Webserver+3d print

Dependents:   Nucleo

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cyclone_crypto/dh.c	Sat Feb 04 18:15:49 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ * @file dh.c
+ * @brief Diffie-Hellman key exchange
+ *
+ * @section License
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oryx Embedded SARL. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of CycloneCrypto Open.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol allows two users to exchange a
+ * secret key over an insecure medium without any prior secrets. Refer to
+ * PKCS #3 (Diffie-Hellman Key-Agreement Standard)
+ *
+ * @author Oryx Embedded SARL (www.oryx-embedded.com)
+ * @version 1.7.6
+ **/
+//Switch to the appropriate trace level
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "crypto.h"
+#include "dh.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+//Check crypto library configuration
+ * @brief Initialize Diffie-Hellman context
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the Diffie-Hellman context
+ **/
+void dhInit(DhContext *context)
+   //Initialize Diffie-Hellman parameters
+   mpiInit(&context->params.p);
+   mpiInit(&context->params.g);
+   //Initialize private and public values
+   mpiInit(&context->xa);
+   mpiInit(&context->ya);
+   mpiInit(&context->yb);
+ * @brief Release Diffie-Hellman context
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the Diffie-Hellman context
+ **/
+void dhFree(DhContext *context)
+   //Release Diffie-Hellman parameters
+   mpiFree(&context->params.p);
+   mpiFree(&context->params.g);
+   //Release private and public values
+   mpiFree(&context->xa);
+   mpiFree(&context->ya);
+   mpiFree(&context->yb);
+ * @brief Diffie-Hellman key pair generation
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the Diffie-Hellman context
+ * @param[in] prngAlgo PRNG algorithm
+ * @param[in] prngContext Pointer to the PRNG context
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t dhGenerateKeyPair(DhContext *context,
+   const PrngAlgo *prngAlgo, void *prngContext)
+   error_t error;
+   uint_t k;
+   //Debug message
+   TRACE_DEBUG("Generating Diffie-Hellman key pair...\r\n");
+   //Get the length in bits of the prime p
+   k = mpiGetBitLength(&context->params.p);
+   //Ensure the length is valid
+   if(k == 0)
+   //The private value shall be randomly generated
+   error = mpiRand(&context->xa, k, prngAlgo, prngContext);
+   //Any error to report?
+   if(error)
+      return error;
+   //The private value shall be less than p
+   if(mpiComp(&context->xa, &context->params.p) >= 0)
+   {
+      //Shift value to the right
+      error = mpiShiftRight(&context->xa, 1);
+      //Any error to report?
+      if(error)
+         return error;
+   }
+   //Debug message
+   TRACE_DEBUG("  Private value:\r\n");
+   TRACE_DEBUG_MPI("    ", &context->xa);
+   //Calculate the corresponding public value (ya = g ^ xa mod p)
+   error = mpiExpMod(&context->ya, &context->params.g, &context->xa, &context->params.p);
+   //Any error to report?
+   if(error)
+      return error;
+   //Debug message
+   TRACE_DEBUG("  Public value:\r\n");
+   TRACE_DEBUG_MPI("    ", &context->ya);
+   //Check public value
+   error = dhCheckPublicKey(&context->params, &context->ya);
+   //Weak public value?
+   if(error)
+      return error;
+   //Public value successfully generated
+   return NO_ERROR;
+ * @brief Check Diffie-Hellman public value
+ * @param[in] params Pointer to the Diffie-Hellman parameters
+ * @param[in] publicKey Public value to be checked
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t dhCheckPublicKey(DhParameters *params, const Mpi *publicKey)
+   error_t error;
+   Mpi a;
+   //Initialize multiple precision integer
+   mpiInit(&a);
+   //Precompute p - 1
+   error = mpiSubInt(&a, &params->p, 1);
+   //Check status
+   if(!error)
+   {
+      //Reject weak public values 1 and p - 1
+      if(mpiCompInt(publicKey, 1) <= 0)
+         error = ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER;
+      else if(mpiComp(publicKey, &a) >= 0)
+         error = ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER;
+   }
+   //Free previously allocated resources
+   mpiFree(&a);
+   //Return status code
+   return error;
+ * @brief Compute Diffie-Hellman shared secret
+ * @param[in] context Pointer to the Diffie-Hellman context
+ * @param[out] output Buffer where to store the shared secret
+ * @param[in] outputSize Size of the buffer in bytes
+ * @param[out] outputLength Length of the resulting shared secret
+ * @return Error code
+ **/
+error_t dhComputeSharedSecret(DhContext *context,
+   uint8_t *output, size_t outputSize, size_t *outputLength)
+   error_t error;
+   size_t k;
+   Mpi z;
+   //Debug message
+   TRACE_DEBUG("Computing Diffie-Hellman shared secret...\r\n");
+   //Get the length in octets of the prime modulus
+   k = mpiGetByteLength(&context->params.p);
+   //Make sure that the output buffer is large enough
+   if(outputSize < k)
+   //The multiple precision integer must be initialized before it can be used
+   mpiInit(&z);
+   //Start of exception handling block
+   do
+   {
+      //Calculate the shared secret key (k = yb ^ xa mod p)
+      error = mpiExpMod(&z, &context->yb, &context->xa, &context->params.p);
+      //Any error to report?
+      if(error)
+         break;
+      //Convert the resulting integer to an octet string
+      error = mpiWriteRaw(&z, output, k);
+      //Conversion failed?
+      if(error)
+         break;
+      //Length of the resulting shared secret
+      *outputLength = k;
+      //Debug message
+      TRACE_DEBUG("  Shared secret (%" PRIuSIZE " bytes):\r\n", *outputLength);
+      TRACE_DEBUG_ARRAY("    ", output, *outputLength);
+      //End of exception handling block
+   } while(0);
+   //Release previously allocated resources
+   mpiFree(&z);
+   //Return status code
+   return error;