HAMAMATSU's I2C color sensor S11059

Dependents:   test_S11059



File content as of revision 0:cfdb96085fb7:

#ifndef _S11059_H_
#define _S11059_H_
#include "mbed.h"
 * @note RGBUr Color Sensor with I2C Interface
 * @note I2C 7bit address: 0x2A
#include "mbed.h"
#include "S11059.h"

#define MSU_S11059_ADDRESS 0x2A

#define PIN_SCL  PTE1
#define PIN_SDA  PTE0

int main(void) 
    uint16_t uR, uG, uB, uIR ;
    uint8_t ctrl ;
    int test_loop = 10 ;
    int interval = 100 ;
    S11059 *s11059 = new S11059(PIN_SDA, PIN_SCL, MSU_S11059_ADDRESS) ;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < test_loop ; i++ ) {
        ctrl = 0x89 ; // ADC reset, High Gain, integration time 1.4ms 
        s11059->setControl(ctrl) ;
        ctrl = 0x09 ; // Release ADC reset, High Gain, integration time 1.4ms 
        s11059->setControl(ctrl) ; // start measure 
        wait(0.02) ;
        s11059->getRData(&uR) ;
        s11059->getGData(&uG) ;
        s11059->getBData(&uB) ;
        s11059->getIRData(&uIR) ;
        printf("S11059 R[%d], G[%d], B[%d], IR[%d]\n", uR, uG, uB, uIR) ;
        wait_ms(interval) ;
    delete s11059 ;
    while(1) { } 

class S11059
 *  constructor
 * @param sda SDA pin
 * @param scl SCL pin
 * @param addr address of the I2C peripheral
 S11059(PinName sda, PinName scl, int addr) ;
 ~S11059() ;

  * some member functions here (yet to be written)
 * Get measured Red Value as float [0..1]
 * @returns the value of Red as float
float    getR(void) ; // return float value of Red

 * Get measured Green Value as float [0..1]
 * @returns the value of Green as float
float    getG(void) ; // return float value of Green

 * Get measured Blue Value as float [0..1]
 * @returns the value of Blue as float
float    getB(void) ; // return float value of Blue

 * Get measured Infrared Value as float [0..1]
 * @returns the value of Infrared as float
float    getIR(void) ; // return float value of Infrared

 * Get measured value of Red
 * @param rdata unsigned 16bit data of Red
void     getRData(uint16_t *rdata) ;

 * Get measured value of Green
 * @param rdata unsigned 16bit data of Green
void     getGData(uint16_t *gdata) ;

 * Get measured value of Blue
 * @param rdata unsigned 16bit data of Blue
void     getBData(uint16_t *bdata) ;

 * Get measured value of Infrared
 * @param rdata unsigned 16bit data of Infrared
void     getIRData(uint16_t *irdata) ;

 * Get measured values of Red, Green, Blue and Infrared at once
 * @param 4 unsigned 16bit data data[0]:Red, data[1]:Green, data[2]:Blue, data[3]:Infrared
void     getAllData(uint16_t *data) ; /* pass uint16_t data[4] */

 * Get value of the Control Register
 * @returns the value of Control Register at address 0x00
 * @note bit[7] ADC Reset 1:reset 0:start
 * @note bit[6] Sleep function 1:sleep 0:active
 * @note bit[5] Sleep monitor 
 * @note bit[4] (reserved)
 * @note bit[3] Gain 1:High Gain 0:Low Gain
 * @note bit[2] Integration mode 1:manual 0:fixed
 * @note bit[1:0] Integration time
 * @note (00)87.5us (01)1.4ms (10)22.4ms (11)179.2ms 
uint8_t  getControl(void) ;

 * Set value to the Control Register
 * @param ctrlValue value to assing to the Control Register at address 0x00
void     setControl(uint8_t ctrlValue) ;

 * Get value of the Manual Timing Register at address 0x01-0x02
 * @returns 16bit value of Manual Timing Register
 * @note This value matters only in Manual Mode (bit[2] == 1)
 * @note In manual mode the integration time is
 * @note length specified by bit[1:0] of Control Register (address 0x00)
 * @note multiplied by the value of address 0x01-0x02
 * @note if the value of 0x01-0x02 is N
 * @note and according to the bit[1:0] of Control Register
 * @note Integration time length is calculated as
 * @note (00) 175   * N us
 * @note (01)   2.8 * N ms
 * @note (10)  44.8 * N ms
 * @note (11) 358.4 * N ms
uint16_t getTiming(void) ;

 * Set value to the Manual Timing Register at address 0x01-0x02
 * @param timingValue 16bit timing value MSB to 0x01 LSB to 0x02
void     setTiming(uint16_t timingValue) ;

 * Set/clear ADC Reset bit in the Control Register
 * @param mode 1:reset 0:start
void     setADCReset(int mode) ;

 * Get value of the ADC Reset bit (bit[7]) in the Control Register
 * @returns the ADC Reset bit (bit[7])
int      getADCReset(void) ;

 * Set value to the sleep function bit (bit[6]) in the Control Register
 * @param mode bit value 1:sleep 0:active
void     setSleepMode(int mode) ;

 * Get value of the sleep function bit (bit[6]) in the Control Register
 * @returns bit value of sleep function bit (bit[6])
int      getSleepMode(void) ;

 * Set value to the gain bit (bit[3]) in the Control Register
 * @param mode bit value to assign 1:High Gain 0:Low Gain
void     setGain(int mode) ;

 * Get value of the gain bit (bit[3]) in the Control Register
 * @returns the bit value of gain bit (bit[3]) 
int      getGain(void) ;

 * Set value to Integration mode bit (bit[2]) of the Control Register
 * @param mode bit value to assign 1:Manual Mode 0:Fixed Time Mode
void     setIntegralMode(int mode) ;

 * Get value of Integration mode bit (bit[2]) of the Control Register
 * @returns the bit value of Integration mode bit (bit[2])
int      getIntegralMode(void) ;
  I2C m_i2c;
  int m_addr;
  void readRegs(int addr, uint8_t * data, int len);
  void writeRegs(uint8_t * data, int len);
} ;

#endif /* _S11059_H_ */