De motorcontroller van het TLS2 project.

Dependencies:   mbed PID

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Nov 16 15:30:21 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Motorcontroller I2C is ready and the switch statement is ready to work with codes.

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Nov 08 18:49:07 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Nov 16 15:30:21 2016 +0000
@@ -1,107 +1,59 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#define motor_addr 0x91
+//I2C settings
+#define SDA D14
+#define SCL D15
+#define I2C_BUFFER_SIZE 10
+I2CSlave slave(SDA,SCL);
-/* De motorcontroller heeft de volgende taken:
-    1.
-        1. Vraag de meest recente primaire sensor data op
-        2. Voer het ingestelde curve programma uit
-        3. Voer PID regelschema uit met set point uit de curve
-        4. Herhaal
-    2.
-        1. Reageer op I2C commandos
-        2. Pas curve modus aan
-        3. Pas curve instellingen aan
-        4. Herbereken curve
-int PID(int val, int set_val){
-    //Gains
-    const int   Kp = 1,
-                Ki = 1,
-                Kd = 1;
-    //Error
-    int err = set_val - val;
-    //Proportional
-    int p_err = err*Kp;
-    //Integral
-    static int prev_i_err = 0;
-    int i_err = prev_i_err+err;
-    prev_i_err = i_err;
-    i_err *= Ki;
-    //Derivative
-    static int prev_err = 0;
-    int d_err = Kd*(prev_err - err)/2;
-    prev_err = err;
-    return p_err + i_err + d_err; 
-//Curve variabelen
-const int points_in_curve = 100;
-static float curve[points_in_curve];
-static float curve_max = 120;
-static float curve_min = 80;
-static float frequency = 60;
-float curve_arterial(){
-    /* 
-        The curve is precalculated to reduce CPU time
-        To adjust the frequency, the curve is simply executed more quickly.
-        To adjust the curve_max and curve_min, the curve...       
-    */
-    //Recalculate the curve
-    for(int i=0;i<points_in_curve;i++){
-        /*  MATLAB
-            t = linspace(0,1,100);
-            t = t.*0.75;
-            y1 = (0<=t).*(0.3>t).*(80 + 40*sin(8*t))
-            y2 = (0.3<=t).*(0.4>t).*(107)
-            y3 = (0.4<=t).*(-35*sqrt(t-0.45)+107)
-            ytot = y1+y2+y3
-        */
-        // C++?
-        /* 
-            Je hebt een minimale en maximale waarde van de curve
-            De curve wordt zo berekend dat van begin tot eind het equivalent van 'full_interval_ms' is
-            en niet onder of boven de minimale en maximale waarde komt
-            De curve moet verder nog lijken op een arteriele drukcruve
+int main() {
+    slave.address(motor_addr); //Set the correct address for this module
+    char buffer[I2C_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; //Create the buffer for I2C
+    bool buffer_changed;
+    while(1) {
+        int i = slave.receive();        
+        switch (i) {
+            case I2CSlave::ReadAddressed:
+                //Received a request to be read
+                //Irrelevant for now
+                break;
+            case I2CSlave::WriteGeneral:
+                //Received a request to be written to
+      ,I2C_BUFFER_SIZE);
+                buffer_changed = true;
+                break;
+            case I2CSlave::WriteAddressed:
+                //Received a request to be written to a specific location
+      ,I2C_BUFFER_SIZE);
+                buffer_changed = true;
+                break;
+        }
+        //Do shit depending on the command it received in the first data block
+        if(buffer_changed == true){
+            int command = buffer[0];
+            switch(command){
+                case 0: 
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    break;  
+                case default:
+                    //No command was valid
+                    //Create some kind of error? Maybe, blinking led.
+                    break;  
+            } 
+        }
+        //Clear the buffer for the next iteration
+        if(buffer_changed == true){
+            for(int i=0;i<I2C_BUFFER_SIZE;i++){
+                buffer[i] = 0;    
+            }
+            buffer_changed = false;
+        }
-        */
-float curve_sinus(){
-    float amplitude = (curve_max - curve_min)/2; //amplitude*sin(t) //van -amplitude naar +amplitude
-    //Als sin(x) = 0, moet de curve exact in het midden van max en min zitten
-    float offset = (curve_max+curve_min)/2;
-    //sin(x) heeft een periode van 2Pi, dus om een periode van 1ms te krijgen maken we daar 2*Pi van
-    //Dat keer de periode in miliseconden (1000/frequentie) geeft ons de juiste uitdrukking voor de sinus
-    float period = 2*3.14159*(1/(1000/(frequency));
-    for(int i=0;i<points_in_curve;i++){
-        curve[i] = offset+amplitude*sin(period*x);
-    }
-//The array has 100 points to execute
-//If you take 1ms per point, the entire pulse takes 100ms
-//Therefore, the frequency is 10Hz
-//To go from frequency to ms per point
-int point_interval_ms = (1000/set_frequency)/points_in_curve;
-int full_interval_ms = 1000/set_frequency;
-int main() {
-    Timer t_point;
-    Timer t_full;
-    t_point.start();
-    t_full.start();
-    while(1) {
-        if(t_point.read_ms() > point_interval_ms){
-            PID(readfromsensor,curve[t_full.read_ms());
-            t_point.reset();
-        }
-        if(t_full.read_ms() > full_interval_ms){
-            t_full.reset();   
-        }
-    }