ControllerBox directs electromechanical equipment in restaurants to display information.

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface HTTPClient_KVplus MbedJSONValue SDFileSystem TextLCD mbed-rtos mbed picojson

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libMotiv/Table.cpp	Thu Dec 04 22:26:30 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#include "Table.h"
+#include "Flower.h"
+#include "Device.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include <vector>
+//Flower commands
+//        fRESET = 0,
+//        fPETAL_SPD = 1,
+//        fBLINK_SPD = 2,
+//        fBLINK_PERIOD = 3,
+//        fLED_INTENSITY = 4,
+//        fPETAL_POS = 10,
+//        fLED_TABLE_FREE = 20,
+//        fLED_TABLE_RES = 21,
+//        fLED_FOOD = 22,
+//        fLED_DRINK = 23,
+//        fLED_SERVICE = 24,
+//        fLED_CLR = 29,
+////        Flower version 2 commands n/a for now.
+////        fPISTIL_SPD = 3,
+////        fPETAL1_POS = 11,
+////        fPETAL2_POS = 12,
+////        fPETAL3_POS = 13,
+////        fPETAL4_POS = 14,
+////        fPETAL5_POS = 15,
+////        fPETAL6_POS = 16,
+////        fPISTIL_POS_FOOD = 30,
+////        fPISTIL_POS_DRINKS = 31,
+////        fPISTIL_POS_SERVICE = 32
+//        fTABLE_FREE = 50,
+//        fTABLE_ACTIVE = 51,
+//        fTABLE_RES = 52,
+//        fTABLE_END = 53,
+//        fFOOD_ORDERED = 54,
+//        fDRINKS_ORDERED = 55,
+//        fSERVICE_REQ = 56,
+//        fPETALS_CLOSE = 60,
+//        fLAMP_ACT = 100,
+//        fDEMO1 = 101,
+//        fDEMO2 = 102
+//Flower commands v2
+//Functie Waarde(n) Doel
+//Primaire functies
+//0* 0 Reset (Zet alle waarden terug naar default)
+//1* 0 – 100 Zet bewegingssnelheid van de bladeren (0 langzaam, 100 snel)
+//2 0 – 100 Zet knippersnelheid van de verlichting (in %)
+//3 0 – 255 Zet knipperlengte van de verlichting (in sec)
+//4 0 – 100 Zet de lichtintensiteit van de LEDstrip (0 – 100 %)
+//5 0 – 100 Zet bewegingssnelheid van de stampers (Niet beschikbaar in bloem versie 1)
+//6 0 – 255 Zet tijd
+//10* 0 – 100 Zet de positie van de bloembladeren (0 dicht, 100 open)
+//11 – 18 0 – 100 Zet de positie van (max. 8) individuele bloembladeren (0 dicht, 100 open) (Niet beschikbaar in bloem versie 1)
+//20* 0 … 1 Zet led “tafel vrij”
+//21* 0 … 1 Zet led “tafel gereserveerd”
+//22* 0 … 1 Zet led F(ood)
+//23* 0 … 1 Zet led D(rink)
+//24* 0 … 1 Zet led S(ervice)
+//29 0 … 1 Zet led verlichting (standaard wit)
+//30 0 – 100 Zet hoogte van stamper F(ood) (Niet beschikbaar in bloem versie 1)
+//31 0 – 100 Zet hoogte van stamper D(rink) (Niet beschikbaar in bloem versie 1)
+//32 0 – 100 Zet hoogte van stamper S(ervice) (Niet beschikbaar in bloem versie 1)
+//Complexe functies
+//50* 1 Zet bloem naar stand “Tafel vrij” (Gesloten groen)
+//51* 1 Zet bloem naar stand “Tafel in gebruik” (Open groen)
+//52* 1 Zet bloem naar stand “Tafel gereserveerd” (Gesloten rood)
+//53* 1 Zet bloem naar stand “Zittingstijd om” (Open rood)
+//54* 0 – 100 Zet bloem naar stand “Eten besteld” met x% bestelstatus
+//55* 0 – 100 Zet bloem naar stand “Drank besteld” met x% bestelstatus
+//56* 0 – 100 Zet bloem naar stand “Bediening gevraagd” met x% bestelstatus
+//60 1 Bloem sluit al naar gelang de ingestelde tijd
+//61 1 Zet bloem naar status “zittingstijd om”. (“Gereserveerd rood knipperen”)
+//100 1 Lampfunctie (Bloem opent een klein beetje en fungeert als lamp)
+//101 1 Demostand 1 (Bloem gaat continu open en dicht en alle leds wisselen)
+//102 0 – 100 Demostand 2 (Bloem opent naar stand X en statusleds wisselen)
+using namespace std;
+    :   id(0),
+        status(0),
+        fStatus(0),
+        dStatus(0),
+        sStatus(0),
+        statusPrev(0),
+        fStatusPrev(0),
+        dStatusPrev(0),
+        sStatusPrev(0)  { printf("Table default constructor\r\n"); }
+Table::Table(int id)
+    :   id(id),
+        status(0),
+        fStatus(0),
+        dStatus(0),
+        sStatus(0),
+        statusPrev(0),
+        fStatusPrev(0),
+        dStatusPrev(0),
+        sStatusPrev(0),
+        mFlower(id)
+    printf("Table constructor override(int id)\r\n");
+    }
+Table::~Table() {}
+Table& Table::operator=(const Table& tbl)
+    id =;
+    status = tbl.status;
+    fStatus = tbl.fStatus;
+    dStatus = tbl.dStatus;
+    sStatus = tbl.sStatus;
+    statusPrev = tbl.statusPrev;
+    fStatusPrev = tbl.fStatusPrev;
+    dStatusPrev = tbl.dStatusPrev;
+    sStatusPrev = tbl.sStatusPrev;
+    return *this;
+vector<MCommand> Table::update(int dinnerStatus, int foodStatus, int drinkStatus, int serviceStatus)
+    printf("update table\r\n");
+    //current info is now previous info
+    statusPrev = status;
+    fStatusPrev = fStatus;
+    dStatusPrev = dStatus;
+    sStatusPrev = sStatus;
+    //new info from API is current info
+    status = dinnerStatus;
+    fStatus = foodStatus;
+    dStatus = drinkStatus;
+    sStatus = serviceStatus;
+    printf("dinnerStatus = %d\r\nstatus = %d\r\nstatusPrev = %d\r\n", dinnerStatus, status, statusPrev);
+    //make and "send" the commands to control the devices to the controller
+    return prepareCommands();
+int Table::getId()
+    return this->id;
+vector<MCommand> Table::prepareCommands()
+    vector<MCommand> commandList;
+    printf("prepareCommands()\r\n");
+    //Decide what commands to retrieve from the flower
+    if(status != statusPrev) { //dinner status has changed since last update
+        if(status == 0) { //Table free
+            printf("status == 0\r\n");
+            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fPETAL_POS, 0));
+            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_TABLE_FREE, 1));
+            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_FOOD, 0));
+            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_DRINK, 0));
+            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_SERVICE, 0));
+        } else if(status == 1) { //Table reserved
+            printf("status == 1\r\n");
+//            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fPETAL_POS, 0));
+            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_TABLE_RES, 1)); //For now assume that table reserved is only called after table free
+//            MCommand leCmd = mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_TABLE_RES, 1);
+            printf("Command in prepCommands");
+//            leCmd.print();
+//            vector<MCommand> cmdLst;
+//            cmdLst.push_back(leCmd);
+            printf("pushed_back?\r\n");
+//            std::vector<MCommand>::iterator it = commandList.begin();
+//            printf("leDeux command: ");
+//            it->print();
+//            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_FOOD, 0));
+//            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_DRINK, 0));
+//            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_SERVICE, 0));
+        } else if(status >= 2) { //Table occupied
+            printf("status == 2\r\n");
+            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fPETAL_POS, 0));
+            commandList.push_back(mFlower.buildCommand(Flower::fLED_CLR, 1));
+        }
+        printf("dinnerStatus commands done\r\n");
+    }
+    if(fStatus != fStatusPrev) {
+        printf("foodStatus commands done\r\n");        
+    }
+    if(dStatus != dStatusPrev) {
+        printf("drinksStatus commands done\r\n");
+    }
+    if(sStatus != sStatusPrev) {
+        printf("serviceStatus commands done\r\n");
+    }
+    printf("all commands done\r\n");
+    return commandList;
\ No newline at end of file