Webserver+3d print

Dependents:   Nucleo

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cyclone_ssl/tls_record.c	Sat Feb 04 18:15:49 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1151 @@
+ * @file tls_record.c
+ * @brief TLS record protocol
+ *
+ * @section License
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CycloneSSL Open.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (www.oryx-embedded.com)
+ * @version 1.7.6
+ **/
+//Switch to the appropriate trace level
+#include <string.h>
+#include "tls.h"
+#include "tls_common.h"
+#include "tls_record.h"
+#include "tls_misc.h"
+#include "ssl_common.h"
+#include "cipher_mode_cbc.h"
+#include "cipher_mode_ccm.h"
+#include "cipher_mode_gcm.h"
+#include "chacha20_poly1305.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+//Check SSL library configuration
+ * @brief Write protocol data
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the TLS context
+ * @param[in] data Pointer to the data buffer
+ * @param[in] length Number of data bytes to be written
+ * @param[in] contentType Higher level protocol
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t tlsWriteProtocolData(TlsContext *context,
+   const void *data, size_t length, TlsContentType contentType)
+   error_t error;
+   size_t n;
+   uint8_t *p;
+   //Initialize status code
+   error = NO_ERROR;
+   //Fragmentation process
+   while(!error)
+   {
+      if(context->txBufferLen == 0)
+      {
+         //Check the length of the data
+         if(length > context->txRecordMaxLen)
+         {
+            //Report an error
+            error = ERROR_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG;
+         }
+         else if(length > 0)
+         {
+            //The hash value is updated for each handshake message,
+            //except for HelloRequest messages
+            if(contentType == TLS_TYPE_HANDSHAKE)
+               tlsUpdateHandshakeHash(context, data, length);
+            //Make room for the encryption overhead
+            memmove(context->txBuffer + context->txBufferSize - length, data, length);
+            //Save record type
+            context->txBufferType = contentType;
+            //Set the length of the buffer
+            context->txBufferLen = length;
+            //Point to the beginning of the buffer
+            context->txBufferPos = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            //We are done
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      else if(context->txBufferPos < context->txBufferLen)
+      {
+         //Number of bytes left to send
+         n = context->txBufferLen - context->txBufferPos;
+         //Point to the current fragment
+         p = context->txBuffer + context->txBufferSize - n;
+         //The record length must not exceed 16384 bytes
+         n = MIN(n, TLS_MAX_RECORD_LENGTH);
+         //Send TLS record
+         error = tlsWriteRecord(context, p, n, context->txBufferType);
+         //Check status code
+         if(!error)
+         {
+            //Advance data pointer
+            context->txBufferPos += n;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //Prepare to send new protocol data
+         context->txBufferLen = 0;
+         context->txBufferPos = 0;
+         //We are done
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   //Return status code
+   return error;
+ * @brief Read protocol data
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the TLS context
+ * @param[out] data Pointer to the received data
+ * @param[out] length Number of data bytes that were received
+ * @param[out] contentType Higher level protocol
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t tlsReadProtocolData(TlsContext *context,
+   void **data, size_t *length, TlsContentType *contentType)
+   error_t error;
+   size_t n;
+   TlsContentType type;
+   TlsHandshake *message;
+   //Initialize status code
+   error = NO_ERROR;
+   //Fragment reassembly process
+   do
+   {
+      //Empty receive buffer?
+      if(context->rxBufferLen == 0)
+      {
+         //Read a TLS record
+         error = tlsReadRecord(context, context->rxBuffer,
+            context->rxBufferSize, &n, &type);
+         //Check status code
+         if(!error)
+         {
+            //Save record type
+            context->rxBufferType = type;
+            //Number of bytes available for reading
+            context->rxBufferLen = n;
+            //Rewind to the beginning of the buffer
+            context->rxBufferPos = 0;
+         }
+      }
+      //Imcomplete message received?
+      else if(error == ERROR_MORE_DATA_REQUIRED)
+      {
+         //Make room at the end of the buffer
+         if(context->rxBufferPos > 0)
+         {
+            //Move unread data to the beginning of the buffer
+            memmove(context->rxBuffer, context->rxBuffer +
+               context->rxBufferPos, context->rxBufferLen);
+            //Rewind to the beginning of the buffer
+            context->rxBufferPos = 0;
+         }
+         //Read a TLS record
+         error = tlsReadRecord(context, context->rxBuffer + context->rxBufferLen,
+            context->rxBufferSize - context->rxBufferLen, &n, &type);
+         //Check status code
+         if(!error)
+         {
+            //Fragmented records with mixed types cannot be interleaved
+            if(type != context->rxBufferType)
+               error = ERROR_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE;
+         }
+         //Check status code
+         if(!error)
+         {
+            //Number of bytes available for reading
+            context->rxBufferLen += n;
+         }
+      }
+      //Check status code
+      if(!error)
+      {
+         //Handshake message received?
+         if(context->rxBufferType == TLS_TYPE_HANDSHAKE)
+         {
+            //A message may be fragmented across several records
+            if(context->rxBufferLen < sizeof(TlsHandshake))
+            {
+               //Read an additional record
+               error = ERROR_MORE_DATA_REQUIRED;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //Point to the handshake message
+               message = (TlsHandshake *) (context->rxBuffer + context->rxBufferPos);
+               //Retrieve the length of the handshake message
+               n = sizeof(TlsHandshake) + LOAD24BE(message->length);
+               //A message may be fragmented across several records
+               if(context->rxBufferLen < n)
+               {
+                  //Read an additional record
+                  error = ERROR_MORE_DATA_REQUIRED;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  //Pass the handshake message to the higher layer
+                  error = NO_ERROR;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         //ChangeCipherSpec message received?
+         else if(context->rxBufferType == TLS_TYPE_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC)
+         {
+            //A message may be fragmented across several records
+            if(context->rxBufferLen < sizeof(TlsChangeCipherSpec))
+            {
+               //Read an additional record
+               error = ERROR_MORE_DATA_REQUIRED;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //Length of the ChangeCipherSpec message
+               n = sizeof(TlsChangeCipherSpec);
+               //Pass the ChangeCipherSpec message to the higher layer
+               error = NO_ERROR;
+            }
+         }
+         //Alert message received?
+         else if(context->rxBufferType == TLS_TYPE_ALERT)
+         {
+            //A message may be fragmented across several records
+            if(context->rxBufferLen < sizeof(TlsAlert))
+            {
+               //Read an additional record
+               error = ERROR_MORE_DATA_REQUIRED;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //Length of the Alert message
+               n = sizeof(TlsAlert);
+               //Pass the Alert message to the higher layer
+               error = NO_ERROR;
+            }
+         }
+         //Application data received?
+         else if(context->rxBufferType == TLS_TYPE_APPLICATION_DATA)
+         {
+            //Length of the application data
+            n = context->rxBufferLen;
+            //Pass the application data to the higher layer
+            error = NO_ERROR;
+         }
+         //Unknown content type?
+         else
+         {
+            //Report an error
+            error = ERROR_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE;
+         }
+      }
+      //Read as many records as necessary to reassemble the data
+   } while(error == ERROR_MORE_DATA_REQUIRED);
+   //Successful processing?
+   if(!error)
+   {
+      //Pointer to the received data
+      *data = context->rxBuffer + context->rxBufferPos;
+      //Length, in byte, of the data
+      *length = n;
+      //Protocol type
+      *contentType = context->rxBufferType;
+   }
+   //Return status code
+   return error;
+ * @brief Send a TLS record
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the TLS context
+ * @param[in] data Pointer to the record data
+ * @param[in] length Length of the record data
+ * @param[in] contentType Record type
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t tlsWriteRecord(TlsContext *context, const uint8_t *data,
+   size_t length, TlsContentType contentType)
+   error_t error;
+   size_t n;
+   TlsRecord *record;
+   //Point to the TLS record
+   record = (TlsRecord *) context->txBuffer;
+   //Initialize status code
+   error = NO_ERROR;
+   //Send process
+   while(!error)
+   {
+      //Send as much data as possible
+      if(context->txRecordLen == 0)
+      {
+         //Format TLS record
+         record->type = contentType;
+         record->version = htons(context->version);
+         record->length = htons(length);
+         //Copy record data
+         memmove(record->data, data, length);
+         //Debug message
+         TRACE_DEBUG("Sending TLS record (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n", length);
+         TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record, length + sizeof(TlsRecord));
+         //Protect record payload?
+         if(context->changeCipherSpecSent)
+         {
+            //Encrypt TLS record
+            error = tlsEncryptRecord(context, record);
+         }
+         //Check status code
+         if(!error)
+         {
+            //Actual length of the record data
+            context->txRecordLen = sizeof(TlsRecord) + ntohs(record->length);
+            //Point to the beginning of the record
+            context->txRecordPos = 0;
+         }
+      }
+      else if(context->txRecordPos < context->txRecordLen)
+      {
+         //Total number of bytes that have been written
+         n = 0;
+         //Send more data
+         error = context->sendCallback(context->handle,
+            context->txBuffer + context->txRecordPos,
+            context->txRecordLen - context->txRecordPos, &n, 0);
+         //Check status code
+         if(error == NO_ERROR || error == ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK || error == ERROR_TIMEOUT)
+         {
+            //Advance data pointer
+            context->txRecordPos += n;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            //The write operation has failed
+            error = ERROR_WRITE_FAILED;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //Prepare to send the next TLS record
+         context->txRecordLen = 0;
+         context->txRecordPos = 0;
+         //We are done
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   //Return status code
+   return error;
+ * @brief Receive a TLS record
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the TLS context
+ * @param[out] data Buffer where to store the record data
+ * @param[in] size Maximum acceptable size for the incoming record
+ * @param[out] length Length of the record data
+ * @param[out] contentType Record type
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t tlsReadRecord(TlsContext *context, uint8_t *data,
+   size_t size, size_t *length, TlsContentType *contentType)
+   error_t error;
+   size_t n;
+   TlsRecord *record;
+   //Point to the buffer where to store the incoming TLS record
+   record = (TlsRecord *) data;
+   //Initialize status code
+   error = NO_ERROR;
+   //Receive process
+   while(!error)
+   {
+      //Read as much data as possible
+      if(context->rxRecordPos < sizeof(TlsRecord))
+      {
+         //Make sure that the buffer is large enough to hold the record header
+         if(size >= sizeof(TlsRecord))
+         {
+            //Total number of bytes that have been received
+            n = 0;
+            //Read TLS record header
+            error = context->receiveCallback(context->handle,
+               data + context->rxRecordPos,
+               sizeof(TlsRecord) - context->rxRecordPos, &n, 0);
+            //Check status code
+            if(error == NO_ERROR || error == ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK || error == ERROR_TIMEOUT)
+            {
+               //Advance data pointer
+               context->rxRecordPos += n;
+               //TLS record header successfully received?
+               if(context->rxRecordPos >= sizeof(TlsRecord))
+               {
+                  //Debug message
+                  TRACE_DEBUG("Record header received:\r\n");
+                  TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record, sizeof(record));
+                  //Retrieve the length of the TLS record
+                  context->rxRecordLen = sizeof(TlsRecord) + ntohs(record->length);
+               }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //The read operation has failed
+               error = ERROR_READ_FAILED;
+            }
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            //Report an error
+            error = ERROR_RECORD_OVERFLOW;
+         }
+      }
+      else if(context->rxRecordPos < context->rxRecordLen)
+      {
+         //Make sure that the buffer is large enough to hold the entire record
+         if(size >= context->rxRecordLen)
+         {
+            //Total number of bytes that have been received
+            n = 0;
+            //Read TLS record contents
+            error = context->receiveCallback(context->handle,
+               data + context->rxRecordPos,
+               context->rxRecordLen - context->rxRecordPos, &n, 0);
+            //Check status code
+            if(error == NO_ERROR || error == ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK || error == ERROR_TIMEOUT)
+            {
+               //Advance data pointer
+               context->rxRecordPos += n;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //The read operation has failed
+               error = ERROR_READ_FAILED;
+            }
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            //Report an error
+            error = ERROR_RECORD_OVERFLOW;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //Check current state
+         if(context->state > TLS_STATE_SERVER_HELLO)
+         {
+            //Once the server has sent the ServerHello message, enforce
+            //incoming record versions
+            if(ntohs(record->version) != context->version)
+               error = ERROR_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+         }
+         //Check status code
+         if(!error)
+         {
+            //Record payload is protected?
+            if(context->changeCipherSpecReceived)
+            {
+               //Decrypt TLS record
+               error = tlsDecryptRecord(context, record);
+            }
+         }
+         //Check status code
+         if(!error)
+         {
+            //Actual length of the record data
+            *length = ntohs(record->length);
+            //Record type
+            *contentType = (TlsContentType) record->type;
+            //Debug message
+            TRACE_DEBUG("TLS record received (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes)...\r\n", *length);
+            TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record, *length + sizeof(TlsRecord));
+            //Discard record header
+            memmove(data, record->data, *length);
+            //Prepare to receive the next TLS record
+            context->rxRecordLen = 0;
+            context->rxRecordPos = 0;
+            //We are done
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   //Return status code
+   return error;
+ * @brief Encrypt an outgoing TLS record
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the TLS context
+ * @param[in,out] record TLS record to be encrypted
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t tlsEncryptRecord(TlsContext *context, TlsRecord *record)
+   error_t error;
+   size_t length;
+   //Convert the length field to host byte order
+   length = ntohs(record->length);
+   //Message authentication is required?
+   if(context->hashAlgo != NULL)
+   {
+      //Check whether SSL 3.0 is currently used
+      if(context->version == SSL_VERSION_3_0)
+      {
+         //SSL 3.0 uses an older obsolete version of the HMAC construction
+         error = sslComputeMac(context, context->writeMacKey,
+            context->writeSeqNum, record, record->data, length, record->data + length);
+         //Any error to report?
+         if(error)
+            return error;
+      }
+      else
+      //Check whether TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 is currently used
+      if(context->version >= TLS_VERSION_1_0)
+      {
+         //TLS uses a HMAC construction
+         hmacInit(&context->hmacContext, context->hashAlgo,
+            context->writeMacKey, context->macKeyLen);
+         //Compute MAC over the sequence number and the record contents
+         hmacUpdate(&context->hmacContext, context->writeSeqNum, sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber));
+         hmacUpdate(&context->hmacContext, record, length + sizeof(TlsRecord));
+         //Append the resulting MAC to the message
+         hmacFinal(&context->hmacContext, record->data + length);
+      }
+      else
+      //The negotiated TLS version is not valid...
+      {
+         //Report an error
+         return ERROR_INVALID_VERSION;
+      }
+      //Debug message
+      TRACE_DEBUG("Write sequence number:\r\n");
+      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", context->writeSeqNum, sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber));
+      TRACE_DEBUG("Computed MAC:\r\n");
+      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record->data + length, context->hashAlgo->digestSize);
+      //Adjust the length of the message
+      length += context->hashAlgo->digestSize;
+      //Fix length field
+      record->length = htons(length);
+      //Increment sequence number
+      tlsIncSequenceNumber(context->writeSeqNum);
+   }
+   //Encryption is required?
+   if(context->cipherMode != CIPHER_MODE_NULL)
+   {
+      //Debug message
+      TRACE_DEBUG("Record to be encrypted (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes):\r\n", length);
+      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record, length + sizeof(TlsRecord));
+      //Stream cipher?
+      if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_STREAM)
+      {
+         //Encrypt record contents
+         context->cipherAlgo->encryptStream(context->writeCipherContext,
+            record->data, record->data, length);
+      }
+      else
+      //CBC block cipher?
+      if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_CBC)
+      {
+         size_t i;
+         size_t paddingLength;
+         //TLS 1.1 and 1.2 use an explicit IV
+         if(context->version >= TLS_VERSION_1_1)
+         {
+            //Make room for the IV at the beginning of the data
+            memmove(record->data + context->recordIvLen, record->data, length);
+            //The initialization vector should be chosen at random
+            error = context->prngAlgo->read(context->prngContext,
+               record->data, context->recordIvLen);
+            //Any error to report?
+            if(error)
+               return error;
+            //Adjust the length of the message
+            length += context->recordIvLen;
+         }
+         //Get the actual amount of bytes in the last block
+         paddingLength = (length + 1) % context->cipherAlgo->blockSize;
+         //Padding is added to force the length of the plaintext to be
+         //an integral multiple of the cipher's block length
+         if(paddingLength > 0)
+            paddingLength = context->cipherAlgo->blockSize - paddingLength;
+         //Write padding bytes
+         for(i = 0; i <= paddingLength; i++)
+            record->data[length + i] = (uint8_t) paddingLength;
+         //Compute the length of the resulting message
+         length += paddingLength + 1;
+         //Fix length field
+         record->length = htons(length);
+         //Debug message
+         TRACE_DEBUG("Record with padding (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes):\r\n", length);
+         TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record, length + sizeof(TlsRecord));
+         //CBC encryption
+         error = cbcEncrypt(context->cipherAlgo, context->writeCipherContext,
+            context->writeIv, record->data, record->data, length);
+         //Any error to report?
+         if(error)
+            return error;
+      }
+      else
+      //CCM or GCM AEAD cipher?
+      if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_CCM ||
+         context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_GCM)
+      {
+         uint8_t *data;
+         uint8_t *tag;
+         size_t nonceLength;
+         uint8_t nonce[12];
+         uint8_t a[13];
+         //Determine the total length of the nonce
+         nonceLength = context->fixedIvLen + context->recordIvLen;
+         //The salt is the implicit part of the nonce and is not sent in the packet
+         memcpy(nonce, context->writeIv, context->fixedIvLen);
+         //The explicit part of the nonce is chosen by the sender
+         error = context->prngAlgo->read(context->prngContext,
+            nonce + context->fixedIvLen, context->recordIvLen);
+         //Any error to report?
+         if(error)
+            return error;
+         //Make room for the explicit nonce at the beginning of the record
+         memmove(record->data + context->recordIvLen, record->data, length);
+         //The explicit part of the nonce is carried in each TLS record
+         memcpy(record->data, nonce + context->fixedIvLen, context->recordIvLen);
+         //Additional data to be authenticated
+         memcpy(a, context->writeSeqNum, sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber));
+         memcpy(a + sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber), record, sizeof(TlsRecord));
+         //Point to the plaintext
+         data = record->data + context->recordIvLen;
+         //Point to the buffer where to store the authentication tag
+         tag = data + length;
+         //CCM AEAD cipher?
+         if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_CCM)
+         {
+            //Authenticated encryption using CCM
+            error = ccmEncrypt(context->cipherAlgo, context->writeCipherContext,
+               nonce, nonceLength, a, 13, data, data, length, tag, context->authTagLen);
+         }
+         else
+         //GCM AEAD cipher?
+         if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_GCM)
+         {
+            //Authenticated encryption using GCM
+            error = gcmEncrypt(context->writeGcmContext, nonce, nonceLength,
+               a, 13, data, data, length, tag, context->authTagLen);
+         }
+         else
+         //Invalid cipher mode?
+         {
+            //The specified cipher mode is not supported
+         }
+         //Failed to encrypt data?
+         if(error)
+            return error;
+         //Compute the length of the resulting message
+         length += context->recordIvLen + context->authTagLen;
+         //Fix length field
+         record->length = htons(length);
+         //Increment sequence number
+         tlsIncSequenceNumber(context->writeSeqNum);
+      }
+      else
+      //ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD cipher?
+      if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
+      {
+         size_t i;
+         uint8_t *tag;
+         uint8_t nonce[12];
+         uint8_t a[13];
+         //The 64-bit record sequence number is serialized as an 8-byte,
+         //big-endian value and padded on the left with four 0x00 bytes
+         memcpy(nonce + 4, context->writeSeqNum, 8);
+         memset(nonce, 0, 4);
+         //The padded sequence number is XORed with the write IV to form
+         //the 96-bit nonce
+         for(i = 0; i < context->fixedIvLen; i++)
+            nonce[i] ^= context->writeIv[i];
+         //Additional data to be authenticated
+         memcpy(a, context->writeSeqNum, sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber));
+         memcpy(a + sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber), record, sizeof(TlsRecord));
+         //Point to the buffer where to store the authentication tag
+         tag = record->data + length;
+         //Authenticated encryption using ChaCha20Poly1305
+         error = chacha20Poly1305Encrypt(context->writeEncKey, context->encKeyLen,
+            nonce, 12, a, 13, record->data, record->data, length, tag, context->authTagLen);
+         //Failed to encrypt data?
+         if(error)
+            return error;
+         //Compute the length of the resulting message
+         length += context->authTagLen;
+         //Fix length field
+         record->length = htons(length);
+         //Increment sequence number
+         tlsIncSequenceNumber(context->writeSeqNum);
+      }
+      else
+      //Invalid cipher mode?
+      {
+         //The specified cipher mode is not supported
+      }
+      //Debug message
+      TRACE_DEBUG("Encrypted record (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes):\r\n", length);
+      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record, length + sizeof(TlsRecord));
+   }
+   //Successful encryption
+   return NO_ERROR;
+ * @brief Decrypt an incoming TLS record
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the TLS context
+ * @param[in,out] record TLS record to be decrypted
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t tlsDecryptRecord(TlsContext *context, TlsRecord *record)
+   error_t error;
+   size_t length;
+   //Convert the length field to host byte order
+   length = ntohs(record->length);
+   //Decrypt record if necessary
+   if(context->cipherMode != CIPHER_MODE_NULL)
+   {
+      //Debug message
+      TRACE_DEBUG("Record to be decrypted (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes):\r\n", length);
+      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record, length + sizeof(TlsRecord));
+      //Stream cipher?
+      if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_STREAM)
+      {
+         //Decrypt record contents
+         context->cipherAlgo->decryptStream(context->readCipherContext,
+            record->data, record->data, length);
+      }
+      else
+      //CBC block cipher?
+      if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_CBC)
+      {
+         size_t i;
+         size_t paddingLength;
+         //The length of the data must be a multiple of the block size
+         if((length % context->cipherAlgo->blockSize) != 0)
+            return ERROR_DECODING_FAILED;
+         //CBC decryption
+         error = cbcDecrypt(context->cipherAlgo, context->readCipherContext,
+            context->readIv, record->data, record->data, length);
+         //Any error to report?
+         if(error)
+            return error;
+         //Debug message
+         TRACE_DEBUG("Record with padding (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes):\r\n", length);
+         TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record, length + sizeof(TlsRecord));
+         //TLS 1.1 and 1.2 use an explicit IV
+         if(context->version >= TLS_VERSION_1_1)
+         {
+            //Make sure the message length is acceptable
+            if(length < context->recordIvLen)
+               return ERROR_DECODING_FAILED;
+            //Adjust the length of the message
+            length -= context->recordIvLen;
+            //Discard the first cipher block (corresponding to the explicit IV)
+            memmove(record->data, record->data + context->recordIvLen, length);
+         }
+         //Make sure the message length is acceptable
+         if(length < context->cipherAlgo->blockSize)
+            return ERROR_DECODING_FAILED;
+         //Compute the length of the padding string
+         paddingLength = record->data[length - 1];
+         //Erroneous padding length?
+         if(paddingLength >= length)
+            return ERROR_BAD_RECORD_MAC;
+         //The receiver must check the padding
+         for(i = 0; i <= paddingLength; i++)
+         {
+            //Each byte in the padding data must be filled
+            //with the padding length value
+            if(record->data[length - 1 - i] != paddingLength)
+               return ERROR_BAD_RECORD_MAC;
+         }
+         //Remove padding bytes
+         length -= paddingLength + 1;
+         //Fix the length field of the TLS record
+         record->length = htons(length);
+      }
+      else
+      //CCM or GCM AEAD cipher?
+      if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_CCM ||
+         context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_GCM)
+      {
+         uint8_t *ciphertext;
+         uint8_t *tag;
+         size_t nonceLength;
+         uint8_t nonce[12];
+         uint8_t a[13];
+         //Make sure the message length is acceptable
+         if(length < (context->recordIvLen + context->authTagLen))
+            return ERROR_DECODING_FAILED;
+         //Determine the total length of the nonce
+         nonceLength = context->fixedIvLen + context->recordIvLen;
+         //The salt is the implicit part of the nonce and is not sent in the packet
+         memcpy(nonce, context->readIv, context->fixedIvLen);
+         //The explicit part of the nonce is chosen by the sender
+         memcpy(nonce + context->fixedIvLen, record->data, context->recordIvLen);
+         //Calculate the length of the ciphertext
+         length -= context->recordIvLen + context->authTagLen;
+         //Fix the length field of the TLS record
+         record->length = htons(length);
+         //Additional data to be authenticated
+         memcpy(a, context->readSeqNum, sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber));
+         memcpy(a + sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber), record, sizeof(TlsRecord));
+         //Point to the ciphertext
+         ciphertext = record->data + context->recordIvLen;
+         //Point to the authentication tag
+         tag = ciphertext + length;
+         //CCM AEAD cipher?
+         if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_CCM)
+         {
+            //Authenticated decryption using CCM
+            error = ccmDecrypt(context->cipherAlgo, context->readCipherContext,
+               nonce, nonceLength, a, 13, ciphertext, ciphertext, length, tag, context->authTagLen);
+         }
+         else
+         //GCM AEAD cipher?
+         if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_GCM)
+         {
+            //Authenticated decryption using GCM
+            error = gcmDecrypt(context->readGcmContext, nonce, nonceLength,
+               a, 13, ciphertext, ciphertext, length, tag, context->authTagLen);
+         }
+         else
+         //Invalid cipher mode?
+         {
+            //The specified cipher mode is not supported
+         }
+         //Wrong authentication tag?
+         if(error)
+            return ERROR_BAD_RECORD_MAC;
+         //Discard the explicit part of the nonce
+         memmove(record->data, record->data + context->recordIvLen, length);
+         //Increment sequence number
+         tlsIncSequenceNumber(context->readSeqNum);
+      }
+      else
+      //ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD cipher?
+      if(context->cipherMode == CIPHER_MODE_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
+      {
+         size_t i;
+         uint8_t *tag;
+         uint8_t nonce[12];
+         uint8_t a[13];
+         //Make sure the message length is acceptable
+         if(length < context->authTagLen)
+            return ERROR_DECODING_FAILED;
+         //The 64-bit record sequence number is serialized as an 8-byte,
+         //big-endian value and padded on the left with four 0x00 bytes
+         memcpy(nonce + 4, context->readSeqNum, 8);
+         memset(nonce, 0, 4);
+         //The padded sequence number is XORed with the read IV to form
+         //the 96-bit nonce
+         for(i = 0; i < context->fixedIvLen; i++)
+            nonce[i] ^= context->readIv[i];
+         //Calculate the length of the ciphertext
+         length -= context->authTagLen;
+         //Fix the length field of the TLS record
+         record->length = htons(length);
+         //Additional data to be authenticated
+         memcpy(a, context->readSeqNum, sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber));
+         memcpy(a + sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber), record, sizeof(TlsRecord));
+         //Point to the authentication tag
+         tag = record->data + length;
+         //Authenticated decryption using ChaCha20Poly1305
+         error = chacha20Poly1305Decrypt(context->readEncKey, context->encKeyLen,
+            nonce, 12, a, 13, record->data, record->data, length, tag, context->authTagLen);
+         //Wrong authentication tag?
+         if(error)
+            return ERROR_BAD_RECORD_MAC;
+         //Increment sequence number
+         tlsIncSequenceNumber(context->readSeqNum);
+      }
+      else
+      //Invalid cipher mode?
+      {
+         //The specified cipher mode is not supported
+      }
+      //Debug message
+      TRACE_DEBUG("Decrypted record (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes):\r\n", length);
+      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", record, length + sizeof(TlsRecord));
+   }
+   //Check message authentication code if necessary
+   if(context->hashAlgo != NULL)
+   {
+      //Make sure the message length is acceptable
+      if(length < context->hashAlgo->digestSize)
+         return ERROR_DECODING_FAILED;
+      //Adjust the length of the message
+      length -= context->hashAlgo->digestSize;
+      //Fix the length field of the TLS record
+      record->length = htons(length);
+      //Check whether SSL 3.0 is currently used
+      if(context->version == SSL_VERSION_3_0)
+      {
+         //SSL 3.0 uses an older obsolete version of the HMAC construction
+         error = sslComputeMac(context, context->readMacKey, context->readSeqNum,
+            record, record->data, length, context->hmacContext.digest);
+         //Any error to report?
+         if(error)
+            return error;
+      }
+      else
+      //Check whether TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 is currently used
+      if(context->version >= TLS_VERSION_1_0)
+      {
+         //TLS uses a HMAC construction
+         hmacInit(&context->hmacContext, context->hashAlgo,
+            context->readMacKey, context->macKeyLen);
+         //Compute MAC over the sequence number and the record contents
+         hmacUpdate(&context->hmacContext, context->readSeqNum, sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber));
+         hmacUpdate(&context->hmacContext, record, sizeof(TlsRecord));
+         hmacUpdate(&context->hmacContext, record->data, length);
+         hmacFinal(&context->hmacContext, NULL);
+      }
+      else
+      //The negotiated TLS version is not valid...
+      {
+         //Report an error
+         return ERROR_INVALID_VERSION;
+      }
+      //Debug message
+      TRACE_DEBUG("Read sequence number:\r\n");
+      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", context->readSeqNum, sizeof(TlsSequenceNumber));
+      TRACE_DEBUG("Computed MAC:\r\n");
+      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("  ", context->hmacContext.digest, context->hashAlgo->digestSize);
+      //Check the message authentication code
+      if(memcmp(record->data + length, context->hmacContext.digest, context->hashAlgo->digestSize))
+         return ERROR_BAD_RECORD_MAC;
+      //Increment sequence number
+      tlsIncSequenceNumber(context->readSeqNum);
+   }
+   //Successful decryption
+   return NO_ERROR;
+ * @brief Increment sequence number
+ * @param[in] seqNum Sequence number to increment
+ **/
+void tlsIncSequenceNumber(TlsSequenceNumber seqNum)
+   int_t i;
+   //Sequence numbers are stored MSB first
+   for(i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
+   {
+      //Increment the current byte
+      seqNum[i]++;
+      //Propagate the carry if necessary
+      if(seqNum[i] != 0)
+         break;
+   }