Webserver+3d print

Dependents:   Nucleo

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cyclone_tcp/dhcp/dhcp_server.c	Sat Feb 04 18:15:49 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1034 @@
+ * @file dhcp_server.c
+ * @brief DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
+ *
+ * @section License
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CycloneTCP Open.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (www.oryx-embedded.com)
+ * @version 1.7.6
+ **/
+//Switch to the appropriate trace level
+#include "core/net.h"
+#include "dhcp/dhcp_server.h"
+#include "dhcp/dhcp_common.h"
+#include "dhcp/dhcp_debug.h"
+#include "date_time.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+//Check TCP/IP stack configuration
+//Tick counter to handle periodic operations
+systime_t dhcpServerTickCounter;
+ * @brief Initialize settings with default values
+ * @param[out] settings Structure that contains DHCP server settings
+ **/
+void dhcpServerGetDefaultSettings(DhcpServerSettings *settings)
+   uint_t i;
+   //Use default interface
+   settings->interface = netGetDefaultInterface();
+   //Support for quick configuration using rapid commit
+   settings->rapidCommit = FALSE;
+   //Lease time, in seconds, assigned to the DHCP clients
+   settings->leaseTime = DHCP_SERVER_DEFAULT_LEASE_TIME;
+   //Lowest and highest IP addresses in the pool that are available
+   //for dynamic address assignment
+   settings->ipAddrRangeMin = IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+   settings->ipAddrRangeMax = IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+   //Subnet mask
+   settings->subnetMask = IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+   //Default gateway
+   settings->defaultGateway = IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+   //DNS servers
+   for(i = 0; i < DHCP_SERVER_MAX_DNS_SERVERS; i++)
+      settings->dnsServer[i] = IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+ * @brief DHCP server initialization
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[in] settings DHCP server specific settings
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t dhcpServerInit(DhcpServerContext *context, const DhcpServerSettings *settings)
+   error_t error;
+   NetInterface *interface;
+   //Debug message
+   TRACE_INFO("Initializing DHCP server...\r\n");
+   //Ensure the parameters are valid
+   if(context == NULL || settings == NULL)
+   //Valid network interface?
+   if(settings->interface == NULL)
+   //Get exclusive access
+   osAcquireMutex(&netMutex);
+   //Point to the underlying network interface
+   interface = settings->interface;
+   //Clear the DHCP server context
+   memset(context, 0, sizeof(DhcpServerContext));
+   //Save user settings
+   context->settings = *settings;
+   //Next IP address that will be assigned by the DHCP server
+   context->nextIpAddr = settings->ipAddrRangeMin;
+   //DHCP server is currently suspended
+   context->running = FALSE;
+   //Callback function to be called when a DHCP message is received
+   error = udpAttachRxCallback(interface, DHCP_SERVER_PORT,
+      dhcpServerProcessMessage, context);
+   //Check status code
+   if(!error)
+   {
+      //Attach the DHCP server context to the network interface
+      interface->dhcpServerContext = context;
+   }
+   //Release exclusive access
+   osReleaseMutex(&netMutex);
+   //Return status code
+   return error;
+ * @brief Start DHCP server
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t dhcpServerStart(DhcpServerContext *context)
+   //Check parameter
+   if(context == NULL)
+   //Debug message
+   TRACE_INFO("Starting DHCP server...\r\n");
+   //Get exclusive access
+   osAcquireMutex(&netMutex);
+   //Start DHCP server
+   context->running = TRUE;
+   //Release exclusive access
+   osReleaseMutex(&netMutex);
+   //Successful processing
+   return NO_ERROR;
+ * @brief Stop DHCP server
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t dhcpServerStop(DhcpServerContext *context)
+   //Check parameter
+   if(context == NULL)
+   //Debug message
+   TRACE_INFO("Stopping DHCP server...\r\n");
+   //Get exclusive access
+   osAcquireMutex(&netMutex);
+   //Stop DHCP server
+   context->running = FALSE;
+   //Release exclusive access
+   osReleaseMutex(&netMutex);
+   //Successful processing
+   return NO_ERROR;
+ * @brief DHCP server timer handler
+ *
+ * This routine must be periodically called by the TCP/IP stack to
+ * manage DHCP server operation
+ *
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ **/
+void dhcpServerTick(DhcpServerContext *context)
+   uint_t i;
+   systime_t time;
+   systime_t leaseTime;
+   DhcpServerBinding *binding;
+   //Make sure the DHCP server has been properly instantiated
+   if(context == NULL)
+      return;
+   //Get current time
+   time = osGetSystemTime();
+   //Convert the lease time to milliseconds
+   if(context->settings.leaseTime < (MAX_DELAY / 1000))
+      leaseTime = context->settings.leaseTime * 1000;
+   else
+      leaseTime = MAX_DELAY;
+   //Loop through the list of bindings
+   for(i = 0; i < DHCP_SERVER_MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current binding
+      binding = &context->clientBinding[i];
+      //Valid binding?
+      if(!macCompAddr(&binding->macAddr, &MAC_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR))
+      {
+         //Check whether the network address has been committed
+         if(binding->validLease)
+         {
+            //Check whether the lease has expired
+            if(timeCompare(time, binding->timestamp + leaseTime) >= 0)
+            {
+               //The address lease is not more valid
+               binding->validLease = FALSE;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Process incoming DHCP message
+ * @param[in] interface Underlying network interface
+ * @param[in] pseudoHeader UDP pseudo header
+ * @param[in] udpHeader UDP header
+ * @param[in] buffer Multi-part buffer containing the incoming DHCP message
+ * @param[in] offset Offset to the first byte of the DHCP message
+ * @param[in] params Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ **/
+void dhcpServerProcessMessage(NetInterface *interface,
+   const IpPseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const UdpHeader *udpHeader,
+   const NetBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, void *params)
+   size_t length;
+   DhcpServerContext *context;
+   DhcpMessage *message;
+   DhcpOption *option;
+   //Point to the DHCP server context
+   context = (DhcpServerContext *) params;
+   //Retrieve the length of the DHCP message
+   length = netBufferGetLength(buffer) - offset;
+   //Make sure the DHCP message is valid
+   if(length < sizeof(DhcpMessage))
+      return;
+   if(length > DHCP_MAX_MSG_SIZE)
+      return;
+   //Point to the beginning of the DHCP message
+   message = netBufferAt(buffer, offset);
+   //Sanity check
+   if(message == NULL)
+      return;
+   //Debug message
+   TRACE_DEBUG("\r\n%s: DHCP message received (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n",
+      formatSystemTime(osGetSystemTime(), NULL), length);
+   //Dump the contents of the message for debugging purpose
+   dhcpDumpMessage(message, length);
+   //Check opcode
+   if(message->op != DHCP_OPCODE_BOOTREQUEST)
+      return;
+   //Enforce hardware type
+   if(message->htype != DHCP_HARDWARE_TYPE_ETH)
+      return;
+   //Check the length of the hardware address
+   if(message->hlen != sizeof(MacAddr))
+      return;
+   //Check magic cookie
+   if(message->magicCookie != HTONL(DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE))
+      return;
+   //Retrieve DHCP Message Type option
+   option = dhcpGetOption(message, length, DHCP_OPT_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE);
+   //Failed to retrieve specified option?
+   if(option == NULL || option->length != 1)
+      return;
+   //Check message type
+   switch(option->value[0])
+   {
+      //Parse DHCPDISCOVER message
+      dhcpServerParseDiscover(context, message, length);
+      break;
+      //Parse DHCPREQUEST message
+      dhcpServerParseRequest(context, message, length);
+      break;
+      //Parse DHCPDECLINE message
+      dhcpServerParseDecline(context, message, length);
+      break;
+      //Parse DHCPRELEASE message
+      dhcpServerParseRelease(context, message, length);
+      break;
+      //Parse DHCPINFORM message
+      dhcpServerParseInform(context, message, length);
+      break;
+   default:
+      //Silently drop incoming message
+      break;
+   }
+ * @brief Parse DHCPDISCOVER message
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[in] message Pointer to the incoming DHCP message
+ * @param[in] length Length of the incoming message to parse
+ **/
+void dhcpServerParseDiscover(DhcpServerContext *context,
+   const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length)
+   error_t error;
+   NetInterface *interface;
+   Ipv4Addr requestedIpAddr;
+   DhcpOption *option;
+   DhcpServerBinding *binding;
+   //Point to the underlying network interface
+   interface = context->settings.interface;
+   //Retrieve Server Identifier option
+   option = dhcpGetOption(message, length, DHCP_OPT_SERVER_IDENTIFIER);
+   //Option found?
+   if(option != NULL && option->length == 4)
+   {
+      //Unexpected server identifier?
+      if(!ipv4CompAddr(option->value, &interface->ipv4Context.addr))
+         return;
+   }
+   //Retrieve Requested IP Address option
+   option = dhcpGetOption(message, length, DHCP_OPT_REQUESTED_IP_ADDRESS);
+   //The client may include the 'requested IP address' option to suggest
+   //that a particular IP address be assigned
+   if(option != NULL && option->length == 4)
+      ipv4CopyAddr(&requestedIpAddr, option->value);
+   else
+      requestedIpAddr = IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+   //Search the list for a matching binding
+   binding = dhcpServerFindBindingByMacAddr(context, &message->chaddr);
+   //Matching binding found?
+   if(binding != NULL)
+   {
+      //Different IP address than cached?
+      if(requestedIpAddr != binding->ipAddr)
+      {
+         //Ensure the IP address is in the server's pool of available addresses
+         if(ntohl(requestedIpAddr) >= ntohl(context->settings.ipAddrRangeMin) &&
+            ntohl(requestedIpAddr) <= ntohl(context->settings.ipAddrRangeMax))
+         {
+            //Make sure the IP address is not already allocated
+            if(!dhcpServerFindBindingByIpAddr(context, requestedIpAddr))
+            {
+               //Record IP address
+               binding->ipAddr = requestedIpAddr;
+               //Get current time
+               binding->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      //Sucessful processing
+      error = NO_ERROR;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      //Create a new binding
+      binding = dhcpServerCreateBinding(context);
+      //Binding successfully created
+      if(binding != NULL)
+      {
+         //Ensure the IP address is in the server's pool of available addresses
+         if(ntohl(requestedIpAddr) >= ntohl(context->settings.ipAddrRangeMin) &&
+            ntohl(requestedIpAddr) <= ntohl(context->settings.ipAddrRangeMax))
+         {
+            //Make sure the IP address is not already allocated
+            if(!dhcpServerFindBindingByIpAddr(context, requestedIpAddr))
+            {
+               //Record IP address
+               binding->ipAddr = requestedIpAddr;
+               //Sucessful processing
+               error = NO_ERROR;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //Retrieve the next available IP address from the pool of addresses
+               error = dhcpServerGetNextIpAddr(context, &binding->ipAddr);
+            }
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            //Retrieve the next available IP address from the pool of addresses
+            error = dhcpServerGetNextIpAddr(context, &binding->ipAddr);
+         }
+         //Check status code
+         if(!error)
+         {
+            //Record MAC address
+            binding->macAddr = message->chaddr;
+            //Get current time
+            binding->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //Failed to create a new binding
+         error = ERROR_FAILURE;
+      }
+   }
+   //Check status code
+   if(!error)
+   {
+      //The server responds with a DHCPOFFER message that includes an
+      //available network address in the 'yiaddr' field (and other
+      //configuration parameters in DHCP options)
+      dhcpServerSendReply(context, DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE_OFFER,
+         binding->ipAddr, message, length);
+   }
+ * @brief Parse DHCPREQUEST message
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[in] message Pointer to the incoming DHCP message
+ * @param[in] length Length of the incoming message to parse
+ **/
+void dhcpServerParseRequest(DhcpServerContext *context,
+   const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length)
+   NetInterface *interface;
+   Ipv4Addr clientIpAddr;
+   DhcpOption *option;
+   DhcpServerBinding *binding;
+   //Point to the underlying network interface
+   interface = context->settings.interface;
+   //Retrieve Server Identifier option
+   option = dhcpGetOption(message, length, DHCP_OPT_SERVER_IDENTIFIER);
+   //Option found?
+   if(option != NULL && option->length == 4)
+   {
+      //Unexpected server identifier?
+      if(!ipv4CompAddr(option->value, &interface->ipv4Context.addr))
+         return;
+   }
+   //Check the 'ciaddr' field
+   if(message->ciaddr != IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR)
+   {
+      //Save client's network address
+      clientIpAddr = message->ciaddr;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      //Retrieve Requested IP Address option
+      option = dhcpGetOption(message, length, DHCP_OPT_REQUESTED_IP_ADDRESS);
+      //Option found?
+      if(option != NULL && option->length == 4)
+         ipv4CopyAddr(&clientIpAddr, option->value);
+      else
+         clientIpAddr = IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+   }
+   //Valid client IP address?
+   if(clientIpAddr != IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR)
+   {
+      //Search the list for a matching binding
+      binding = dhcpServerFindBindingByMacAddr(context, &message->chaddr);
+      //Matching binding found?
+      if(binding != NULL)
+      {
+         //Make sure the client's IP address is valid
+         if(clientIpAddr == binding->ipAddr)
+         {
+            //Commit network address
+            binding->validLease = TRUE;
+            //Save lease start time
+            binding->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
+            //The server responds with a DHCPACK message containing the
+            //configuration parameters for the requesting client
+            dhcpServerSendReply(context, DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK,
+               binding->ipAddr, message, length);
+            //Exit immediately
+            return;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //Ensure the IP address is in the server's pool of available addresses
+         if(ntohl(clientIpAddr) >= ntohl(context->settings.ipAddrRangeMin) &&
+            ntohl(clientIpAddr) <= ntohl(context->settings.ipAddrRangeMax))
+         {
+            //Make sure the IP address is not already allocated
+            if(!dhcpServerFindBindingByIpAddr(context, clientIpAddr))
+            {
+               //Create a new binding
+               binding = dhcpServerCreateBinding(context);
+               //Binding successfully created
+               if(binding != NULL)
+               {
+                  //Record MAC address
+                  binding->macAddr = message->chaddr;
+                  //Record IP address
+                  binding->ipAddr = clientIpAddr;
+                  //Commit network address
+                  binding->validLease = TRUE;
+                  //Get current time
+                  binding->timestamp = osGetSystemTime();
+                  //The server responds with a DHCPACK message containing the
+                  //configuration parameters for the requesting client
+                  dhcpServerSendReply(context, DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK,
+                     binding->ipAddr, message, length);
+                  //Exit immediately
+                  return;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //If the server is unable to satisfy the DHCPREQUEST message, the
+   //server should respond with a DHCPNAK message
+   dhcpServerSendReply(context, DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAK,
+      IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR, message, length);
+ * @brief Parse DHCPDECLINE message
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[in] message Pointer to the incoming DHCP message
+ * @param[in] length Length of the incoming message to parse
+ **/
+void dhcpServerParseDecline(DhcpServerContext *context,
+   const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length)
+   DhcpOption *option;
+   DhcpServerBinding *binding;
+   Ipv4Addr requestedIpAddr;
+   //Retrieve Requested IP Address option
+   option = dhcpGetOption(message, length, DHCP_OPT_REQUESTED_IP_ADDRESS);
+   //Option found?
+   if(option != NULL && option->length == 4)
+   {
+      //Copy the requested IP address
+      ipv4CopyAddr(&requestedIpAddr, option->value);
+      //Search the list for a matching binding
+      binding = dhcpServerFindBindingByMacAddr(context, &message->chaddr);
+      //Matching binding found?
+      if(binding != NULL)
+      {
+         //Check the IP address against the requested IP address
+         if(binding->ipAddr == requestedIpAddr)
+         {
+            //Remote the binding from the list
+            memset(binding, 0, sizeof(DhcpServerBinding));
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Parse DHCPRELEASE message
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[in] message Pointer to the incoming DHCP message
+ * @param[in] length Length of the incoming message to parse
+ **/
+void dhcpServerParseRelease(DhcpServerContext *context,
+   const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length)
+   DhcpServerBinding *binding;
+   //Search the list for a matching binding
+   binding = dhcpServerFindBindingByMacAddr(context, &message->chaddr);
+   //Matching binding found?
+   if(binding != NULL)
+   {
+      //Check the IP address against the client IP address
+      if(binding->ipAddr == message->ciaddr)
+      {
+         //Release the network address and cancel remaining lease
+         binding->validLease = FALSE;
+      }
+   }
+ * @brief Parse DHCPINFORM message
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[in] message Pointer to the incoming DHCP message
+ * @param[in] length Length of the incoming message to parse
+ **/
+void dhcpServerParseInform(DhcpServerContext *context,
+   const DhcpMessage *message, size_t length)
+   //Make sure the client IP address is valid
+   if(message->ciaddr != IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR)
+   {
+      //Servers receiving a DHCPINFORM message construct a DHCPACK message
+      //with any local configuration parameters appropriate for the client
+      dhcpServerSendReply(context, DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK,
+         IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR, message, length);
+   }
+ * @brief Send DHCP reply message
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[in] type DHCP message type (DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK or DHCPNAK)
+ * @param[in] yourIpAddr The IP address to be placed in the 'yiaddr' field
+ * @param[in] request Pointer to DHCP message received from the client
+ * @param[in] length Length of the DHCP message received from the client
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t dhcpServerSendReply(DhcpServerContext *context, uint8_t type,
+   Ipv4Addr yourIpAddr, const DhcpMessage *request, size_t length)
+   error_t error;
+   uint_t n;
+   uint32_t value;
+   size_t offset;
+   NetBuffer *buffer;
+   NetInterface *interface;
+   DhcpMessage *reply;
+   IpAddr destIpAddr;
+   uint16_t destPort;
+   //Point to the underlying network interface
+   interface = context->settings.interface;
+   //Allocate a memory buffer to hold the DHCP message
+   buffer = udpAllocBuffer(DHCP_MIN_MSG_SIZE, &offset);
+   //Failed to allocate buffer?
+   if(buffer == NULL)
+      return ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+   //Point to the beginning of the DHCP message
+   reply = netBufferAt(buffer, offset);
+   //Clear memory buffer contents
+   memset(reply, 0, DHCP_MIN_MSG_SIZE);
+   //Format DHCP reply message
+   reply->op = DHCP_OPCODE_BOOTREPLY;
+   reply->htype = DHCP_HARDWARE_TYPE_ETH;
+   reply->hlen = sizeof(MacAddr);
+   reply->xid = request->xid;
+   reply->secs = 0;
+   reply->flags = request->flags;
+   reply->ciaddr = IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+   reply->yiaddr = yourIpAddr;
+   reply->siaddr = IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR;
+   reply->giaddr = request->giaddr;
+   reply->chaddr = request->chaddr;
+   //Write magic cookie before setting any option
+   reply->magicCookie = HTONL(DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE);
+   //Properly terminate options field
+   reply->options[0] = DHCP_OPT_END;
+   //Add DHCP Message Type option
+   dhcpAddOption(reply, DHCP_OPT_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE,
+      &type, sizeof(type));
+   //Add Server Identifier option
+   dhcpAddOption(reply, DHCP_OPT_SERVER_IDENTIFIER,
+      &interface->ipv4Context.addr, sizeof(Ipv4Addr));
+   //DHCPOFFER or DHCPACK message?
+   {
+      //Convert the lease time to network byte order
+      value = htonl(context->settings.leaseTime);
+      //When responding to a DHCPINFORM message, the server must not
+      //send a lease expiration time to the client
+      if(yourIpAddr != IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR)
+      {
+         //Add IP Address Lease Time option
+         dhcpAddOption(reply, DHCP_OPT_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME,
+            &value, sizeof(value));
+      }
+      //Add Subnet Mask option
+      if(context->settings.subnetMask != IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR)
+      {
+         dhcpAddOption(reply, DHCP_OPT_SUBNET_MASK,
+            &context->settings.subnetMask, sizeof(Ipv4Addr));
+      }
+      //Add Router option
+      if(context->settings.defaultGateway != IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR)
+      {
+         dhcpAddOption(reply, DHCP_OPT_ROUTER,
+            &context->settings.defaultGateway, sizeof(Ipv4Addr));
+      }
+      //Retrieve the number of DNS servers
+      for(n = 0; n < DHCP_SERVER_MAX_DNS_SERVERS; n++)
+      {
+         //Check whether the current DNS server is valid
+         if(context->settings.dnsServer[n] == IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR)
+            break;
+      }
+      //Add DNS Server option
+      if(n > 0)
+      {
+         dhcpAddOption(reply, DHCP_OPT_DNS_SERVER,
+            context->settings.dnsServer, n * sizeof(Ipv4Addr));
+      }
+   }
+   //Check whether the 'giaddr' field is non-zero
+   if(request->giaddr != IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR)
+   {
+      //If the 'giaddr' field in a DHCP message from a client is non-zero,
+      //the server sends any return messages to the 'DHCP server' port
+      destPort = DHCP_SERVER_PORT;
+      //The DHCP message is sent to the BOOTP relay agent whose address
+      //appears in 'giaddr'
+      destIpAddr.length = sizeof(Ipv4Addr);
+      destIpAddr.ipv4Addr = request->giaddr;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      //If the 'giaddr' field in a DHCP message from a client is zero,
+      //the server sends any return messages to the 'DHCP client'
+      destPort = DHCP_CLIENT_PORT;
+      //DHCPOFFER or DHCPACK message?
+      {
+         //Check whether the 'giaddr' field is non-zero
+         if(request->ciaddr != IPV4_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR)
+         {
+            //If the 'giaddr' field is zero and the 'ciaddr' field is nonzero,
+            //then the server unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to the
+            //address in 'ciaddr'
+            destIpAddr.length = sizeof(Ipv4Addr);
+            destIpAddr.ipv4Addr = request->ciaddr;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            //Check whether the broadcast bit is set
+            if(ntohs(request->flags) & DHCP_FLAG_BROADCAST)
+            {
+               //If 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero, and the broadcast bit is
+               //set, then the server broadcasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages
+               destIpAddr.length = sizeof(Ipv4Addr);
+               destIpAddr.ipv4Addr = IPV4_BROADCAST_ADDR;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //If 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero, and the broadcast bit is
+               //not set, then the server unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages
+               //to the client's hardware address and 'yiaddr' address
+               destIpAddr.length = sizeof(Ipv4Addr);
+               destIpAddr.ipv4Addr = IPV4_BROADCAST_ADDR;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      //DHCPNAK message?
+      else
+      {
+         //In all cases, when 'giaddr' is zero, the server broadcasts any
+         //DHCPNAK messages
+         destIpAddr.length = sizeof(Ipv4Addr);
+         destIpAddr.ipv4Addr = IPV4_BROADCAST_ADDR;
+      }
+   }
+   //Debug message
+   TRACE_DEBUG("\r\n%s: Sending DHCP message (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n",
+      formatSystemTime(osGetSystemTime(), NULL), DHCP_MIN_MSG_SIZE);
+   //Dump the contents of the message for debugging purpose
+   dhcpDumpMessage(reply, DHCP_MIN_MSG_SIZE);
+   //Broadcast DHCPDECLINE message
+   error = udpSendDatagramEx(interface, DHCP_SERVER_PORT, &destIpAddr,
+      destPort, buffer, offset, IPV4_DEFAULT_TTL);
+   //Free previously allocated memory
+   netBufferFree(buffer);
+   //Return status code
+   return error;
+ * @brief Create a new binding
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @return Pointer to the newly created binding
+ **/
+DhcpServerBinding *dhcpServerCreateBinding(DhcpServerContext *context)
+   uint_t i;
+   DhcpServerBinding *binding;
+   DhcpServerBinding *oldestBinding;
+   //Keep track of the oldest binding
+   oldestBinding = NULL;
+   //Loop through the list of bindings
+   for(i = 0; i < DHCP_SERVER_MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current binding
+      binding = &context->clientBinding[i];
+      //Check whether the binding is available
+      if(macCompAddr(&binding->macAddr, &MAC_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR))
+      {
+         //Erase contents
+         memset(binding, 0, sizeof(DhcpServerBinding));
+         //Return a pointer to the newly created binding
+         return binding;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //Bindings that have been committed cannot be removed
+         if(!binding->validLease)
+         {
+            //Keep track of the oldest binding in the list
+            if(oldestBinding != NULL)
+            {
+               if(timeCompare(binding->timestamp, oldestBinding->timestamp) < 0)
+                  oldestBinding = binding;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               oldestBinding = binding;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //Any binding available in the list?
+   if(oldestBinding != NULL)
+   {
+      //Erase contents
+      memset(oldestBinding, 0, sizeof(DhcpServerBinding));
+   }
+   //Return a pointer to the oldest binding
+   return oldestBinding;
+ * @brief Search the list of bindings for a given MAC address
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[in] macAddr MAC address
+ * @return Pointer to the corresponding DHCP binding
+ **/
+DhcpServerBinding *dhcpServerFindBindingByMacAddr(DhcpServerContext *context,
+   const MacAddr* macAddr)
+   uint_t i;
+   DhcpServerBinding *binding;
+   //Loop through the list of bindings
+   for(i = 0; i < DHCP_SERVER_MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current binding
+      binding = &context->clientBinding[i];
+      //Valid binding?
+      if(!macCompAddr(&binding->macAddr, &MAC_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR))
+      {
+         //Check whether the current binding matches the specified MAC address
+         if(macCompAddr(&binding->macAddr, macAddr))
+         {
+            //Return the pointer to the corresponding binding
+            return binding;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //No matching binding...
+   return NULL;
+ * @brief Search the list of bindings for a given IP address
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[in] ipAddr IP address
+ * @return Pointer to the corresponding DHCP binding
+ **/
+DhcpServerBinding *dhcpServerFindBindingByIpAddr(DhcpServerContext *context,
+   Ipv4Addr ipAddr)
+   uint_t i;
+   DhcpServerBinding *binding;
+   //Loop through the list of bindings
+   for(i = 0; i < DHCP_SERVER_MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
+   {
+      //Point to the current binding
+      binding = &context->clientBinding[i];
+      //Valid binding?
+      if(!macCompAddr(&binding->macAddr, &MAC_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR))
+      {
+         //Check whether the current binding matches the specified IP address
+         if(binding->ipAddr == ipAddr)
+         {
+            //Return the pointer to the corresponding binding
+            return binding;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //No matching binding...
+   return NULL;
+ * @brief Retrieve the next IP address to be used
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the DHCP server context
+ * @param[out] ipAddr Next IP address to be used
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t dhcpServerGetNextIpAddr(DhcpServerContext *context, Ipv4Addr *ipAddr)
+   uint_t i;
+   DhcpServerBinding *binding;
+   //Search the pool for any available IP address
+   for(i = 0; i < DHCP_SERVER_MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
+   {
+      //Check whether the current IP address is already allocated
+      binding = dhcpServerFindBindingByIpAddr(context, context->nextIpAddr);
+      //If the IP address is available, then it can be assigned to a new client
+      if(binding == NULL)
+         *ipAddr = context->nextIpAddr;
+      //Compute the next IP address that will be assigned by the DHCP server
+      if(ntohl(context->nextIpAddr) >= ntohl(context->settings.ipAddrRangeMax))
+      {
+         //Wrap around to the beginning of the pool
+         context->nextIpAddr = context->settings.ipAddrRangeMin;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //Increment IP address
+         context->nextIpAddr = htonl(ntohl(context->nextIpAddr) + 1);
+      }
+      //If the IP address is available, we are done
+      if(binding == NULL)
+         return NO_ERROR;
+   }
+   //No available addresses in the pool...
+   return ERROR_NO_ADDRESS;