
Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of VS1053 by SGMP Coperations

diff -r 58524d569dfd -r 17913cff05a2 player.cpp
--- a/player.cpp	Fri Dec 02 19:37:00 2016 +0000
+++ b/player.cpp	Sat Dec 09 14:21:59 2017 +0000
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 playerStatetype  playerState;
 ctrlStatetype ctrlState;
-static unsigned char fileBuf[1024];
+static unsigned char fileBuf[32768];
 unsigned char *bufptr;
 char list[20][14];            //song list
-char index = 0;      //song play index
+char index;      //song play index
 char index_MAX;      //how many song in all
-unsigned char vlume = 0x40;   //vlume
-unsigned char vlumeflag = 0;  //set vlume flag
+char data ;
+DigitalIn sw_in(USER_BUTTON);
 void Player::begin(void)
@@ -27,21 +27,18 @@
     unsigned char i = 0,j=0;
     while(((ptr = dir->readdir()) != NULL)&&(i <20))
-        if(strstr(ptr->d_name,".mp3")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".MP3")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".WAV")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".wav")
-            ||strstr(ptr->d_name,".WMA")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".wma")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".OGG")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".ogg")
-            ||strstr(ptr->d_name,".AAC")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".aac")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".FLAC")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".flac"))
+        if(strstr(ptr->d_name,".mp3")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".MP3"))
 							fp =sd.open(ptr->d_name, O_RDONLY);
 							if(fp != NULL) 
 								char *byte = ptr->d_name;
-                j=0;
-                while(*byte)
-                {
-                    list[i][j++]  = *byte++;
+                				j=0;
+                				while(*byte){
+                    				list[i][j++]  = *byte++;
                 pc.printf("%2d . %s\r\n", i,list[i++]);
-								//fp->close();
+				//fp->close();
@@ -50,23 +47,28 @@
+void Player::stop(void){
+    playerState =PS_STOP;
+    }
+void Player::playfile(char n){
+    playerState =PS_STOP;
+    index = n;
+    }
+void Player::getsong(void){
+    playfile(2);
+    }
 /*  This function plays back an audio file.  */
 void Player::playFile(char *file) {
     int bytes;        // How many bytes in buffer left
     char n;
     playerState = PS_PLAY;
-    if (strstr(file, ".flac"))
-    {
-        printf("Loading FLAC Plugin...\r\n");
-        vs1053.loadPlugin(flacPlugin,sizeof(flacPlugin)/sizeof(flacPlugin[0]));   
-    }
     vs1053.setFreq(24000000);     //hight speed
-    FileHandle *fp =sd.open(file, O_RDONLY);
+    FileHandle *fp =sd.open(file, index);
     if(fp == NULL) {
         printf("Could not open %s\r\n",file);
@@ -77,10 +79,10 @@
         printf("Playing %s ...\r\n",file);
         /* Main playback loop */
-        while((bytes = fp->read(fileBuf,512)) > 0)
+        while((bytes = fp->read(fileBuf,32768)) > 0) {
+        while((bytes = fp->read(fileBuf,32000)) > 0) {
             bufptr = fileBuf;
             // actual audio data gets sent to VS10xx.
             while(bytes > 0)
@@ -88,114 +90,20 @@
                 bytes -= n;
                 bufptr += n;
-            while(playerState == PS_PAUSE);         //Pause
-           if(vlumeflag)                          //set vlume
-            {
-                vs1053.setFreq(12000000);     //low speed
-                vs1053.writeRegister(SPI_VOL, vlume*0x101);     //Set volume level
-                vs1053.setFreq(24000000);     //higth speed
-                vlumeflag = 0;  //clear flag;            
-            }
+            uint8_t vol = 0x00;//set vlume
+            vs1053.setVolume(vol);  //set vlume
             if(playerState != PS_PLAY)         //stop
-                return;
+				}
+			}
-        fp->close();
-        vs1053.softReset(); 
-        printf("[done!]\r\n");
-    if(index != index_MAX)index++;
-    else index = 0;
-/* PCM file Header */
-unsigned char pcmHeader[44] = {
-  'R', 'I', 'F', 'F',
-  0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
-  'W', 'A', 'V', 'E',
-  'f', 'm', 't', ' ',
-  0x10, 0, 0, 0,          /* 16 */
-  0x1, 0,                 /* PCM */
-  0x1, 0,                 /* chan */
-  0x40, 0x1F, 0x0, 0x0,     /* sampleRate */
-  0x80, 0x3E, 0x0, 0x0,     /* byteRate */
-  2, 0,                   /* blockAlign */
-  0x10, 0,                /* bitsPerSample */
-  'd', 'a', 't', 'a',
-  0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
-void Set32(unsigned char *d, unsigned int n) {
-  int i;
-  for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
-    *d++ = (unsigned char)n;
-    n >>= 8;
-  }
-/*  This function records an audio file in WAV formats.Use LINK1,left channel  */
-void Player::recordFile(char *file) {
-    unsigned int fileSize = 0;
-    unsigned int n;
-    vs1053.writeRegister(SPI_BASS, 0x0055);    //set accent
-    vs1053.writeRegister(SPI_AICTRL0,8000);    //samplerate 8k
-    vs1053.writeRegister(SPI_AICTRL1,0);       //record gain
-    vs1053.writeRegister(SPI_AICTRL2,0);       //Set the gain maximum,65536=64X
-    vs1053.writeRegister(SPI_AICTRL3,7);       //PCM Mode ,left channel,earphone mic
-    //vs1053.writeRegister(SPI_AICTRL3,6);     //PCM Mode ,right channel,board mic
-    vs1053.writeRegister(SPI_CLOCKF,0x2000);   //set clock
-    printf("loading recording plugin......\r\n");
-    vs1053.writeRegister(SPI_MODE,0x1804);   //Initialize recording
-    vs1053.loadPlugin(recPlugin,sizeof(recPlugin)/sizeof(recPlugin[0]));
-    sd.remove(file);
-    FileHandle *fp =sd.open(file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
-    if(fp == NULL) {
-        printf("Could not open file for write\r\n");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        printf("recording......\r\n");
-        while(playerState == PS_RECORDING)
-        {
-            unsigned int i;
-            unsigned char *rbp = fileBuf;
-            /* See if there is some data available */
-            if ((n = vs1053.readRegister(SPI_HDAT1)) > 0) {
-                /* Make little-endian conversion for 16-bit PCM .WAV files */
-                if(n>511)n=511;
-                for (i=0; i<n;i++) {
-                    unsigned int w = vs1053.readRegister(SPI_HDAT0);
-                    *rbp++ = (unsigned char)(w & 0xFF);
-                    *rbp++ = (unsigned char)(w >> 8);
-                }
-                fp->write(fileBuf,2*n);
-                fileSize += 2*n;
-            }
-        } 
-        /* Update file sizes for an RIFF PCM .WAV file */
-        fp->lseek(0, SEEK_SET);
-        Set32(pcmHeader+4, fileSize-8);
-        Set32(pcmHeader+40, fileSize-36);
-        fp->write(pcmHeader, sizeof(pcmHeader));
-        fp->close();
-        printf("recording end\r\n");
-    }
-    /* Finally, reset the VS10xx software, including realoading the
-       patches package, to make sure everything is set up properly. */
-    vs1053.softReset();