Team E1
Fork of HTTPServer by
- Committer:
- leihen
- Date:
- 2013-06-05
- Revision:
- 12:ba81cc117fb6
- Parent:
- 11:3943841e1798
- Child:
- 13:aa5338a5e452
File content as of revision 12:ba81cc117fb6:
/* HTTPRequestHandler.cpp */ #include "mbed.h" #include "HTTPRequestHandler.h" #include <ctype.h> #define _DEBUG 0 #if (_DEBUG && !defined(TARGET_LPC11U24)) #define INFO(x, ...) std::printf("[HTTPRequestHandler : DBG]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); #define WARN(x, ...) std::printf("[HTTPRequestHandler : DBG]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); #define ERR(x, ...) std::printf("[HTTPRequestHandler : DBG]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); #else #define INFO(x, ...) #define WARN(x, ...) #define ERR(x, ...) #endif static char buffer[128]; const char hdrDNT[] = "DNT: 1\r\n"; const char hdrMaxAge[] = "MaxAge: 0\r\n"; const char hdrConClose[] = "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"; //const char hdrTrsfrEnc[] = "Transfer-Encoding: Chunked\r\n"; const char hdrContent[] = "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"; const char hdrServer[] = "Server: mbed embedded\r\n"; const char hdrEndl[] = "\r\n"; static int _stricmp(const char* a, const char* b) { int la = strlen(a); int lb = strlen(b); for (int i = 0 ; i < min(la, lb) ; i++) { if (tolower((int)a[i]) != tolower((int)b[i])) return i; } return 0; } static const struct mapping_t { const char* key; const char* value; } fileTypeMapping[] = { {".gif", "Content-Type: image/gif\r\n" }, {".jpg", "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n" }, {".jpeg","Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n" }, {".ico", "Content-Type: image/x-icon\r\n"}, {".png", "Content-Type: image/png\r\n" }, {".zip", "Content-Type: image/zip\r\n" }, {".gz", "Content-Type: image/gz\r\n" }, {".tar", "Content-Type: image/tar\r\n" }, {".txt", "Content-Type: plain/text\r\n" }, {".pdf", "Content-Type: application/pdf\r\n" }, {".htm", "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" }, {".html","Content-Type: text/html\r\n" }}; HTTPRequestHandler::HTTPRequestHandler(HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage& Msg, TCPSocketConnection& Tcp) : msg(Msg), tcp(Tcp) { msg = Msg; tcp = Tcp; } HTTPRequestHandler::~HTTPRequestHandler() { } void HTTPRequestHandler::getStandardHeaders(HTTPHeaders& header, const char* fext) { header.clear(); header["DNT"] = "1"; header["MaxAge"] = "0"; header["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"; header["Server"] = "mbed Embedded"; if (fext == NULL) header["Content-Type"] = "text/html"; else { for (int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(fileTypeMapping)/sizeof(struct mapping_t) ;i++) { if (_stricmp(fileTypeMapping[i].key, fext) == 0) { header["Content-Type"] = fileTypeMapping[i].value; break; } } } } void HTTPRequestHandler::handleRequest() { int err = 0; switch (msg.request) { case HTTP_RT_GET: INFO("Dispatching GET Request."); err = handleGetRequest(); break; case HTTP_RT_POST: INFO("Dispatching POST request."); err = handlePostRequest(); break; case HTTP_RT_PUT: INFO("Dispatching PUT request."); err = handlePutRequest(); break; default: INFO("Error in handleRequest, unhandled request type."); err = HTTP_NotImplemented; break; } // if any of these functions returns a negative number, call the error handler if (err > 0) { handleError(err); } } static const char* szErrorPage = "<HTML><HEAD><META content=\"text/html\" http-equiv=Content-Type></HEAD><BODY><h1>Error %d</h1><P>HTTPServer Error<P></BODY></HTML>\r\n\r\n"; void HTTPRequestHandler::handleError(int errorCode, HTTPHeaders* header) { INFO("Handling error !"); tcp.set_blocking(true, 1500); sprintf(buffer,"HTTP/1.1 %d Error\r\n", errorCode); tcp.send(buffer, strlen(buffer)); sprintf(buffer, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", strlen(szErrorPage)); tcp.send(buffer, strlen(buffer)); if (header == NULL) { sprintf(buffer, "Content-Type: text/html\r\nServer: mbed embedded\r\n\n\r"); tcp.send(buffer, strlen(buffer)); } else { for ( map<const char*, const char*>::iterator cIter = header->begin() ; cIter != header->end() ; cIter ++) { tcp.send((char*)cIter->first, strlen(cIter->first)); tcp.send(": ", 2); tcp.send((char*)cIter->second, strlen(cIter->second)); tcp.send("\r\n",2); } tcp.send("\r\n",2); } tcp.send((char*)szErrorPage, strlen(szErrorPage)); } void HTTPRequestHandler::startResponse(int returnCode, long nLen, HTTPHeaders* header) { INFO("Starting response (%ld bytes in total)!", nLen); tcp.set_blocking(true, 1500); sprintf(buffer, "HTTP/1.1 %d OK\r\n", returnCode); tcp.send_all(buffer, strlen(buffer)); tcp.send_all((char*)hdrConClose, strlen(hdrConClose)); sprintf(buffer, "Content-Length: %ld\r\n", nLen); // Add 2 chars for the terminating CR+LF tcp.send_all(buffer, strlen(buffer)); if (header == NULL) { tcp.send_all((char*)hdrDNT, strlen(hdrDNT)); tcp.send_all((char*)hdrMaxAge, strlen(hdrMaxAge)); tcp.send_all((char*)hdrContent, strlen(hdrContent)); // tcp.send_all((char*)hdrTrsfrEnc, strlen(hdrTrsfrEnc)); tcp.send_all((char*)hdrServer, strlen(hdrServer)); tcp.send_all((char*)hdrEndl, strlen(hdrEndl)); } else { for ( map<const char*, const char*>::iterator cIter = header->begin() ; cIter != header->end() ; cIter ++) { tcp.send((char*)cIter->first, strlen(cIter->first)); tcp.send(": ", 2); tcp.send((char*)cIter->second, strlen(cIter->second)); tcp.send("\r\n\r\n",2); } tcp.send_all("\r\n", 2); } // other content must be sent using the 'processResponse' function } void HTTPRequestHandler::processResponse(int nLen, char* body) { INFO("Processing Response (%d bytes)!\n",nLen); tcp.send_all(body, nLen); } void HTTPRequestHandler::endResponse() { INFO("Ending Response !"); // tcp.send("\r\n\r\n", 4); }