
Dependencies:   mbed Servo

--- a/System/Process/Process.cpp	Mon Feb 25 05:48:20 2019 +0000
+++ b/System/Process/Process.cpp	Mon Feb 25 06:44:02 2019 +0000
@@ -52,60 +52,63 @@
 int a_array[15][15] = {
-{-80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  40,  50,  60,  70,  80},
-{-79, -69, -55, -47, -35, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  35,  47,  55,  69,  79},
-{-77, -68, -50, -45, -30, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  30,  45,  50,  68,  77},
-{-75, -67, -49, -40, -25, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  25,  40,  49,  67,  75},
-{-73, -66, -48, -37, -20, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  20,  37,  48,  66,  73},
-{-71, -62, -46, -32, -20, -10, 0  , 0,   0 ,  10,  20,  32,  46,  62,  71},
-{-70, -60, -45, -30, -20, -10, 0  , 0,   0 ,  10,  20,  30,  45,  60,  70},
-{-71, -62, -46, -32, 10 , -10, 0  , 0,   0 ,  10,  20,  32,  46,  62,  71},
-{-72, -64, -47, -35, 20 , -10, -10, 0,   10,  10,  20,  35,  47,  64,  72},
-{-73, -66, -48, -37, -20, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  20,  37,  48,  66,  73},
-{-75, -67, -49, -40, 40 , -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  25,  40,  49,  67,  75},
-{-77, -68, -50, -45, 60 , -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  30,  45,  50,  68,  77},
-{-79, -69, -55, -47, 70 , -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  35,  47,  55,  69,  79},
-{-80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  40,  50,  60,  70,  80},
-{-80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -20,s-10, 0,   10,  20,  40,  50,  60,  70,  80}}; 
+    {-80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  40,  50,  60,  70,  80},
+    {-79, -69, -55, -47, -35, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  35,  47,  55,  69,  79},
+    {-77, -68, -50, -45, -30, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  30,  45,  50,  68,  77},
+    {-75, -67, -49, -40, -25, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  25,  40,  49,  67,  75},
+    {-73, -66, -48, -37, -20, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  20,  37,  48,  66,  73},
+    {-71, -62, -46, -32, -20, -10, 0, 0,   0,  10,  20,  32,  46,  62,  71},
+    {-70, -60, -45, -30, -20, -10, 0, 0,   0,  10,  20,  30,  45,  60,  70},
+    {-71, -62, -46, -32, 10, -10, 0, 0,   0,  10,  20,  32,  46,  62,  71},
+    {-72, -64, -47, -35, 20, -10, -10, 0,   10,  10,  20,  35,  47,  64,  72},
+    {-73, -66, -48, -37, -20, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  20,  37,  48,  66,  73},
+    {-75, -67, -49, -40, 40, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  25,  40,  49,  67,  75},
+    {-77, -68, -50, -45, 60, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  30,  45,  50,  68,  77},
+    {-79, -69, -55, -47, 70, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  35,  47,  55,  69,  79},
+    {-80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -20, -10, 0,   10,  20,  40,  50,  60,  70,  80},
+    {-80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -20,s-10, 0,   10,  20,  40,  50,  60,  70,  80}
 int b_array[15][15] = {
-{80,  80,  80 , 77 , 75 , 72 , 71 , 70,  60,  50,  40,  30,  20,  10,  0},
-{80,  80,  75 , 70 , 65 , 60 , 55 , 50,  45,  40,  30,  20,  10,  0 ,  -10},
-{80,  71,  70 , 60 , 55 , 50 , 45 , 40,  35,  30,  20,  10,  0,   -10, -13},
-{60,  60,  57 , 50 , 45 , 40 , 35 , 30,  25,  20,  10,  0 ,  -10, -13, -17},
-{50,  50,  50 , 40 , 35 , 30 , 23 , 20,  15,  10,  0 ,  -10, -15, -17, -20},
-{45,  45,  43 , 35 , 30 , 25 , 10 , 10,  10,  0 ,  -10, -15, -20, -20, -25},
-{40,  37,  35 , 30 , 25 , 20 , 0  , 0 ,  0 ,  -10, -15, -20, -25, -25, -30},
-{35,  30,  30 , 25 , 20 , 15 , 0  , 0 ,  0 ,  -15, -20, -25, -30, -30, -35},
-{30,  25,  25 , 20 , 15 , 10 , 0  , 0 ,  0 ,  -20, -25, -30, -35, -37, -40},
-{20,  17,  15 , 10 , 0  , -10, -15,-20, -23, -30 ,-35 ,-40 ,-50 ,-50 , -50},
-{17,  13,  10 , 0  , -10, -20, -25,-30, -35, -40 ,-45 ,-50 ,-57 ,-60 , -60},
-{13,  10,  0  , -10, -20, -30, -35,-40, -45, -50 ,-55 ,-60 , -70, -71, -80},
-{10,  0 ,  -10, -20, -30, -40, -45,-50, -55, -60 ,-65 ,-70 ,-75 ,-80 , -80},
-{0 ,  -10, -20, -30, -40, -50, -60,-70, -71, -72 ,-75 ,-77 ,-80 ,-80 , -80},
-{0 ,  -10, -20, -30, -40, -50, -60,-70, -71, -72 ,-75 ,-77 ,-80 ,-80 , -80}};
+    {80,  80,  80, 77, 75, 72, 71, 70,  60,  50,  40,  30,  20,  10,  0},
+    {80,  80,  75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50,  45,  40,  30,  20,  10,  0,  -10},
+    {80,  71,  70, 60, 55, 50, 45, 40,  35,  30,  20,  10,  0,   -10, -13},
+    {60,  60,  57, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30,  25,  20,  10,  0,  -10, -13, -17},
+    {50,  50,  50, 40, 35, 30, 23, 20,  15,  10,  0,  -10, -15, -17, -20},
+    {45,  45,  43, 35, 30, 25, 10, 10,  10,  0,  -10, -15, -20, -20, -25},
+    {40,  37,  35, 30, 25, 20, 0, 0,  0,  -10, -15, -20, -25, -25, -30},
+    {35,  30,  30, 25, 20, 15, 0, 0,  0,  -15, -20, -25, -30, -30, -35},
+    {30,  25,  25, 20, 15, 10, 0, 0,  0,  -20, -25, -30, -35, -37, -40},
+    {20,  17,  15, 10, 0, -10, -15,-20, -23, -30,-35,-40,-50,-50, -50},
+    {17,  13,  10, 0, -10, -20, -25,-30, -35, -40,-45,-50,-57,-60, -60},
+    {13,  10,  0, -10, -20, -30, -35,-40, -45, -50,-55,-60, -70, -71, -80},
+    {10,  0,  -10, -20, -30, -40, -45,-50, -55, -60,-65,-70,-75,-80, -80},
+    {0,  -10, -20, -30, -40, -50, -60,-70, -71, -72,-75,-77,-80,-80, -80},
+    {0,  -10, -20, -30, -40, -50, -60,-70, -71, -72,-75,-77,-80,-80, -80}
- int c_array[15][15] = {
-{0,   10,  20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 ,70 ,  71,  72 , 75 , 77 , 80 , 80 , 80},
-{-10, 0  , 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 45 ,50 , 55 , 60  ,65  ,70  ,75  ,80  ,80},
-{-13, -10, 0  , 10 , 20 , 30 , 35 ,40 , 45 , 50  ,55  ,60  ,70  ,71  ,80},
-{-17, -13, -10, 0  , 10 , 20 , 25 ,30 , 35 , 40  ,45  ,50  ,57  ,60  ,60},
-{-20, -17, -15, -10, 0  , 10 , 15 ,20 , 23 , 30  ,35  ,40  ,50  ,50  ,50},
-{-25, -20, -20, -15, -10, 0  , 10 ,10 , 10 , 25  ,30  ,35  ,43  ,45  ,45},
-{-30, -25, -25, -20, -15, -10, 0  ,0  , 0  , 20  ,25  ,30  ,35  ,37  ,40},
-{-35, -30, -30, -25, -20, -15, 0  ,0  , 0  , 15  ,20  ,25  ,30  ,30  ,35},
-{-40, -37, -35, -30, -25, -20, 0  ,0  , 0  , 10  ,15  ,20  ,25  ,25  ,30},
-{-50, -50, -50, -40, -35, -30, -23,-20, -15, -10 ,0   ,10  ,15  ,17  ,20},
-{-60, -60, -57, -50, -45, -40, -35,-30, -25, -20 ,-10 ,0   ,10  ,13  ,17},
-{-80, -71, -70, -60, -55, -50, -45,-40, -35, -30 ,-20 ,-10 ,0   ,10  ,13},
-{-80, -80, -75, -70, -65, -60, -55,-50, -45, -40 ,-30 ,-20 ,-10 ,0   ,10},
-{-80, -80, -80, -77, -75, -72, -71,-70, -60, -50 ,-40 ,-30 ,-20 ,-10 ,0},
-{-80, -80, -80, -77, -75, -72, -71,-70, -60, -50 ,-40 ,-30 ,-20 ,-10 ,0}};
+int c_array[15][15] = {
+    {0,   10,  20, 30, 40, 50, 60,70,  71,  72, 75, 77, 80, 80, 80},
+    {-10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 45,50, 55, 60,65,70,75,80,80},
+    {-13, -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 35,40, 45, 50,55,60,70,71,80},
+    {-17, -13, -10, 0, 10, 20, 25,30, 35, 40,45,50,57,60,60},
+    {-20, -17, -15, -10, 0, 10, 15,20, 23, 30,35,40,50,50,50},
+    {-25, -20, -20, -15, -10, 0, 10,10, 10, 25,30,35,43,45,45},
+    {-30, -25, -25, -20, -15, -10, 0,0, 0, 20,25,30,35,37,40},
+    {-35, -30, -30, -25, -20, -15, 0,0, 0, 15,20,25,30,30,35},
+    {-40, -37, -35, -30, -25, -20, 0,0, 0, 10,15,20,25,25,30},
+    {-50, -50, -50, -40, -35, -30, -23,-20, -15, -10,0,10,15,17,20},
+    {-60, -60, -57, -50, -45, -40, -35,-30, -25, -20,-10,0,10,13,17},
+    {-80, -71, -70, -60, -55, -50, -45,-40, -35, -30,-20,-10,0,10,13},
+    {-80, -80, -75, -70, -65, -60, -55,-50, -45, -40,-30,-20,-10,0,10},
+    {-80, -80, -80, -77, -75, -72, -71,-70, -60, -50,-40,-30,-20,-10,0},
+    {-80, -80, -80, -77, -75, -72, -71,-70, -60, -50,-40,-30,-20,-10,0}
 #define usiro 0
 #define mae 0
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@
 int conrx;
 int conry;
-int mode=0;
+int mode=1;
@@ -131,174 +134,175 @@
 using namespace SWITCH;
-void SystemProcess(void) {  
+void SystemProcess(void)
     while(true) {
         controller = XBEE::Controller::GetData();
-/*------------------------ HOW TO WRITE ------------------------/
+        /*------------------------ HOW TO WRITE ------------------------/
-    ここにメインのプログラムを書く
+            ここにメインのプログラムを書く
-    ・コントローラから受け取ったデータをもとに動作のプログラムを書く
-     (コントローラのデータは controller-> で取る)
+            ・コントローラから受け取ったデータをもとに動作のプログラムを書く
+             (コントローラのデータは controller-> で取る)
-        if(controller->Button.RIGHT) {
-            motor[TIRE_L].dir = FOR;
-            motor[TIRE_R].dir = BACK;
-            motor[TIRE_L].pwm = 12.3;
-            motor[TIRE_R].pwm = 12.3;
-        }
+                if(controller->Button.RIGHT) {
+                    motor[TIRE_L].dir = FOR;
+                    motor[TIRE_R].dir = BACK;
+                    motor[TIRE_L].pwm = 12.3;
+                    motor[TIRE_R].pwm = 12.3;
+                }
-     motor[0].dirは     FOR   (正転)
-                        BACK  (逆転)
-                        BRAKE (ブレーキ)
-                        FREE  (フリー)
+             motor[0].dirは     FOR   (正転)
+                                BACK  (逆転)
+                                BRAKE (ブレーキ)
+                                FREE  (フリー)
-     motor[0].pwmは     0.0(%) ~ 100.0(%)
+             motor[0].pwmは     0.0(%) ~ 100.0(%)
-     controllerは       XBee.hの構造体の中身
+             controllerは       XBee.hの構造体の中身
-     (AnalogL・Rを使いたかったら、頑張って考える or 聞いてください)
+             (AnalogL・Rを使いたかったら、頑張って考える or 聞いてください)
-    ・リミットスイッチの値をもとに動作のプログラムを書く
+            ・リミットスイッチの値をもとに動作のプログラムを書く
-        if(Switch::CheckPushed(ARM_L))
-        {
-            if(controller->Button.L)
-            {
-                motor[ARM].dir = FOR;
-                motor[ARM].pwm = 80.0;
-            }
-            if(motor[ARM].dir == BACK)
-            {
-                motor[ARM].dir = BRAKE;
-            }
-        }
+                if(Switch::CheckPushed(ARM_L))
+                {
+                    if(controller->Button.L)
+                    {
+                        motor[ARM].dir = FOR;
+                        motor[ARM].pwm = 80.0;
+                    }
+                    if(motor[ARM].dir == BACK)
+                    {
+                        motor[ARM].dir = BRAKE;
+                    }
+                }
-     →関数 Switch::CheckPushed の引数はリミットスイッチの名前 (limitSw[0]みたいな), 返り値はbool型 (true or false)
+             →関数 Switch::CheckPushed の引数はリミットスイッチの名前 (limitSw[0]みたいな), 返り値はbool型 (true or false)
-    ・他にもやりたいことがあったら自由にどうぞ
+            ・他にもやりたいことがあったら自由にどうぞ
-    ps.わからないことがあったら聞いてください
+            ps.わからないことがあったら聞いてください
-/------------------------ HOW TO WRITE ------------------------*/
+        /------------------------ HOW TO WRITE ------------------------*/
-conlx = controller->AnalogL.X;
-conly = controller->AnalogL.Y;
-conrx = controller->AnalogR.X;
-conry = controller->AnalogR.Y;
+        conlx = controller->AnalogL.X;
+        conly = controller->AnalogL.Y;
+        conrx = controller->AnalogR.X;
+        conry = controller->AnalogR.Y;
 //conba = controller->Button.A;
 //conbb = controller->Button.B;
 //conby = controller->Button.Y;
 //conbx = controller->Button.X;
-    if(a_array[conly][conlx]<0){
-        motor[a].pwm = (-1*a_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
-        motor[a].dir = FOR;
-    }else if(a_array[conly][conlx] > 0){
-        motor[a].pwm = (a_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
-        motor[a].dir = BACK;
-    }else if(a_array[conly][conlx] == 0){
-        if(conry < 6){
-            motor[a].dir = BACK;
-            motor[b].dir = BACK;
-            motor[c].dir = BACK;
-            motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
-        }else if(conry > 8){
+        if(a_array[conly][conlx]<0) {
+            motor[a].pwm = (-1*a_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
             motor[a].dir = FOR;
-            motor[b].dir = FOR;
-            motor[c].dir = FOR;
-            motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[c].pwm = 100.0;   
-        }else{
-            motor[a].dir = BRAKE;
-            motor[b].dir = BRAKE;
-            motor[c].dir = BRAKE;
-            motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+        } else if(a_array[conly][conlx] > 0) {
+            motor[a].pwm = (a_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
+            motor[a].dir = BACK;
+        } else if(a_array[conly][conlx] == 0) {
+            if(conry < 6) {
+                motor[a].dir = BACK;
+                motor[b].dir = BACK;
+                motor[c].dir = BACK;
+                motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+            } else if(conry > 8) {
+                motor[a].dir = FOR;
+                motor[b].dir = FOR;
+                motor[c].dir = FOR;
+                motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+            } else {
+                motor[a].dir = BRAKE;
+                motor[b].dir = BRAKE;
+                motor[c].dir = BRAKE;
+                motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+            }
-    }
-    if(b_array[conly][conlx] <0 ){
-        motor[b].pwm = (-1*b_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
-        motor[b].dir = FOR;
-    }else if(b_array[conly][conlx] > 0){
-        motor[b].pwm = (b_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
-        motor[b].dir = BACK;
-    }else if(a_array[conly][conlx] == 0 ){
-         if(conrx < 6 ) {
-            motor[a].dir = BACK;
-            motor[b].dir = BACK;
-            motor[c].dir = BACK;
-            motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
-         }else if(conrx > 8){
-            motor[a].dir = FOR;
+        if(b_array[conly][conlx] <0 ) {
+            motor[b].pwm = (-1*b_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
             motor[b].dir = FOR;
-            motor[c].dir = FOR;
-            motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
-         }else{
-            motor[a].dir = BRAKE;
-            motor[b].dir = BRAKE;
-            motor[c].dir = BRAKE;
-            motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
-        }
-    }
-    if(c_array[conly][conlx] <0 ){
-        motor[c].pwm =(-1*c_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
-        motor[c].dir = BACK;
-    }else if(c_array[conly][conlx] > 0){
-        motor[c].pwm =(c_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
-        motor[c].dir = FOR;
-    }else if(a_array[conly][conlx] == 0 ){
-        if(conrx < 6 ) {
-            motor[a].dir = BACK;
+        } else if(b_array[conly][conlx] > 0) {
+            motor[b].pwm = (b_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
             motor[b].dir = BACK;
+        } else if(a_array[conly][conlx] == 0 ) {
+            if(conrx < 6 ) {
+                motor[a].dir = BACK;
+                motor[b].dir = BACK;
+                motor[c].dir = BACK;
+                motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+            } else if(conrx > 8) {
+                motor[a].dir = FOR;
+                motor[b].dir = FOR;
+                motor[c].dir = FOR;
+                motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+            } else {
+                motor[a].dir = BRAKE;
+                motor[b].dir = BRAKE;
+                motor[c].dir = BRAKE;
+                motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+            }
+        }
+        if(c_array[conly][conlx] <0 ) {
+            motor[c].pwm =(-1*c_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
             motor[c].dir = BACK;
-            motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
-        }else if(conrx > 8){
-            motor[a].dir = FOR;
-            motor[b].dir = FOR;
+        } else if(c_array[conly][conlx] > 0) {
+            motor[c].pwm =(c_array[conly][conlx]*100)/80;
             motor[c].dir = FOR;
-            motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
-        }else{
-            motor[a].dir = BRAKE;
-            motor[b].dir = BRAKE;
-            motor[c].dir = BRAKE;
-            motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
-            motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+        } else if(a_array[conly][conlx] == 0 ) {
+            if(conrx < 6 ) {
+                motor[a].dir = BACK;
+                motor[b].dir = BACK;
+                motor[c].dir = BACK;
+                motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+            } else if(conrx > 8) {
+                motor[a].dir = FOR;
+                motor[b].dir = FOR;
+                motor[c].dir = FOR;
+                motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+            } else {
+                motor[a].dir = BRAKE;
+                motor[b].dir = BRAKE;
+                motor[c].dir = BRAKE;
+                motor[a].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[b].pwm = 100.0;
+                motor[c].pwm = 100.0;
+            }
-    }
-         if(controller->Button.X){
-            if(Switch::checkPushed(ARMlim)){
+        if(controller->Button.X) {
+            if(Switch::checkPushed(ARMlim)) {
                 motor[d].dir = BRAKE;
                 motor[d].pwm = 100;
-            }else{
+            } else {
                 motor[d].dir = FOR;
                 motor[d].pwm = 100;
-            }                                                                                                
-        }else   if(controller->Button.Y){
+            }
+        } else   if(controller->Button.Y) {
             motor[d].dir = BACK;
             motor[d].pwm = 100;
-        }else{
+        } else {
             motor[d].dir = BRAKE;
             motor[d].pwm = 100;
@@ -308,47 +312,50 @@
-//        if((controller->Button.ZL)&&(mode==0)) {
-//            Airtime.start();
-//            AirOut(Air1,0);
-//        }
-//        if((s>1)&&(s<3)) {
-//            AirOut(Air1,1);
-//        }else if(s>=3){
-//            Airtime.stop();
-//            Airtime.reset();
-//            mode=1;
-//        }
-//        if((mode==2)||((controller->Button.ZR)&&(mode==1))) {
-//            motor[4].dir=FOR;
-//            motor[4].pwm=10;
-//        }
-//        if(!(Switch::checkPushed(lim))&&(mode==1)){
-//                mode=2;
-//        }
-//        if((Switch::checkPushed(lim))&&(mode==2)){
-//            motor[4].dir=BRAKE;
-//            motor[4].pwm=100;
-//            mode=0;
-//        }                                                                                    
-//        if (controller->Button.ZL)
-//        AiOut(Air1,0);
+        if((controller->Button.ZL)&&(mode==1)) {
+            mode=2;
+            Airtime.start();
+        }
+        if((mode==2)&&(s>=1)) {
+            mode=3;
+        }
+        if((mode==3)&&(s>=3)) {
+            mode=4;
+        }
+        if((mode==4)&&(!(Switch::checkPushed(lim)))) {
+            mode=5;
+            Airtime.stop();
+            Airtime.reset();
+        }
+        if((mode==5)&&(Switch::checkPushed(lim))) {
+            mode=1;
+        }
-        if(controller->Button.ZL){
-            AirOut(Air1,1)
-            AirOut(Air1.0)
-            motor[4].dir = FOR;
-            motor[4].pwm = 100.0;
-            if(Switch::checkPushed(lim)){
-                motor.
-                }
+        if(mode==1) {
+            AirOut(1,1);
+            motor[4].dir=BRAKE;
+            motor[4].pwm=100;
+        } else if(mode==2) {
+            AirOut(1,0);
+        } else if(mode==3) {
+            AirOut(1,1);
+        } else if(mode==4) {
+            motor[4].dir=FOR;
+            motor[4].pwm=50;
+        } else if(mode==5) {
+            motor[4].dir=FOR;
+            motor[4].pwm=50;
+        } else {
+            mode=1;
+            AirOut(1,1);
+        }
\ No newline at end of file