Webserver+3d print

Dependents:   Nucleo



File content as of revision 0:8918a71cdbe9:

 * @file ppp_hdlc.c
 * @brief PPP HDLC driver
 * @section License
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of CycloneTCP Open.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
 * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (www.oryx-embedded.com)
 * @version 1.7.6

//Switch to the appropriate trace level

#include <stdio.h>
#include "core/net.h"
#include "ppp/ppp.h"
#include "ppp/ppp_hdlc.h"
#include "debug.h"

//Check TCP/IP stack configuration

 * @brief PPP HDLC driver

const NicDriver pppHdlcDriver =

 * @brief PPP HDLC driver initialization
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
 * @return Error code

error_t pppHdlcDriverInit(NetInterface *interface)
   PppContext *context;

   //Debug message
   TRACE_INFO("Initializing PPP HDLC driver...\r\n");

   //Point to the PPP context
   context = interface->pppContext;

   //Initialize variables
   context->txBufferLen = 0;
   context->txWriteIndex = 0;
   context->txReadIndex = 0;
   context->rxBufferLen = 0;
   context->rxWriteIndex = 0;
   context->rxReadIndex = 0;
   context->rxFrameCount = 0;

   //Initialize UART

   //Accept any packets from the upper layer

   //Successful initialization
   return NO_ERROR;

 * @brief PPP HDLC driver timer handler
 * This routine is periodically called by the TCP/IP stack to
 * handle periodic operations such as polling the link state
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface

void pppHdlcDriverTick(NetInterface *interface)

 * @brief Enable interrupts
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface

void pppHdlcDriverEnableIrq(NetInterface *interface)
   //Enable UART interrupts

 * @brief Disable interrupts
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface

void pppHdlcDriverDisableIrq(NetInterface *interface)
   //USART interrupts are always enabled

 * @brief PPP HDLC driver event handler
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface

void pppHdlcDriverEventHandler(NetInterface *interface)
   PppContext *context;

   //Point to the PPP context
   context = interface->pppContext;

   //Check PPP state
   if(interface->pppContext->pppPhase != PPP_PHASE_DEAD)
      //Process all pending packets
      while(context->rxFrameCount > 0)
         //Read incoming packet

         //Enter critical section
         //Decrement frame counter
         //Exit critical section

 * @brief Send a packet
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
 * @param[in] buffer Multi-part buffer containing the data to send
 * @param[in] offset Offset to the first data byte
 * @return Error code

error_t pppHdlcDriverSendPacket(NetInterface *interface,
   const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset)
   uint_t i;
   size_t j;
   size_t n;
   uint8_t *p;
   uint16_t protocol;
   uint32_t accm;
   PppContext *context;

   //Point to the PPP context
   context = interface->pppContext;

   //Point to the beginning of the frame
   p = netBufferAt(buffer, offset);

   //Parse the PPP frame header
   pppParseFrameHeader(p, PPP_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE, &protocol);

   //Check Protocol field
   if(protocol == PPP_PROTOCOL_IP || protocol == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPV6)
      //Use the ACCM value that has been negotiated
      accm = context->peerConfig.accm;
      //Use default ACCM mapping
      accm = PPP_DEFAULT_ACCM;

   //Send flag
   pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(context, PPP_FLAG_CHAR);

   //Loop through data chunks
   for(i = 0; i < buffer->chunkCount; i++)
      //Is there any data to copy from the current chunk?
      if(offset < buffer->chunk[i].length)
         //Point to the first byte to be read
         p = (uint8_t *) buffer->chunk[i].address + offset;
         //Compute the number of bytes to copy at a time
         n = buffer->chunk[i].length - offset;

         //Copy data to TX queue
         for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
            if(p[j] < PPP_MASK_CHAR)
                //Check whether the character is flagged
               if(accm & (1 << p[j]))
                  pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(context, PPP_ESC_CHAR);
                  pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(context, p[j] ^ PPP_MASK_CHAR);
                  //Enqueue current character
                  pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(context, p[j]);
            else if(p[j] == PPP_ESC_CHAR || p[j] == PPP_FLAG_CHAR)
               pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(context, PPP_ESC_CHAR);
               pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(context, p[j] ^ PPP_MASK_CHAR);
               //Enqueue current character
               pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(context, p[j]);

         //Process the next block from the start
         offset = 0;
         //Skip the current chunk
         offset -= buffer->chunk[i].length;

   //Send flag
   pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(context, PPP_FLAG_CHAR);

   //Start transferring data

   //Check whether the TX queue is available for writing
   if(context->txBufferLen <= (PPP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 3006))
      //The transmitter can accept another packet

   //Data successfully written
   return NO_ERROR;

 * @brief Receive a packet
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
 * @return Error code

error_t pppHdlcDriverReceivePacket(NetInterface *interface)
   size_t n;
   uint8_t c;
   bool_t escFlag;
   uint32_t accm;
   PppContext *context;

   //Point to the PPP context
   context = interface->pppContext;
   //Retrieve ACCM
   accm = context->localConfig.accm;

   //Length of the original PPP frame
   n = 0;
   //This flag tells whether the next character is escaped
   escFlag = FALSE;

   //The receiver must reverse the octet stuffing procedure
   while(n < PPP_MAX_FRAME_SIZE && context->rxBufferLen > 0)
      //Read a single character
      c = pppHdlcDriverReadRxQueue(context);

      if(c < PPP_MASK_CHAR)
         //Check whether the character is flagged
         if(accm & (1 << c))
            //The extra characters must be removed from the incoming data stream
            //Copy current character
            context->frame[n++] = c;
      else if(c == PPP_ESC_CHAR)
         //All occurrences of 0x7D indicate that the next character is escaped
         escFlag = TRUE;
      else if(c == PPP_FLAG_CHAR)
         //0x7E flag found
      else if(escFlag)
         //The character is XOR'ed with 0x20
         context->frame[n++] = c ^ PPP_MASK_CHAR;
         escFlag = FALSE;
         //Copy current character
         context->frame[n++] = c;

   //Check whether a valid PPP frame has been received
   if(n > 0)
      //Debug message
      TRACE_DEBUG("PPP frame received (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n", n);
      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", context->frame, n);

      //Pass the packet to the upper layer
      nicProcessPacket(interface, context->frame, n);

   //Successful read operation
   return NO_ERROR;

 * @brief Configure multicast MAC address filtering
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
 * @return Error code

error_t pppHdlcDriverSetMulticastFilter(NetInterface *interface)
   //Not implemented
   return NO_ERROR;

 * @brief Send AT command
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
 * @param[in] data NULL-terminated string that contains the AT command to be sent
 * @return Error code

error_t pppHdlcDriverSendAtCommand(NetInterface *interface, const char_t *data)
   size_t i;
   PppContext *context;

   //Point to the PPP context
   context = interface->pppContext;

   //Send AT command
   for(i = 0; data[i] != '\0' && i < 3006; i++)
      pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(context, data[i]);

   //Start transferring data

   //Check whether the TX queue is available for writing
   if(context->txBufferLen <= (PPP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 3006))
      //The transmitter can accept another packet

   //Data successfully written
   return NO_ERROR;

 * @brief Wait for an incoming AT command
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
 * @param[out] data Buffer where to store the incoming AT command
 * @param[in] size Size of the buffer, in bytes
 * @return Error code

error_t pppHdlcDriverReceiveAtCommand(NetInterface *interface, char_t *data, size_t size)
   uint_t i;
   uint_t k;
   uint_t n;
   bool_t valid;
   PppContext *context;

   //Point to the PPP context
   context = interface->pppContext;

   //Point to the first byte of the receive buffer
   k = context->rxReadIndex;
   //Number of characters pending in the receive buffer
   n = context->rxBufferLen;

   //Loop through received data
   for(i = 0, valid = FALSE; i < n && !valid; i++)
      //Read current character
      data[i] = context->rxBuffer[k];

      //Carriage return?
      if(data[i] == '\r' || data[i] == '\n')
         data[i] = '\0';
         valid = TRUE;
      //Special processing of null-modem connections
      else if(i >= 5 && !memcmp(data + i - 5, "CLIENT", 6))
         data[i + 1] = '\0';
         valid = TRUE;
      else if(i >= 11 && !memcmp(data + i - 11, "CLIENTSERVER", 12))
         data[i + 1] = '\0';
         valid = TRUE;
      //Buffer full?
      else if(i == (size - 2))
         data[i + 1] = '\0';
         valid = TRUE;

      //Increment index and wrap around if necessary
      if(++k >= PPP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
         k = 0;

   //Valid command received?
      //Advance read index
      context->rxReadIndex = (context->rxReadIndex + i) % PPP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE;

      //Enter critical section
      //Update the length of the RX buffer
      context->rxBufferLen -= i;
      //Exit critical section

      //Successful processing
      return NO_ERROR;
      //data[i] = '\0';
      //TRACE_INFO("PPP RX buffer residue (%d bytes)\r\n", i);
      //TRACE_INFO_ARRAY("#  ", data, i);
      return ERROR_BUFFER_EMPTY;

 * @brief Purge TX buffer
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the PPP context
 * @return Error code

error_t pppHdlcDriverPurgeTxBuffer(PppContext *context)
   //Enter critical section

   //Purge TX buffer
   context->txBufferLen = 0;
   context->txWriteIndex = 0;
   context->txReadIndex = 0;

   //Exit critical section

   //Successful operation
   return NO_ERROR;

 * @brief Purge RX buffer
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the PPP context
 * @return Error code

error_t pppHdlcDriverPurgeRxBuffer(PppContext *context)
   //Enter critical section

   //Purge RX buffer
   context->rxBufferLen = 0;
   context->rxWriteIndex = 0;
   context->rxReadIndex = 0;
   context->rxFrameCount = 0;

   //Exit critical section

   //Successful operation
   return NO_ERROR;

 * @brief Write TX queue
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the PPP context
 * @param[in] c Character to be written

void pppHdlcDriverWriteTxQueue(PppContext *context, uint8_t c)
   //Enqueue the character
   context->txBuffer[context->txWriteIndex] = c;

   //Increment index and wrap around if necessary
   if(++context->txWriteIndex >= PPP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE)
      context->txWriteIndex = 0;

   //Enter critical section
   //Update the length of the queue
   //Exit critical section

 * @brief Read RX queue
 * @param[in] context Pointer to the PPP context
 * @return Character read from the queue

uint8_t pppHdlcDriverReadRxQueue(PppContext *context)
   uint8_t c;

   //Read a single character
   c = context->rxBuffer[context->rxReadIndex];

   //Increment index and wrap around if necessary
   if(++context->rxReadIndex >= PPP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
      context->rxReadIndex = 0;

   //Enter critical section
   //Update the length of the queue
   //Exit critical section

   //Return the character that has been read
   return c;

 * @brief Read TX queue
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
 * @param[out] c Character read from the queue
 * @return TRUE if a context switch is required

bool_t pppHdlcDriverReadTxQueue(NetInterface *interface, int_t *c)
   bool_t flag;
   PppContext *context;

   //Point to the PPP context
   context = interface->pppContext;
   //This flag will be set if a higher priority task must be woken
   flag = FALSE;

   //Any data pending in the TX queue?
   if(context->txBufferLen > 0)
      //Read a single character
      *c = context->txBuffer[context->txReadIndex];

      //Increment index and wrap around if necessary
      if(++context->txReadIndex >= PPP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE)
         context->txReadIndex = 0;

      //Update the length of the queue

      //Check whether the TX is available for writing
      if(context->txBufferLen == (PPP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE - 3006))
         flag = osSetEventFromIsr(&interface->nicTxEvent);
      //The TX queue is empty
      *c = EOF;

   //The return value tells whether a context switch is required
   return flag;

 * @brief Write RX queue
 * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
 * @param[in] c Character to be written
 * @return TRUE if a context switch is required

bool_t pppHdlcDriverWriteRxQueue(NetInterface *interface, uint8_t c)
   bool_t flag;
   PppContext *context;

   //Point to the PPP context
   context = interface->pppContext;
   //This flag will be set if a higher priority task must be woken
   flag = FALSE;

   //Make sure the RX queue is not full
   if(context->rxBufferLen < PPP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
      //Enqueue the character
      context->rxBuffer[context->rxWriteIndex] = c;

      //Increment index and wrap around if necessary
      if(++context->rxWriteIndex >= PPP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
         context->rxWriteIndex = 0;

      //Update the length of the queue

      //Check PPP connection state
      if(interface->pppContext->pppPhase != PPP_PHASE_DEAD)
         //0x7E flag found?
         if(c == PPP_FLAG_CHAR)
            //Increment frame counter

            //A complete HDLC frame has been received
            interface->nicEvent = TRUE;
            //Notify the TCP/IP stack of the event
            flag = osSetEventFromIsr(&netEvent);

   //The return value tells whether a context switch is required
   return flag;
