Webserver+3d print

Dependents:   Nucleo

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cyclone_tcp/ftp/ftp_server_events.c	Sat Feb 04 18:15:49 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+ * @file ftp_server_events.c
+ * @brief FTP server (event handlers)
+ *
+ * @section License
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CycloneTCP Open.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (www.oryx-embedded.com)
+ * @version 1.7.6
+ **/
+//Switch to the appropriate trace level
+#include "ftp/ftp_server.h"
+#include "ftp/ftp_server_events.h"
+#include "ftp/ftp_server_commands.h"
+#include "ftp/ftp_server_misc.h"
+#include "str.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+//Check TCP/IP stack configuration
+//Abbreviated months
+static const char months[13][4] =
+   "   ",
+   "Jan",
+   "Feb",
+   "Mar",
+   "Apr",
+   "May",
+   "Jun",
+   "Jul",
+   "Aug",
+   "Sep",
+   "Oct",
+   "Nov",
+   "Dec"
+ * @brief Control connection event handler
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the FTP server context
+ * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
+ * @param[in] eventFlags Event to be processed
+ **/
+void ftpServerControlEventHandler(FtpServerContext *context,
+   FtpClientConnection * connection, uint_t eventFlags)
+   error_t error;
+   size_t n;
+   //Send buffer is available for writing?
+   if(eventFlags == SOCKET_EVENT_TX_READY)
+   {
+      //Send data back to the client
+      error = socketSend(connection->controlSocket, connection->response +
+         connection->responsePos, connection->responseLength, &n, 0);
+      //Failed to send data?
+      if(error != NO_ERROR && error != ERROR_TIMEOUT)
+      {
+         //Close connection with the client
+         ftpServerCloseConnection(context, connection);
+         //Exit immediately
+         return;
+      }
+      //Advance data pointer
+      connection->responsePos += n;
+      //Number of bytes still available in the response buffer
+      connection->responseLength -= n;
+   }
+   //Data is pending in the receive buffer?
+   else if(eventFlags == SOCKET_EVENT_RX_READY)
+   {
+      //Read data from the client
+      error = socketReceive(connection->controlSocket,
+         connection->command + connection->commandLength,
+         FTP_SERVER_MAX_LINE_LEN - connection->commandLength, &n, 0);
+      //Failed to receive data?
+      if(error == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM)
+      {
+         //Gracefully disconnect from the remote host
+         connection->controlState = FTP_CONTROL_STATE_WAIT_ACK;
+         //Exit immediately
+         return;
+      }
+      else if(error)
+      {
+         //Close connection with the client
+         ftpServerCloseConnection(context, connection);
+         //Exit immediately
+         return;
+      }
+      //Number of bytes available in the command buffer
+      connection->commandLength += n;
+      //Process incoming command
+      ftpServerProcessCmd(context, connection);
+   }
+   //Data are transmitted and acknowledged?
+   else if(eventFlags == SOCKET_EVENT_TX_ACKED)
+   {
+      //Disable transmission
+      socketShutdown(connection->controlSocket, SOCKET_SD_SEND);
+      //Next state
+      connection->controlState = FTP_CONTROL_STATE_SHUTDOWN_TX;
+   }
+   //Transmission is shut down?
+   else if(eventFlags == SOCKET_EVENT_TX_SHUTDOWN)
+   {
+      //Disable reception
+      socketShutdown(connection->controlSocket, SOCKET_SD_RECEIVE);
+      //Next state
+      connection->controlState = FTP_CONTROL_STATE_SHUTDOWN_RX;
+   }
+   //Reception is shut down?
+   else if(eventFlags == SOCKET_EVENT_RX_SHUTDOWN)
+   {
+      //Properly close connection
+      ftpServerCloseConnection(context, connection);
+   }
+ * @brief Data connection event handler
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the FTP server context
+ * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
+ * @param[in] eventFlags Event to be processed
+ **/
+void ftpServerDataEventHandler(FtpServerContext *context,
+   FtpClientConnection * connection, uint_t eventFlags)
+   //Any connection attempt?
+   if(connection->dataState == FTP_DATA_STATE_LISTEN)
+   {
+      //Accept data connection
+      ftpServerAcceptDataConnection(connection);
+   }
+   //Ready to send data?
+   else if(connection->dataState == FTP_DATA_STATE_SEND)
+   {
+      //Send more data to the remote host
+      ftpServerSendData(context, connection);
+   }
+   //Any data pending in the receive buffer?
+   else if(connection->dataState == FTP_DATA_STATE_RECEIVE)
+   {
+      //Process incoming data
+      ftpServerReceiveData(context, connection);
+   }
+   //Data are transmitted and acknowledged?
+   else if(connection->dataState == FTP_DATA_STATE_WAIT_ACK)
+   {
+      //Disable transmission
+      socketShutdown(connection->dataSocket, SOCKET_SD_SEND);
+      //Next state
+      connection->dataState = FTP_DATA_STATE_SHUTDOWN_TX;
+   }
+   //Transmission is shut down?
+   else if(connection->dataState == FTP_DATA_STATE_SHUTDOWN_TX)
+   {
+      //Disable reception
+      socketShutdown(connection->dataSocket, SOCKET_SD_RECEIVE);
+      //Next state
+      connection->dataState = FTP_DATA_STATE_SHUTDOWN_RX;
+   }
+   //Reception is shut down?
+   else if(connection->dataState == FTP_DATA_STATE_SHUTDOWN_RX)
+   {
+      //Close the data connection
+      ftpServerCloseDataConnection(connection);
+      //Back to idle state
+      connection->controlState = FTP_CONTROL_STATE_IDLE;
+      //Transfer status
+      strcpy(connection->response, "226 Transfer complete\r\n");
+      //Debug message
+      TRACE_DEBUG("FTP server: %s", connection->response);
+      //Number of bytes in the response buffer
+      connection->responseLength = strlen(connection->response);
+      connection->responsePos = 0;
+   }
+ * @brief Send data on the data connection
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the FTP server context
+ * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
+ **/
+void ftpServerSendData(FtpServerContext *context, FtpClientConnection *connection)
+   error_t error;
+   size_t n;
+   //Any data waiting for transmission?
+   if(connection->bufferLength > 0)
+   {
+      //Send more data
+      error = socketSend(connection->dataSocket, connection->buffer +
+         connection->bufferPos, connection->bufferLength, &n, 0);
+      //Failed to send data?
+      if(error != NO_ERROR && error != ERROR_TIMEOUT)
+      {
+         //Close the data connection
+         ftpServerCloseDataConnection(connection);
+         //Release previously allocated resources
+         if(connection->file != NULL)
+         {
+            fsCloseFile(connection->file);
+            connection->file = NULL;
+         }
+         if(connection->dir != NULL)
+         {
+            fsCloseDir(connection->dir);
+            connection->dir = NULL;
+         }
+         //Back to idle state
+         connection->controlState = FTP_CONTROL_STATE_IDLE;
+         //Transfer status
+         strcpy(connection->response, "451 Transfer aborted\r\n");
+         //Debug message
+         TRACE_DEBUG("FTP server: %s", connection->response);
+         //Number of bytes in the response buffer
+         connection->responseLength = strlen(connection->response);
+         connection->responsePos = 0;
+         //Exit immediately
+         return;
+      }
+      //Advance data pointer
+      connection->bufferPos += n;
+      //Number of bytes still available in the buffer
+      connection->bufferLength -= n;
+   }
+   //Empty transmission buffer?
+   if(connection->bufferLength == 0)
+   {
+      //File transfer in progress?
+      if(connection->controlState == FTP_CONTROL_STATE_RETR)
+      {
+         //Read more data
+         error = fsReadFile(connection->file,
+            connection->buffer, FTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE, &n);
+         //End of stream?
+         if(error)
+         {
+            //Close file
+            fsCloseFile(connection->file);
+            connection->file = NULL;
+            //Wait for all the data to be transmitted and acknowledged
+            connection->dataState = FTP_DATA_STATE_WAIT_ACK;
+            //Exit immediately
+            return;
+         }
+      }
+      //Directory listing in progress?
+      else if(connection->controlState == FTP_CONTROL_STATE_LIST)
+      {
+         uint_t perm;
+         time_t currentTime;
+         time_t modified;
+         char_t *path;
+         FsDirEntry dirEntry;
+         //Read a new entry in the directory
+         error = fsReadDir(connection->dir, &dirEntry);
+         //End of stream?
+         if(error)
+         {
+            //Close directory
+            fsCloseDir(connection->dir);
+            connection->dir = NULL;
+            //Wait for all the data to be transmitted and acknowledged
+            connection->dataState = FTP_DATA_STATE_WAIT_ACK;
+            //Exit immediately
+            return;
+         }
+         //Point to the scratch buffer
+         path = connection->buffer;
+         //Get the pathname of the directory being listed
+         strcpy(path, connection->path);
+         //Retrieve the full pathname
+         pathCombine(path, dirEntry.name, FTP_SERVER_MAX_PATH_LEN);
+         pathCanonicalize(path);
+         //Get permissions for the specified file
+         perm = ftpServerGetFilePermissions(context, connection, path);
+         //Enforce access rights
+         if(perm & FTP_FILE_PERM_LIST)
+         {
+            //Format links, owner, group and size fields
+            n = sprintf(connection->buffer, "----------   1 owner    group    %10" PRIu32,
+               dirEntry.size);
+            //Check whether the current entry is a directory
+            if(dirEntry.attributes & FS_FILE_ATTR_DIRECTORY)
+               connection->buffer[0] = 'd';
+            //Read access permitted?
+            if(perm & FTP_FILE_PERM_READ)
+            {
+               connection->buffer[1] = 'r';
+               connection->buffer[4] = 'r';
+               connection->buffer[7] = 'r';
+            }
+            //Write access permitted?
+            if(perm & FTP_FILE_PERM_WRITE)
+            {
+               //Make sure the file is not marked as read-only
+               if(!(dirEntry.attributes & FS_FILE_ATTR_READ_ONLY))
+               {
+                  connection->buffer[2] = 'w';
+                  connection->buffer[5] = 'w';
+                  connection->buffer[8] = 'w';
+               }
+            }
+            //Get current time
+            currentTime = getCurrentUnixTime();
+            //Get modification time
+            modified = convertDateToUnixTime(&dirEntry.modified);
+            //Check whether the modification time is within the previous 180 days
+            if(currentTime > modified && currentTime < (modified + FTP_SERVER_180_DAYS))
+            {
+               //The format of the date/time field is Mmm dd hh:mm
+               n += sprintf(connection->buffer + n, " %s %02" PRIu8 " %02" PRIu8 ":%02" PRIu8,
+                  months[MIN(dirEntry.modified.month, 12)], dirEntry.modified.day,
+                  dirEntry.modified.hours, dirEntry.modified.minutes);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //The format of the date/time field is Mmm dd  yyyy
+               n += sprintf(connection->buffer + n, " %s %02" PRIu8 "  %04" PRIu16,
+                  months[MIN(dirEntry.modified.month, 12)], dirEntry.modified.day,
+                  dirEntry.modified.year);
+            }
+            //Append filename
+            n += sprintf(connection->buffer + n, " %s\r\n", dirEntry.name);
+            //Debug message
+            TRACE_DEBUG("FTP server: %s", connection->buffer);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            //Insufficient access rights
+            n = 0;
+         }
+      }
+      //Invalid state?
+      else
+      {
+         //The FTP server has encountered a critical error
+         ftpServerCloseConnection(context, connection);
+         //Exit immediately
+         return;
+      }
+      //Number of bytes in the buffer
+      connection->bufferPos = 0;
+      connection->bufferLength = n;
+   }
+ * @brief Receive data on the data connection
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the FTP server context
+ * @param[in] connection Pointer to the client connection
+ **/
+void ftpServerReceiveData(FtpServerContext *context, FtpClientConnection *connection)
+   error_t error;
+   bool_t eof;
+   size_t n;
+   //File transfer in progress?
+   if(connection->controlState == FTP_CONTROL_STATE_STOR ||
+      connection->controlState == FTP_CONTROL_STATE_APPE)
+   {
+      //Read incoming data
+      error = socketReceive(connection->dataSocket,
+         connection->buffer + connection->bufferPos,
+         FTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE - connection->bufferLength, &n, 0);
+      //Any error to report?
+      if(error)
+      {
+         //Cannot read more data
+         eof = TRUE;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //Successful read operation
+         eof = FALSE;
+         //Advance data pointer
+         connection->bufferPos += n;
+         connection->bufferLength += n;
+      }
+      //Read data until the buffer is full or the end of the file is reached
+      if(eof || connection->bufferLength >= FTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE)
+      {
+         //Any data to be written?
+         if(connection->bufferLength > 0)
+         {
+            //Write data to the specified file
+            error = fsWriteFile(connection->file,
+               connection->buffer, connection->bufferLength);
+            //Any error to report?
+            if(error)
+            {
+               //Close the data connection
+               ftpServerCloseDataConnection(connection);
+               //Release previously allocated resources
+               fsCloseFile(connection->file);
+               connection->file = NULL;
+               //Back to idle state
+               connection->controlState = FTP_CONTROL_STATE_IDLE;
+               //Transfer status
+               strcpy(connection->response, "451 Transfer aborted\r\n");
+               //Debug message
+               TRACE_DEBUG("FTP server: %s", connection->response);
+               //Number of bytes in the response buffer
+               connection->responseLength = strlen(connection->response);
+               connection->responsePos = 0;
+               //Exit immediately
+               return;
+            }
+         }
+         //Flush reception buffer
+         connection->bufferLength = 0;
+         connection->bufferPos = 0;
+      }
+      //End of stream?
+      if(eof)
+      {
+         //Close file
+         fsCloseFile(connection->file);
+         connection->file = NULL;
+         //Graceful shutdown sequence
+         connection->dataState = FTP_DATA_STATE_WAIT_ACK;
+      }
+   }
+   //Invalid state?
+   else
+   {
+      //The FTP server has encountered a critical error
+      ftpServerCloseConnection(context, connection);
+   }