
Dependencies:   mbed BufferedSerial SX1276GenericLib2

Wed Jun 05 00:33:35 2019 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 1 /*
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 2 * Copyright (c) 2017 Helmut Tschemernjak
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 3 * 30826 Garbsen (Hannover) Germany
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0);
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 5 */
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 6
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 7
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 8
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 9 #ifdef TARGET_NUCLEO_L476RG
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 10 #define FEATURE_LORA 1
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 11 #elif TARGET_DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 12 #define FEATURE_LORA 1
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 13 #endif
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 14
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 15
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 16
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 17 #if defined(TARGET_DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1)
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 18
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 19 #define LORA_SPI_MOSI PA_7
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 20 #define LORA_SPI_MISO PA_6
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 21 #define LORA_SPI_SCLK PB_3
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 22 #define LORA_CS PA_15
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 23 #define LORA_RESET PC_0
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 24 #define LORA_DIO0 PB_4
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 25 #define LORA_DIO1 PB_1
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 26 #define LORA_DIO2 PB_0
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 27 #define LORA_DIO3 PC_13
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 28 #define LORA_DIO4 PA_5
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 29 #define LORA_DIO5 PA_4
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 30 #define LORA_ANT_RX PA_1
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 31 #define LORA_ANT_TX PC_2
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 32 #define LORA_ANT_BOOST PC_1
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 33 #define LORA_TCXO PA_12 // 32 MHz
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 34
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 35
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 36
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 37 #elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_L476RG) // using the RFM95 board
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 38
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 39 #define LORA_SPI_MOSI PC_12
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 40 #define LORA_SPI_MISO PC_11
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 41 #define LORA_SPI_SCLK PC_10
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 42 #define LORA_CS PA_0
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 43 #define LORA_RESET PA_1
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 44 #define LORA_DIO0 PD_2 // DIO0=TxDone/RXDone
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 45 #define LORA_DIO1 PB_7 //
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 46 #define LORA_DIO2 PC_14 // DIO2=FhssChangeChannel
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 47 #define LORA_DIO3 PC_15 // DIO3=CADDone
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 48 #define LORA_DIO4 PH_0 // ????
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 49 #define LORA_DIO5 NC // unused?
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 50
TMRL123 0:fa750b405a24 51 #endif