Combination code of movement and emg code with small changes for 2 motors.

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed

Fork of EMG_converter_code by Gerlinde van de Haar


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
12:86b3885a6308 2015-10-28 Technical_Muffin Working emg movement code. Apparently biquads need to be doubled and at seperate locations default tip
11:8196434745b4 2015-10-28 Technical_Muffin Working code, with filters combined in one function and adapted coefficients to 320 HZ sample freq.
10:4af887af3a47 2015-10-28 Technical_Muffin Code works for 1 signal, together there is conflict
9:ba7294959988 2015-10-27 Technical_Muffin moved controller code from ticker to main to check if it doesn't overload the system. Not yet tested
8:5f13198a8e49 2015-10-27 s1483080 EMG code with movement control only motor 1
7:87d9904c1c19 2015-10-27 Technical_Muffin working emg code, commented
6:ec965bb75d40 2015-10-27 Technical_Muffin working emg code, with calibrated signal
5:46e201518dd3 2015-10-27 Technical_Muffin emg code with working calibrator but doesn't start reading emg. Possibly because of the while loop
4:fd29407c3115 2015-10-26 Technical_Muffin it reads the emg after the button was pressed. Look at what it says. And then it stops, look at what happens?
3:a69f041108d4 2015-10-26 Technical_Muffin emg converter code, not working as the signal is not constant and the if functions do not react to varying signals
2:83659da3e5fe 2015-10-26 Technical_Muffin pre-commit before just testing the emg read without normalising the values
1:9913e3886643 2015-10-23 Technical_Muffin EMG code adapted to calibrate signal to patients specific amplitude
0:1883d922ada8 2015-10-21 Technical_Muffin Code for converting emg signal to usable code.