Wake-up timer library to wake from deepsleep/power-down

Dependencies:   LPC1114_WakeInterruptIn

Dependents:   LPC812_Sleep_HelloWorld KL05Z_DCF77_RTC_Clock LPC1114_data_logger mBuinoBlinky ... more

Supported Targets

  • LPC812
  • LPC11u24
  • LPC1114
  • All mbed Freescale targets
  • All mbed STM targets except the F1 series

Please read the target specific comments below. A general small warning: If you have other interrupts enabled, and they request attention after the WakeUp interrupt is set, but before deepsleep is entered, and these take long to handle, it is possible that the WakeUp interrupt is handled before you enter deepsleep. In that case there is no interrupt anymore which should wake it from deepsleep.

Example code

// Depending on the LED connections either the LED is off the 2 seconds
// the target spends in deepsleep(), and on for the other second. Or it is inverted 
#include "mbed.h"
#include "WakeUp.h"
DigitalOut myled(LED1);
int main() {
    //The low-power oscillator can be quite inaccurate on some targets
    //this function calibrates it against the main clock
    while(1) {
        //Set LED to zero
        myled = 0;
        //Set wakeup time for 2 seconds
        //Enter deepsleep, the program won't go beyond this point until it is woken up
        //Set LED for 1 second to one
        myled = 1;

Target comments

All targets use different implementations, some of these have some things that need to be taken into account. If your target is supported but not listed here, then there is nothing relevant to mention.

Core M3/M4 microcontrollers

These microcontrollers cannot wake from deepsleep while they are being debugged. Core M0s can, although their power consumption is very high while being debugged. Generally to exit debug mode you need to power cycle the microcontroller, while making sure the debugger isn't powercycled as well.

On NUCLEO boards you can for example break the connection to the target IC with a jumper, which does this. Most Freescale boards have a USB connector for the target IC (in addition to the SDA USB). If you use this one to power the board, the debugger should not get powered.


These targets (such as the KL25z, KL05z, etc) use the same LPTMR for both WakeUp and for ticker generation. The WakeUp code is nice, and it will backup the old values when being set, and restore those after waking up, allowing you to continue using your ticker, and a ticker which was already set will continue again. However you are not allowed to set a new ticker after you already set WakeUp, since this will give clashes. Do you for whatever reason need to do it (for example you set WakeUp, and then you wake using an InteruptIn), you can disable the WakeUp timer and restore the ticker functionality by setting WakeUp for 0 seconds.


This target uses the watchdog timer to generate the necesary interrupts to wake from deepsleep. The reset functionality of the timer is disabled, so you don't need to worry about that. However the library won't work if other code also uses the watchdog timer. Most likely the result is unpredictable.


For STM targets the library uses the RTC of these targets. The calibration subroutine is not (yet) implemented, since it assumes that an RTC is quite accurate (which might not be true if it runs as by default on an internal RC oscillator). Currently it keeps the RTC in the default settings of the mbed code. Due to the nature of these settings the maximum time resolution this lib can achieve on those targets is, depending on if a 32kHz crystal is fitted, 3-4ms, instead of the 1ms of other targets.

Also it might not compile for your specific target even though it has an RTC. In that case send me a message (or you can also look yourself). The required interrupt vector changes place and name depending on the target, and it could be that another define needs to be added for your target.


The LPC1114 is special. Not in a good way special. It lacks any kind of regular low-power timer/RTC/WDT which is suitable to wake it from deepsleep mode. What the library does instead is that when the WakeUp command is called, it sets the entire main clock of the device to the watchdog oscillator (at 20kHz). Clock gating is used to disable all peripherals except one timer, this timer then is used to create a pulse on an output pin. Connected to this output pin is an external interrupt, which wakes the device, and restores the original settings.

The first thing this means is that you need an unused pin. Currently by default it is set for dp24 (P0_1), if you don't add anything this pin is used. You can remap this in your code to pins dp1 (P0_8) and dp2 (P0_9):

//Add the following global variable to any .cpp file (generally your main.cpp).
PinName WakeUpPin = dp2;  //Or dp1/dp24. If this line is not included it will default to dp24

While this pin generates a pulse, other pwm outputs on the same peripheral which are active will keep running (although very slowly).

The second, and also important part, is that you should NOT set it to immediatly start a timer and enter deepsleep after a reset. Add a wait of a few seconds (random amount) in between (or just other code). When it runs at 20kHz it will refuse to be reprogrammed by the Switch Science LPC1114 mbed board, and I can do the educated guess that ISP programming via the UART also isn't going to work. If you add a wait at the start there is no problem.

Did you ignore my advice and got your LPC1114 bricked? Don't worry (too much), I managed to unbrick all mine again. I used uVision 5, export an LPC1114 project from mbed to have correct device settings. In Project > Options for Target > Debug > Use debugger: CMSIS-DAP > Settings you can change debugger settings. Playing with these can help (I haven't found yet what is required exactly). Now from Flash you can do erase/download. This is giving errors for me. Doesn't matter, what is important is that if you do the right thing (if your code blinks an LED for example that is useful), the code will stop running. Either the uC is set in permanent reset (faint glow of LEDs connected to ground), or it just stops running. At this point you can drag an drop program it again.

The calibrate function requires dp24, regardless of which pin is set as the WakeUpPin. After calibration you can use set it to do something else, however during calibration it needs to be able to toggle.

Sat Dec 07 11:21:15 2013 +0000
KL25 should now play nicely with mbed

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 1 #ifdef TARGET_KL25Z
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 2
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 3 #include "WakeUp.h"
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 4 #include "us_ticker_api.h"
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 5
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 6 FunctionPointer WakeUp::callback;
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 7 float WakeUp::cycles_per_ms = 1.0;
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 8
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 9 static uint16_t remainder_count;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 10 static uint32_t oldvector;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 11
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 12 void restore(void);
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 13
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 14 void WakeUp::set_ms(uint32_t ms)
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 15 {
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 16 /* Clock the timer */
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 17 SIM->SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_LPTMR_MASK;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 18
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 19 //Check if it is running, in that case, store current values
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 20 remainder_count = 0;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 21 if (NVIC_GetVector(LPTimer_IRQn) != (uint32_t)WakeUp::irq_handler)
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 22 oldvector = NVIC_GetVector(LPTimer_IRQn);
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 23
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 24 if (LPTMR0->CSR & LPTMR_CSR_TIE_MASK) {
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 25 //Write first to sync value
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 26 LPTMR0->CNR = 0;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 27 uint16_t countval = LPTMR0->CNR;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 28 if (countval < LPTMR0->CMR)
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 29 remainder_count = countval - LPTMR0->CMR;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 30 }
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 31
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 32 LPTMR0->CSR = 0;
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 33
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 34 if (ms != 0) {
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 35 //Clock from the 1kHz LPO
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 36 LPTMR0->PSR = LPTMR_PSR_PCS(1);
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 37
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 38 /* Set interrupt handler */
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 39 NVIC_SetVector(LPTimer_IRQn, (uint32_t)WakeUp::irq_handler);
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 40 NVIC_EnableIRQ(LPTimer_IRQn);
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 41
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 42 uint32_t counts = (uint32_t)((float)ms * cycles_per_ms);
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 43
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 44 //If no prescaler is needed
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 45 if (counts <= 0xFFFF)
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 46 LPTMR0->PSR |= LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_MASK;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 47 else { //Otherwise increase prescaler until it fits
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 48 counts >>= 1;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 49 uint32_t prescaler = 0;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 50 while (counts > 0xFFFF) {
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 51 counts >>= 1;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 52 prescaler++;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 53 }
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 54 LPTMR0->PSR |= LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE(prescaler);
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 55 }
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 56 LPTMR0->CMR = counts;
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 57
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 58 LPTMR0->CSR = LPTMR_CSR_TIE_MASK;
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 59 LPTMR0->CSR |= LPTMR_CSR_TEN_MASK;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 60 } else {
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 61 restore();
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 62 }
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 63
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 64 }
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 65
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 66
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 67 void WakeUp::irq_handler(void)
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 68 {
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 69 // write 1 to TCF to clear the LPT timer compare flag
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 70 LPTMR0->CSR |= LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 71 restore();
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 72 callback.call();
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 73 }
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 74
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 75 void WakeUp::calibrate(void)
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 76 {
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 77 wait_us(1); //Otherwise next wait might overwrite our settings
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 78 cycles_per_ms = 1.0;
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 79 set_ms(1100);
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 80 wait_ms(100);
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 81
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 82 //Write first to sync value
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 83 LPTMR0->CNR = 0;
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 84 uint32_t ticks = LPTMR0->CNR;
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 85 cycles_per_ms = ticks / 100.0;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 86 set_ms(0);
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 87 }
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 88
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 89 void restore(void){
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 90 /* Reset */
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 91 LPTMR0->CSR = 0;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 92
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 93 /* Set interrupt handler */
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 94 NVIC_SetVector(LPTimer_IRQn, oldvector);
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 95 NVIC_EnableIRQ(LPTimer_IRQn);
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 96
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 97 /* Clock at (1)MHz -> (1)tick/us */
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 98 LPTMR0->PSR = LPTMR_PSR_PCS(3); // OSCERCLK -> 8MHz
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 99 LPTMR0->PSR |= LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE(2); // divide by 8
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 100
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 101 if (remainder_count) {
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 102 /* Set the compare register */
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 103 LPTMR0->CMR = remainder_count;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 104
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 105 /* Enable interrupt */
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 106 LPTMR0->CSR |= LPTMR_CSR_TIE_MASK;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 107
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 108 /* Start the timer */
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 109 LPTMR0->CSR |= LPTMR_CSR_TEN_MASK;
Sissors 2:648712aa15b4 110 }
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 111 }
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 112
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 113
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 114
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 115
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 116
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 117
Sissors 1:92f4c2b52771 118 #endif