Project to use Serial with registers

Dependencies:   mbed

Wed Apr 05 14:12:05 2017 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 1 #include "mbed.h"
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 2
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 3 void usartSetup (void) {
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 4 RCC->IOPENR |= RCC_IOPENR_IOPBEN;
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 5 RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN; // enable clock for USART1
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 6 USART1->BRR = 320000 / 96; // set baudrate
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 7 GPIOB->MODER &= ~GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0;
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 8 GPIOB->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1;
SimonNOWAK 1:2b6896966307 9
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 10 GPIOB->AFR[1] |= 0x40;
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 11 GPIOB->OTYPER &= ~GPIO_OTYPER_OT_6;
SimonNOWAK 1:2b6896966307 12 USART1->CR1 |= (USART_CR1_RE | USART_CR1_TE | USART_CR1_UE); // RX, TX enable
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 13 }
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 14
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 15 void SendChar(){
SimonNOWAK 1:2b6896966307 16 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
SimonNOWAK 1:2b6896966307 17 pc.printf("TXE: %02X\r\n", USART1->ISR);
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 18 char stringtosend[] = {"Salut ca va ? Oui et toi ? Oh yes ca fonctionne bien ahahahahahahahahahahahah\r\n"};
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 19 for(int send = 0; send < sizeof(stringtosend); send++){
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 20 //On attend que la transmission soit terminée
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 21 while((USART1->ISR & USART_ISR_TC) != USART_ISR_TC);
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 22
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 23 //Si on a tout envoyé
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 24 if(send == sizeof(stringtosend))
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 25 {
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 26 send=0;
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 27 USART1->ICR = USART_ICR_TCCF; /* Clear transfer complete flag */
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 28 }
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 29 else
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 30 {
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 31 //Si le registre de données est vide
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 32 while (!(USART1->ISR & (USART1->ISR | USART_ISR_TXE)));
SimonNOWAK 1:2b6896966307 33 USART1->TDR = stringtosend[send];
SimonNOWAK 1:2b6896966307 34 }
SimonNOWAK 2:1deea3b4119e 35
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 36 }
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 37 }
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 38
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 39 int main() {
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 40 usartSetup();
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 41 SendChar();
SimonNOWAK 0:25823c5e440a 42 }