This program test a Gauge bult in FT81x for Automotive SunTrip COmputer -- project undone
Dependencies: DS1820 FT800_3 mbed
- Committer:
- SunRiver
- Date:
- 2016-07-09
- Revision:
- 0:96d8c18a9fad
File content as of revision 0:96d8c18a9fad:
/* Demo for mbed Library for FTDI FT800 Enbedded Video Engine "EVE" * by Peter Drescher, DC2PD 2014 * Released under the MIT License: */ #include "mbed.h" #include "FT_Platform.h" #include "FT_color.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "float.h" #include "DS1820.h" //#include "SDFileSystem.h" #define SAMAPP_DELAY_BTW_APIS (1000) #define SAMAPP_ENABLE_DELAY() Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(SAMAPP_DELAY_BTW_APIS) #define SAMAPP_ENABLE_DELAY_VALUE(x) Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(x) #define DATA_PIN A1 FT800 TFT(D11,D12,D13,D9,D8,D14); // global Vars unsigned int r,b,g; char buffer[50]; Ticker tick; unsigned int color = 0,bright = 0; Serial usart(D1, D0); DS1820 probe(DATA_PIN); // function to convert hue , saturation and value to RGB // see void hsv2rgb(double H,double S, double V) { double f,h,p,q,t; int i; if( S == 0.0) { r = V * 255; g = V * 255; b = V * 255; return; } if(H > 480.0) H = 0.0; // check values if(S > 1.0) S = 1.0; if(S < 0.0) S = 0.0; if(V > 1.0) V = 1.0; if(V < 0.0) V = 0.0; h = H / 60.0; i = (int) h; f = h - i; p = V * (1.0 - S); q = V * (1.0 - (S * f)); t = V * (1.0 - (S * (1.0 - f))); switch(i) { case 0: r = V * 255; g = t * 255; b = p * 255; break; case 1: r = q * 255; g = V * 255; b = p * 255; break; case 2: r = p * 255; g = V * 255; b = t * 255; break; case 3: r = p * 255; g = q * 255; b = V * 255; break; case 4: r = t * 255; g = p * 255; b = V * 255; break; case 5: default: r = V * 255; g = p * 255; b = q * 255; break; } } /***************************************************************************/ // Rysowanie ekranu demonstracyjnego /***************************************************************************/ ft_void_t Trip_Comp(ft_char8_t *str, ft_float_t temp) { //const char* str2 = "FT81x EVE2 FRDM-K64F"; TFT.DLstart(); // przygotowanie na nową listę nkomend TFT.DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(255,255,255)); // kolor tła (biały) TFT.DL(CLEAR(1,1,1)); // czyszczenie buforów --> color, stencil, tag TFT.Button(580, 440, 67, 27, 27, OPT_FLAT, "MENU"); TFT.Button(650, 440, 67, 27, 27, OPT_FLAT | OPT_CENTER, "INFO"); TFT.Button(720, 440, 67, 27, 27, OPT_FLAT, "GUIDE"); //--------------opisy ekranu TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0)); TFT.Text(400, 180, 28, OPT_CENTER, "KM/H"); TFT.Text(120, 119, 28, OPT_CENTER, "RPM /1000"); TFT.Text(680, 330, 28, OPT_CENTER, "Temp"); //TFT.Text(378, 154, 27, OPT_CENTER, "KM:"); TFT.Text(680, 119, 28, OPT_CENTER, "Fuel"); TFT.Text(400, 30, 30, OPT_CENTER, str); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 0, 0)); TFT.Text(400, 440, 27, OPT_CENTER, "ENGINE OFF"); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 255, 0)); TFT.Text(400, 420, 27, OPT_CENTER, "LIGHT: ON"); //GAUGE_0 = OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOPOINTER; //GAUGE_1 = OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOTICKS; //--------------prędkosciomierz TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 255)); TFT.Gauge((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/2, 208, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOPOINTER, 10, 10, 0, 250); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 0, 0)); TFT.Gauge((TFT.DispWidth/2), TFT.DispHeight/2, 208, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOTICKS, 10, 10, 0 , 250); TFT.Number(400, 370, 31, OPT_CENTER, 0); //--------------zegarek TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 255)); TFT.Clock(130, 350, 100, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOPOINTER | OPT_NOSECS, 19, 51, 17, 0); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 0, 0)); TFT.Clock(130, 350, 100, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOTICKS, 19, 51, 17, 0); //-------------- RPM TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 255)); TFT.Gauge(120, 150, 130, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOPOINTER, 8, 5, 0, 100); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 0, 0)); TFT.Gauge(120, 150, 130, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOTICKS, 8, 5, 0, 100); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 255, 0)); TFT.Number(120, 220, 31, OPT_CENTER, 0); //-------------- FUELL TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 255)); TFT.Gauge(680, 150, 130, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOPOINTER, 4, 5, 40, 100); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 0, 0)); TFT.Gauge(680, 150, 130, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOTICKS, 4, 5, 35, 100); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0)); //TFT.Text(15, 257, 16, 0, str); //------------- TEmperatura TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 255)); TFT.Gauge(680, 350, 100, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOPOINTER, 4, 5, 40, 125); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(255, 0, 0)); TFT.Gauge(680, 350, 100, OPT_NOBACK | OPT_NOTICKS, 4, 5, temp, 125); TFT.DL(COLOR_RGB(0, 0, 0)); TFT.Number(680, 400, 31, OPT_CENTER, temp); TFT.DL(DISPLAY()); // Wyswietlamy przygotowany screen TFT.Swap(); TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer(); // pobieramy komendy z FiFo TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty(); // czekanie na zakończenie operacji TFT.Sleep(5000); // koniec wyswietlania (15000 = 15sec) } int main() { usart.baud(38400); TFT.Flush_Co_Buffer(); TFT.WaitCmdfifo_empty(); while(1) { probe.convertTemperature(true, DS1820::all_devices); //Start temperature conversion, wait until ready usart.printf("Temperatura to %3.3f Celsiusza\r\n", probe.temperature()); Trip_Comp("SunTRIP Computer", probe.temperature()); //Demo_Screen2("Temperatura", probe.temperature()); // wait(1); } }