Game entry for the Game Programming Contest sponsored by (RETRO Game Console)

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Official_RETRO by GHI Electronics

--- a/Game.h	Sat Feb 14 11:40:55 2015 +0000
+++ b/Game.h	Sun Mar 01 09:34:29 2015 +0000
@@ -4,78 +4,116 @@
 #pragma once
-class Game {    
-    static const char* LOSE_1;
-    static const char* LOSE_2;
-    static const char* SPLASH_1;
-    static const char* SPLASH_2;
-    static const int BALL_RADIUS = 3;
-    static const int PADDLE_WIDTH = 38;
-    static const int PADDLE_HEIGHT = 4;
-    static const int PADDLE_SPEED = 4;
-    static const int BOUNCE_SOUND_TICKS = 2;
-    static const int GRAPH_HEIGHT = 40;
-    static const int GRAPH_SPACING = 2;
+#define RED     0x1F00
+#define GREEN   0xE007
+#define BLUE    0x00F8
+#define YELLOW  0xFF07
+#define CYAN    0xE0FF
+#define MAGENT  0x1FF8
+#define WHITE   0xFFFF
+#define LGRAY   0x18C6
+#define GRAY    0x1084
+#define DGRAY   0x0842
+#define BLACK   0x0000
+#define TABW 16
+#define TABH 14
+#define WALL 0x01
+#define BONG 0x02
+#define FREE 0x03
+#define MARK 0x04
+#define MAR1 0x05
+#define BALL 0x10
+#define BAL1 0x20
+#define TITY 0
+#define LEVY 24
+#define BESY 48
+#define YOUY 72
+#define MOVY 96
+#define L_INTRO     0
+#define L_START     (L_INTRO     + 1)   //   1 1.0   9
+#define L_FIRSTBAM  (L_START     + 1)   //   2 1.0   9
+#define L_ZIGZAG    (L_FIRSTBAM  + 1)   //   3 1.0  11
+#define L_FIRSTPOS  (L_ZIGZAG    + 1)   //   4 1.0  13
+#define L_MANYBOX   (L_FIRSTPOS  + 1)   //  41 1.0   9
+//#define L_NOBACK    (L_MANYBOX   + 1)   // 470 1.8  26
+#define L_FEWMOVES  (L_MANYBOX   + 1)   //  44 2.1  18
+#define L_BAMPOS    (L_FEWMOVES  + 1)   //   6 5.7  15
+#define L_LABYRINTH (L_BAMPOS    + 1)   //  59 2.5  98
+#define L_FACEFOUR  (L_LABYRINTH + 1)   //  69 3.1  50
+#define L_MANYBAM   (L_FACEFOUR  + 1)   // 101 3.2  28
+#define L_CHANGEPOS (L_MANYBAM   + 1)   //   8 3.7  22
+#define L_ONLYTWO   (L_CHANGEPOS + 1)   //  73 3.9  50
+#define L_NUMBLOCKS (L_ONLYTWO   + 1)   //  94 4.0  54
+#define L_SEPARATED (L_NUMBLOCKS + 1)   //  10 4.6  17
+#define L_NUMBERMIX (L_SEPARATED + 1)   //  79 4.7  47
+#define L_STEPS     (L_NUMBERMIX + 1)   // 381 5.0  48
+#define L_CHESS     (L_STEPS     + 1)   //  25 5.7  46
+#define L_HAMMER    (L_CHESS     + 1)   // 464 6.3  50
+#define L_CAREMOVES (L_HAMMER    + 1)   // 128 6.5 248
+#define L_FLUTE     (L_CAREMOVES + 1)   // 126 6.9 118
+#define L_CROSS     (L_FLUTE     + 1)   // 136 7.0  70
+#define L_DIAGONAL  (L_CROSS     + 1)   // 445 7.1  78
+#define L_LASTSIX   (L_DIAGONAL  + 1)   // 239 7.2 119
+#define L_FORTYTWO  (L_LASTSIX   + 1)   // 106 4.9  42
+#define L_ALEXAND   (L_FORTYTWO  + 1)   //   7 7.4  23
+#define L_CALCULATE (L_ALEXAND   + 1)   // 123 7.5  76
+#define L_MANYBALLS (L_CALCULATE + 1)   //   9 8.0  26
+#define L_SPIDERBAM (L_MANYBALLS + 1)   // 110 8.1  65
+#define L_CONFUSE   (L_SPIDERBAM + 1)   // 135 8.5  37
+#define L_PRECISE   (L_CONFUSE   + 1)   // 142 8.8  61 (nao verificado)
+#define L_ORDER     (L_PRECISE   + 1)   // 113 9.8  50
+#define L_GRANDMAST (L_ORDER     + 1)   // 143  10 299
+#define L_LAST      (L_GRANDMAST + 0)   // LAST LEVEL
+class Game
     static const char I2C_ADDR = 0x1C << 1;
+    int tickCounter, tickWin, bamTicksLeft;
+    char lastKey;
-    int ballX;
-    int ballY;
-    int ballSpeedX;
-    int ballSpeedY;
-    int paddleX;
-    int pwmTicksLeft;
-    int lives;
-    int graphX;    
-    bool mode;
-    bool lastUp;
-    bool lastDown;
-    unsigned short colors[3];
+    unsigned char table[14][16];
+    unsigned short change[14];
+    unsigned short piece[7][7];
+    int best, moves;
+    short your[32];
+    int level, oldLevel;
+    bool levelCompleted;
+    unsigned char bamX, bamY;
-    DigitalIn left;
-    DigitalIn right;
-    DigitalIn down;
-    DigitalIn up;
-    DigitalIn square;
-    DigitalIn circle; 
-    DigitalOut led1;
-    DigitalOut led2;
+    DigitalIn left, right, down, up, square, circle; 
+    DigitalOut led1, led2;
     PwmOut pwm;
     AnalogIn ain;
     I2C i2c;
     DisplayN18 disp;
-    void readRegisters(char address, char* buffer, int len);
-    int writeRegister(char address, char value);
-    void getXYZ(double& x, double& y, double& z);
-    double convert(char* buffer);
-    void printDouble(double value, int x, int y);
-    void drawAxes();
-    void drawPoint(int axis, double value);
-    void checkGraphReset();
+    void showNumber(int y, int val);
     void initialize();
-    void initializeBall();
-    void drawString(const char* str, int y);
-    void clearPaddle();
-    void drawPaddle();
-    void updatePaddle();
-    void clearBall();
-    void drawBall();
-    void updateBall();
     void checkButtons();
-    void checkCollision();
-    void checkPwm();
-    void checkLives();
+    void playBam();
+    void playSound();
+    void initTable();
+    void fillTable(char i0, char j0, char h, char w, unsigned char v);
+    void fillTableV(unsigned char v, ...);
+    void showTable();
+    void moveTable(int di, int dj, int i0, int i2, int j0, int j2); 
+    void showPiece(int i, int j);
+    void fillPiece(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, unsigned short v);
+    void fillPieceV(unsigned short color, ...);
+    void showImage( unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned short back, unsigned short front, ... );
-        void showSplashScreen();
         void tick();
\ No newline at end of file