Webserver+3d print
- Committer:
- Sergunb
- Date:
- 2017-02-04
- Revision:
- 0:8918a71cdbe9
File content as of revision 0:8918a71cdbe9:
/** * @file icmpv6.h * @brief ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6) * * @section License * * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CycloneTCP Open. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (www.oryx-embedded.com) * @version 1.7.6 **/ #ifndef _ICMPV6_H #define _ICMPV6_H //Dependencies #include "core/net.h" /** * @brief ICMPv6 message type * * The type field indicates the type of the message. Its * value determines the format of the remaining data * **/ typedef enum { ICMPV6_TYPE_DEST_UNREACHABLE = 1, ICMPV6_TYPE_PACKET_TOO_BIG = 2, ICMPV6_TYPE_TIME_EXCEEDED = 3, ICMPV6_TYPE_PARAM_PROBLEM = 4, ICMPV6_TYPE_ECHO_REQUEST = 128, ICMPV6_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY = 129, ICMPV6_TYPE_MULTICAST_LISTENER_QUERY = 130, ICMPV6_TYPE_MULTICAST_LISTENER_REPORT_V1 = 131, ICMPV6_TYPE_MULTICAST_LISTENER_DONE_V1 = 132, ICMPV6_TYPE_ROUTER_SOL = 133, ICMPV6_TYPE_ROUTER_ADV = 134, ICMPV6_TYPE_NEIGHBOR_SOL = 135, ICMPV6_TYPE_NEIGHBOR_ADV = 136, ICMPV6_TYPE_REDIRECT = 137, ICMPV6_TYPE_MULTICAST_LISTENER_REPORT_V2 = 143 } Icmpv6Type; /** * @brief Destination Unreachable message codes **/ typedef enum { ICMPV6_CODE_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST = 0, ICMPV6_CODE_ADMIN_PROHIBITED = 1, ICMPV6_CODE_BEYOND_SCOPE_OF_SRC_ADDR = 2, ICMPV6_CODE_ADDR_UNREACHABLE = 3, ICMPV6_CODE_PORT_UNREACHABLE = 4 } Icmpv6DestUnreachableCode; /** * @brief Time Exceeded message codes **/ typedef enum { ICMPV6_CODE_HOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 0, ICMPV6_CODE_REASSEMBLY_TIME_EXCEEDED = 1 } Icmpv6TimeExceededCode; /** * @brief Parameter Problem message codes **/ typedef enum { ICMPV6_CODE_INVALID_HEADER_FIELD = 0, ICMPV6_CODE_UNKNOWN_NEXT_HEADER = 1, ICMPV6_CODE_UNKNOWN_IPV6_OPTION = 2 } Icmpv6ParamProblemCode; //CodeWarrior or Win32 compiler? #if defined(__CWCC__) || defined(_WIN32) #pragma pack(push, 1) #endif /** * @brief ICMPv6 header **/ typedef __start_packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint8_t data[]; //4 } __end_packed Icmpv6Header; /** * @brief ICMPv6 Error message **/ typedef __start_packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint32_t parameter; //4-7 uint8_t data[]; //8 } __end_packed Icmpv6ErrorMessage; /** * @brief ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message * * A Destination Unreachable message is generated in response to a * packet that cannot be delivered to its destination address for * reasons other than congestion * **/ typedef __start_packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint32_t unused; //4-7 uint8_t data[]; //8 } __end_packed Icmpv6DestUnreachableMessage; /** * @brief ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message * * A Packet Too Big message is sent by a router in response * to a packet that it cannot forward because the packet is * larger than the MTU of the outgoing link * **/ typedef __start_packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint32_t mtu; //4-7 uint8_t data[]; //8 } __end_packed Icmpv6PacketTooBigMessage; /** * @brief ICMPv6 Time Exceeded message * * A Time Exceeded message is sent by a router when it receives * a packet with a Hop Limit of zero * **/ typedef __start_packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint32_t unused; //4-7 uint8_t data[]; //8 } __end_packed Icmpv6TimeExceededMessage; /** * @brief ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message * * A Parameter Problem message is sent by an IPv6 node when it finds a * problem with a field in the IPv6 header or extension headers such * that it cannot complete processing the packet * **/ typedef __start_packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint32_t pointer; //4-7 uint8_t data[]; //8 } __end_packed Icmpv6ParamProblemMessage; /** * @brief ICMPv6 Echo Request and Echo Reply messages * * Every node must implement an ICMPv6 Echo responder function that * receives Echo Requests and sends corresponding Echo Replies * **/ typedef __start_packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint16_t identifier; //4-6 uint16_t sequenceNumber; //7-8 uint8_t data[]; //8 } __end_packed Icmpv6EchoMessage; //CodeWarrior or Win32 compiler? #if defined(__CWCC__) || defined(_WIN32) #pragma pack(pop) #endif //ICMPv6 related functions error_t icmpv6EnableMulticastEchoRequest(NetInterface *interface, bool_t enable); void icmpv6ProcessMessage(NetInterface *interface, Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, uint8_t hopLimit); void icmpv6ProcessDestUnreachable(NetInterface *interface, Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset); void icmpv6ProcessPacketTooBig(NetInterface *interface, Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset); void icmpv6ProcessEchoRequest(NetInterface *interface, Ipv6PseudoHeader *requestPseudoHeader, const NetBuffer *request, size_t requestOffset); error_t icmpv6SendErrorMessage(NetInterface *interface, uint8_t type, uint8_t code, uint32_t parameter, const NetBuffer *ipPacket, size_t ipPacketOffset); void icmpv6DumpMessage(const Icmpv6Header *message); void icmpv6DumpDestUnreachableMessage(const Icmpv6DestUnreachableMessage *message); void icmpv6DumpPacketTooBigMessage(const Icmpv6PacketTooBigMessage *message); void icmpv6DumpEchoMessage(const Icmpv6EchoMessage *message); void icmpv6DumpErrorMessage(const Icmpv6ErrorMessage *message); #endif