SD card functionality

Dependents:   ELEC350_Project2 SDcard

Fri Dec 28 10:03:52 2018 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Swabey89 0:0fc2cf27ff9e 1 #include "SDCard.hpp"
Swabey89 7:393fa8184388 2 #include <string>
Swabey89 3:c6e5dd2faa22 3
Swabey89 1:c3af0c26ded2 4 void SDcard(void)
Swabey89 0:0fc2cf27ff9e 5 {
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 6 SD_tout.attach(SD_toutISR,TOUT_TIME);
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 7
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 8 static time_t seconds; //static reqiured?
Swabey89 0:0fc2cf27ff9e 9
Swabey89 2:9a5eea2adbf8 10 //Initialise the SD card
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 11 if (sd.init() != 0) {
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 12 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 13 pc->printf("WARNING:SD CARD INITIALISATION FAILED\n\r");
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 14 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 15 sd_init = false;
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 16 //lcd.cls();
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 17 //lcd.printf("CANNOT INIT SD");
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 18 //errorCode(FATAL);
Swabey89 2:9a5eea2adbf8 19 }
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 20 else
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 21 {
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 22 //Create a filing system for SD Card
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 23 fs = new FATFileSystem("sd", &sd);
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 24 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 25 pc->printf("\nSD CARD INITIALISED\n\r");
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 26 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 7:393fa8184388 27
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 28 //Open to WRITE
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 29 char fileDate[30];
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 30 timeLock.lock();
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 31 seconds = time(NULL);
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 32 timeData = localtime(&seconds);
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 33 set_time(mktime(timeData));
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 34 strftime(fileDate, 30, "sd/log_%d_%m_%y.csv", timeData);
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 35 timeLock.unlock();
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 36 fp = fopen(fileDate,"a");
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 37
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 38 if (fp == NULL)
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 39 {
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 40 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 41 pc->printf("WARNING: COULD NOT OPEN FILE FOR WRITE\n\r");
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 42 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 43 //lcd.cls();
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 44 //lcd.printf("CANNOT OPEN FILE\n\n");
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 45 //errorCode(FATAL);
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 46 }
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 47 else
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 48 {
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 49 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 50 pc->printf("FILE OPEN FOR WRITING\n\n\n\r");
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 51 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 52 sd_init = true;
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 53 }
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 54 fclose(fp);
Swabey89 8:ee8f65745141 55 }
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 56 SD_tout.detach();
Swabey89 1:c3af0c26ded2 57 }
Swabey89 1:c3af0c26ded2 58
Swabey89 1:c3af0c26ded2 59 void SDread(int n)
Swabey89 1:c3af0c26ded2 60 {
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 61 SD_tout.attach(SD_toutISR,TOUT_TIME);
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 62 //Read n samples from the SD card
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 63 unsigned int i=0;
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 64 unsigned int j = newestIndex;
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 65 if (n==-1) {n = (BUFFERSIZE-Nspaces);}
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 66
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 67 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 68 bufferLock.lock();
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 70 {
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 71 pc->printf("Date/Time: %s\tTemperature: %5.2f\tPressure: %5.2f\tLight: %5.2f\n\r", buffer[j].getTime(), buffer[j].gettemp(), buffer[j].getpress(), buffer[j].getlight());
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 72 j = (j?j:BUFFERSIZE)-1;
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 73 i++;
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 74 }
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 75 bufferLock.unlock();
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 76 printf("%d records read\r\n\n", i);
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 77 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 78 SD_tout.detach();
Swabey89 2:9a5eea2adbf8 79 }
Swabey89 2:9a5eea2adbf8 80
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 81 void SDdelete(int n) //MUST RELEASE SPACE AVAILABLE
Swabey89 2:9a5eea2adbf8 82 {
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 83 SD_tout.attach(SD_toutISR,TOUT_TIME);
Swabey89 3:c6e5dd2faa22 84 //Delete n samples from the SD card
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 85 unsigned int i = 0;
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 86 if (n==-1) {n = (BUFFERSIZE-Nspaces);}
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 87 bufferLock.lock();
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 88 while (i < n)
Swabey89 11:89960c1f2234 89 {
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 90 spaceAvailable.release();
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 91 i++;
Swabey89 11:89960c1f2234 92 }
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 93 bufferLock.unlock();
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 94 Nspaces += i;
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 95 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 96 pc->printf("Deleted %d records\r\n\n\n", i);
Swabey89 12:3198f0b7b36f 97 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 98 SD_tout.detach();
Swabey89 1:c3af0c26ded2 99 }
Swabey89 1:c3af0c26ded2 100
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 101
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 102
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 103 //UNUSED
Swabey89 3:c6e5dd2faa22 104 void SDaddSample(double temp, double pressure)
Swabey89 3:c6e5dd2faa22 105 {
Swabey89 4:dc767b5f917b 106 //Add the sampled data to the SD card
Swabey89 6:5646450f583b 107 yellowLED = !yellowLED; //debugging
Swabey89 4:dc767b5f917b 108 fp = fopen("/sd/q.csv","a");
Swabey89 3:c6e5dd2faa22 109 fprintf(fp, "%6.1f,%.2f\n\r", temp, pressure);
Swabey89 3:c6e5dd2faa22 110 fclose(fp);
Swabey89 3:c6e5dd2faa22 111 }
Swabey89 3:c6e5dd2faa22 112
Swabey89 1:c3af0c26ded2 113 void SDalive(void)
Swabey89 1:c3af0c26ded2 114 {
Swabey89 3:c6e5dd2faa22 115 //Signal that the SD thread is still alive
Swabey89 2:9a5eea2adbf8 116 //puts("SD THREAD ALIVE\n");
Swabey89 7:393fa8184388 117 }
Swabey89 7:393fa8184388 118
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 119 void SDmount(void)
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 120 {
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 121 while(true)
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 122 {
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 123 Thread::signal_wait(SIGNAL_SD);
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 124
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 125 SD_tout.attach(SD_toutISR,TOUT_TIME);
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 126
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 127 if (sd_init)
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 128 {
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 129 fclose(fp);
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 130 sd.deinit();
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 131 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 132 pc->printf("SD CARD UNMOUNTED\n\r");
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 133 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 134
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 135 LCDlock.lock();
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 136 lcd.cls();
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 137 lcd.printf("Unmounted..");
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 138 Thread::wait(5000);
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 139 LCDlock.unlock();
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 140
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 141 sd_init = false;
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 142
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 143 }
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 144 else
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 145 {
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 146 SDcard();
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 147 LCDlock.lock();
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 148 lcd.cls();
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 149 if (sd_init)
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 150 {
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 151 lcd.printf("SD mounted..");
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 152 }
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 153 else
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 154 {
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 155 lcd.printf("SD FAILED..");
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 156 }
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 157 Thread::wait(5000);
Swabey89 10:f2b8e3b587d5 158 LCDlock.unlock();
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 159 }
Swabey89 13:5f786448e883 160 SD_tout.detach();
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 161 }
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 162 }
Swabey89 9:113f4934b907 163