
Dependencies:   serial_terminal sample_hardware PLL_Config SDCard BMP280 Networkbits TextLCD SDBlockDevice

Wed Jan 02 19:46:04 2019 +0000
Updated to use queues more

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Swabey89 7:e2bf2d703867 1 #include "mbed.h"
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 2 #include <stm32f4xx.h>
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 3 #include "sample_hardware.hpp"
Swabey89 21:2c438eeaab14 4 #include "Networking.hpp"
Swabey89 5:956984cbe447 5 #include "serial_terminal.hpp"
Swabey89 6:a5394c9e5927 6 #include "SDCard.hpp"
Swabey89 5:956984cbe447 7 #include "rtos.h"
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 8 #include "events/mbed_events.h"
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 9 #include "LCDdisplay.hpp"
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 10 //#include "PLL_Config.c"
Swabey89 5:956984cbe447 11
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 12 //Defines TEST FOR SD CARD MOUNT AND UNMOUNT
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 13 #define EDGE_FALLEN 0
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 14 #define EDGE_RISEN 1
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 15
Swabey89 10:0fffc988d325 16 //Signals
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 17 #define TAKE_SAMPLE 1
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 18 #define STORE_DATA 2
Swabey89 10:0fffc988d325 19
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 20
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 21 //Global variables
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 22
Swabey89 27:bb8d4c883e1b 23
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 24 unsigned int newestIndex = BUFFERSIZE-1; //First time it is incremented, it will be 0
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 25 unsigned int oldestIndex = BUFFERSIZE-1;
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 26 FILE* fp;
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 27 FATFileSystem* fs;
Swabey89 10:0fffc988d325 28
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 29 //Shared mutable variables VOLATILE
Swabey89 25:831dc928ccde 30 bool sd_init; //is it?
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 31 bool logging = false;
Swabey89 30:7873beb54744 32 bool sampling = true;
Swabey89 22:d9cbbbf3cf69 33 float sample_rate = 15; //is it?
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 34 struct tm* timeData;
Swabey89 18:3edfb9152b05 35 char cmdBuffer[256];
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 36 sensorData buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 37 RawSerial* pc;
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 38
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 39 //Thread synchronisation primatives
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 40 Semaphore spaceAvailable(BUFFERSIZE);
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 41 Semaphore samplesInBuffer(0, BUFFERSIZE);
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 42 Mutex bufferLock;
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 43
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 44 //Queues
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 45 EventQueue SDqueue(1024*EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE); //changed from 32
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 46 EventQueue LCDqueue(32*EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 47 EventQueue serialqueue(32*EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 48
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 49 //TEST
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 50 EventQueue printQueue(256*EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 51
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 52
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 53
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 54 //Threads
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 55 Thread producer_thread(osPriorityHigh);
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 56 Thread consumer_thread;
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 57 Thread serial_thread(osPriorityAboveNormal);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 58 Thread SDqueue_thread; //take out queue in name?
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 59 Thread LCDqueue_thread;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 60 Thread network_thread;
Swabey89 0:4afd4940a189 61
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 62 //TEST FOR SD CARD
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 63 Thread SDmount_thread;
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 64
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 65 //TEST FOR PRINTF
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 66
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 67
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 68 //Timers
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 69 Ticker sample;
Swabey89 10:0fffc988d325 70
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 71 //Function prototypes
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 72 void sampleISR(void);
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 73 void sampleProducer(void);
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 74 void sampleConsumer(void);
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 75 void serialISR(void);
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 76 void serialData(void);
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 77
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 78
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 79
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 80 //TEST FOR SD CARD MOUNT AND UNMOUNT
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 81 Timeout userswTimeOut;
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 82 int userswState = EDGE_FALLEN;
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 83 InterruptIn usersw(USER_BUTTON);
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 84 void userswTimeOutHandler();
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 85 void userswRisingEdge();
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 86 void userswFallingEdge();
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 87 void SDmount();
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 88
Swabey89 25:831dc928ccde 89 Mutex printlock;
Swabey89 25:831dc928ccde 90 Mutex LCDlock;
Swabey89 25:831dc928ccde 91 Mutex timeLock;
Swabey89 25:831dc928ccde 92 Mutex SDlock;
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 93
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 94
Swabey89 27:bb8d4c883e1b 95 //TEST FOR BUFFER CHANGES
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 96 unsigned int saveIndex = BUFFERSIZE-1;
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 97
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 98 int32_t Nspaces = BUFFERSIZE;
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 99 int32_t Nsamples;
Swabey89 27:bb8d4c883e1b 100
Swabey89 27:bb8d4c883e1b 101
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 102 //TEST FOR WATCHDOG
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 103 char threadstates = 0;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 104
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 105 Timeout producer_tout;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 106 Timeout consumer_tout;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 107 Timeout serial_tout;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 108 Timeout SD_tout;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 109 Timeout LCD_tout;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 110 Timeout network_tout;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 111
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 112 Thread watchdog_thread(osPriorityHigh);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 113
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 114 //TSET FOR PRINTF
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 115 Thread printf_thread;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 116
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 117 void producer_toutISR(void);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 118 void consumer_toutISR(void);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 119 void serial_toutISR(void);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 120 void SD_toutISR(void);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 121 void LCD_toutISR(void);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 122 void network_toutISR(void);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 123 void watchdog(void);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 124
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 125 void PLL_Config(void);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 126
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 127 osThreadId main_thread;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 128
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 129 #define PRODUCER 1<<0
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 130 #define CONSUMER 1<<1
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 131 #define SERIAL 1<<2
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 132 #define SD 1<<3
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 133 #define LCD 1<<4
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 134 #define NETWORK 1<<5
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 135
Swabey89 15:8af9672a6778 136 int main() {
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 137 PLL_Config();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 138 main_thread = Thread::gettid();
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 139 timeData = new tm;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 140 pc = new RawSerial(USBTX, USBRX, 115200);
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 141
Swabey89 18:3edfb9152b05 142 //Initialisations
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 143 SDcard();
Swabey89 9:fa8a35d9d6c0 144
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 145 //Power on self test
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 146 post();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 147
Swabey89 18:3edfb9152b05 148 //Start threads
Swabey89 18:3edfb9152b05 149 SDqueue_thread.start(callback(&SDqueue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever));
Swabey89 18:3edfb9152b05 150 LCDqueue_thread.start(callback(&LCDqueue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever));
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 151 serial_thread.start(callback(&serialqueue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever));
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 152 network_thread.start(network);
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 153 producer_thread.start(sampleProducer);
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 154 consumer_thread.start(sampleConsumer);
Swabey89 3:b1583f309b43 155
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 156 //TEST
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 157 LCDqueue.call_every(5000, LCD_display);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 158
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 159 //TEST FOR SD CARD
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 160 //SDmount_thread.start(SDmount);
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 161
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 162 //TEST FOR WATCGDOG
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 163 watchdog_thread.start(watchdog);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 164
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 165 //TEST FOR PRINTFQUEUE
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 166 printf_thread.start(callback(&printQueue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever));
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 167
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 168
Swabey89 18:3edfb9152b05 169 //Attach ISRs
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 170 sample.attach(&sampleISR, sample_rate); //Allow sampling to start
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 171 pc->attach(serialISR, Serial::RxIrq);
Swabey89 15:8af9672a6778 172
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 173 //TEST FOR SD CARD MOUNT AND UNMOUNT
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 174 usersw.rise(&userswRisingEdge);
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 175
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 176 //Flash to indicate goodness
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 177 while(true) {
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 178 //greenLED = !greenLED;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 179 //Thread::wait(500);
Swabey89 0:4afd4940a189 180 }
Swabey89 0:4afd4940a189 181 }
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 182
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 183 /*
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 184 FUNCITONS BELOW NEED MOVING?
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 185 */
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 186
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 187 void sampleISR()
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 188 {
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 189 producer_thread.signal_set(TAKE_SAMPLE);
Swabey89 8:c81b0ff8b822 190 }
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 191
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 192 void serialISR()
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 193 {
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 194 pc->attach(NULL, Serial::RxIrq);
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 195;
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 196 }
Swabey89 1:31c7b4ab552b 197
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 198 void serialData()
Swabey89 12:3a54cbaa714c 199 {
Swabey89 17:ead43c1b729d 200 static int i = 0;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 201
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 202 if (pc->readable())
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 203 {
Swabey89 18:3edfb9152b05 204 cmdBuffer[i] = pc->getc();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 205 if (i != 29)
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 206 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 207
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 208 if (cmdBuffer[i] == '\b')
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 209 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 210 i = (i ? i-1 : 0);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 211 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 212 else if (cmdBuffer[i] == '\r')
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 213 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 214 cmdBuffer[i+1]==NULL;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 215;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 216 i = 0;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 217 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 218 else i++;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 219 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 220 else
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 221 {
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 222;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 223 i = 0;
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 224 }
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 225 }
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 226 pc->attach(serialISR, Serial::RxIrq);
Swabey89 11:3ad0327e8c9f 227 }
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 228
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 229
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 230 void sampleProducer()
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 231 {
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 232 while(true)
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 233 {
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 234 //High priority thread
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 235 Thread::signal_wait(TAKE_SAMPLE);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 236 //wd_thread.signal_set(PROD_SIGNAL);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 237 //prod_stat = 0;
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 238 Nspaces = spaceAvailable.wait(0); //Non-blocking
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 239 bufferLock.lock();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 240 producer_tout.attach(producer_toutISR, TOUT_TIME_DEF);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 241
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 242 //Update buffer
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 243 newestIndex = (newestIndex+1) % BUFFERSIZE; //CIRCULAR
Swabey89 27:bb8d4c883e1b 244
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 245 if (newestIndex == oldestIndex)
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 246 {
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 247 oldestIndex = (oldestIndex+1) % BUFFERSIZE;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 248 }
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 249
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 250
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 251 /*
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 252 buffer[newestIndex].updatetemp(sensor.getTemperature());
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 253 buffer[newestIndex].updatepress(sensor.getPressure());
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 254 buffer[newestIndex].updatelight(;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 255 buffer[newestIndex].updateTime();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 256 */
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 257
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 258 double temp_r = sensor.getTemperature();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 259 double press_r = sensor.getPressure();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 260 float light_r =;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 261
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 262 buffer[newestIndex].updatetemp(temp_r);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 263 buffer[newestIndex].updatepress(press_r);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 264 buffer[newestIndex].updatelight(light_r);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 265 buffer[newestIndex].updateTime();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 266
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 267 if (Nspaces != 0)
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 268 {
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 269 Nspaces--;
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 270 }
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 271
Swabey89 27:bb8d4c883e1b 272 samplesInBuffer.release();
Swabey89 27:bb8d4c883e1b 273
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 274 //Pass onto queues
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 275 //,temp_r,press_r,light_r);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 276 //, &buffer[newestIndex]);
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 277
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 278 if(logging)
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 279 {
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 280 /*
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 281 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 282 pc->printf("Sample placed in buffer at position %d\r\n", newestIndex);
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 283 pc->printf("Number of spaces available in buffer:%d\r\n\n",Nspaces);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 284 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 285 */
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 286, "Sample placed in buffer at position %d\r\nNumber of spaces available in buffer:%d\r\n\n", newestIndex, Nspaces);
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 287 }
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 288
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 289 bufferLock.unlock();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 290 producer_tout.detach();
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 291 }
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 292 }
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 293
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 294 void sampleConsumer()
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 295 {
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 296 while(true)
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 297 {
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 298 //static time_t seconds; //possibly move into if(sd_init)
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 299 //write to the SD card from oldestindex up to newestIndex.
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 300
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 301 Nsamples = samplesInBuffer.wait(); //Block if no samples to take - acquires
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 302
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 303 bufferLock.lock(); //Moved to here from below to try and ensure timer is started only when the buffer can be used
Swabey89 30:7873beb54744 304 consumer_tout.attach(consumer_toutISR,TOUT_TIME_DEF);
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 305
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 306 if (sd_init)
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 307 {
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 308 /*
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 309 char fileDate[30];
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 310 timeLock.lock();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 311 seconds = time(NULL);
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 312 timeData = localtime(&seconds);
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 313
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 314 //set_time(mktime(timeData));
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 315
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 316 strftime(fileDate, 30, "sd/log_%d_%m_%y.csv", timeData);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 317 timeLock.unlock();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 318
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 319 fp = fopen(fileDate,"a"); //ISSUE
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 320 if (fp == NULL)
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 321 {
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 322 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 323 pc->printf("WARNING: FILE COULD NOT BE OPENED\r\n\n");
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 324 sd_init = false;
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 325 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 326 samplesInBuffer.release();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 327 }
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 328 else
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 329 {
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 330 //Nested locks probably a bad idea!
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 331 //bufferLock.lock();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 332
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 333 SDlock.lock();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 334 oldestIndex = (oldestIndex+1) % BUFFERSIZE;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 335 //fprintf(fp,"%s,%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f\r", buffer[oldestIndex].getTime(), buffer[oldestIndex].gettemp(), buffer[oldestIndex].getpress(), buffer[oldestIndex].getlight());
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 336,buffer[oldestIndex].getTime(), buffer[oldestIndex].gettemp(), buffer[oldestIndex].getpress(), buffer[oldestIndex].getlight());
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 337 SDlock.unlock();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 338
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 339 if(logging)
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 340 {
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 341 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 342 pc->printf("Log file %s updated with sample from position %d in buffer\r\n",fileDate,oldestIndex);
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 343 pc->printf("newestIndex position %d\r\n",newestIndex);
Swabey89 30:7873beb54744 344 pc->printf("oldestIndex position %d\r\n\n",oldestIndex);
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 345 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 346 }
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 347
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 348 //bufferLock.unlock();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 349 fclose(fp);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 350 */
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 351 oldestIndex = (oldestIndex+1) % BUFFERSIZE;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 352 //fprintf(fp,"%s,%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f\r", buffer[oldestIndex].getTime(), buffer[oldestIndex].gettemp(), buffer[oldestIndex].getpress(), buffer[oldestIndex].getlight());
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 353,buffer[oldestIndex].getTime(), buffer[oldestIndex].gettemp(), buffer[oldestIndex].getpress(), buffer[oldestIndex].getlight(), oldestIndex);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 354 }
Swabey89 23:f87fe0c55894 355 else
Swabey89 23:f87fe0c55894 356 {
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 357 samplesInBuffer.release();
Swabey89 28:7fccaef8fa72 358 }
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 359 bufferLock.unlock();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 360 consumer_tout.detach();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 361 }
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 362
Swabey89 19:88d8359306a4 363 }
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 364
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 365 //TEST FOR MOUNTING AND UNMOUNTING SD CARD
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 366 //Interrupt service routine for handling the timeout
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 367
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 368
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 369 void userswTimeOutHandler() {
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 370 userswTimeOut.detach(); //Stop the timeout counter firing
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 371
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 372 //Which event does this follow?
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 373 switch (userswState) {
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 374 case EDGE_RISEN:
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 375 usersw.fall(&userswFallingEdge); //Now wait for a falling edge
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 376 break;
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 377 case EDGE_FALLEN:
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 378 usersw.rise(&userswRisingEdge); //Now wait for a rising edge
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 379 break;
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 380 } //end switch
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 381 }
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 382
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 383 //Interrupt service routine for a rising edge (press)
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 384 void userswRisingEdge() {
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 385 usersw.rise(NULL); //Disable detecting more rising edges
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 386 userswState = EDGE_RISEN; //Flag state
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 387 userswTimeOut.attach(&userswTimeOutHandler, 0.2); //Start timeout timer
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 388 }
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 389
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 390 //Interrupt service routive for SW1 falling edge (release)
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 391 void userswFallingEdge() {
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 392 usersw.fall(NULL); //Disable this interrupt
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 393 //SDmount_thread.signal_set(SIGNAL_SD);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 394;
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 395 userswState = EDGE_FALLEN; //Flag state
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 396 userswTimeOut.attach(&userswTimeOutHandler, 0.2); //Start timeout counter - may want to increase this
Swabey89 24:81981815ef20 397 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 398
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 399 //TEST FOR WATCHDOG
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 400
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 401 //ISR
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 402 void producer_toutISR(void)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 403 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 404 threadstates |= PRODUCER;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 405 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 406
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 407 void consumer_toutISR(void)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 408 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 409 threadstates |= CONSUMER;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 410 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 411
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 412 void serial_toutISR(void)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 413 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 414 threadstates |= SERIAL;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 415 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 416
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 417 void SD_toutISR(void)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 418 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 419 threadstates |= SD;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 420 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 421
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 422 void LCD_toutISR(void)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 423 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 424 threadstates |= LCD;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 425 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 426
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 427 void network_toutISR(void)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 428 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 429 threadstates |= NETWORK;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 430 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 431
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 432 void watchdog(void)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 433 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 434 while(true)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 435 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 436 Thread::wait(10000);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 437
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 438 if(threadstates)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 439 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 440 producer_thread.terminate();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 441 consumer_thread.terminate();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 442 serial_thread.terminate();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 443 SDqueue_thread.terminate();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 444 LCDqueue_thread.terminate();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 445 network_thread.terminate();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 446 printf_thread.terminate();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 447
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 448 pc->printf("THREAD PSW: 0x%x\n\r", threadstates);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 449
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 450 switch (threadstates)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 451 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 452 case (PRODUCER) :
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 453 pc->printf("PRODUCER THREAD DEADLOCK\r\n\n");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 454 lcd.cls();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 455 lcd.printf("PRODUCER\nDEADLOCK");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 456 break;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 457
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 458 case (CONSUMER) :
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 459 pc->printf("CONSUMER THREAD DEADLOCK\r\n\n");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 460 lcd.cls();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 461 lcd.printf("CONSUMER\nDEADLOCK");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 462 break;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 463
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 464 case (SERIAL) :
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 465 pc->printf("SERIAL THREAD DEADLOCK\r\n\n");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 466 lcd.cls();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 467 lcd.printf("SERIAL\nDEADLOCK");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 468 break;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 469
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 470 case (SD) :
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 471 pc->printf("SD CARD THREAD DEADLOCK\r\n\n");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 472 lcd.cls();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 473 lcd.printf("SD CARD\nDEADLOCK");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 474 break;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 475
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 476 case (LCD) :
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 477 pc->printf("LCD THREAD DEADLOCK\r\n\n");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 478 lcd.cls();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 479 lcd.printf("LCD\nDEADLOCK");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 480 break;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 481
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 482 case (NETWORK) :
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 483 pc->printf("NETWORK THREAD DEADLOCK\r\n\n");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 484 lcd.cls();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 485 lcd.printf("NETWORK\nDEADLOCK");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 486 break;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 487
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 488 default:
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 489 pc->printf("MULTIPLE THREAD DEADLOCK\r\n\n");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 490 lcd.cls();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 491 lcd.printf("DEADLOCK");
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 492 break;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 493 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 494
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 495 for (int i = 0;i<50;i++)
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 496 {
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 497 redLED = 1;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 498 wait(0.05);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 499 redLED = 0;
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 500 wait(0.05);
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 501 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 502 NVIC_SystemReset();
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 503 }
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 504 else if (logging)
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 505 {
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 506 /*
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 507 printlock.lock();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 508 pc->printf("WATCHDOG RAN WITH NO DEADLOCKED THREADS\r\n\n");
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 509 printlock.unlock();
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 510 */
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 511,"WATCHDOG RAN WITH NO DEADLOCKED THREADS\r\n\n");
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 512 }
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 513 }
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 514 }
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 515
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 516 void PLL_Config(void)
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 517 {
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 518
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 519
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 520 //*******************************************************************************
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 521 //* PLL (clocked by HSI) used as System clock source *
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 522 //* By Stuart MacVeigh *
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 523 //*******************************************************************************
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 524
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 525 RCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN; //enable power interface clock source
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 526 PWR->CR |= PWR_CR_VOS;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 527
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 528
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 529 #define PLL_N 180 //SYSTEM CLOCK SPEED (FCY (MHz))
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 530 #define HSI 16000000 //INTERAL OSC FREQUENCY
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 531
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 532 #define PLL_M (HSI/2000000) //Fcy = Fxtal x PLL_N/(PLL_P x PLL_M)
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 533 #define PLL_P 2
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 534 #define PLL_Q 7
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 535 // HCLK = SYSCLK / 1
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 536 RCC->CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1; //CORE CLOCK = 180MHZ
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 537
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 538 // PCLK2 = HCLK / 2
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 540
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 541 // PCLK1 = HCLK / 4
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 543
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 544 // Configure the main PLL
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 545 RCC->PLLCFGR = PLL_M | (PLL_N << 6) | (((PLL_P >> 1) -1) << 16) | (PLL_Q << 24);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 546
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 547 // Enable the main PLL
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 548 RCC->CR |= RCC_CR_PLLON;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 549
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 550 // Wait till the main PLL is ready
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 551 while(!(RCC->CR & RCC_CR_PLLRDY));
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 552
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 553 // Configure Flash prefetch, Instruction cache, Data cache and wait state
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 555
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 556 // Select the main PLL as system clock source
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 557 RCC->CFGR &=~ RCC_CFGR_SW;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 558 RCC->CFGR |= RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL;
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 559
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 560 // Wait till the main PLL is used as system clock source
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 561 while ((RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_SWS ) != RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL);
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 562
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 563 //******************************************************************************
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 564 //* END PLL (CLOCKED BY HSI) SETUP CODE *
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 565 //******************************************************************************
Swabey89 31:087e295cc859 566
Swabey89 29:806e9281af2f 567 }