Forked so that I can make it take I2C as a parameter; on a bus with other I2C things.

Fork of Si1133 by Silicon Labs

--- a/Si1133.h	Sun Nov 12 16:42:03 2017 +0100
+++ b/Si1133.h	Sun Nov 12 20:18:04 2017 +0100
@@ -280,12 +280,12 @@
     uint32_t read_parameter (enum Parameter address);
     uint32_t init (void);
     uint32_t deinit (void);
-    uint32_t measurementGet (Samples_t *samples);
-    int32_t  getUv (int32_t uv);
-    int32_t  getLux (int32_t vis_high, int32_t vis_low, int32_t ir);
-    uint32_t measureLuxUvi (float *lux, float *uvi);
-    uint32_t getMeasurement (float *lux, float *uvi);
-    uint32_t getHardwareID (uint8_t *hardwareID);
+    uint32_t measure (Samples_t *samples);
+    int32_t  get_uv (int32_t uv);
+    int32_t  get_lux (int32_t vis_high, int32_t vis_low, int32_t ir);
+    uint32_t measure_lux_uv (float *lux, float *uvi);
+    uint32_t get_measurement (float *lux, float *uvi);
+    uint32_t get_hardware_id (uint8_t *hardware_id);
     int32_t calculate_polynomial_helper (int32_t input, int8_t fraction, uint16_t mag, int8_t  shift);
     int32_t calculate_polynomial (int32_t x, int32_t y, uint8_t input_fraction, uint8_t output_fraction, uint8_t num_coeff, const Coeff_t *kp);