Segunda parte proyecto 3 de simulaciones

Dependencies:   mbed

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Sat Dec 05 02:49:40 2015 +0000
Commit message:
redes de colas con boton

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r b3464514c589 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Dec 05 02:49:40 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+DigitalOut myled(LED2);
+DigitalOut led_a(LED3);
+InterruptIn button(SW2); //Button
+#define u1          8
+#define M1          1
+#define u2          3
+#define M2          3
+#define u3          15
+#define M3          1
+#define pQ3Q1       0.1         // probability of sending Q3 output to the Q1 input
+#define pQ3Out      0.9        // probability of delivering Q3 output as system output
+#define tf          15
+#define lambda      10
+#define pQ1I_Q2I    0.5
+int Q1[tf]= {0};              // initial Q1
+int Q2[tf]= {0};              // initial Q2
+int Q3[tf]= {0};              // initial Q3
+float t = 0;               // initial simulation time
+float t_events_Q1[tf] = {0};     // time stamps for the k events
+float t_events_Q2[tf] = {0};     // time stamps for the k events
+float t_events_Q3[tf]= {0};     // time stamps for the k events
+int k=1;                 // event number
+double SI = 0;
+double Q1I1 = tf;
+double Q1I2 = 0;
+double Q1O = 0;
+double Q2I1 = 0;
+double Q2O = 0;
+double Q3I1 = 0;
+double Q3I2 = 0;
+double Q3O = tf;
+double SO = 0;
+float Q1_lambda [tf]= {0};
+float Q2_lambda [tf]= {0};
+float Q3_lambda [tf]= {0};
+float t_Q1=0;
+float t_Q2=0;
+float t_Q3=0;
+float eventtime_Q1=0;
+float eventtime_Q2=0;
+float eventtime_Q3=0;
+float eventtime=0;
+double min_2(double x, double y);
+double min_3(double x, double y, double z);
+int max_2(int x, int y);
+double max_3(double x, double y, double z);
+void flip();
+double var_rand_q1(int x);
+double var_rand_s(int x);
+double var_rand_q2(int x);
+double var_rand_q3(int x);
+int Q1k;
+int Q2k;
+int Q3k;
+volatile bool x=0;
+uint32_t x_i_s=7; //semilla aleatoria
+uint32_t x_i_q1=11;
+uint32_t x_i_q2= 17;
+uint32_t x_i_q3=3;
+int i=0;
+int exprnd=1;
+int main()
+    Q1_lambda[0]= lambda*0.5;
+    Q2_lambda[0]= lambda*0.5;
+    Q3_lambda[0]= 1/(u1*M1) + 1/(u2*M2);
+    button.rise(&flip);  // attach the address of the flip function to the rising edge
+    if( x==1){
+        myled=0;
+        // System input     
+    SI = var_rand_s(lambda); 
+    SI= SI/100;
+    // Q1
+    Q1I1 = Q3O/pQ3Q1;
+    Q1I2 = SI/0.5;
+    printf("Sl: %lf \n", SI);
+    Q1_lambda [k]= (1/Q1I1 + 1/Q1I2);
+    //printf("Q1I1: %lf \n", Q1I1);
+    //printf("Q1I2: %lf \n", Q1I2);
+    //printf("Q1_lambda: %f \n", Q1_lambda[k]);
+    if(Q1[k] > 0){
+        int q1O= u1*M1; // service time in the queue
+        Q1O= var_rand_q1(q1O);
+        Q1O= Q1O/100;
+    }
+    else{
+        Q1O= min_2(Q1I1,Q1I2)+1.0;
+    }
+    printf("Q1O: %lf \n", Q1O);   
+    // Update queue Q1 
+    t_events_Q1[k]=(t+min_3(Q1I1,Q1I2,Q1O));
+    //printf("Q1K :%d \n",Q1[k]);
+    if ( (Q1O < Q1I1) && (Q1O < Q1I2) ){
+        Q1k=Q1[k]- 1;  
+        Q1[k+1]=max_2(0,Q1k); // Q1 is reduced by one
+    }
+    else        {
+        Q1[k+1]=Q1[k]+1; // Q1 is increased by one due to Q1 input (only one of the two inputs is considered)
+    }
+    //printf("Q1K :%d \n",Q1[k+1]);
+    eventtime_Q1 = min_3(Q1I1, Q1I2, Q1O);
+    t_Q1 = t;
+    t_Q1 = t_Q1 + eventtime_Q1;
+    // Q2
+    Q2I1 = SI/pQ1I_Q2I;
+    //printf("Q2I1 :%lf \n",Q2I1);
+    Q2_lambda[k] = (1.0/Q2I1);
+    //printf("Q2_lambda :%f \n",Q2_lambda[k]);
+    if(Q2[k] > 0){
+        int q2O = u2*M2; // service time in the queue
+        Q2O= var_rand_q2(q2O);
+        Q2O= Q2O/100;
+    }
+    else{
+        Q2O = Q2I1 + 1.0;
+    }
+    printf("Q20 :%f \n",Q2O);
+    // Update queue Q2 
+    t_events_Q2[k]=(t+min_2(Q2I1, Q2O));
+    //printf("Q2[k]: %d\n",Q2[k]);
+    if ( Q2O < Q2I1 ){
+        Q2k=Q2[k]- 1;
+    //    printf("Q2K %d: \n",Q2k);
+        Q2[k+1]=max_2(0,Q2k); // Q2 is reduced by one
+    }
+    else{
+        Q2[k+1]= (Q2[k])+1; // Q2 is increased by one due to Q2 input
+    }
+    //printf("Q2[k]: %d\n",Q2[k+1]);
+    eventtime_Q2 = min_2(Q2I1, Q2O);
+    t_Q2 = t;
+    t_Q2 = t_Q2 + eventtime_Q2;
+    //Q3
+    Q3I1 = Q1O;
+    Q3I2 = Q2O;
+    //printf("Q3I1: %lf \n",Q3I1);
+    //printf("Q3I2: %lf \n",Q3I2);
+    Q3_lambda [k]= 1/Q3I1 + 1/Q3I2;
+    //printf("Q3_lambda: %f \n",Q3_lambda[k]);
+    if(Q3[k] > 0){
+        int q3O = u3*M3; // service time in the queue
+        Q3O= var_rand_q3(q3O);
+    //    printf("Q3O_ant %lf", Q3O);   
+        Q3O= Q3O/100; 
+    }
+    else{
+        Q3O = min_2(Q1O, Q2O) + 1.0;
+    }
+    printf("Q3O: %lf \n",Q3O);
+    // Update queue Q3 
+    t_events_Q3[k]= t+min_3(Q3I1, Q3I2, Q3O);    
+    //printf("Q3[k]: %d \n", Q3[k]);
+    if ( (Q3O < Q3I1) && (Q3O < Q3I2) ){
+        Q3k=Q3[k]- 1;
+    //    printf("Q3k: %f \n", Q3k); 
+        Q3[k+1]=max_2(0,Q3k); // Q3 is reduced by one
+    }
+    else        {
+        Q3[k+1]= Q3[k] + 1; // Q3 is increased by one due to Q3 input (only one of the two inputs is considered)
+    }
+    //printf("Q3[k]: %d \n",Q3[k+1]);
+    eventtime_Q3 = min_3(Q3I1, Q3I2, Q3O);
+    t_Q3 = t;
+    t_Q3 = t_Q3 + eventtime_Q3;
+    // System output
+    SO = Q3O/pQ3Out;
+    eventtime = max_3(eventtime_Q1, eventtime_Q2, eventtime_Q3);
+    t = t + eventtime;
+    k=k+1;
+    myled=1;
+    wait(0.02);      
+    }          
+    led_a=0;
+    wait(.5);
+    pc.printf("k=");
+    pc.printf("%d\r\n",k);
+    wait(.5);
+    pc.printf("Q1\n");
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%d, ",Q1[i]);
+        }
+    pc.printf("\n Q2\n");  
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%d, ",Q2[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n Q3\n");  
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%d, ",Q3[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n Q1_lambda\n");  
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",Q1_lambda[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n Q2_lambda\n");  
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",Q2_lambda[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n Q3_lambda\n");    
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",Q3_lambda[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n t_events_Q1\n");    
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",t_events_Q1[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n t_events_Q2\n");    
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",t_events_Q2[i]);
+        } 
+    pc.printf("\n t_events_Q3\n");    
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",t_events_Q3[i]);
+        } 
+    led_a=1;
+//-----------------------Función para obtener el minimo de 2 números ---------------------------------------------//
+double min_2(double x, double y){
+     double min=0;
+     if (x<y){
+         min= x;
+         }
+     else {
+        min=y;
+        }
+        return min;
+    }
+///-----------------------Función para obtener el minimo de 3 números ---------------------------------------------//
+double min_3(double x, double y, double z){
+     double min=0;
+     if ((x<y)&&(x<z)){
+         min= x;
+         }
+     else if ((y<x)&&(y<z)){
+         min= y;
+         }
+     else {
+         min=z;
+         }
+         return min;
+//-----------------------Función para obtener el miáximo de 2 números ---------------------------------------------//
+int max_2(int x, int y){
+    int max=0;
+    if(x>y){
+        max=x;
+        }     
+    else {
+        max=y;
+        }
+        return max;
+    }
+//-----------------------Función para obtener el máximo de 3 números ---------------------------------------------//
+double max_3(double x, double y, double z){
+     double max=0;
+     if ((x>y)&&(x>z)){
+         max= x;
+         }
+     else if ((y>x)&&(y>z)){
+         max= y;
+         }
+     else {
+         max=z;
+         }
+         return max; 
+    }
+double var_rand_s(int x){
+    int32_t a_s = 40014;
+    int32_t m_s=2147283563;
+    double exprnd_s;
+    int32_t x_i1_s=(a_s*x_i_s) % m_s;
+    x_i_s=x_i1_s; 
+    double U_s= float(x_i1_s)/float(m_s); //Uniforme [0,1] 
+    if(U_s>=0.2 && U_s<=0.9){
+        exprnd_s=-1.0*float(x)*log(U_s);
+        }
+    else {
+        x_i1_s=(a_s*x_i_s) % m_s;
+        U_s= float(x_i1_s)/float(m_s);
+        }
+   // printf("exprnd_s: %lf", exprnd_s);
+    return exprnd_s;
+    }
+double var_rand_q1(int x){
+    int32_t a_q1 = 40014;
+    int32_t m_q1=2147283563;
+    double exprnd_q1;
+    int32_t x_i1_q1=(a_q1*x_i_q1) % m_q1;
+    x_i_q1=x_i1_q1; 
+    double U_q1= float(x_i1_q1)/float(m_q1); //Uniforme [0,1]    
+    if(U_q1>=0.4 && U_q1<=0.9){
+        exprnd_q1=-1.0*float(x)*log(U_q1);
+        }
+    else {
+        x_i1_q1=(a_q1*x_i_q1) % m_q1;
+        U_q1= float(x_i1_q1)/float(m_q1);
+        }
+        return exprnd_q1;
+    }
+    double var_rand_q2(int x){
+    int32_t a_q2 = 40014;
+    int32_t m_q2=2147283563;
+    double exprnd_q2;
+    int32_t x_i1_q2=(a_q2*x_i_q2) % m_q2;
+    x_i_q2=x_i1_q2; 
+    double U_q2= float(x_i1_q2)/float(m_q2); //Uniforme [0,1]
+    if(U_q2>=0.4 && U_q2<=0.9){
+        exprnd_q2=-1.0*float(x)*log(U_q2);
+        }
+    else {
+        x_i1_q2=(a_q2*x_i_q2) % m_q2;
+        U_q2= float(x_i1_q2)/float(m_q2);
+        }
+        return exprnd_q2;
+    }
+    double var_rand_q3(int x){
+    int32_t a_q3 = 40014;
+    int32_t m_q3=2147283563;
+    double exprnd_q3;
+    int32_t x_i1_q3=(a_q3*x_i_q3) % m_q3;
+    x_i_q3=x_i1_q3; 
+    double U_q3= float(x_i1_q3)/float(m_q3); //Uniforme [0,1]
+    if(U_q3>=0.4 && U_q3<=0.9){
+        exprnd_q3=-1.0*float(x)*log(U_q3);
+        }
+    else {
+        x_i1_q3=(a_q3*x_i_q3) % m_q3;
+        U_q3= float(x_i1_q3)/float(m_q3);
+        }
+    return exprnd_q3;
+    }
+void flip() {
+    x=1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r b3464514c589 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sat Dec 05 02:49:40 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file