Operation Mode State Machine plus homing for StateMachinePTR

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed

Fork of Controller by Sven van Wincoop



File content as of revision 10:93957c339972:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "MODSERIAL.h"
#include "QEI.h"
#include "BiQuad.h"

Ticker TickerMeasureAndControl;
Timer   TimerLoop;
QEI Encoder(D10,D11,NC,32);
QEI Encoder2(D12,D13,NC,32);
//Global pin variables
PwmOut PwmPin(D5);
PwmOut PwmPin2(D6);
DigitalOut DirectionPin(D4);
DigitalOut DirectionPin2(D7);
DigitalIn BUT1(D8);
DigitalIn BUT2(D9);
DigitalIn button_sw2(SW2);
DigitalIn button_sw3(SW3);

DigitalOut LedGreen(LED_GREEN);
DigitalOut LedRed(LED_RED);
DigitalOut LedBlue(LED_BLUE);

double PositionRef=0;
double PositionRef2=0;

//Define substates Operation Mode

enum States {OPWait, OPState1, OPState2, OPState3, OPState4, OPHoming};
States CurrentOperationState;

void OperationStateMachine()

    switch (CurrentOperationState) {
        case OPWait:
            LedRed = 0; //red
            if (button_sw2 == false) {
                CurrentOperationState = OPState1;
        case OPState1:
            LedGreen = 0; //yellow
            if (PositionRef < 0.24*(6.380)) { //counts/8400 *2 because encoder X2 -> X4
                PositionRef += 0.0005*(6.380);
            if ((PositionRef > 0.24*(6.380)) && (TimerLoop >= 4.0)) {
                CurrentOperationState = OPState2;
        case OPState2:
            LedBlue = 0; //white
            if (PositionRef2 > -0.23*(6.380)) {
                PositionRef2 -= 0.0005*(6.380);
            if ((PositionRef2 < -0.23*(6.380)) && (TimerLoop >= 4.0)) {
                CurrentOperationState = OPState3;
        case OPState3:
            LedGreen = 1; //Turqoise
            if (PositionRef > -0.005*(6.380)) {
                PositionRef -= 0.0005*(6.380);
            if (PositionRef2 > -0.345*(6.380)) {
                PositionRef2 -= 0.0005*(6.380);
            if ((PositionRef < -0.005*(6.380)) && (PositionRef2 < -0.345*(6.380)) && (TimerLoop >= 4.0)) {
                CurrentOperationState = OPState4;
        case OPState4:
            LedGreen = 1; //Blue
            if (PositionRef2 < 0.595*(6.380)) {
                PositionRef2 += 0.0005*(6.380);
            if (PositionRef2 > 0.595*(6.380)) {
                CurrentOperationState = OPHoming;
        case OPHoming:
            LedGreen = 0; //Green
            LedBlue = 1;
            LedRed = 1;

//The double-functions

// actual position of the motor 1
double GetActualPosition()
    //This function determines the actual position of the motor
    //The count:radians relation is 8400:2pi
    double EncoderCounts = Encoder.getPulses();    //number of counts
    double PositionMotor = EncoderCounts/8400*(2*6.283); // in rad (6.283 = 2pi), 2* is for compensating X4 --> X2 encoding

    return PositionMotor;

double GetActualPosition2() //motor 2
    double Encoder2Counts = Encoder2.getPulses();    //number of counts
    double PositionMotor2 = Encoder2Counts/8400*(2*6.283); // in rad (6.283 = 2pi), 2* is for compensating X4 --> X2 encoding

    return PositionMotor2;

///The controller
double PID_Controller(double Error)
    //Arm drive parameters
    double Ts = 0.002; //Sampling time 100 Hz
    double Kp = 19.8; // proportional gain
    double Ki = 3.98; //Intergral gain
    double Kd = 1.96; //Differential gain.

    static double ErrorIntegral = 0;
    static double ErrorPrevious = Error;
    static BiQuad LowPassFilter(0.0640, 0.1279, 0.0640, -1.1683, 0.4241);

    //Proportional part:
    double u_k = Kp * Error;

    //Integral part:
    ErrorIntegral = ErrorIntegral + Error*Ts;
    double u_i = Ki * ErrorIntegral;

    //Derivative part:
    double ErrorDerivative = (Error - ErrorPrevious)/Ts;
    double FilteredErrorDerivative = LowPassFilter.step(ErrorDerivative);
    double u_d = Kd * FilteredErrorDerivative;
    ErrorPrevious = Error;

    // sum of parts and return it
    return u_k + u_i + u_d; //This will become the MotorValue

double PID_Controller2(double Error)
    //Belt drive parameters
    double Ts = 0.002; //Sampling time 100 Hz
    double Kp = 11.1; // proportional gain
    double Ki = 2.24; //Integral gain
    double Kd = 1.1; //Differential gain

    static double ErrorIntegral = 0;
    static double ErrorPrevious = Error;
    static BiQuad LowPassFilter(0.0640, 0.1279, 0.0640, -1.1683, 0.4241);

    //Proportional part:
    double u_k = Kp * Error;

    //Integral part:
    ErrorIntegral = ErrorIntegral + Error*Ts;
    double u_i = Ki * ErrorIntegral;

    //Derivative part:
    double ErrorDerivative = (Error - ErrorPrevious)/Ts;
    double FilteredErrorDerivative = LowPassFilter.step(ErrorDerivative);
    double u_d = Kd * FilteredErrorDerivative;
    ErrorPrevious = Error;

    // sum of parts and return it
    return u_k + u_i + u_d; //This will become the MotorValue

//Ticker function set motorvalues
void SetMotor(double MotorValue, double MotorValue2)
    if (MotorValue >=0) {
        DirectionPin = 1;
    } else {
        DirectionPin = 0;

    if (fabs(MotorValue)>1) { // if error more than 1 radian, full duty cycle
        PwmPin = 1;
    } else {
        PwmPin = fabs(MotorValue);

    if (MotorValue2 >=0) {
        DirectionPin2 = 1;
    } else {
        DirectionPin2 = 0;

    if (fabs(MotorValue2)>1) { // if error more than 1 radian, full duty cycle
        PwmPin2 = 1;
    } else {
        PwmPin2 = fabs(MotorValue2);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Ticker function
void MeasureAndControl(void)
    //double PositionRef = GetReferencePosition();
    //double PositionRef2 = GetReferencePosition2();
    double PositionMotor = GetActualPosition();
    double PositionMotor2 = GetActualPosition2();
    double MotorValue = PID_Controller(PositionRef - PositionMotor); // input is error
    double MotorValue2 = PID_Controller2(PositionRef2 - PositionMotor2);
    SetMotor(MotorValue, MotorValue2);

int main()
    LedGreen = 1;
    LedRed = 1;
    LedBlue = 1;
    pc.printf("Hello World\n\r");
    CurrentOperationState = OPWait;
    PwmPin.period_us(60); // 16.66667 kHz (default period is too slow!)
    TickerMeasureAndControl.attach(&MeasureAndControl,0.002); //500 Hz
    while (true) {