Webserver+3d print

Dependents:   Nucleo

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cyclone_tcp/ipv6/ipv6_misc.c	Sat Feb 04 18:15:49 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1346 @@
+ * @file ipv6_misc.c
+ * @brief Helper functions for IPv6
+ *
+ * @section License
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CycloneTCP Open.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (www.oryx-embedded.com)
+ * @version 1.7.6
+ **/
+//Switch to the appropriate trace level
+#include "core/net.h"
+#include "ipv6/ipv6.h"
+#include "ipv6/ipv6_misc.h"
+#include "ipv6/ndp.h"
+#include "ipv6/ndp_cache.h"
+#include "mdns/mdns_responder.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+//Check TCP/IP stack configuration
+ * @brief Get the state of the specified IPv6 address
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] addr IPv6 address
+ * @return Address state
+ **/
+Ipv6AddrState ipv6GetAddrState(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *addr)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6AddrEntry *entry;
+   //Loop through the list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the interface
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.addrList[i];
+      //Valid IPv6 address
+      if(entry->state != IPV6_ADDR_STATE_INVALID)
+      {
+         //Check whether the current entry matches the specified address
+         if(ipv6CompAddr(&entry->addr, addr))
+         {
+            //Return the state of the IPv6 address
+            return entry->state;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //The specified IPv6 address is not valid
+ * @brief Set IPv6 address and address state
+ * @param[in] interface Pointer to the desired network interface
+ * @param[in] index Zero-based index
+ * @param[in] addr IPv6 address
+ * @param[in] state State of the IPv6 address
+ * @param[in] validLifetime Valid lifetime
+ * @param[in] preferredLifetime Preferred lifetime
+ * @param[in] permanent Permanently assigned address
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t ipv6SetAddr(NetInterface *interface, uint_t index, const Ipv6Addr *addr,
+   Ipv6AddrState state, systime_t validLifetime, systime_t preferredLifetime, bool_t permanent)
+   error_t error;
+   Ipv6AddrEntry *entry;
+   Ipv6Addr solicitedNodeAddr;
+   //Check parameters
+   if(interface == NULL || addr == NULL)
+   //Make sure that the index is valid
+   if(index >= IPV6_ADDR_LIST_SIZE)
+      return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+   //The IPv6 address must be a valid unicast address
+   if(ipv6IsMulticastAddr(addr))
+   //Initialize status code
+   error = NO_ERROR;
+   //Point to the corresponding entry
+   entry = &interface->ipv6Context.addrList[index];
+   //Check whether an IPv6 address is already assigned
+   if(!ipv6CompAddr(&entry->addr, &IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR))
+   {
+      //Check the state of the IPv6 address
+      if(entry->state != IPV6_ADDR_STATE_INVALID)
+      {
+         //Ethernet interface?
+         if(interface->nicDriver->type == NIC_TYPE_ETHERNET)
+         {
+            //Form the Solicited-Node address
+            ipv6ComputeSolicitedNodeAddr(&entry->addr, &solicitedNodeAddr);
+            //Leave the Solicited-Node multicast group
+            ipv6LeaveMulticastGroup(interface, &solicitedNodeAddr);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //The current IPv6 address is no more valid
+   entry->state = IPV6_ADDR_STATE_INVALID;
+   entry->validLifetime = 0;
+   entry->preferredLifetime = 0;
+   entry->permanent = FALSE;
+   //Assign the new IPv6 address
+   entry->addr = *addr;
+   //Check whether the new IPv6 address is valid
+   if(!ipv6CompAddr(addr, &IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR))
+   {
+      //Check the state of the IPv6 address
+      if(state != IPV6_ADDR_STATE_INVALID)
+      {
+         //Ethernet interface?
+         if(interface->nicDriver->type == NIC_TYPE_ETHERNET)
+         {
+            //Form the Solicited-Node address for the link-local address
+            ipv6ComputeSolicitedNodeAddr(addr, &solicitedNodeAddr);
+            //Join the Solicited-Node multicast group for each assigned address
+            error = ipv6JoinMulticastGroup(interface, &solicitedNodeAddr);
+         }
+         //6LoWPAN interface?
+         else if(interface->nicDriver->type == NIC_TYPE_6LOWPAN)
+         {
+            //There is no need to join the solicited-node multicast address,
+            //since nobody multicasts Neighbor Solicitations in this type of
+            //network (refer to RFC 6775 section 5.2)
+         }
+      }
+      //Check status code
+      if(!error)
+      {
+         //Set the state of the IPv6 address
+         entry->state = state;
+         //Clear duplicate flag
+         entry->duplicate = FALSE;
+         //Save preferred and valid lifetimes
+         entry->preferredLifetime = preferredLifetime;
+         entry->validLifetime = validLifetime;
+         //Set time stamp
+         entry->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
+         //Initialize DAD related variables
+         entry->dadTimeout = 0;
+         entry->dadRetransmitCount = 0;
+      }
+      //This flag tells whether the IPv6 address should be permanently assigned
+      entry->permanent = permanent;
+   }
+   //Link-local address?
+   if(index == 0)
+   {
+      //Restart mDNS probing process
+      mdnsResponderStartProbing(interface->mdnsResponderContext);
+   }
+   //Return status code
+   return error;
+ * @brief Add a new entry to the list of IPv6 addresses
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] addr IPv6 address
+ * @param[in] validLifetime Valid lifetime, in seconds
+ * @param[in] preferredLifetime Preferred lifetime, in seconds
+ **/
+void ipv6AddAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *addr,
+   uint32_t validLifetime, uint32_t preferredLifetime)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6AddrEntry *entry;
+   //Check the valid lifetime
+   if(validLifetime != NDP_INFINITE_LIFETIME)
+   {
+      //The length of time in seconds that the address is valid
+      if(validLifetime < (MAX_DELAY / 1000))
+         validLifetime *= 1000;
+      else
+         validLifetime = MAX_DELAY;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      //A value of all one bits (0xffffffff) represents infinity
+      validLifetime = INFINITE_DELAY;
+   }
+   //Check the preferred lifetime
+   if(preferredLifetime != NDP_INFINITE_LIFETIME)
+   {
+      //The length of time in seconds that the address remains preferred
+      if(preferredLifetime < (MAX_DELAY / 1000))
+         preferredLifetime *= 1000;
+      else
+         preferredLifetime = MAX_DELAY;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      //A value of all one bits (0xffffffff) represents infinity
+      preferredLifetime = INFINITE_DELAY;
+   }
+   //Loop through the list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the interface
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.addrList[i];
+      //Check the state of the IPv6 address
+      if(entry->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_PREFERRED ||
+         entry->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_DEPRECATED)
+      {
+         //Check whether the current entry matches the specified address
+         if(ipv6CompAddr(&entry->addr, addr))
+         {
+            //The IPv6 address should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+            if(!entry->permanent)
+            {
+               //Update the lifetimes of the entry
+               entry->validLifetime = validLifetime;
+               entry->preferredLifetime = preferredLifetime;
+               //Save current time
+               entry->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
+               //Update the state of the IPv6 address
+               entry->state = IPV6_ADDR_STATE_PREFERRED;
+            }
+            //Exit immediately
+            return;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //If no matching entry was found, then try to create a new entry
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.addrList[i];
+      //Check the state of the IPv6 address
+      if(entry->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_INVALID)
+      {
+         //The IPv6 address should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+         if(!entry->permanent)
+         {
+            //Check whether Duplicate Address Detection should be performed
+            if(interface->ndpContext.dupAddrDetectTransmits > 0)
+            {
+               //Use the IPv6 address as a tentative address
+               ipv6SetAddr(interface, i, addr, IPV6_ADDR_STATE_TENTATIVE,
+                  validLifetime, preferredLifetime, FALSE);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //The use of the IPv6 address is now unrestricted
+               ipv6SetAddr(interface, i, addr, IPV6_ADDR_STATE_PREFERRED,
+                  validLifetime, preferredLifetime, FALSE);
+            }
+            //Exit immediately
+            return;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Remove an entry from the list of IPv6 addresses
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] addr IPv6 address
+ **/
+void ipv6RemoveAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *addr)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6AddrEntry *entry;
+   //Loop through the list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the interface
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.addrList[i];
+      //Valid IPv6 address?
+      if(entry->validLifetime)
+      {
+         //Check whether the current entry matches the specified address
+         if(ipv6CompAddr(&entry->addr, addr))
+         {
+            //The IPv6 address should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+            if(!entry->permanent)
+            {
+               //Remove the IPv6 address from the list
+               ipv6SetAddr(interface, i, &IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR,
+                  IPV6_ADDR_STATE_INVALID, 0, 0, FALSE);
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Add a new entry to the Prefix List
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] prefix IPv6 prefix
+ * @param[in] length The number of leading bits in the prefix that are valid
+ * @param[in] validLifetime Valid lifetime, in seconds
+ * @param[in] preferredLifetime Preferred lifetime, in seconds
+ **/
+void ipv6AddPrefix(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *prefix,
+   uint_t length, uint32_t validLifetime, uint32_t preferredLifetime)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6PrefixEntry *entry;
+   Ipv6PrefixEntry *firstFreeEntry;
+   //Keep track of the first free entry
+   firstFreeEntry = NULL;
+   //Loop through the Prefix List
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_PREFIX_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.prefixList[i];
+      //Valid prefix?
+      if(entry->validLifetime)
+      {
+         //Compare prefix length against the specified value
+         if(entry->prefixLength == length)
+         {
+            //Check whether the current entry matches the specified prefix
+            if(ipv6CompPrefix(&entry->prefix, prefix, length))
+               break;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //The IPv6 prefix should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+         if(!entry->permanent)
+         {
+            //Keep track of the first free entry
+            if(firstFreeEntry == NULL)
+               firstFreeEntry = entry;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //No matching entry found?
+   if(i >= IPV6_PREFIX_LIST_SIZE)
+      entry = firstFreeEntry;
+   //Update the entry if necessary
+   if(entry != NULL)
+   {
+      //The IPv6 prefix should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+      if(!entry->permanent)
+      {
+         //Save the IPv6 prefix
+         entry->prefix = *prefix;
+         entry->prefixLength = length;
+         //Check the valid lifetime
+         if(validLifetime != NDP_INFINITE_LIFETIME)
+         {
+            //The length of time in seconds that the prefix is valid
+            //for the purpose of on-link determination
+            if(validLifetime < (MAX_DELAY / 1000))
+               entry->validLifetime = validLifetime * 1000;
+            else
+               entry->validLifetime = MAX_DELAY;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            //A value of all one bits (0xffffffff) represents infinity
+            entry->validLifetime = INFINITE_DELAY;
+         }
+         //Check the preferred lifetime
+         if(preferredLifetime != NDP_INFINITE_LIFETIME)
+         {
+            //The length of time in seconds that addresses generated from the
+            //prefix via stateless address autoconfiguration remain preferred
+            if(preferredLifetime < (MAX_DELAY / 1000))
+               entry->preferredLifetime = preferredLifetime * 1000;
+            else
+               entry->preferredLifetime = MAX_DELAY;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            //A value of all one bits (0xffffffff) represents infinity
+            entry->preferredLifetime = INFINITE_DELAY;
+         }
+         //Save current time
+         entry->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Remove an entry from the Prefix List
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] prefix IPv6 prefix
+ * @param[in] length The number of leading bits in the prefix that are valid
+ **/
+void ipv6RemovePrefix(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *prefix, uint_t length)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6PrefixEntry *entry;
+   //Loop through the Prefix List
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_PREFIX_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.prefixList[i];
+      //Valid prefix?
+      if(entry->validLifetime)
+      {
+         //Compare prefix length against the specified value
+         if(entry->prefixLength == length)
+         {
+            //Check whether the current entry matches the specified prefix
+            if(ipv6CompPrefix(&entry->prefix, prefix, length))
+            {
+               //The IPv6 prefix should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+               if(!entry->permanent)
+               {
+                  //When removing an entry from the Prefix List, there is no need
+                  //to purge any entries from the Destination or Neighbor Caches
+                  entry->prefix = IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+                  entry->prefixLength = 0;
+                  entry->validLifetime = 0;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Add a new entry to the Default Router List
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] addr IPv6 address of the router
+ * @param[in] lifetime Router lifetime, in seconds
+ **/
+void ipv6AddDefaultRouter(NetInterface *interface,
+   const Ipv6Addr *addr, uint16_t lifetime)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6RouterEntry *entry;
+   Ipv6RouterEntry *firstFreeEntry;
+   //Keep track of the first free entry
+   firstFreeEntry = NULL;
+   //Loop through the Default Router List
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ROUTER_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.routerList[i];
+      //Check the lifetime associated with the default router
+      if(entry->lifetime)
+      {
+         //Check whether the current entry matches the specified router address
+         if(ipv6CompAddr(&entry->addr, addr))
+            break;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //The router address should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+         if(!entry->permanent)
+         {
+            //Keep track of the first free entry
+            if(firstFreeEntry == NULL)
+               firstFreeEntry = entry;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //No matching entry found?
+   if(i >= IPV6_ROUTER_LIST_SIZE)
+      entry = firstFreeEntry;
+   //Update the entry if necessary
+   if(entry != NULL)
+   {
+      //The router address should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+      if(!entry->permanent)
+      {
+         //Save the IPv6 address of the router
+         entry->addr = *addr;
+         //The lifetime associated with the default router
+         entry->lifetime = lifetime * 1000;
+         //Save current time
+         entry->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Remove an entry from the Default Router List
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] addr IPv6 address of the router to be removed from the list
+ **/
+void ipv6RemoveDefaultRouter(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *addr)
+   uint_t i;
+   bool_t flag;
+   Ipv6RouterEntry *entry;
+   //This flag will be set if any entry has been removed from
+   //the Default Router List
+   flag = FALSE;
+   //Loop through the Default Router List
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ROUTER_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.routerList[i];
+      //Check the lifetime associated with the default router
+      if(entry->lifetime)
+      {
+         //Check whether the current entry matches the specified router address
+         if(ipv6CompAddr(&entry->addr, addr))
+         {
+            //The router address should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+            if(!entry->permanent)
+            {
+               //Immediately time-out the entry
+               entry->addr = IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+               entry->lifetime = 0;
+               //Set flag
+               flag = TRUE;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //Check whether an entry has been removed from the list
+   if(flag)
+   {
+      //When removing a router from the Default Router list, the node must
+      //update the Destination Cache in such a way that all entries using
+      //the router perform next-hop determination again
+      ndpFlushDestCache(interface);
+   }
+ * @brief Flush the list of IPv6 addresses
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ **/
+void ipv6FlushAddrList(NetInterface *interface)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6AddrEntry *entry;
+   //Go through the list of IPv6 addresses
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.addrList[i];
+      //Valid IPv6 address?
+      if(entry->validLifetime > 0)
+      {
+         //The IPv6 address should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+         if(!entry->permanent)
+         {
+            //The IPv6 address is not longer valid
+            ipv6SetAddr(interface, i, &IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR,
+               IPV6_ADDR_STATE_INVALID, 0, 0, FALSE);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Flush the Prefix List
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ **/
+void ipv6FlushPrefixList(NetInterface *interface)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6PrefixEntry *entry;
+   //Go through the Prefix List
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_PREFIX_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.prefixList[i];
+      //Valid IPv6 prefix?
+      if(entry->validLifetime > 0)
+      {
+         //The IPv6 prefix should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+         if(!entry->permanent)
+         {
+            //Clear the current entry
+            entry->prefix = IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+            entry->prefixLength = 0;
+            //Remove the entry from the Prefix List
+            entry->validLifetime = 0;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Flush the Default Router List
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ **/
+void ipv6FlushDefaultRouterList(NetInterface *interface)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6RouterEntry *entry;
+   //Go through the Default Router List
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ROUTER_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.routerList[i];
+      //Valid entry?
+      if(entry->lifetime > 0)
+      {
+         //The router address should be preserved if it has been manually assigned
+         if(!entry->permanent)
+         {
+            //Clear the current entry
+            entry->addr = IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+            //Remove the entry from the Default Router List
+            entry->lifetime = 0;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Flush the list of DNS servers
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ **/
+void ipv6FlushDnsServerList(NetInterface *interface)
+   //Clear the list of DNS servers
+   memset(interface->ipv6Context.dnsServerList, 0,
+      sizeof(interface->ipv6Context.dnsServerList));
+ * @brief Source IPv6 address filtering
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] ipAddr Source IPv6 address to be checked
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t ipv6CheckSourceAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
+   //Multicast addresses cannot be used as source address
+   if(ipv6IsMulticastAddr(ipAddr))
+   {
+      //Debug message
+      TRACE_WARNING("Wrong source IPv6 address!\r\n");
+      //The source address not is acceptable
+   }
+   //The source address is acceptable
+   return NO_ERROR;
+ * @brief Destination IPv6 address filtering
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] ipAddr Destination IPv6 address to be checked
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t ipv6CheckDestAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
+   error_t error;
+   uint_t i;
+   //Filter out any invalid addresses
+   //Multicast address?
+   if(ipv6IsMulticastAddr(ipAddr))
+   {
+      //Go through the multicast filter table
+      for(i = 0; i < IPV6_MULTICAST_FILTER_SIZE; i++)
+      {
+         Ipv6FilterEntry *entry;
+         //Point to the current entry
+         entry = &interface->ipv6Context.multicastFilter[i];
+         //Valid entry?
+         if(entry->refCount > 0)
+         {
+            //Check whether the destination IPv6 address matches
+            //a relevant multicast address
+            if(ipv6CompAddr(&entry->addr, ipAddr))
+            {
+               //The multicast address is acceptable
+               error = NO_ERROR;
+               //Stop immediately
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //Unicast address?
+   else
+   {
+      //Loop through the list of IPv6 unicast addresses
+      for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+      {
+         Ipv6AddrEntry *entry;
+         //Point to the current entry
+         entry = &interface->ipv6Context.addrList[i];
+         //Valid entry?
+         if(entry->state != IPV6_ADDR_STATE_INVALID)
+         {
+            //Check whether the destination address matches a valid unicast
+            //address assigned to the interface
+            if(ipv6CompAddr(&entry->addr, ipAddr))
+            {
+               //The destination address is acceptable
+               error = NO_ERROR;
+               //We are done
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      //Check whether the specified is a valid unicast address
+      if(error == ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS)
+      {
+         Ipv6Addr *anycastAddrList;
+         //Point to the list of anycast addresses assigned to the interface
+         anycastAddrList = interface->ipv6Context.anycastAddrList;
+         //Loop through the list of IPv6 anycast addresses
+         for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ANYCAST_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+         {
+            //Valid entry?
+            if(!ipv6CompAddr(&anycastAddrList[i], &IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR))
+            {
+               //Check whether the destination address matches a valid anycast
+               //address assigned to the interface
+               if(ipv6CompAddr(&anycastAddrList[i], ipAddr))
+               {
+                  //The destination address is acceptable
+                  error = NO_ERROR;
+                  //We are done
+                  break;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //Return status code
+   return error;
+ * @brief IPv6 source address selection
+ *
+ * This function selects the source address and the relevant network interface
+ * to be used in order to join the specified destination address
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] interface A pointer to a valid network interface may be provided as
+ *   a hint. The function returns a pointer identifying the interface to be used
+ * @param[in] destAddr Destination IPv6 address
+ * @param[out] srcAddr Local IPv6 address to be used
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t ipv6SelectSourceAddr(NetInterface **interface,
+   const Ipv6Addr *destAddr, Ipv6Addr *srcAddr)
+   uint_t i;
+   uint_t j;
+   NetInterface *currentInterface;
+   NetInterface *bestInterface;
+   Ipv6AddrEntry *currentAddr;
+   Ipv6AddrEntry *bestAddr;
+   //Initialize variables
+   bestInterface = NULL;
+   bestAddr = NULL;
+   //Loop through network interfaces
+   for(i = 0; i < NET_INTERFACE_COUNT; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current interface
+      currentInterface = &netInterface[i];
+      //A network interface may be provided as a hint...
+      if(*interface != currentInterface && *interface != NULL)
+      {
+         //Select the next interface in the list
+         continue;
+      }
+      //A sort of the candidate source addresses is being performed, where a
+      //set of rules define the ordering among addresses (refer to RFC 6724)
+      for(j = 0; j < IPV6_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; j++)
+      {
+         //Point to the current entry
+         currentAddr = &currentInterface->ipv6Context.addrList[j];
+         //Check the state of the address
+         if(currentAddr->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_PREFERRED ||
+            currentAddr->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_DEPRECATED)
+         {
+            //Select the first address as default
+            if(bestAddr == NULL)
+            {
+               //Give the current source address the higher precedence
+               bestInterface = currentInterface;
+               bestAddr = currentAddr;
+               //Select the next address in the list
+               continue;
+            }
+            //Rule 1: Prefer same address
+            if(ipv6CompAddr(&bestAddr->addr, destAddr))
+            {
+               //Select the next address in the list
+               continue;
+            }
+            else if(ipv6CompAddr(&currentAddr->addr, destAddr))
+            {
+               //Give the current source address the higher precedence
+               bestInterface = currentInterface;
+               bestAddr = currentAddr;
+               //Select the next address in the list
+               continue;
+            }
+            //Rule 2: Prefer appropriate scope
+            if(ipv6GetAddrScope(&currentAddr->addr) < ipv6GetAddrScope(&bestAddr->addr))
+            {
+               if(ipv6GetAddrScope(&currentAddr->addr) >= ipv6GetAddrScope(destAddr))
+               {
+                  //Give the current source address the higher precedence
+                  bestInterface = currentInterface;
+                  bestAddr = currentAddr;
+               }
+               //Select the next address in the list
+               continue;
+            }
+            else if(ipv6GetAddrScope(&bestAddr->addr) < ipv6GetAddrScope(&currentAddr->addr))
+            {
+               if(ipv6GetAddrScope(&bestAddr->addr) < ipv6GetAddrScope(destAddr))
+               {
+                  //Give the current source address the higher precedence
+                  bestInterface = currentInterface;
+                  bestAddr = currentAddr;
+               }
+               //Select the next address in the list
+               continue;
+            }
+            //Rule 3: Avoid deprecated addresses
+            if(bestAddr->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_PREFERRED &&
+               currentAddr->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_DEPRECATED)
+            {
+               //Select the next address in the list
+               continue;
+            }
+            else if(currentAddr->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_PREFERRED &&
+               bestAddr->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_DEPRECATED)
+            {
+               //Give the current source address the higher precedence
+               bestInterface = currentInterface;
+               bestAddr = currentAddr;
+               //Select the next address in the list
+               continue;
+            }
+            //Rule 8: Use longest matching prefix
+            if(ipv6GetCommonPrefixLength(&currentAddr->addr, destAddr) >
+               ipv6GetCommonPrefixLength(&bestAddr->addr, destAddr))
+            {
+               //Give the current source address the higher precedence
+               bestInterface = currentInterface;
+               bestAddr = currentAddr;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //Source address selection failed?
+   if(bestAddr == NULL)
+   {
+      //Report an error
+      return ERROR_NO_ADDRESS;
+   }
+   //Return the out-going interface and the source address to be used
+   *interface = bestInterface;
+   *srcAddr = bestAddr->addr;
+   //Successful source address selection
+   return NO_ERROR;
+ * @brief Check whether an IPv6 address is on-link
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] ipAddr IPv6 address to be checked
+ * @return TRUE if the IPv6 address is on-link, else FALSE
+ **/
+bool_t ipv6IsOnLink(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6PrefixEntry *entry;
+   //Link-local prefix?
+   if(ipv6IsLinkLocalUnicastAddr(ipAddr))
+   {
+      //The link-local prefix is considered to be on the prefix
+      //list with an infinite invalidation timer regardless of
+      //whether routers are advertising a prefix for it
+      return TRUE;
+   }
+   //Loop through the Prefix List
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_PREFIX_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.prefixList[i];
+      //Valid prefix?
+      if(entry->validLifetime > 0)
+      {
+         //Check the specified address against the prefix
+         if(ipv6CompPrefix(ipAddr, &entry->prefix, entry->prefixLength))
+         {
+            //The specified IPv6 address is on-link
+            return TRUE;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //The specified IPv6 address is off-link
+   return FALSE;
+ * @brief Check whether an IPv6 address is a tentative address
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] ipAddr IPv6 address to be checked
+ * @return TRUE if the IPv6 address is a tentative address, else FALSE
+ **/
+bool_t ipv6IsTentativeAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6AddrEntry *entry;
+   //Loop through the list of IPv6 unicast addresses
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current entry
+      entry = &interface->ipv6Context.addrList[i];
+      //Tentative address?
+      if(entry->state == IPV6_ADDR_STATE_TENTATIVE)
+      {
+         //Check whether the specified address matches a valid unicast
+         //address assigned to the interface
+         if(ipv6CompAddr(&entry->addr, ipAddr))
+         {
+            //The specified IPv6 address is a tentative address
+            return TRUE;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //The specified IPv6 address is not a tentative address
+   return FALSE;
+ * @brief Check whether an IPv6 address is an anycast address
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] ipAddr IPv6 address to be checked
+ * @return TRUE if the IPv6 address is an anycast address, else FALSE
+ **/
+bool_t ipv6IsAnycastAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
+   uint_t i;
+   Ipv6Addr *anycastAddrList;
+   //Point to the list of anycast addresses assigned to the interface
+   anycastAddrList = interface->ipv6Context.anycastAddrList;
+   //Loop through the list of IPv6 anycast addresses
+   for(i = 0; i < IPV6_ANYCAST_ADDR_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+   {
+      //Valid entry?
+      if(!ipv6CompAddr(&anycastAddrList[i], &IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR))
+      {
+         //Check whether the specified address matches a valid anycast
+         //address assigned to the interface
+         if(ipv6CompAddr(&anycastAddrList[i], ipAddr))
+         {
+            //The specified IPv6 address is an anycast address
+            return TRUE;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //The specified IPv6 address is not an anycast address
+   return FALSE;
+ * @brief Compare IPv6 address prefixes
+ * @param[in] ipAddr1 Pointer to the first IPv6 address
+ * @param[in] ipAddr2 Pointer to the second IPv6 address
+ * @param[in] length Prefix length
+ * @return TRUE if the prefixes match each other, else FALSE
+ **/
+bool_t ipv6CompPrefix(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr1, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr2, size_t length)
+   size_t n = length / 8;
+   size_t m = length % 8;
+   //Ensure the prefix length is valid
+   if(length > 128)
+      return FALSE;
+   //Compare the first part
+   if(n > 0)
+   {
+      if(memcmp(ipAddr1, ipAddr2, n))
+         return FALSE;
+   }
+   //Compare the remaining bits, if any
+   if(m > 0)
+   {
+      //Calculate the mask to be applied
+      uint8_t mask = ((1 << m) - 1) << (8 - m);
+      //Check remaining bits
+      if((ipAddr1->b[n] & mask) != (ipAddr2->b[n] & mask))
+         return FALSE;
+   }
+   //The prefixes match each other
+   return TRUE;
+ * @brief Retrieve the scope of an IPv6 address
+ * @param[in] ipAddr Pointer to an IPv6 address
+ * @return IPv6 address scope
+ **/
+uint_t ipv6GetAddrScope(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
+   uint_t scope;
+   //Multicast address?
+   if(ipv6IsMulticastAddr(ipAddr))
+   {
+      //Retrieve the scope of the multicast address
+      scope = ipv6GetMulticastAddrScope(ipAddr);
+   }
+   //Loopback address?
+   else if(ipv6CompAddr(ipAddr, &IPV6_LOOPBACK_ADDR))
+   {
+      //The loopback address may be used by a node to send an IPv6 packet to itself
+   }
+   //Link-local unicast address?
+   else if(ipv6IsLinkLocalUnicastAddr(ipAddr))
+   {
+      //A link-local address is for use on a single link
+      scope = IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_LINK_LOCAL;
+   }
+   //Site-local unicast address?
+   else if(ipv6IsSiteLocalUnicastAddr(ipAddr))
+   {
+      //A site-local address is for use in a single site
+      scope = IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_SITE_LOCAL;
+   }
+   //Global address?
+   else
+   {
+      //Global scope
+      scope = IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_GLOBAL;
+   }
+   //Return the scope of the specified IPv6 address
+   return scope;
+ * @brief Retrieve the scope of an IPv6 multicast address
+ * @param[in] ipAddr Pointer to an IPv6 multicast address
+ * @return IPv6 address scope
+ **/
+uint_t ipv6GetMulticastAddrScope(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
+   uint_t scope;
+   //The scope field is a 4-bit value
+   scope = ipAddr->b[1] & 0x0F;
+   //If the scope field contains the reserved value F, an IPv6 packet
+   //must be treated the same as packets destined to a global multicast
+   //address (refer to RFC 3513 section 2.7)
+   if(scope == 0x0F)
+      scope = IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_GLOBAL;
+   //Return the scope of the specified IPv6 multicast address
+   return scope;
+ * @brief Compute the length of the longest common prefix
+ * @param[in] ipAddr1 Pointer to the first IPv6 address
+ * @param[in] ipAddr2 Pointer to the second IPv6 address
+ * @return The length of the longest common prefix, in bits
+ **/
+uint_t ipv6GetCommonPrefixLength(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr1, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr2)
+   uint_t i;
+   uint_t j;
+   //Clear bit counter
+   j = 0;
+   //Perform a byte-for-byte comparison
+   for(i = 0; i < sizeof(Ipv6Addr); i++)
+   {
+      //Loop as long as prefixes match
+      if(ipAddr1->b[i] != ipAddr2->b[i])
+         break;
+   }
+   //Mismatch?
+   if(i < sizeof(Ipv6Addr))
+   {
+      //Perform a bit-for-bit comparison
+      for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+      {
+         //Calculate the mask to be applied
+         uint8_t mask = 1 << (7 - j);
+         //Loop as long as prefixes match
+         if((ipAddr1->b[i] & mask) != (ipAddr2->b[i] & mask))
+            break;
+      }
+   }
+   //Return the length of the longest common prefix, in bits
+   return i * 8 + j;
+ * @brief Form a solicited-node address from an IPv6 address
+ * @param[in] ipAddr Unicast or anycast address
+ * @param[out] solicitedNodeAddr Corresponding solicited-node address
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t ipv6ComputeSolicitedNodeAddr(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr,
+   Ipv6Addr *solicitedNodeAddr)
+   //Ensure the specified address is a valid unicast or anycast address
+   if(ipv6IsMulticastAddr(ipAddr))
+   //Copy the 104-bit prefix
+   ipv6CopyAddr(solicitedNodeAddr, &IPV6_SOLICITED_NODE_ADDR_PREFIX);
+   //Take the low-order 24 bits of the address (unicast or
+   //anycast) and append those bits to the prefix
+   solicitedNodeAddr->b[13] = ipAddr->b[13];
+   solicitedNodeAddr->b[14] = ipAddr->b[14];
+   solicitedNodeAddr->b[15] = ipAddr->b[15];
+   //No error to report
+   return NO_ERROR;
+ * @brief Map an IPv6 multicast address to a MAC-layer multicast address
+ * @param[in] ipAddr IPv6 multicast address
+ * @param[out] macAddr Corresponding MAC-layer multicast address
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t ipv6MapMulticastAddrToMac(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, MacAddr *macAddr)
+   //Ensure the specified IPv6 address is a multicast address
+   if(!ipv6IsMulticastAddr(ipAddr))
+   //To support IPv6 multicasting, MAC address range of 33-33-00-00-00-00
+   //to 33-33-FF-FF-FF-FF is reserved (refer to RFC 2464)
+   macAddr->b[0] = 0x33;
+   macAddr->b[1] = 0x33;
+   //The low-order 32 bits of the IPv6 multicast address are mapped directly
+   //to the low-order 32 bits in the MAC-layer multicast address
+   macAddr->b[2] = ipAddr->b[12];
+   macAddr->b[3] = ipAddr->b[13];
+   macAddr->b[4] = ipAddr->b[14];
+   macAddr->b[5] = ipAddr->b[15];
+   //The specified IPv6 multicast address was successfully
+   //mapped to a MAC-layer address
+   return NO_ERROR;
+ * @brief Generate a IPv6 link-local address from an interface identifier
+ * @param[in] interfaceId Interface identifier
+ * @param[out] ipAddr Corresponding IPv6 link-local address
+ **/
+void ipv6GenerateLinkLocalAddr(const Eui64* interfaceId, Ipv6Addr *ipAddr)
+   //A link-local address is formed by combining the well-known
+   //link-local prefix fe80::/10 with the interface identifier
+   ipAddr->w[0] = HTONS(0xFE80);
+   ipAddr->w[1] = HTONS(0x0000);
+   ipAddr->w[2] = HTONS(0x0000);
+   ipAddr->w[3] = HTONS(0x0000);
+   ipAddr->w[4] = interfaceId->w[0];
+   ipAddr->w[5] = interfaceId->w[1];
+   ipAddr->w[6] = interfaceId->w[2];
+   ipAddr->w[7] = interfaceId->w[3];