Deals with user inputs

Dependents:   ELEC350_Project2


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
29:708d7f9def1f 2019-01-03 Swabey89 Updates default tip
28:2673cf270bf0 2019-01-03 Swabey89 Updates
27:f665c1bc9dbb 2019-01-02 Swabey89 Updated to use queues more
26:d06a55487056 2018-12-28 Swabey89 Updates
25:71b6c52169b0 2018-12-28 Swabey89 Upadated
24:1cd91e660da8 2018-12-22 Swabey89 Finishes outstanding commands
23:a760de6ac3ea 2018-12-21 Swabey89 Added read and delete commands. The way the SD card works will be changed
22:737a154c88f3 2018-12-19 Swabey89 Added locks
21:896ad4241247 2018-12-19 Swabey89 updated
20:17a69bd39cbd 2018-12-17 Swabey89 a
19:5c45052abc84 2018-11-30 Swabey89 pre-class
18:23c223755f5d 2018-11-30 Swabey89 Code tidy
17:9090420e5818 2018-11-23 Swabey89 time and date now settable in the serial terminal
16:036b11e97f7f 2018-11-23 Swabey89 pre time changes
15:20e377108616 2018-11-23 Swabey89 LATEST
14:922fec0cdc0f 2018-11-23 Swabey89 Working on setdate
13:2a4af99c47f4 2018-11-18 Swabey89 setdate in progress
12:4254421f2d6a 2018-11-18 Swabey89 This function is now called from a queue which allows the thread to wait
11:cc71b3937dd2 2018-11-17 Swabey89 Attempting to get serial ISR to work
10:c67aaf517d43 2018-11-10 Swabey89 Currently working, but requires changes to improve how the system works when sample rate is set to 0.1
9:817575163bb5 2018-11-10 Swabey89 Sett working, but may need to reconsider how the thread operates as it is not being serviced when there is a lot of activity on the queue
8:14d6babb4e06 2018-11-10 Swabey89 Updates to put functions on the queue
7:22ddbfc637ef 2018-11-09 Swabey89 Changed the queue to SDqueue. A serpate queue will be created for the LCD
6:8ff8d485332a 2018-11-08 Swabey89 Further input checks added for serial comms;
5:6bb24b28552d 2018-11-08 Swabey89 Issue still exists where if user types ex READ READ this is seen as a valid command
4:f61aef48e215 2018-11-07 Swabey89 Commands in READ are now sending messages to SD card queue
3:d94f9c611c46 2018-11-07 Swabey89 Basic command receiving functionality working
2:7febff96932c 2018-11-07 Swabey89 basics of receiving commands
1:a2c54ac4d928 2018-11-06 Swabey89 Trying to get the serial string parser to work
0:d68b0df6a001 2018-11-06 Swabey89 Library added to handle serial communication thread