTPHeaders; typedef enum { HTTP_Continue = 100, // 100 HTTP_SwitchingProtocols = 101, // 101 HTTP_Ok = 200, // 200 HTTP_Created = 201, // 201 HTTP_Accepted = 202, // 202 HTTP_NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203, // 203 HTTP_NoContent = 204, // 204 HTTP_ResetContent = 205, // 205 HTTP_PartialContent = 206, // 206 HTTP_MultipleChoices = 300, // 300 HTTP_MovedPermanently = 301, // 301 HTTP_Found = 302, // 302 HTTP_SeeOther = 303, // 303 HTTP_NotModified = 304, // 304 HTTP_UseProxy = 305, // 305 HTTP_TemporaryRedirect = 307, // 307 HTTP_BadRequest = 400, // 400 HTTP_Unauthorized = 401, // 401 HTTP_PaymentRequired = 402, // 402 HTTP_Forbidden = 403, // 403 HTTP_NotFound = 404, // 404 HTTP_MethodNotAllowed = 405, // 405 HTTP_NotAcceptable = 406, // 406 HTTP_ProxyAuthRequired = 407, // 407 HTTP_RequestTimeOut = 408, // 408 HTTP_Conflict = 409, // 409 HTTP_Gone = 410, // 410 HTTP_LengthRequired = 411, // 411 HTTP_PreconditionFailed = 412, // 412 HTTP_RequestEntityTooLarge = 413, // 413 HTTP_RequestURITooLarge = 414, // 414 HTTP_UnsupportedMediaType = 415, // 415 HTTP_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416, // 416 HTTP_ExpectationFailed = 417, // 417 HTTP_InternalServerError = 500, // 500 HTTP_NotImplemented = 501, // 501 HTTP_BadGateway = 502, // 502 HTTP_ServiceUnavailable = 503, // 503 HTTP_GatewayTimeout = 504, // 504 HTTP_HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505, // 505 } HTTPResponseCode; /** class HTTPRequestHandler is the base class for HTTP Handler request implementations. * */ class HTTPRequestHandler { protected: HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage& msg; TCPSocketConnection& tcp; public: /** Constructor for HTTPRequestHandler objects. */ HTTPRequestHandler(HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage&, TCPSocketConnection&); /** Destructor for HTTPRequestHandler objects. */ virtual ~HTTPRequestHandler(); /** Handler function which will be used by the HTTPServer to serve requests. * The default version of this function will dispatch respective handler member * functions according to the request type given in the HTTPMessage object. * The list of possible functions dispatched is : * * handleGetRequest * * handlePostRequest * * handlePutRequest */ virtual void handleRequest(); /** Handler function which will handle errors and return errors correctly * @param errorCode : The error code returned by the HTTP Server to represent the error condition. * @param msg : Request Message information. * @param tcp : The socket which represents the active connection to the client. */ virtual void handleError(int errorCode, HTTPHeaders* header = NULL); /** Function sends the response header which consists of the return code and the headers section * the response header also contains the length (in bytes) of the body. You need to send the body * right after calling this function. Please note that you do not need to consider the terminating * CR+LF after your last CR+LF. This will be sent automatically once \c endResponse is called. Also * the Length given in \c nLen does not need to consider this additional chars. It will also be * automatically added in \c startResponse. if you need to change the headers, please do NOT * specify the \c Content-Length Header. This is done automatically be the function. */ void startResponse(int returnCode, int nLen, HTTPHeaders* header = NULL); void processResponse(int nLen, char* body ); void endResponse(); protected: /** Handler function to serve GET requests. Download ressource from server from \c uri location. */ virtual int handleGetRequest() = 0; /** Handler function to serve PUT requests. Upload ressource to server to \c uri location. */ virtual int handlePutRequest() = 0; /** Handler function to serve POST requests. Send data to webserver. Can also be appended to uri. */ virtual int handlePostRequest() = 0; }; #endif // __HTTPREQUESTHANDLER_H__