Biorobotics 2018: Project group 16

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed



File content as of revision 3:766e9f13d84e:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "MODSERIAL.h"
#include "HIDScope.h"
#include "QEI.h"
#include "BiQuad.h"

// Pin defintions:
DigitalOut  DirectionPin1(D4);
DigitalOut  DirectionPin2(D7);
PwmOut      PwmPin1(D5);
PwmOut      PwmPin2(D6);
DigitalIn   Knop1(D2);
DigitalIn   Knop2(D3);
DigitalIn   Knop3(PTA4);
DigitalIn   Knop4(PTC6);
AnalogIn    pot1 (A5);
AnalogIn    pot2 (A4);
AnalogIn    emg0( A0 );
AnalogIn    emg1( A1 );
AnalogIn    emg2( A2 );
AnalogIn    emg3( A3 );
DigitalOut  led_G(LED_GREEN);
DigitalOut  led_R(LED_RED);
DigitalOut  led_B(LED_BLUE);

// Encoder functions.
QEI Encoder1(D12,D13,NC,64,QEI::X4_ENCODING);
QEI Encoder2(D10,D11,NC,64,QEI::X4_ENCODING);

// Filter definitions:
BiQuadChain     bqc1;
BiQuadChain     bqc2;
BiQuadChain     bqc3;
BiQuadChain     bqc4;
BiQuadChain     bqc5;
BiQuadChain     bqc6;
BiQuadChain     bqc7;
BiQuadChain     bqc8;

BiQuad          BqNotch1_1( 9.65081e-01, -1.56203e+00, 9.65081e-01,-1.56858e+00, 9.64241e-01  );
BiQuad          BqNotch2_1(  1.00000e+00, -1.61855e+00, 1.00000e+00 ,-1.61100e+00, 9.65922e-01);
BiQuad          BqNotch1_2( 9.65081e-01, -1.56203e+00, 9.65081e-01,-1.56858e+00, 9.64241e-01  );
BiQuad          BqNotch2_2(  1.00000e+00, -1.61855e+00, 1.00000e+00 ,-1.61100e+00, 9.65922e-01);
BiQuad          BqNotch1_3( 9.65081e-01, -1.56203e+00, 9.65081e-01,-1.56858e+00, 9.64241e-01  );
BiQuad          BqNotch2_3(  1.00000e+00, -1.61855e+00, 1.00000e+00 ,-1.61100e+00, 9.65922e-01);
BiQuad          BqNotch1_4( 9.65081e-01, -1.56203e+00, 9.65081e-01,-1.56858e+00, 9.64241e-01  );
BiQuad          BqNotch2_4(  1.00000e+00, -1.61855e+00, 1.00000e+00 ,-1.61100e+00, 9.65922e-01);
BiQuad          BqHP1( 9.86760e-01, -1.97352e+00, 9.86760e-01, -1.97334e+00, 9.73695e-01 );
BiQuad          BqHP2( 9.86760e-01, -1.97352e+00, 9.86760e-01, -1.97334e+00, 9.73695e-01 );
BiQuad          BqHP3( 9.86760e-01, -1.97352e+00, 9.86760e-01, -1.97334e+00, 9.73695e-01 );
BiQuad          BqHP4( 9.86760e-01, -1.97352e+00, 9.86760e-01, -1.97334e+00, 9.73695e-01 );

BiQuad          BqLP1( 3.91302e-05, 7.82604e-05, 3.91302e-05, -1.98223e+00, 9.82385e-01 );
BiQuad          BqLP2( 3.91302e-05, 7.82604e-05, 3.91302e-05, -1.98223e+00, 9.82385e-01 );
BiQuad          BqLP3( 3.91302e-05, 7.82604e-05, 3.91302e-05, -1.98223e+00, 9.82385e-01 );
BiQuad          BqLP4( 3.91302e-05, 7.82604e-05, 3.91302e-05, -1.98223e+00, 9.82385e-01 );

BiQuad          LowPassFilter(0.0640, 0.1279, 0.0640, -1.1683, 0.4241);

// Tickers for the main loop:
Ticker          StateTicker;
Ticker          printTicker;

// Setting the HIDscope:
HIDScope        scope( 4 );

// All variables for EMG-processing:
volatile float      Bicep_Right          = 0.0;
volatile float      Bicep_Left           = 0.0;
volatile float      Tricep_Right         = 0.0;
volatile float      Tricep_Left          = 0.0;
volatile float      FilterHP_Bi_R;
volatile float      Filterabs_Bi_R;
volatile float      Filtered_Bi_R;
volatile float      FilterHP_Bi_L;
volatile float      Filterabs_Bi_L;
volatile float      Filtered_Bi_L;
volatile float      FilterHP_Tri_R;
volatile float      Filterabs_Tri_R;
volatile float      Filtered_Tri_R;
volatile float      FilterHP_Tri_L;
volatile float      Filterabs_Tri_L;
volatile float      Filtered_Tri_L;

// Variables for the PID-Controller:
volatile float       error_1_integral = 0;
volatile float       error_2_integral = 0;
volatile float       error_1_prev; // initialization with this value only done once!
volatile float       error_2_prev;
volatile const float Kp = 17.5;
volatile const float Ki = 1.02;
volatile const float Kd = 23.2;
volatile const float Ts = 0.002;                                                      // Sample time in seconds
volatile float       error_1;
volatile float       error_2;
volatile float       U_1;
volatile float       U_2;

// Constant values used in computations and such:
volatile const float pi             = 3.1415926; 
volatile const float rad_count      = 0.0007479;                                // 2pi/8400;
volatile const float maxVelocity    = 2.0f * pi;                                // in rad/s
volatile const float r_3            = 0.035;                                

// Some counting variables:
volatile int i   = 0;                                                           // Led blink status
volatile int ii  = 0;                                                           // Calibratie timer
volatile int iii = 0;                                                           // Start up timer

// Variables for computations of joint angle and velocities:
volatile float  q_1;
volatile float  q_2;
volatile float  r_1;
volatile float  r_2;
volatile float  w_1;
volatile float  w_2;
volatile float  vx;
volatile float  vy;
volatile float  rad_m1;
volatile float  rad_m2;
volatile int    counts1;
volatile int    counts2;

// Threshold values and variables: 
volatile float  Flex_Bi_R;
volatile float  Flex_Bi_L;
volatile float  Flex_Tri_R;
volatile float  Flex_Tri_L;
volatile float  Threshold_Value;
volatile float  Threshold_Bi_R;
volatile float  Threshold_Bi_L;
volatile float  Threshold_Tri_R;
volatile float  Threshold_Tri_L;
volatile bool   Checking_Bi_R        = false;
volatile bool   Checking_Bi_L        = false;
volatile bool   Checking_Tri_R       = false;
volatile bool   Checking_Tri_L       = false;

// States for the switch-statemachine:
enum states{Starting, Calibration, Homing_M1, Homing_M2, Post_Homing, Function, Safe};

// The very first state:    
volatile states Active_State = Starting;

void Encoding()
    // Encoding is necessary for the computations of the joint angles and 
    // velocities of the arm given certain linear velocities. 
    counts1 = Encoder1.getPulses();
    counts2 = Encoder2.getPulses();
    rad_m1 = rad_count * (float)counts1;
    rad_m2 = rad_count * (float)counts2;

void Filter() 
    // Our Filter function will take the raw (incomming) EMG-signal and process 
    // it in such a way that we can use it to opperate our system.
    FilterHP_Bi_R = bqc1.step( );
    Filterabs_Bi_R = fabs(FilterHP_Bi_R); 
    Filtered_Bi_R = bqc2.step( Filterabs_Bi_R );
    FilterHP_Bi_L = bqc3.step( );
    Filterabs_Bi_L = fabs(FilterHP_Bi_L);
    Filtered_Bi_L = bqc4.step( Filterabs_Bi_L );
    FilterHP_Tri_R = bqc5.step( );
    Filterabs_Tri_R = fabs(FilterHP_Tri_R); 
    Filtered_Tri_R = bqc6.step( Filterabs_Tri_R );
    FilterHP_Tri_L = bqc7.step( );
    Filterabs_Tri_L = fabs(FilterHP_Tri_L);
    Filtered_Tri_L = bqc8.step( Filterabs_Tri_L );

void BlinkLed()
    // This is a function used purely for feedback that will give insight in 
    // what the system is doing without having to fully opperate it. 
            static int rr = 0;
            if (rr == 1)
                led_R = !led_R;
            else if (rr == 50)
                rr = 0;
    else if(i==2)
            static int gg = 0;
            if (gg == 1)
                led_G = !led_G;
            else if (gg == 250)
                gg = 0;
    else if (i==3)
            static int bb = 0;
            if (bb == 1)
                led_B = !led_B;
            else if (bb == 500)
                bb = 0;
    else if (i==4)
            static int rr = 0;
            if (rr == 1)
                led_R = !led_R;
                led_B = !led_B;
            else if (rr == 250)
                rr = 0;

void EMG_Read()
    // This is only to define our first (raw) EMG-signals and give each a 
    // suitable name.
    Bicep_Right     =;
    Bicep_Left      =;
    Tricep_Right    =;
    Tricep_Left     =;   

void sample()
    // HIDscope allows us to check our filtered EMG-signal and gives insight 
    // into thresholdvalues and how well the calibration was done.
    scope.set(0, Filtered_Bi_R*10.0f );
    scope.set(1, Filtered_Bi_L*10.0f );
    scope.set(2, Filtered_Tri_R*10.0f );
    scope.set(3, Filtered_Tri_L*10.0f );

void Inverse()
    // Here we calculate the movement of each joint (Motor 1 and Motor 2) given 
    // a certain linear velocity-input.
    q_1= rad_m1+(pi/6.0f);                                                       // uit Encoder
    q_2= rad_m2+(pi/6.0f);                                                      // uit Encoder
    r_1= -0.2f;
    r_2= -0.2f;
        float u = -r_2*sin(q_1)*cos(q_2)-(r_2)*cos(q_1)*sin(q_2);
        float z = 2.0f*(r_2*cos(q_1)*cos(q_2))-r_3;
        float y = r_2*cos(q_1)*cos(q_2)-r_2*sin(q_1)*sin(q_2)+2.0f*(r_1*cos(q_1))-r_3;
        float x = (-2.0f)*r_2*sin(q_1)*cos(q_2);
        float D = 1.0f/(u*z-x*y);                                               // Determinant
        //printf("Determinant is %f\r\n", D);
        float a = D*z;                                                          // Inverse jacobian a,b,c,d vormen 2 bij 2 matrix
        float b = -D*x;                                                         // Inverse jacobian
        float c = -D*y;                                                         // Inverse jacobian
        float d = D*u;                                                          // Inverse jacobian
        vx =;                                                 // uit emg data
        vy =;                                                 // uit emg data
        w_1 = vx*a+vy*b;
        w_2 = vx*c+vy*d;
void Calibrating()
    // Calibration is done to ensure that threshold values not predetermined and
    // can vary each user. This makes the system more universal.
    static float n = 0.0;
    static float m = 0.0;
    static float l = 0.0;
    static float k = 0.0;
            if (ii<=2500)
                if (ii == 1)
                    pc.printf("Relax your muscles please. \r\n");
                    i = 2;
                else if (ii == 1750)
                    pc.printf("Flex your right bicep now please.\r\n");
                    i = 3; 
            else if (ii>2500 && ii<5000) //
                n = n + Filtered_Bi_R;                                            // dit wordt de variable naam na het filter
                i = 1;
            else if (ii == 5000)
                Flex_Bi_R = n / 2500.0f;
                pc.printf("You can relax your right bicep, thank you. \r\nYour mean flexing value was %f\r\n\r\n", Flex_Bi_R);
                i = 2;
            else if (ii>5000 && ii<=6000)
                if (ii == 5500)
                    pc.printf("Flex your left bicep now please. \r\n");
                    i = 3;
            else if(ii>6000 && ii<8500)
                m = m + Filtered_Bi_L;
                i = 1;
            else if (ii == 8500)
                Flex_Bi_L = m / 2500.0f;
                pc.printf("You can relax your left bicep, thank you. \r\nYour mean flexing value was %f\r\n\r\n", Flex_Bi_L);
                i = 2;
            else if (ii>8500 && ii<=9500)
                if (ii == 9000)
                    pc.printf("Flex your right tricep now please. \r\n");
                    i = 3;
            else if (ii>9500 && ii<12000)
                l = l + Filtered_Tri_R;
                i = 1;
            else if (ii == 12000)
                Flex_Tri_R = l / 2500.0f;
                pc.printf("You can relax your right tricep, thank you. \r\nYour mean flexing value was %f\r\n\r\n", Flex_Tri_R);
                i = 2;
            else if (ii>12000 && ii <=13000)
                if (ii == 12500)
                    pc.printf("Flex your left tricep now please. \r\n");
                    i = 3; 
            else if (ii>13000 && ii<15500)
                k = k + Filtered_Tri_L;
                i = 1;
            else if (ii == 15500)
                Flex_Tri_L = k / 2500.0f;
                pc.printf("You can relax your left tricep, thank you. \r\nYour mean flexing value was %f\r\n\r\nThe calibration has been completed, the system is now operatable. \r\n",Flex_Tri_L);
                i = 2;
// Setting the Threshold:
Threshold_Value = 0.8f;
Threshold_Bi_R  = Threshold_Value * Flex_Bi_R;
Threshold_Bi_L  = Threshold_Value * Flex_Bi_L;
Threshold_Tri_R = Threshold_Value * Flex_Tri_R;
Threshold_Tri_L = Threshold_Value * Flex_Tri_L;                  

            if (ii == 16500)
                pc.printf("\r\nThreshold value right bicep  = %f\r\nThreshold value left bicep   = %f\r\nThreshold value right tricep = %f\r\nThreshold value left tricep  = %f\r\n\r\n",Threshold_Bi_R,Threshold_Bi_L,Threshold_Tri_R,Threshold_Tri_L);
            else if (ii == 20000)
                pc.printf("\r\nAutomatic switch to Homing State for Motor 1\r\n");
                Active_State = Homing_M1;
                i = 0;

void Start_Up()
    // This function is active only when the system is started up or when the 
    // system has entered Sleep_Mode (iii > 40 000). 
    // It is not possible to get out of this function without some opperation on
    // the Mbed.
    if (iii == 1)
        pc.printf("\r\n\r\nSystem is starting...\r\nWaiting for further input...\r\n");
    else if (iii == 30000)
        pc.printf("1 minute without input..\r\nReseting start-up...\r\n");
        iii = 0;
    else if (iii == 40001)                                                      // sleeping state is only added for designing purposes and will most likely never be used
    {                                                                           // when working with patients. Furthermore it cannot be reached automaticly
        pc.printf("Sleeping... Press button 4 to wake me up!\r\n\r\n");
    else if (iii == 45000)
        iii = 40000;

void OFF_m1()
    // This function ensures that Motor 1 is turned off.   
    PwmPin1 = 0;
void OFF_m2()
    // This function ensures that Motor 2 is turned off.
    PwmPin2 = 0;

void Going_Home_Motor1()
    // This is the Homing function for Motor 1.
    if (counts1 == 0)
        pc.printf("Switching to Homing State for Motor 2\r\n");
        Active_State = Homing_M2;                                               // Statement here instead of statemachine because of checking speed
    else if (counts1 > 0)
        PwmPin1 = 0.8f;
        DirectionPin1 = false;
        PwmPin1 = 0.8f;
        DirectionPin1 = true;

void Going_Home_Motor2()
    // This is the Homing function for Motor 2.
    if (counts2 == 0)
        // als het goed is hoeft hier niets te staan                            // Statement in statemachine because of the double check
    else if (counts2 > 0)
        PwmPin2 = 0.8f;
        DirectionPin2 = true;
        PwmPin2 = 0.8f;
        DirectionPin2 = false;

void Checking_EMG()
    // This function will make the the setting of signal to movement easier.
    if (Filtered_Bi_R >= Threshold_Bi_R)
                Checking_Bi_R               = true;
    if (Filtered_Bi_L >= Threshold_Bi_L)
                Checking_Bi_L               = true;
    if (Filtered_Tri_R >= Threshold_Tri_R)
                Checking_Tri_R              = true;
    if (Filtered_Tri_L >= Threshold_Tri_L)
                Checking_Tri_L             = true;

void Setting_Movement()
    // Here we will set the emg values to the movement of the arm.
    if (Checking_Bi_R && Checking_Bi_L)                                         // sloping y =  x,  y > 0
        vx = 0.5f;
        vy = 0.5f;
    else if (Checking_Bi_R && Checking_Tri_L)                                   // sloping y = -x,  y > 0
        vx = -0.5f;
        vy =  0.5f;
    else if (Checking_Bi_L && Checking_Tri_R)                                   // sloping y = -x,  y < 0
        vx =  0.5f;
        vy = -0.5f;
    else if (Checking_Tri_R && Checking_Tri_L)                                  // sloping y =  x,  y < 0
        vx = -0.5f;
        vy = -0.5f;
    else if (Checking_Bi_R)                                                     // y > 0
        vx =  0.0f;
        vy =  0.5f;
    else if (Checking_Bi_L)                                                     // x > 0
        vx =  0.5f;
        vy =  0.0f;
    else if (Checking_Tri_R)                                                    // y < 0
        vx =  0.0f;
        vy = -0.5f;
    else if (Checking_Tri_L)                                                    // y < 0
        vx = -0.5f;
        vy =  0.0f;

void PID_controller()
      // The PID-controller reduces the error between the reference signal 
      // and the actual value.
      error_1 = (w_1*0.002f) - rad_m1;
      error_2 = (w_2*0.002f) - rad_m2;
      error_1_prev = error_1;
      error_2_prev = error_2;
      // Proportional part:
      float u_k_1 = Kp * error_1;
      float u_k_2 = Kp * error_2;
      // Integral part
      error_1_integral = error_1_integral + error_1 * Ts;
      error_2_integral = error_2_integral + error_2 * Ts;
      float u_i_1 = Ki * error_1_integral;
      float u_i_2 = Ki * error_2_integral;
      // Derivative part
      float error_1_derivative = (error_1 - error_1_prev)/Ts;
      float error_2_derivative = (error_2 - error_2_prev)/Ts;
      float filtered_error_1_derivative = LowPassFilter.step(error_1_derivative);
      float filtered_error_2_derivative = LowPassFilter.step(error_2_derivative);
      float u_d_1 = Kd * filtered_error_1_derivative;
      float u_d_2 = Kd * filtered_error_2_derivative;
      error_1_prev = error_1;
      error_2_prev = error_2;
      // Sum all parts and return it
      U_1 = u_k_1 + u_i_1 + u_d_1;   
      U_2 = u_k_2 + u_i_2 + u_d_2;

void motor1()
        // This is where Motor 1 is opperated.
        float u = U_1;
        DirectionPin1 = u < 0.0f;
        PwmPin1 = fabs(u);

void motor2()
        // This is where Motor 2 is opperated.
        float u = U_2;
        DirectionPin2 = u > 0.0f;
        PwmPin2 = fabs(u);

void Printing()
    // This function is merely for printing feedback from the system to our
    // screen when we wish to see or check something.
    float v1 = PwmPin1 * maxVelocity;
    float v2 = PwmPin2 * maxVelocity;
        if (Active_State == Function )//|| Active_State == Homing_M1)
            pc.printf("q1    = %f [rad] \r\nq2    = %f [rad] \r\ncount1= %i\r\ncount2= %i\r\nq1dot = %f [rad/s] \r\nq2dot = %f [rad/s] \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n", rad_m1, rad_m2,counts1, counts2, v1, v2);

void EMG_test()                                                                 // even nalopen of dit ook kan met i++!
    // Here we can check the opperation of the system for checking purposes.
    if (Filtered_Bi_R >= Threshold_Bi_R)
        i = 1;
        //led_R = 0;  // rood
    if (Filtered_Bi_L >= Threshold_Bi_L)
        i = 3;
        //led_B = 0;  // blauw
    if (Filtered_Tri_R >= Threshold_Tri_R)
        i = 2;
        //led_G = 0;  // groen
    if (Filtered_Tri_L >= Threshold_Tri_L)
        i = 4;
        //led_B = 0;
        //led_R = 0;  // paars

void StateMachine() 
    // In the Statemachine every function is integrated into the system 
    // depending on the state that the system is in. This is makes the 
    // integration and the opperation of the system a lot simpeler. 
    // We have 5 main states: 
    //      - Starting
    //          - Start_Up
    //          - Sleep_Mode
    //      - Calibration
    //      - Homing
    //          - Homing_M1
    //          - Homing_M2
    //          - Post_Homing
    //      - Function
    //      - Safe
    // As seen above some states have substates that make the system run better
    // or give the state some unique features. These are explained within the
    // functions that are called in that state.
    switch (Active_State)
        case Starting:   
        if (!Knop4 == true)
            Active_State = Calibration;
            pc.printf("Entering Calibration State \r\n");
        else if (!Knop3 == true)
            Active_State = Homing_M1;
            pc.printf("Entering Homing State \r\n");
        case Calibration:
                    if (!Knop1 && !Knop2)
                        pc.printf("Switched to Sleeping State\r\n");
                        Active_State = Starting;
                        iii = 40001;
                    else if (Knop1==false)
                        pc.printf("Manual switch to Homing state \r\n");
                        Active_State = Homing_M1;

        case Homing_M1:

                    if (fabs(rad_m1)>(pi/6.0f) || fabs(rad_m2)>(pi/6.0f))          // pi/4 is a safe value, can/will be editted
                        pc.printf("SAFE MODUS ACTIVE!\r\n RESET MANDATORY!\r\n");
                        Active_State = Safe;
                    else if (!Knop1 && !Knop2)
                        pc.printf("Switched to Sleeping State\r\n");
                        Active_State = Starting;
                        iii = 40000;
                    else if (Knop2==false)
                        pc.printf("Manual switch to Funtioning State \r\n");
                        Active_State = Function;
                    else if (Knop4==false)
                        Active_State = Calibration;
                        pc.printf("Re-entering Calibration State \r\n");
        case Homing_M2:
                    if (fabs(rad_m1)>(pi/6.0f) || fabs(rad_m2)>(pi/6.0f))          // pi/4 is a safe value, can/will be editted
                        pc.printf("SAFE MODUS ACTIVE!\r\n RESET MANDATORY!\r\n");
                        Active_State = Safe;
                    else if (counts2 == 0 && counts1 == 0)
                        Active_State = Post_Homing;
        case Post_Homing:
                static int mm = 0;
                if (mm == 1000);
                    Active_State = Function;
                    pc.printf("Homing was succesfull\r\n\r\nAutomatic switch to Funtioning state\r\n\r\n");
                    mm=0;                                                           // reseting the state
        case Function:
                if (fabs(rad_m1)>(pi/6.0f) || fabs(rad_m2)>(pi/6.0f))          // pi/4 is a safe value, can/will be editted
                    pc.printf("SAFE MODUS ACTIVE!\r\n RESET MANDATORY!\r\n");
                    Active_State = Safe;
                else if (Knop4==false)
                    pc.printf("Re-entering Calibration State \r\n");
                    Active_State = Calibration;
                else if (Knop3==false)
                    pc.printf("Re-entering Homing State \r\n");
                    Active_State = Homing_M1;
                else if (!Knop1 && !Knop2)
                    pc.printf("Switched to Sleeping State\r\n");
                    Active_State = Starting;
                    iii = 40000;
        case Safe:
            pc.printf("UNKNOWN COMMAND");

int main()
    // Our main loop is as empty as possible and contains only statements that 
    // cannot be put elsewhere due to functioning reasons. 
    // Also the "while-loop" is completely empty, which improves the running
    // speed of the system.
    PwmPin1.period_us(30); //60 microseconds pwm period, 16.7 kHz 
    bqc1.add( &BqNotch1_1 ).add( &BqNotch2_1 ).add( &BqHP1 );                   //Oh wat lelijk...
    bqc3.add( &BqNotch1_2 ).add( &BqNotch2_2 ).add( &BqHP2 );
    bqc5.add( &BqNotch1_3 ).add( &BqNotch2_3 ).add( &BqHP3 );
    bqc7.add( &BqNotch1_4 ).add( &BqNotch2_4 ).add( &BqHP4 );
    StateTicker.attach(&StateMachine, 0.002);
    printTicker.attach(&Printing, 2);