Gateway con agregar controles mediante firebase
Dependencies: mbed mbed-http ESP01 Pulse RFDecoder
- Committer:
- Thrillex13
- Date:
- 2019-09-15
- Revision:
- 4:8fed3705384e
- Parent:
- 3:5dceee1c49fc
File content as of revision 4:8fed3705384e:
#include "main.h" #include <string> // Objects Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); ESP01 wifi(PTC17, PTC16, 115200); //Con este objeto implementamos los metodos que requieren comandos AT del modulo de WIFI //ESP8266Interface net(PTC17, PTC16); //Con este objeto implementamos todas las funciones de red para la creacion de Sockets RFDecoder decoder = RFDecoder(D2,D3); //tx rx Ticker firebasecheck; // Global variables char send[128]; // Strings for sending and receiving commands / data send / data receive / command received / status received char recv[128]; char command[TCPCOMMSBYTESMAX]; char status[TCPSTATSBYTESMAX]; char controlcode[8]; string comandofirebase; bool firebaseTimeoutExpired = false; int main() { //Inicializacion de los Perifericos led_azul = OFF; led_rojo = OFF; led_verde = OFF; pc.baud(115200); esp01_en.mode(PullUp); esp01_rst.mode(PullUp); //Inicializacion y Conexion al WiFi //wifiInit(); //wifi.Quit(); wifiInit(); wifiConnect(); //ESP8266Interface *net = new ESP8266Interface(); //Con este objeto implementamos todas las funciones de red para la creacion de Sockets para HTTPS //http_demo(net); //delete net; //Necesario destruir el objeto cuando ya no se use para desocupar la interface de wifi. ESP8266Interface *net = new ESP8266Interface(); //Con este objeto implementamos todas las funciones de red para la creacion de Sockets para HTTPS //delete net; //Necesario destruir el objeto cuando ya no se use para desocupar la interface de wifi. //Tarea para revisar si hay algun comando en firebase, esta tarea se ejecuta cada x segundos. firebasecheck.attach(&firebaseCheckTimeout, INTERVALFIREBASECHECK); while(1) { if(firebaseTimeoutExpired) { //Leemos la bsae de datos de firebase para revisar si hay algun comando disponible. comandofirebase = getFirebaseCommand(net); //Habilitamos el debugeo de la memoria //print_all_thread_info(); //print_heap_and_isr_stack_info(); if( == 0) { Timer t; int tini; t.start(); tini = t.read_ms(); pc.printf("Comando Agregar Control Recibido\r\n"); putFirebaseCommand(net, WAITING_RF_CODE, 0); LEDAMARILLO_ON; while((t.read_ms()- tini) < MAXTIMERXCONTROL) { if(decoder.available()) { unsigned long numcode = decoder.getCode(); pc.printf("Codigo Recibido %x \n\r", numcode); putFirebaseCommand(net, NEW_CONTROL_RESPONSE, numcode); break; } } LEDVERDE_ON; firebaseTimeoutExpired = false; comandofirebase = NINGUNCOMANDO; } else { pc.printf("Ningun comando recibido\r\n"); firebaseTimeoutExpired = false; } } } } void wifiInit(void) { pc.printf("Gateway Sistema de Control de Cotos\r\n"); pc.printf("Resetting WiFi\r\n"); wifi.Reset(); wait(2); wifi.DisableEcho(); pc.printf("Set mode to Station\r\n"); wifi.SetMode(STATION); wifi.RcvReply(recv, 3000); pc.printf("%s", recv); wait(2); pc.printf("Configure for multiple sockets\r\n"); wifi.SetMultiple(); wifi.RcvReply(recv, 3000); pc.printf("%s", recv); wait(2); /* pc.printf("Enable DHCP\r\n"); wifi.EnableDHCP(); wifi.RcvReply(recv, 1500); pc.printf("%s", recv); wait(2); */ } void wifiConnect(void) { char connCheckCounter = 0; while(!isConnectedToWifi()) { if(connCheckCounter > MAXWIFICONNCHECKS) { //pc.printf("Starting Smart Config\r\n"); led_azul = ON; wifi.StartSmartConfig(); wifi.RcvReply(recv, 15000); //pc.printf("%s", recv); wait(5); connCheckCounter=0; } connCheckCounter++; pc.printf("Gateway no conectado, intento de reconexion %d\r\n",connCheckCounter); wait(1); } pc.printf("Gateway is already connected to wifi with the following IP address\r\n"); wifi.GetIP(recv); pc.printf("%s", recv); led_azul = OFF; led_verde = ON; wait(2); } bool isConnectedToWifi(void) { bool status; wifi.GetConnStatusCode(recv); //pc.printf("El estado de la conexion es %s", recv); if(strcmp(recv,"STATUS:2\r")==0) { led_azul = OFF; led_rojo = OFF; led_verde = ON; status=true; } else { status=false; } return status; } void startServer(int port) { //pc.printf("Iniciando servidor en el puerto %d\r\n",port); wifi.StartServerMode(port); wifi.RcvReply(recv, 1000); //pc.printf("%s", recv); //wait(2); } int getTCPContent(char* espdata, char* command, char* status) { char i=0; char offset=0; char socket=0; if((espdata[2]=='+') && (espdata[3]=='I') && (espdata[4]=='P') && (espdata[5]=='D')) { //Obtenemos en socket de conexion socket = espdata[7]-'0'; //Buscamos el caracter : para de ahi iniciar el mensaje for(i=0; i<250; i++) { if(espdata[i]==':') { offset = i+1; break; } } for(i=0; (i<TCPCOMMSBYTESMAX); i++) { command[i] = espdata[i+offset]; } command[TCPCOMMSBYTESMAX] = '\0'; status[0] = COMMANDREC; } return socket; } void convertToCharArray(char *arr, unsigned long number) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { arr[i] = (char)((((unsigned long) number) >> (56 - (8*i))) & 0xFFu); } } string getFirebaseCommand(NetworkInterface *network) { TLSSocket* socket = new TLSSocket(); string comando = NINGUNCOMANDO; nsapi_error_t r; // make sure to check the return values for the calls below (should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK) r = socket->open(network); r = socket->set_root_ca_cert(SSL_CA_PEM); r = socket->connect("", 443); //printf("\n----- Conectando con la base de datos de Firebase -----\n"); //HttpsRequest* get_req = new HttpsRequest(socket, HTTP_GET, ""); HttpsRequest* get_req = new HttpsRequest(socket, HTTP_GET, ""); HttpResponse* get_res = get_req->send(); if (!get_res) { printf("HttpGetRequest failed (error code %d)\n", get_req->get_error()); comando = NINGUNCOMANDO; //return 1; } else { //printf("\n----- Respuesta de Firebase -----\n"); //printf("Status: %d - %s\n", get_res->get_status_code(), get_res->get_status_message().c_str()); comando = get_res->get_body_as_string(); //pc.printf("%s\r\n",comando.c_str()); //printf("\nBody (%lu bytes):\n\n%s\n", get_res->get_body_length(), get_res->get_body_as_string().c_str()); } delete get_req; socket->close(); delete socket; return comando; } void putFirebaseCommand(NetworkInterface *network, char comando, unsigned long numcode) { TLSSocket* socket = new TLSSocket(); char body[100]; nsapi_error_t r; // make sure to check the return values for the calls below (should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK) r = socket->open(network); r = socket->set_root_ca_cert(SSL_CA_PEM); r = socket->connect("", 443); //printf("\n----- Enviando datos a la base de datos de Firebase -----\n"); HttpsRequest* post_req = new HttpsRequest(socket, HTTP_PATCH, ""); post_req->set_header("Content-Type", "application/json"); sprintf(body, "{\"Comando\":\"%d\",\"Valor1\":\"%X\"}",comando,numcode); HttpResponse* post_res = post_req->send(body, strlen(body)); if (!post_res) { printf("HttpPatchRequest failed (error code %d)\n", post_req->get_error()); } // printf("\n----- HTTPS PATCH response -----\n"); // dump_response(post_res); socket->close(); delete socket; delete post_req; } void firebaseCheckTimeout() { firebaseTimeoutExpired = true; } void http_demo(NetworkInterface *network) { TLSSocket* socket = new TLSSocket(); nsapi_error_t r; // make sure to check the return values for the calls below (should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK) r = socket->open(network); r = socket->set_root_ca_cert(SSL_CA_PEM); r = socket->connect("", 443); printf("\n----- HTTPS GET request -----\n"); HttpsRequest* get_req = new HttpsRequest(socket, HTTP_GET, ""); HttpResponse* get_res = get_req->send(); if (!get_res) { printf("HttpRequest failed (error code %d)\n", get_req->get_error()); //return 1; } printf("\n----- HTTPS GET response -----\n"); dump_response(get_res); delete get_req; printf("\n----- HTTPS POST request -----\n"); HttpsRequest* post_req = new HttpsRequest(socket, HTTP_POST, ""); post_req->set_header("Content-Type", "application/json"); const char body[] = "{\"nombre\":\"Posteado por Wifi Perros\",\"numcasa\":\"64\"}"; HttpResponse* post_res = post_req->send(body, strlen(body)); if (!post_res) { printf("HttpRequest failed (error code %d)\n", post_req->get_error()); //return 1; } printf("\n----- HTTPS POST response -----\n"); dump_response(post_res); delete post_req; } void dump_response(HttpResponse* res) { printf("Status: %d - %s\n", res->get_status_code(), res->get_status_message().c_str()); printf("Headers:\n"); for (size_t ix = 0; ix < res->get_headers_length(); ix++) { printf("\t%s: %s\n", res->get_headers_fields()[ix]->c_str(), res->get_headers_values()[ix]->c_str()); } printf("\nBody (%lu bytes):\n\n%s\n", res->get_body_length(), res->get_body_as_string().c_str()); }