Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 3417ca0a36c0 -r cbec1283a16a compass.cpp
--- a/compass.cpp	Tue Jul 01 10:59:33 2014 +0000
+++ b/compass.cpp	Thu Jul 03 03:56:29 2014 +0000
@@ -1,180 +1,58 @@
 #include "compass.h"
-HMC5883L::HMC5883L(PinName sda, PinName scl): i2c(sda, scl)
+COMPASS::COMPASS(PinName tx, PinName rx)
-    //100KHz, as specified by the datasheet.
-    char rx;
-    i2c.frequency(100000);
-    //Testar depois com 400KHz
-    //==========================================================================================================
-    // Read chip_id
-    //==========================================================================================================
-    rx = Read(HMC5883L_IDENT_A);
-    if (rx != 0x48)//ID do chip
-        printf("\ninvalid chip id %d\r\n", rx); 
-    //==========================================================================================================
-    // Let's set the Configuration Register A
-    //==========================================================================================================
-    // This register set's the number of samples averaged per measurement output, the rate at which data is written
-    // to all three data output registers and the measurement flow of the device.
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    // |CRA7 CRA6   CRA5   CRA4   CRA3   CRA2   CRA1   CRA0  |
-    // |(1)  MA1(1) MA0(1) DO2(1) DO1(0) DO0(0) MS1(0) MS0(0)| -> This is the default value
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    // CRA7 -> we have to clear this bit for correct operation                                      (0)
-    // CRA6 to CRA5 -> Let's select the maximum number of samples averaged per measurement output   (11)
-    // CRA4 to CRA2 -> Also let's select the maximum data output rate                               (110)
-    // CRA1 to CRA0 -> The measurement flow is defined to normal                                    (00)
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    // |CRA7 CRA6   CRA5   CRA4   CRA3   CRA2   CRA1   CRA0  |
-    // |(0)  MA1(1) MA0(1) DO2(1) DO1(1) DO0(0) MS1(0) MS0(0)| -> This is the new value, 0x78 in hex
-    // -------------------------------------------------------
-    //Write(HMC5883L_CONFIG_A,0x78);
-    //Write(HMC5883L_CONFIG_A,0x70);
-    //==========================================================================================================
-    // The Configuration Register B is set to 0010 0000 by default, this is a +/- 1.3 Ga sensor field range and
-    // the gain of LSB/gauss is 1090. This is the maximum value, so let's leave it like that.
-    //==========================================================================================================
-    //Datasheet page 13. I will explain later
-    //Write(HMC5883L_CONFIG_B,0x20);
-    //Write(HMC5883L_CONFIG_B,0xA0);
-    //==========================================================================================================
-    // Let's set the Mode Register
-    //==========================================================================================================
-    // This register set's the operation mode, from continuous-measurements mode, single-measurement mode and idle mode.
-    // We will set to Continuouse-measurement mode, so the device continuously performs measurements and places the
-    // result in the data register
-    // ---------------------------------------------
-    // |MR7  MR6  MR5  MR4  MR3  MR2  MR1    MR0   |  -> This is the new value, 0x78 in hex, we are going to change
-    // |(1)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)  MD1(0) MD0(1)|     the MD1 and MD0 to 00 and clear the MR7 for correct operation.
-    // ---------------------------------------------     The final value is 0000 0000 (0x00).
-    Write(HMC5883L_MODE,0x00);
-     wait(1);
-     setDeclination(DECLINATIONANGLE);
+   this->serial= new MySerial(tx,rx);
+   serial->baud(56000);
+   serial->format(8,SerialBase::None, 1);
+   init();
-void HMC5883L::Write(char reg_address, char data)
-    char tx[2];
-    tx[0]=reg_address;
-    tx[1]=data;
-    i2c.write(HMC5883L_I2C_WRITE,tx,2);
-char HMC5883L::Read(char data)
+uint16_t COMPASS::Read()
-    char tx = data;
-    char rx;
-    i2c.write(HMC5883L_I2C_WRITE, &tx, 1);
-    i2c.read(HMC5883L_I2C_READ, &rx, 1);
-    return rx;
-void HMC5883L::MultiByteRead(char address, char* output, int size) 
-    i2c.write(HMC5883L_I2C_WRITE, &address, 1);      //tell it where to read from
-    i2c.read(HMC5883L_I2C_READ, output, size);     //tell it where to store the data read
+    resume();
+    buffer[0]=serial->getc();
+    buffer[1]=serial->getc();
+    stop();
+    degree=(uint8_t)(buffer[0])*256+(uint8_t)(buffer[1]);
+    return degree;
-float HMC5883L::getMx()
+void COMPASS::init() 
-    //return (x * m_Scale);
-    char lsb_byte = 0;
-    signed short msb_byte;
-    lsb_byte = Read(HMC5883L_X_MSB);
-    msb_byte = lsb_byte << 8;
-    msb_byte |= Read(HMC5883L_X_LSB);
-    return (float)msb_byte;
-    /*
-    char tx[1];
-    char rx[2];
-    tx[0]=HMC5883L_X_MSB;
-    i2c.write(HMC5883L_I2C_READ,tx,1);
-    i2c.read(HMC5883L_I2C_READ,rx,2);
-    return ((int)rx[0]<<8|(int)rx[1]);
-    */
+    run();
+    stop();
-float HMC5883L::getMy()
+void COMPASS::run() 
-    //return (y * m_Scale);
-    char lsb_byte = 0;
-    signed short msb_byte;
-    lsb_byte = Read(HMC5883L_Y_MSB);
-    msb_byte = lsb_byte << 8;
-    msb_byte |= Read(HMC5883L_Y_LSB);
-    return (float)msb_byte;
+    write2Bytes(RUN_MSB,RUN_LSB);
-float HMC5883L::getMz()
+void COMPASS::stop() 
-    //return (z * m_Scale);
-    char lsb_byte = 0;
-    signed short msb_byte;
+    write2Bytes(STOP_MSB,STOP_LSB);
-    lsb_byte = Read(HMC5883L_Z_MSB);
-    msb_byte = lsb_byte << 8;
-    msb_byte |= Read(HMC5883L_Z_LSB);
-    return (float)msb_byte;
- }
-void HMC5883L::setDeclination(float declinationAngle)
-   this->declinationAngle=declinationAngle;
- }
- void HMC5883L::setOffset(int offset)
+void COMPASS::resume() 
-   this->offset=offset;
- }
-unsigned short HMC5883L::get_degree()
-    //return (z * m_Scale);
-    wait_ms(200);     
+    write2Bytes(RESUME_MSB,RESUME_LSB);
-        float x, y, z, heading;
-      x = getMx();
-        y = getMy();
-        z = getMz();
-        heading += declinationAngle;
-        heading = atan2(y, x);
-        if(heading < 0) 
-            heading += 2*PI;
-        if(heading > 2*PI) 
-            heading -= 2*PI;
-        heading = heading * 180 / PI;
-//        heading+=90;
-        heading+=offset;
-        if(heading>=360)
-        heading-=360;
-        if(heading<180)
-        heading+=180;
-        else
-        heading-=180;
-        return heading;
- }
+void COMPASS::reset() 
+    write2Bytes(RST_MSB,RST_LSB);
+void COMPASS::write2Bytes(char msb, char lsb) 
+    serial->putc(msb);
+    serial->putc(lsb);