Dependencies: mbed QEI ros_lib_kinetic
- Committer:
- 58340500022
- Date:
- 2019-04-29
- Revision:
- 0:18fcf04b703b
- Child:
- 1:5c48d64f17cb
File content as of revision 0:18fcf04b703b:
#include "mbed.h" #include "QEI.h" #include <ros.h> #include <std_msgs/String.h> #include <std_msgs/Float32MultiArray.h> #include <std_msgs/Float64MultiArray.h> #include <std_msgs/Float64.h> #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h> // ros::NodeHandle nh; std_msgs::String str_msg; std_msgs::Float32MultiArray Array_msg; ros::Publisher chatter_test("chatter", &Array_msg); // std_msgs::Float32MultiArray x_line_msg; ros::Publisher mbed_send("mbed_to_ros", &x_line_msg); // // Timer timer; Timer timer_2; // Ticker Time_L; Ticker Time_R; Ticker Send_data; // PwmOut mypwm_L(PA_1); PwmOut mypwm_R(PC_7); // QEI wheel_R(PB_5, PB_4 ,NC,500,QEI::X4_ENCODING); // left wheel QEI wheel_L(PA_10, PB_3 ,NC,500,QEI::X4_ENCODING); //right wheeel // DigitalOut L_NA(PB_0); //old 0 FW DigitalOut L_NB(PC_1); //old 1 // DigitalOut R_NA(PA_7); //old 0 DigitalOut R_NB(PB_6); //old 1 // float R = 0.09; // m unit int get_pluse_L , get_pluse_R = 0; float Omega_e_L, Omega_w_L, V_real_L; float Omega_e_R, Omega_w_R, V_real_R; float test_time_2; float test_time; float V_array[2]; float raw_test[2]; //old duble float V_raw, Omega_raw; //old duble float V_cal_L, V_cal_R; float b = 0.39; // distan wheel_L to wheel_R float rpm_set = 0.42; float v_set = 0.25; float pre_pwm_L, pre_pwm_R; //float get_direction(float Wh_L,float Wh_R){ // // } void get_wheel_L() { // test_time =; get_pluse_L = wheel_L.getPulses(); //wait(1); get_pluse_R = wheel_R.getPulses(); // Omega_e_L = (2 * 3.14 * get_pluse_L)/(2000 * 0.05); //0.1 is preiod // Omega_e_R = (2 * 3.14 * get_pluse_R)/(2000 * 0.05); //0.1 is preiod // Omega_w_L = Omega_e_L / 4; // Omega_w_R = Omega_e_R / 4; // V_real_L = Omega_w_L * R; // V_real_R = Omega_w_R * R; // wheel_L.reset(); // wheel_R.reset(); //real had } void Send_V_to_ros(){ V_array[0] = V_real_L; V_array[1] = V_real_R; //V_array[0] = get_pluse_L; //V_array[1] = get_pluse_R; = V_array; chatter_test.publish( &Array_msg ); //printf ("VL: %.2f VR: %.2f \n",V_array[0],V_array[1]); nh.spinOnce(); } void messageCb(const geometry_msgs::Twist& toggle_msg){ // convest to vL vR V_raw = toggle_msg.linear.x; Omega_raw = toggle_msg.angular.z; V_cal_L = ((2*V_raw)-(Omega_raw*b))/2; V_cal_R = ((2*V_raw)+(Omega_raw*b))/2; // pre_pwm_L = (V_cal_L * rpm_set)/v_set; // rpm motor L pre_pwm_R = (V_cal_R * rpm_set)/v_set; // rpm motor R //direction if((pre_pwm_L < 0)&&(pre_pwm_R > 0)){ L_NA = 1; L_NB = 0; // R_NA = 0; R_NB = 1; } else if((pre_pwm_L > 0)&&(pre_pwm_R < 0)){ L_NA = 0; L_NB = 1; // R_NA = 1; R_NB = 0; } else if((pre_pwm_L)&&(pre_pwm_R) > 0){ L_NA = 0; L_NB = 1; // R_NA = 0; R_NB = 1; } else if((pre_pwm_L)&&(pre_pwm_R) < 0){ L_NA = 1; L_NB = 0; // R_NA = 1; R_NB = 0; } mypwm_L = abs(pre_pwm_L); mypwm_R = abs(pre_pwm_R); //****recheck****** // raw_test[0] = pre_pwm_L; // raw_test[1] = pre_pwm_R; // = raw_test; // mbed_send.publish(&x_line_msg); // nh.spinOnce(); } ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Twist> sub("cmd_vel", &messageCb); int main() { //................ nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(chatter_test); nh.advertise(mbed_send); nh.subscribe(sub); //Array_msg.layout.dim_length = 1; Array_msg.data_length = 2; // x_line_msg.data_length = 2; //................ Time_L.attach(&get_wheel_L, 0.05); // the address of the function to be attached (get_wheel_L) and the interval (1 seconds) Send_data.attach(&Send_V_to_ros,0.05); mypwm_L.period(0.0005); mypwm_R.period(0.0005); // mypwm_L = 0; // mypwm_R = 0; while (1) { nh.spinOnce(); wait_ms(1); } }