Webserver+3d print

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File content as of revision 0:8918a71cdbe9:

 * @file tftp_server.c
 * @brief TFTP server
 * @section License
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of CycloneTCP Open.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
 * @section Description
 * TFTP is a very simple protocol used to transfer files. Refer to the
 * following RFCs for complete details:
 * - RFC 1123:  Requirements for Internet Hosts
 * - RFC 1350: The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2)
 * - RFC 1782: TFTP Option Extension
 * - RFC 1783: TFTP Blocksize Option
 * - RFC 1784: TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options
 * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (www.oryx-embedded.com)
 * @version 1.7.6

//Switch to the appropriate trace level

#include "tftp/tftp_server.h"
#include "debug.h"

//Check TCP/IP stack configuration

 * @brief Initialize settings with default values
 * @param[out] settings Structure that contains TFTP server settings

void tftpServerGetDefaultSettings(TftpServerSettings *settings)
   //The TFTP server is not bound to any interface
   settings->interface = NULL;

   //TFTP port number
   settings->port = TFTP_PORT;

   //Open file callback function
   settings->openFileCallback = NULL;
   //Write file callback function
   settings->writeFileCallback = NULL;
   //Read file callback function
   settings->readFileCallback = NULL;
   //Close file callback function
   settings->closeFileCallback = NULL;

 * @brief TFTP server initialization
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the TFTP server context
 * @param[in] settings TFTP server specific settings
 * @return Error code

error_t tftpServerInit(TftpServerContext *context, const TftpServerSettings *settings)
   error_t error;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_INFO("Initializing TFTP server...\r\n");

   //Ensure the parameters are valid
   if(context == NULL || settings == NULL)

   //Clear the TFTP server context
   memset(context, 0, sizeof(TftpServerContext));

   //Save user settings
   context->settings = *settings;

   //Create an event object to poll the state of sockets
      //Failed to create event

   //Start of exception handling block
      //Open a UDP socket
      context->socket = socketOpen(SOCKET_TYPE_DGRAM, SOCKET_IP_PROTO_UDP);

      //Failed to open socket?
      if(context->socket == NULL)
         //Report an error
         error = ERROR_OPEN_FAILED;
         //Exit immediately

      //Associate the socket with the relevant interface
      error = socketBindToInterface(context->socket, settings->interface);
      //Unable to bind the socket to the desired interface?

      //The TFTP server listens for connection requests on port 69
      error = socketBind(context->socket, &IP_ADDR_ANY, settings->port);
      //Unable to bind the socket to the desired port?

      //End of exception handling block
   } while(0);

   //Did we encounter an error?
      //Free previously allocated resources
      //Close socket

   //Return status code
   return error;

 * @brief Start TFTP server
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the TFTP server context
 * @return Error code

error_t tftpServerStart(TftpServerContext *context)
   OsTask *task;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_INFO("Starting TFTP server...\r\n");

   //Make sure the TFTP server context is valid
   if(context == NULL)

   //Create the TFTP server task
   task = osCreateTask("TFTP Server", (OsTaskCode) tftpServerTask,

   //Unable to create the task?
   if(task == OS_INVALID_HANDLE)

   //Successful processing
   return NO_ERROR;

 * @brief TFTP server task
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the TFTP server context

void tftpServerTask(TftpServerContext *context)
   error_t error;
   uint_t i;
   TftpClientConnection *connection;

   //Process events
      //Clear event descriptor set
      memset(context->eventDesc, 0, sizeof(context->eventDesc));

      //Specify the events the application is interested in
      for(i = 0; i < TFTP_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++)
         //Point to the structure describing the current connection
         connection = &context->connection[i];

         //Loop through active connections only
         if(connection->state != TFTP_STATE_CLOSED)
            //Wait for a packet to be received
            context->eventDesc[i].socket = connection->socket;
            context->eventDesc[i].eventMask = SOCKET_EVENT_RX_READY;

      //The TFTP server listens for connection requests on port 69
      context->eventDesc[i].socket = context->socket;
      context->eventDesc[i].eventMask = SOCKET_EVENT_RX_READY;

      //Wait for one of the set of sockets to become ready to perform I/O
      error = socketPoll(context->eventDesc, TFTP_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS + 1,
         &context->event, TFTP_SERVER_TICK_INTERVAL);

      //Verify status code
         //Event-driven processing
         for(i = 0; i < TFTP_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++)
            //Point to the structure describing the current connection
            connection = &context->connection[i];

            //Loop through active connections only
            if(connection->state != TFTP_STATE_CLOSED)
               //Check whether a packet has been received
               if(context->eventDesc[i].eventFlags & SOCKET_EVENT_RX_READY)
                  //Process incoming packet
                  tftpServerProcessPacket(context, connection);

         //Any connection request received on port 69?
         if(context->eventDesc[i].eventFlags & SOCKET_EVENT_RX_READY)
            //Accept connection request

      //Handle periodic operations


 * @brief Handle periodic operations
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the TFTP server context

void tftpServerTick(TftpServerContext *context)
   uint_t i;
   systime_t time;
   TftpClientConnection *connection;

   //Get current time
   time = osGetSystemTime();

   //Handle periodic operations
   for(i = 0; i < TFTP_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++)
      //Point to the structure describing the current connection
      connection = &context->connection[i];

      //Check current state
      if(connection->state == TFTP_STATE_READING ||
         connection->state == TFTP_STATE_WRITING ||
         connection->state == TFTP_STATE_READ_COMPLETE)
         //Check current time
         if(timeCompare(time, connection->timestamp + TFTP_SERVER_TIMEOUT) >= 0)
            //Handle retransmissions
            if(connection->retransmitCount < TFTP_SERVER_MAX_RETRIES)
               //Retransmit last packet

               //Save the time at which the packet was sent
               connection->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
               //Increment retransmission counter
               //Close connection
      else if(connection->state == TFTP_STATE_WRITE_COMPLETE)
         //The host sending the final ACK will wait for a while before terminating
         //in order to retransmit the final ACK if it has been lost
         if(timeCompare(time, connection->timestamp + TFTP_SERVER_FINAL_DELAY) >= 0)
            //Close connection

 * @brief Accept connection request
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the TFTP server context

void tftpServerAcceptRequest(TftpServerContext *context)
   error_t error;
   size_t length;
   uint16_t opcode;
   IpAddr clientIpAddr;
   uint16_t clientPort;

   //Read incoming TFTP packet
   error = socketReceiveFrom(context->socket, &clientIpAddr, &clientPort,
      context->packet, TFTP_SERVER_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, &length, 0);

   //Failed to read packet?

   //Debug message
   TRACE_INFO("TFTP Server: Accepting connection from %s port %" PRIu16 "...\r\n",
      ipAddrToString(&clientIpAddr, NULL), clientPort);

   //Sanity check
   if(length < sizeof(uint16_t))

   //Retrieve TFTP packet type
   opcode = LOAD16BE(context->packet);

   //Read request received?
   if(opcode == TFTP_OPCODE_RRQ)
      //Process RRQ packet
      tftpServerProcessRrqPacket(context, &clientIpAddr,
         clientPort, (TftpRrqPacket *) context->packet, length);
   //Write request received?
   else if(opcode == TFTP_OPCODE_WRQ)
      //Process WRQ packet
      tftpServerProcessWrqPacket(context, &clientIpAddr,
         clientPort, (TftpWrqPacket *) context->packet, length);
   //Invalid request received?
      //Discard incoming packet

 * @brief Process incoming packet
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the TFTP server context
 * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection

void tftpServerProcessPacket(TftpServerContext *context,
   TftpClientConnection *connection)
   error_t error;
   size_t length;
   uint16_t opcode;
   IpAddr clientIpAddr;
   uint16_t clientPort;

   //Read incoming TFTP packet
   error = socketReceiveFrom(connection->socket, &clientIpAddr, &clientPort,
      context->packet, TFTP_SERVER_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, &length, 0);

   //Failed to read packet?

   //Sanity check
   if(length < sizeof(uint16_t))

   //Retrieve TFTP packet type
   opcode = LOAD16BE(context->packet);

   //Data packet received?
   if(opcode == TFTP_OPCODE_DATA)
      //Process DATA packet
         (TftpDataPacket *) context->packet, length);
   //Acknowledgment packet received?
   else if(opcode == TFTP_OPCODE_ACK)
      //Process ACK packet
         (TftpAckPacket *) context->packet, length);
   //Error packet received?
   else if(opcode == TFTP_OPCODE_ERROR)
      //Process ERROR packet
         (TftpErrorPacket *) context->packet, length);
   //Invalid packet received?
      //Discard incoming packet

 * @brief Process incoming RRQ packet
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the TFTP server context
 * @param[in] clientIpAddr IP address of the client
 * @param[in] clientPort Port number used by the client
 * @param[in] rrqPacket Pointer to the RRQ packet
 * @param[in] length Length of the packet, in bytes

void tftpServerProcessRrqPacket(TftpServerContext *context, const IpAddr *clientIpAddr,
   uint16_t clientPort, const TftpRrqPacket *rrqPacket, size_t length)
   const char_t *mode;
   TftpClientConnection *connection;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("TFTP Server: RRQ packet received (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n",

   //Make sure the length of the RRQ packet is acceptable
   if(length <= sizeof(TftpRrqPacket))

   //Compute the number of bytes that follows the 2-byte opcode
   length -= sizeof(TftpRrqPacket);

   //Point to the incoming RRQ packet
   rrqPacket = (TftpRrqPacket *) context->packet;

   //Malformed RRQ packet?
   if(rrqPacket->filename[length - 1] != '\0')

   //Compute the length of the mode string
   length -= strlen(rrqPacket->filename) + 1;

   //Malformed RRQ packet?
   if(length == 0)

   //Point to the mode string
   mode = rrqPacket->filename + strlen(rrqPacket->filename) + 1;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Opcode = %u\r\n", ntohs(rrqPacket->opcode));
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Filename = %s\r\n", rrqPacket->filename);
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Mode = %s\r\n", mode);

   //Create a new connection
   connection = tftpServerOpenConnection(context, clientIpAddr, clientPort);

   //Any error to report?
   if(connection == NULL)

   //Open the specified file for reading
   if(context->settings.openFileCallback != NULL)
      //Invoke user callback function
      connection->file = context->settings.openFileCallback(rrqPacket->filename,
         mode, FALSE);
      //No callback function defined
      connection->file = NULL;

   //Check if the file was successfully opened
   if(connection->file != NULL)
      //The read operation is in progress...
      connection->state = TFTP_STATE_READING;
      //Initialize block number
      connection->block = 1;

      //Send the first DATA packet
      //If the reply is an error packet, then the request has been denied
      tftpServerSendErrorPacket(connection, TFTP_ERROR_NOT_DEFINED,
         "Failed to open file");

      //Close the connection

 * @brief Process incoming WRQ packet
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the TFTP server context
 * @param[in] clientIpAddr IP address of the client
 * @param[in] clientPort Port number used by the client
 * @param[in] wrqPacket Pointer to the WRQ packet
 * @param[in] length Length of the packet, in bytes

void tftpServerProcessWrqPacket(TftpServerContext *context, const IpAddr *clientIpAddr,
   uint16_t clientPort, const TftpWrqPacket *wrqPacket, size_t length)
   const char_t *mode;
   TftpClientConnection *connection;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("TFTP Server: WRQ packet received (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n",

   //Make sure the length of the WRQ packet is acceptable
   if(length <= sizeof(TftpWrqPacket))

   //Compute the number of bytes that follows the 2-byte opcode
   length -= sizeof(TftpWrqPacket);

   //Point to the incoming WRQ packet
   wrqPacket = (TftpWrqPacket *) context->packet;

   //Malformed WRQ packet?
   if(wrqPacket->filename[length - 1] != '\0')

   //Compute the length of the mode string
   length -= strlen(wrqPacket->filename) + 1;

   //Malformed WRQ packet?
   if(length == 0)

   //Point to the mode string
   mode = wrqPacket->filename + strlen(wrqPacket->filename) + 1;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Opcode = %u\r\n", ntohs(wrqPacket->opcode));
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Filename = %s\r\n", wrqPacket->filename);
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Mode = %s\r\n", mode);

   //Create a new connection
   connection = tftpServerOpenConnection(context, clientIpAddr, clientPort);

   //Any error to report?
   if(connection == NULL)

   //Open the specified file for writing
   if(context->settings.openFileCallback != NULL)
      //Invoke user callback function
      connection->file = context->settings.openFileCallback(wrqPacket->filename,
         mode, TRUE);
      //No callback function defined
      connection->file = NULL;

   //Check if the file was successfully opened
   if(connection->file != NULL)
      //The write operation is in progress...
      connection->state = TFTP_STATE_WRITING;
      //Initialize block number
      connection->block = 0;

      //The positive response to a write request is an acknowledgment
      //packet with block number zero

      //Increment block number
      //If the reply is an error packet, then the request has been denied
      tftpServerSendErrorPacket(connection, TFTP_ERROR_NOT_DEFINED,
         "Failed to open file");

      //Close the connection

 * @brief Process incoming DATA packet
 * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
 * @param[in] dataPacket Pointer to the DATA packet
 * @param[in] length Length of the packet, in bytes

void tftpServerProcessDataPacket(TftpClientConnection *connection,
   const TftpDataPacket *dataPacket, size_t length)
   error_t error;
   size_t offset;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("TFTP Server: DATA packet received (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n",

   //Make sure the length of the DATA packet is acceptable
   if(length < sizeof(TftpDataPacket))

   //Calculate the length of the data
   length -= sizeof(TftpDataPacket);

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Opcode = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(dataPacket->opcode));
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Block = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(dataPacket->block));

   //Check current state
   if(connection->state == TFTP_STATE_WRITING)
      //Check block number
      if(ntohs(dataPacket->block) == connection->block)
         //Write data to the output file
         if(connection->settings->writeFileCallback != NULL)
            //Calculate the offset relative to the beginning of the file
            offset = (connection->block - 1) * TFTP_SERVER_BLOCK_SIZE;

            //Invoke user callback function
            error = connection->settings->writeFileCallback(connection->file,
               offset, dataPacket->data, length);
            //No callback function defined
            error = ERROR_WRITE_FAILED;

         //Check status code
            //Acknowledge the DATA packet

            //Increment block number

            //A data packet of less than 512 bytes signals termination of the transfer
            if(length < TFTP_SERVER_BLOCK_SIZE)
               //Properly close the file
               if(connection->settings->closeFileCallback != NULL)
                  //Invoke user callback function

               //Mark the file as closed
               connection->file = NULL;

               //The host sending the final ACK will wait for a while before terminating
               //in order to retransmit the final ACK if it has been lost
               connection->state = TFTP_STATE_WRITE_COMPLETE;

               //Save current time
               connection->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
            //An error occurs during the transfer
            tftpServerSendErrorPacket(connection, TFTP_ERROR_NOT_DEFINED,
               "Failed to write file");

            //A TFTP server may terminate after sending an error message
         //Retransmit ACK packet
   else if(connection->state == TFTP_STATE_WRITE_COMPLETE)
      //The acknowledger will know that the ACK has been lost if it
      //receives the final DATA packet again

 * @brief Process incoming ACK packet
 * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
 * @param[in] ackPacket Pointer to the ACK packet
 * @param[in] length Length of the packet, in bytes

void tftpServerProcessAckPacket(TftpClientConnection *connection,
   const TftpAckPacket *ackPacket, size_t length)
   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("TFTP Server: ACK packet received (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n",

   //Make sure the length of the ACK packet is acceptable
   if(length < sizeof(TftpAckPacket))

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Opcode = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(ackPacket->opcode));
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Block = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(ackPacket->block));

   //Check current state
   if(connection->state == TFTP_STATE_READING)
      //Make sure the ACK is not a duplicate
      if(ntohs(ackPacket->block) == connection->block)
         //The block number increases by one for each new block of data

         //Send DATA packet
   else if(connection->state == TFTP_STATE_READ_COMPLETE)
      //Make sure the ACK is not a duplicate
      if(ntohs(ackPacket->block) == connection->block)
         //The host sending the last DATA must retransmit it until the packet is
         //acknowledged or the sending host times out. If the response is an ACK,
         //the transmission was completed successfully

 * @brief Process incoming ERROR packet
 * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
 * @param[in] errorPacket Pointer to the ERROR packet
 * @param[in] length Length of the packet, in bytes

void tftpServerProcessErrorPacket(TftpClientConnection *connection,
   const TftpErrorPacket *errorPacket, size_t length)
   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("TFTP Server: ERROR packet received (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n",

   //Make sure the length of the ERROR packet is acceptable
   if(length < sizeof(TftpErrorPacket))

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Opcode = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(errorPacket->opcode));
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Error Code = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(errorPacket->errorCode));

   //Compute the length of the error message
   length -= sizeof(TftpErrorPacket);

   //Make sure the error message is terminated with a zero byte
   if(length > 1 && errorPacket->errorMsg[length - 1] == '\0')
      //Debug message
      TRACE_DEBUG("  Error Msg = %s\r\n", errorPacket->errorMsg);

   //Close connection

 * @brief Send DATA packet
 * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
 * @return Error code

error_t tftpServerSendDataPacket(TftpClientConnection *connection)
   error_t error;
   size_t offset;
   TftpDataPacket *dataPacket;

   //Point the buffer where to format the packet
   dataPacket = (TftpDataPacket *) connection->packet;

   //Format DATA packet
   dataPacket->opcode = HTONS(TFTP_OPCODE_DATA);
   dataPacket->block = htons(connection->block);

   //Read more data from the input file
   if(connection->settings->readFileCallback != NULL)
      //Calculate the offset relative to the beginning of the file
      offset = (connection->block - 1) * TFTP_SERVER_BLOCK_SIZE;

      //Invoke user callback function
      error = connection->settings->readFileCallback(connection->file, offset,
         dataPacket->data, TFTP_SERVER_BLOCK_SIZE, &connection->packetLen);
      //No callback function defined
      error = ERROR_READ_FAILED;

   //End of file?
   if(error == ERROR_END_OF_FILE || error == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM)
      //Catch exception
      error = NO_ERROR;
      //This is the the last block of data
      connection->packetLen = 0;

   //Check status code
      //A data packet of less than 512 bytes signals termination of the transfer
      if(connection->packetLen < TFTP_SERVER_BLOCK_SIZE)
         //Properly close the file
         if(connection->settings->closeFileCallback != NULL)
            //Invoke user callback function

         //Mark the file as closed
         connection->file = NULL;

         //The host sending the last DATA must retransmit it until the packet
         //is acknowledged or the sending host times out
         connection->state = TFTP_STATE_READ_COMPLETE;

      //Length of the DATA packet
      connection->packetLen += sizeof(TftpAckPacket);

      //Debug message
      TRACE_DEBUG("TFTP Server: Sending DATA packet (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n", connection->packetLen);
      TRACE_DEBUG("  Opcode = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(dataPacket->opcode));
      TRACE_DEBUG("  Block = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(dataPacket->block));

      //Send DATA packet
      error = socketSend(connection->socket, connection->packet,
         connection->packetLen, NULL, 0);

      //Save the time at which the packet was sent
      connection->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
      //Reset retransmission counter
      connection->retransmitCount = 0;
      //An error occurs during the transfer
      tftpServerSendErrorPacket(connection, TFTP_ERROR_NOT_DEFINED,
         "Failed to read file");

      //A TFTP server may terminate after sending an error message

   //Return status code
   return error;

 * @brief Send ACK packet
 * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
 * @return Error code

error_t tftpServerSendAckPacket(TftpClientConnection *connection)
   error_t error;
   TftpAckPacket *ackPacket;

   //Point the buffer where to format the packet
   ackPacket = (TftpAckPacket *) connection->packet;

   //Format ACK packet
   ackPacket->opcode = HTONS(TFTP_OPCODE_ACK);
   ackPacket->block = htons(connection->block);

   //Length of the ACK packet
   connection->packetLen = sizeof(TftpAckPacket);

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("TFTP Server: Sending ACK packet (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n", connection->packetLen);
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Opcode = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(ackPacket->opcode));
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Block = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(ackPacket->block));

   //Send ACK packet
   error = socketSend(connection->socket, connection->packet,
      connection->packetLen, NULL, 0);

   //Save the time at which the packet was sent
   connection->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
   //Reset retransmission counter
   connection->retransmitCount = 0;

   //Return status code
   return error;

 * @brief Send ERROR packet
 * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
 * @param[in] errorCode Integer indicating the nature of the error
 * @param[in] errorMsg Error message intended for human consumption
 * @return Error code

error_t tftpServerSendErrorPacket(TftpClientConnection *connection,
   uint16_t errorCode, const char_t *errorMsg)
   error_t error;
   TftpErrorPacket *errorPacket;

   //Check the length of the error message
   if(strlen(errorMsg) >= TFTP_SERVER_BLOCK_SIZE)

   //Point the buffer where to format the packet
   errorPacket = (TftpErrorPacket *) connection->packet;

   //Format ERROR packet
   errorPacket->opcode = HTONS(TFTP_OPCODE_ERROR);
   errorPacket->errorCode = htons(errorCode);

   //Copy error message
   strcpy(errorPacket->errorMsg, errorMsg);

   //Length of the ERROR packet
   connection->packetLen = sizeof(TftpErrorPacket) + strlen(errorMsg) + 1;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("TFTP Server: Sending ERROR packet (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n", connection->packetLen);
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Opcode = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(errorPacket->opcode));
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Error Code = %" PRIu16 "\r\n", ntohs(errorPacket->errorCode));
   TRACE_DEBUG("  Error Msg = %s\r\n", errorPacket->errorMsg);

   //Send ERROR packet
   error = socketSend(connection->socket, connection->packet,
      connection->packetLen, NULL, 0);

   //Save the time at which the packet was sent
   connection->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
   //Reset retransmission counter
   connection->retransmitCount = 0;

   //Return status code
   return error;

 * @brief Retransmit the last packet
 * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
 * @return Error code

error_t tftpServerRetransmitPacket(TftpClientConnection *connection)
   error_t error;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_DEBUG("TFTP Server: Retransmitting packet (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n",

   //Retransmit the last packet
   error = socketSend(connection->socket, connection->packet,
      connection->packetLen, NULL, 0);

   //Return status code
   return error;

 * @brief Create client connection
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the TFTP server context
 * @param[in] clientIpAddr IP address of the client
 * @param[in] clientPort Port number used by the client
 * @return Pointer to the structure describing the connection

TftpClientConnection *tftpServerOpenConnection(TftpServerContext *context,
   const IpAddr *clientIpAddr, uint16_t clientPort)
   error_t error;
   uint_t i;
   TftpClientConnection *connection;
   TftpClientConnection *oldestConnection;

   //Keep track of the oldest connection that is waiting to
   //retransmit the final ACK
   oldestConnection = NULL;

   //Loop through the connection table
   for(i = 0; i < TFTP_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++)
      //Point to the current entry
      connection = &context->connection[i];

      //Check the state of the current connection
      if(connection->state == TFTP_STATE_CLOSED)
         //The current entry is available
      else if(connection->state == TFTP_STATE_WRITE_COMPLETE)
         //Keep track of the oldest connection that is waiting to
         //retransmit the final ACK
         if(oldestConnection == NULL)
            //Save current connection
            oldestConnection = connection;
         else if(timeCompare(connection->timestamp,
            oldestConnection->timestamp) < 0)
            //Save current connection
            oldestConnection = connection;

   //The oldest connection that is waiting to retransmit the final ACK
   //can be reused when the connection table runs out of space
      //Close the oldest connection
      //Reuse the connection
      connection = oldestConnection;

   //Failed to create a new connection?
   if(connection == NULL)
      return NULL;

   //Clear the structure describing the connection
   memset(connection, 0, sizeof(TftpClientConnection));

   //Open a UDP socket
   connection->socket = socketOpen(SOCKET_TYPE_DGRAM, SOCKET_IP_PROTO_UDP);

   //Failed to open socket?
   if(connection->socket == NULL)
      return NULL;

   //Associate the socket with the relevant interface
   error = socketBindToInterface(connection->socket, context->settings.interface);

   //Any error to report?
      //Clean up side effects
      connection->socket = NULL;
      //Exit immediately
      return NULL;

   //Connect the socket to the remote TFTP client
   error = socketConnect(connection->socket, clientIpAddr, clientPort);

   //Any error to report?
      //Clean up side effects
      connection->socket = NULL;
      //Exit immediately
      return NULL;

   //Reference to the TFTP server settings
   connection->settings = &context->settings;
   //Update connection state
   connection->state = TFTP_STATE_OPEN;

   //Pointer to the structure describing the connection
   return connection;

 * @brief Close client connection
 * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection

void tftpServerCloseConnection(TftpClientConnection *connection)
   //Debug message
   TRACE_INFO("TFTP Server: Closing connection...\r\n");

   //Any active connection?
   if(connection->socket != NULL)
      //Close UDP socket
      connection->socket = NULL;

   //Check whether a read or write operation is in progress...
   if(connection->file != NULL)
      //Properly close the file before closing the connection
      if(connection->settings->closeFileCallback != NULL)
         //Invoke user callback function

      //Mark the file as closed
      connection->file = NULL;

   //Mark the connection as closed
   connection->state = TFTP_STATE_CLOSED;
