My first mbed-os 5.x test project with MAX32630FTHR and Adafruit 2.4" TFT with touch.

Dependencies:   BMI160 SPI_STMPE610 USBDevice UniGraphic max32630fthr

My first test program of mbed-os 5.x, using MAX32630FTHR and Adafruit 2.4" TFT with Touch.

On 22-Sep-2017 Monitoring both Acc and Gyr added to the screen 3 Controlling the backlight via STMPE610 GPIO-2 added

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/maze.cpp	Thu Sep 21 05:16:39 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+/** maze_vt100 a simple maze using UniGraphic and MMA8451Q libraries
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "BMI160.h"
+// #include "MMA8451Q.h"
+#include <ILI9341.h>
+#include "Arial12x12.h"
+#include "Arial24x23.h"
+#include "Arial28x28.h"
+#include "Arial43x48_numb.h"
+#include "maze.h"
+#define CELL_W  10
+#define CELL_H  10
+#define CELL_S   5
+#define CELL_R   4
+#define LEFT_OFFSET 20
+#define TOP_OFFSET 20
+#define DIR_STAY  0
+#define DIR_UP    1
+#define DIR_DOWN  2
+#define DIR_RIGHT 3 
+#define DIR_LEFT  4
+#define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1D<<1)
+typedef struct _pos {
+    int x ;
+    int y ;
+} pos_type ;
+extern BMI160 *acc ;
+extern ILI9341 *tft ;
+// extern DigitalOut backlight ;
+float threshold = 0.2 ;
+/** Check if two pos_type values are same
+ * @param pos_type a
+ * @param pos_type b
+ * @returns if a and b are same position
+ */
+bool isSame(pos_type a, pos_type b)
+    return((a.x == b.x)&&(a.y == b.y)) ;
+/** Draw the maze defined in the "maze.h"
+ * @param pos_type *current actually the start point
+ * @param pos_type *goal the position of the goal
+ * @note those params are actually returned by this function
+ */
+void drawTFTMaze(pos_type *current, pos_type *goal)
+    int x, y, i, j ;
+    tft->BusEnable(true) ;
+//    backlight = 0 ;
+    tft->foreground(White) ;
+    tft->background(Black) ;
+    tft->cls() ;
+    for (j = 0 ; j < MAZE_H ; j++ ) {
+        for (i = 0 ; i < MAZE_W ; i++ ) {
+            x = i * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
+            y = j * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
+            switch(maze[j][i]) {
+            case 0: // path
+                tft->fillrect(x, y, x+CELL_W-1, y+CELL_H-1, Black) ;
+                break ;
+            case 1: // wall
+                tft->fillrect(x, y, x+CELL_W-1, y+CELL_H-1, DarkGrey) ;
+                break ;
+            case 2: // Start point
+                tft->fillcircle(x+CELL_S, y+CELL_S, CELL_R, Green) ;
+                current->x = i ;
+                current->y = j ;
+                break ;
+            case 3: // Goal
+                tft->fillcircle(x+CELL_S, y+CELL_S, CELL_R, Red) ;
+                goal->x = i ;
+                goal->y = j ;
+                break ;
+            default: // should not be here
+                break ;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+//    backlight = 1 ;
+    tft->BusEnable(false) ;
+/** Filter out too little move 
+ * @param float in returned value from the acc
+ * @returns float result filtered value of in
+ */
+float filterVal(float in)
+    float result = 0.0 ;
+    if ((-threshold > in)||(in > threshold)) {
+        result = in ;
+    }
+    return( result ) ;
+/** Decide which direction to go
+ * @param float res[] acc value of x, y 
+ * @returns int direction to move 
+ */
+int getDirection(float res[])
+    float dx, dy ;
+    int direction = DIR_STAY ;
+    dy = filterVal(res[0]) ; /* was dx */
+    dx = filterVal(res[1]) ; /* was dy */
+    if ((dx*dx) > (dy*dy)) { // holizontal move
+        if (dx > 0.0) {
+            direction = DIR_UP ;
+        } else if (dx < 0.0) {
+            direction = DIR_DOWN ;
+        }
+    } else { // vertical move
+        if (dy > 0.0) {
+            direction = DIR_LEFT ;
+        } else if (dy < 0.0) {
+            direction = DIR_RIGHT ;
+        }
+    }
+    return(direction) ;
+/** Get next positon to move to
+ * @param pos_type current where we are now
+ * @param int direction which way we'd like to move
+ * @returns the candidate positon for the next move
+ */
+pos_type getNext(pos_type current, int direction) 
+    pos_type next = current ;
+    switch(direction) {
+    case DIR_STAY: 
+        break ;
+    case DIR_UP: 
+        if (next.y > 0) { 
+            next.y-- ; 
+        }  
+        break ;
+    case DIR_DOWN: 
+        if (next.y < (MAZE_H - 1)) { 
+            next.y++ ; 
+        } 
+        break ;
+    case DIR_RIGHT: 
+        if (next.x < (MAZE_W - 1)) { 
+            next.x++ ; 
+        } 
+        break ;
+    case DIR_LEFT: 
+        if (next.x > 0) { 
+            next.x-- ; 
+        } 
+        break ;
+    default: 
+        break ;
+    }
+    return( next ) ;
+/** Notice of the goal
+ */
+void showGoal(void)
+    int x0, y0, x1, y1 ;
+    x0 = ((MAZE_W/2)-4) * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
+    y0 = ((MAZE_H/2)-1) * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
+    x1 = ((MAZE_W/2)+4) * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
+    y1 = ((MAZE_H/2)+1) * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
+    tft->BusEnable(true) ;
+//    tft->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
+    tft->set_font((unsigned char*) Terminal6x8) ;
+    tft->fillrect(x0, y0, x1, y1, Blue) ;
+    tft->rect(x0,y0,x1,y1, Yellow) ;
+    tft->foreground(Red) ;
+    tft->background(Blue) ;
+    x0 = ((MAZE_W/2) - 2) * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
+    y0 = (MAZE_H/2) * CELL_H - 3 + TOP_OFFSET ;
+    tft->locate(x0, y0) ;
+    tft->printf("G O A L") ;
+    tft->foreground(Yellow) ;
+    tft->background(Black) ;
+    tft->locate(30, 300) ;
+//    tft->printf("Use FRDM touch slider") ;
+    tft->printf("           Retry!      ") ;
+    tft->locate(5, 300) ;
+    tft->printf("<< Prev") ;
+    tft->locate(180, 300) ;
+    tft->printf("Next >>") ;
+    tft->BusEnable(false) ;
+/** Check if we can move to the next position
+ * @param pos_type next the position we'd like to move next
+ * @returns if the position is empty (movable)
+ */
+bool checkMove(pos_type next) 
+    bool result = false ;
+    switch(maze[next.y][next.x]) {
+    case POS_PATH:
+    case POS_GOAL:
+        result = true ;
+        break ;
+    case POS_START:
+    case POS_WALL:
+    default:
+        result = false ;
+        break ;
+    } 
+    return( result ) ;
+/** main a simple maze program
+ */
+void doMaze(void) 
+    float res[3] ;
+    pos_type current, next, goal ;
+    int direction = DIR_STAY ;
+    int x, y ;
+    drawTFTMaze(&current, &goal) ;
+    for (;;) {
+//        acc->getAccAllAxis(res) ;
+        acc->getAcc(res) ;
+        direction = getDirection(res) ;
+        next = getNext(current, direction) ;
+        if ((!isSame(current, next)) && checkMove(next)) {
+           tft->BusEnable(true) ;
+           x = current.x * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
+           y = current.y * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
+           tft->fillrect(x, y, x+CELL_W-1, y+CELL_H-1, Black) ;
+           x = next.x * CELL_W + LEFT_OFFSET ;
+           y = next.y * CELL_H + TOP_OFFSET ;
+           tft->fillcircle(x+CELL_S, y+CELL_S, CELL_R, Green) ; 
+           tft->BusEnable(false) ;
+           current = next ;
+           if (isSame(next, goal)) {
+             break ; // goal in!
+           }
+        }
+        wait(0.1) ;
+    }
+    showGoal() ;