Dependencies:   mbed BufferedSerial SX1276GenericLib X_NUCLEO_IKS01A2

diff -r 000000000000 -r fb7bf6d81e5f UbxGpsNavSol.hh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/UbxGpsNavSol.hh	Wed Jun 05 00:25:53 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define  UBX_NAV_SOL_HEADER_1          (0xB5)
+#define  UBX_NAV_SOL_HEADER_2          (0x62)
+#define  UBX_NAV_SOL_CLASS                (0x01)
+#define  UBX_NAV_SOL_ID             (0x06)
+#define  UBX_NAV_SOL_PAYLOAD_LENGTH    (52)
+class UbxGpsNavSol : public UARTSerial{
+  public:
+    UbxGpsNavSol(PinName tx, PinName rx, int baud);
+    virtual ~UbxGpsNavSol();
+    uint8_t buffer [60];
+    bool ready();
+    void disableNmea();
+    bool enableNAVSOL();
+    bool changeFrequency();
+    bool changeBaudrate();
+    bool disableUnnecessaryChannels();
+    bool disableGNSS();
+    bool restoreDefaults();
+    void baud(int baud);
+    bool saveConfiguration();
+    // void setLength(unsigned char length);
+    // Type         Name           Unit     Description (scaling)
+    unsigned long   iTOW;       // ms       GPS time of week of the navigation epoch. See the description of iTOW for
+                                //          details
+    long            fTOW;       // ns       Fractional part of iTOW (range: +/-500000). The precise GPS time of week in
+                                //          seconds is: (iTOW * 1e-3) + (fTOW * 1e-9)
+    short           week;       // weeks    GPS week number of the navigation epoch
+    unsigned char   gpsFix;     // -        GPSfix Type, range 0..5
+    char            flags;      // -        Fix Status Flags (see graphic below)
+    long            ecefX;      // cm       ECEF X coordinate
+    long            ecefY;      // cm       ECEF Y coordinate
+    long            ecefZ;      // cm       ECEF Z coordinate
+    unsigned long   pAcc;       // cm       3D Position Accuracy Estimate
+    long            ecefVX;     // cm/s     ECEF X velocity
+    long            ecefVY;     // cm/s     ECEF Y velocity
+    long            ecefVZ;     // cm/s     ECEF Z velocity
+    unsigned long   sAcc;       // cm/s     Speed Accuracy Estimate
+    unsigned short  pDOP;       // -        Position DOP (0.01)
+    unsigned char   reserved1;  // -        Reserved
+    unsigned char   numSV;      // -        Number of satellites used in Nav Solution
+    unsigned long   reserved2;  // -        Reserved
+  private:
+    bool calculateChecksum(unsigned char *data);
+    // Class properties
+    unsigned char offsetClassProperties;
+    unsigned char offsetHeaders;
+    unsigned char size;
+    unsigned char carriagePosition;
+    unsigned char checksum[2];
+    // Headers (common).
+    unsigned char headerClass;
+    unsigned char headerId;
+    unsigned short headerLength;
+    uint16_t payload_length;