Segunda parte proyecto 3 de simulaciones

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r b3464514c589 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Dec 05 02:49:40 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+DigitalOut myled(LED2);
+DigitalOut led_a(LED3);
+InterruptIn button(SW2); //Button
+#define u1          8
+#define M1          1
+#define u2          3
+#define M2          3
+#define u3          15
+#define M3          1
+#define pQ3Q1       0.1         // probability of sending Q3 output to the Q1 input
+#define pQ3Out      0.9        // probability of delivering Q3 output as system output
+#define tf          15
+#define lambda      10
+#define pQ1I_Q2I    0.5
+int Q1[tf]= {0};              // initial Q1
+int Q2[tf]= {0};              // initial Q2
+int Q3[tf]= {0};              // initial Q3
+float t = 0;               // initial simulation time
+float t_events_Q1[tf] = {0};     // time stamps for the k events
+float t_events_Q2[tf] = {0};     // time stamps for the k events
+float t_events_Q3[tf]= {0};     // time stamps for the k events
+int k=1;                 // event number
+double SI = 0;
+double Q1I1 = tf;
+double Q1I2 = 0;
+double Q1O = 0;
+double Q2I1 = 0;
+double Q2O = 0;
+double Q3I1 = 0;
+double Q3I2 = 0;
+double Q3O = tf;
+double SO = 0;
+float Q1_lambda [tf]= {0};
+float Q2_lambda [tf]= {0};
+float Q3_lambda [tf]= {0};
+float t_Q1=0;
+float t_Q2=0;
+float t_Q3=0;
+float eventtime_Q1=0;
+float eventtime_Q2=0;
+float eventtime_Q3=0;
+float eventtime=0;
+double min_2(double x, double y);
+double min_3(double x, double y, double z);
+int max_2(int x, int y);
+double max_3(double x, double y, double z);
+void flip();
+double var_rand_q1(int x);
+double var_rand_s(int x);
+double var_rand_q2(int x);
+double var_rand_q3(int x);
+int Q1k;
+int Q2k;
+int Q3k;
+volatile bool x=0;
+uint32_t x_i_s=7; //semilla aleatoria
+uint32_t x_i_q1=11;
+uint32_t x_i_q2= 17;
+uint32_t x_i_q3=3;
+int i=0;
+int exprnd=1;
+int main()
+    Q1_lambda[0]= lambda*0.5;
+    Q2_lambda[0]= lambda*0.5;
+    Q3_lambda[0]= 1/(u1*M1) + 1/(u2*M2);
+    button.rise(&flip);  // attach the address of the flip function to the rising edge
+    if( x==1){
+        myled=0;
+        // System input     
+    SI = var_rand_s(lambda); 
+    SI= SI/100;
+    // Q1
+    Q1I1 = Q3O/pQ3Q1;
+    Q1I2 = SI/0.5;
+    printf("Sl: %lf \n", SI);
+    Q1_lambda [k]= (1/Q1I1 + 1/Q1I2);
+    //printf("Q1I1: %lf \n", Q1I1);
+    //printf("Q1I2: %lf \n", Q1I2);
+    //printf("Q1_lambda: %f \n", Q1_lambda[k]);
+    if(Q1[k] > 0){
+        int q1O= u1*M1; // service time in the queue
+        Q1O= var_rand_q1(q1O);
+        Q1O= Q1O/100;
+    }
+    else{
+        Q1O= min_2(Q1I1,Q1I2)+1.0;
+    }
+    printf("Q1O: %lf \n", Q1O);   
+    // Update queue Q1 
+    t_events_Q1[k]=(t+min_3(Q1I1,Q1I2,Q1O));
+    //printf("Q1K :%d \n",Q1[k]);
+    if ( (Q1O < Q1I1) && (Q1O < Q1I2) ){
+        Q1k=Q1[k]- 1;  
+        Q1[k+1]=max_2(0,Q1k); // Q1 is reduced by one
+    }
+    else        {
+        Q1[k+1]=Q1[k]+1; // Q1 is increased by one due to Q1 input (only one of the two inputs is considered)
+    }
+    //printf("Q1K :%d \n",Q1[k+1]);
+    eventtime_Q1 = min_3(Q1I1, Q1I2, Q1O);
+    t_Q1 = t;
+    t_Q1 = t_Q1 + eventtime_Q1;
+    // Q2
+    Q2I1 = SI/pQ1I_Q2I;
+    //printf("Q2I1 :%lf \n",Q2I1);
+    Q2_lambda[k] = (1.0/Q2I1);
+    //printf("Q2_lambda :%f \n",Q2_lambda[k]);
+    if(Q2[k] > 0){
+        int q2O = u2*M2; // service time in the queue
+        Q2O= var_rand_q2(q2O);
+        Q2O= Q2O/100;
+    }
+    else{
+        Q2O = Q2I1 + 1.0;
+    }
+    printf("Q20 :%f \n",Q2O);
+    // Update queue Q2 
+    t_events_Q2[k]=(t+min_2(Q2I1, Q2O));
+    //printf("Q2[k]: %d\n",Q2[k]);
+    if ( Q2O < Q2I1 ){
+        Q2k=Q2[k]- 1;
+    //    printf("Q2K %d: \n",Q2k);
+        Q2[k+1]=max_2(0,Q2k); // Q2 is reduced by one
+    }
+    else{
+        Q2[k+1]= (Q2[k])+1; // Q2 is increased by one due to Q2 input
+    }
+    //printf("Q2[k]: %d\n",Q2[k+1]);
+    eventtime_Q2 = min_2(Q2I1, Q2O);
+    t_Q2 = t;
+    t_Q2 = t_Q2 + eventtime_Q2;
+    //Q3
+    Q3I1 = Q1O;
+    Q3I2 = Q2O;
+    //printf("Q3I1: %lf \n",Q3I1);
+    //printf("Q3I2: %lf \n",Q3I2);
+    Q3_lambda [k]= 1/Q3I1 + 1/Q3I2;
+    //printf("Q3_lambda: %f \n",Q3_lambda[k]);
+    if(Q3[k] > 0){
+        int q3O = u3*M3; // service time in the queue
+        Q3O= var_rand_q3(q3O);
+    //    printf("Q3O_ant %lf", Q3O);   
+        Q3O= Q3O/100; 
+    }
+    else{
+        Q3O = min_2(Q1O, Q2O) + 1.0;
+    }
+    printf("Q3O: %lf \n",Q3O);
+    // Update queue Q3 
+    t_events_Q3[k]= t+min_3(Q3I1, Q3I2, Q3O);    
+    //printf("Q3[k]: %d \n", Q3[k]);
+    if ( (Q3O < Q3I1) && (Q3O < Q3I2) ){
+        Q3k=Q3[k]- 1;
+    //    printf("Q3k: %f \n", Q3k); 
+        Q3[k+1]=max_2(0,Q3k); // Q3 is reduced by one
+    }
+    else        {
+        Q3[k+1]= Q3[k] + 1; // Q3 is increased by one due to Q3 input (only one of the two inputs is considered)
+    }
+    //printf("Q3[k]: %d \n",Q3[k+1]);
+    eventtime_Q3 = min_3(Q3I1, Q3I2, Q3O);
+    t_Q3 = t;
+    t_Q3 = t_Q3 + eventtime_Q3;
+    // System output
+    SO = Q3O/pQ3Out;
+    eventtime = max_3(eventtime_Q1, eventtime_Q2, eventtime_Q3);
+    t = t + eventtime;
+    k=k+1;
+    myled=1;
+    wait(0.02);      
+    }          
+    led_a=0;
+    wait(.5);
+    pc.printf("k=");
+    pc.printf("%d\r\n",k);
+    wait(.5);
+    pc.printf("Q1\n");
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%d, ",Q1[i]);
+        }
+    pc.printf("\n Q2\n");  
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%d, ",Q2[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n Q3\n");  
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%d, ",Q3[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n Q1_lambda\n");  
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",Q1_lambda[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n Q2_lambda\n");  
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",Q2_lambda[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n Q3_lambda\n");    
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",Q3_lambda[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n t_events_Q1\n");    
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",t_events_Q1[i]);
+        }  
+    pc.printf("\n t_events_Q2\n");    
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",t_events_Q2[i]);
+        } 
+    pc.printf("\n t_events_Q3\n");    
+    for (i=0; i<k; i++){
+        pc.printf("%f, ",t_events_Q3[i]);
+        } 
+    led_a=1;
+//-----------------------Función para obtener el minimo de 2 números ---------------------------------------------//
+double min_2(double x, double y){
+     double min=0;
+     if (x<y){
+         min= x;
+         }
+     else {
+        min=y;
+        }
+        return min;
+    }
+///-----------------------Función para obtener el minimo de 3 números ---------------------------------------------//
+double min_3(double x, double y, double z){
+     double min=0;
+     if ((x<y)&&(x<z)){
+         min= x;
+         }
+     else if ((y<x)&&(y<z)){
+         min= y;
+         }
+     else {
+         min=z;
+         }
+         return min;
+//-----------------------Función para obtener el miáximo de 2 números ---------------------------------------------//
+int max_2(int x, int y){
+    int max=0;
+    if(x>y){
+        max=x;
+        }     
+    else {
+        max=y;
+        }
+        return max;
+    }
+//-----------------------Función para obtener el máximo de 3 números ---------------------------------------------//
+double max_3(double x, double y, double z){
+     double max=0;
+     if ((x>y)&&(x>z)){
+         max= x;
+         }
+     else if ((y>x)&&(y>z)){
+         max= y;
+         }
+     else {
+         max=z;
+         }
+         return max; 
+    }
+double var_rand_s(int x){
+    int32_t a_s = 40014;
+    int32_t m_s=2147283563;
+    double exprnd_s;
+    int32_t x_i1_s=(a_s*x_i_s) % m_s;
+    x_i_s=x_i1_s; 
+    double U_s= float(x_i1_s)/float(m_s); //Uniforme [0,1] 
+    if(U_s>=0.2 && U_s<=0.9){
+        exprnd_s=-1.0*float(x)*log(U_s);
+        }
+    else {
+        x_i1_s=(a_s*x_i_s) % m_s;
+        U_s= float(x_i1_s)/float(m_s);
+        }
+   // printf("exprnd_s: %lf", exprnd_s);
+    return exprnd_s;
+    }
+double var_rand_q1(int x){
+    int32_t a_q1 = 40014;
+    int32_t m_q1=2147283563;
+    double exprnd_q1;
+    int32_t x_i1_q1=(a_q1*x_i_q1) % m_q1;
+    x_i_q1=x_i1_q1; 
+    double U_q1= float(x_i1_q1)/float(m_q1); //Uniforme [0,1]    
+    if(U_q1>=0.4 && U_q1<=0.9){
+        exprnd_q1=-1.0*float(x)*log(U_q1);
+        }
+    else {
+        x_i1_q1=(a_q1*x_i_q1) % m_q1;
+        U_q1= float(x_i1_q1)/float(m_q1);
+        }
+        return exprnd_q1;
+    }
+    double var_rand_q2(int x){
+    int32_t a_q2 = 40014;
+    int32_t m_q2=2147283563;
+    double exprnd_q2;
+    int32_t x_i1_q2=(a_q2*x_i_q2) % m_q2;
+    x_i_q2=x_i1_q2; 
+    double U_q2= float(x_i1_q2)/float(m_q2); //Uniforme [0,1]
+    if(U_q2>=0.4 && U_q2<=0.9){
+        exprnd_q2=-1.0*float(x)*log(U_q2);
+        }
+    else {
+        x_i1_q2=(a_q2*x_i_q2) % m_q2;
+        U_q2= float(x_i1_q2)/float(m_q2);
+        }
+        return exprnd_q2;
+    }
+    double var_rand_q3(int x){
+    int32_t a_q3 = 40014;
+    int32_t m_q3=2147283563;
+    double exprnd_q3;
+    int32_t x_i1_q3=(a_q3*x_i_q3) % m_q3;
+    x_i_q3=x_i1_q3; 
+    double U_q3= float(x_i1_q3)/float(m_q3); //Uniforme [0,1]
+    if(U_q3>=0.4 && U_q3<=0.9){
+        exprnd_q3=-1.0*float(x)*log(U_q3);
+        }
+    else {
+        x_i1_q3=(a_q3*x_i_q3) % m_q3;
+        U_q3= float(x_i1_q3)/float(m_q3);
+        }
+    return exprnd_q3;
+    }
+void flip() {
+    x=1;
\ No newline at end of file