This is a SLIP interface for the STM32F446RE Nucleo Board. It is designed to work specifically with the esp-link software for the ESP8266. The program is an example of a rest command.

Dependencies:   mbed DHT Matrix



File content as of revision 0:70a6082c1bf7:


#if _MSC_VER
#define PACKED
#define PACKED __attribute__ ((__packed__))

#include <mbed.h>
#include <string> 

typedef struct PACKED {
  uint16_t cmd;            // command to execute
  uint16_t argc;           // number of arguments
  uint32_t value;          // callback to invoke, NULL if none; or response value
  uint8_t  args[0];
} STMClientPacket;

class STMClientResponse {
    // Create a response from a packet, this is done internally in STMClient
    STMClientResponse(STMClientPacket* packet);
    STMClientResponse(void *packet);

    // Accessors to the response fields
    uint16_t argc() { return _cmd->argc; }
    uint16_t cmd() { return _cmd->cmd; }
    uint32_t value() { return _cmd->value; }

    // Return the length of the next argument
    uint16_t argLen() { return *(uint16_t*)_arg_ptr; }
    // Pop one argument from the response, returns the actual length. Returns -1 if there is
    // no arg left.
    int16_t popArg(void* data, uint16_t maxLen);
    // Pop one argument as a poiner from the response, returns the actual length.
    int16_t popArgPtr(void **data);
    // Pop one argument into a string buffer and append a null character. The buffer needs to
    // be large enough (argLen()+1)
    void popChar(char* buffer);
    // Pop one argument into a String buffer
    string popString();
    // Pop one argument into a String buffer
    void popString(string* data);

    uint16_t _arg_num;
    uint8_t* _arg_ptr;
    STMClientPacket* _cmd;