Script 15-10-2019

Dependencies:   Servoaansturing mbed QEI HIDScope biquadFilter MODSERIAL FastPWM

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Oct 30 14:33:50 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Nov 04 09:59:52 2019 +0000
@@ -12,626 +12,53 @@
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-Ticker loop_ticker;
-enum states {Motors_off, Calib_motor, Calib_EMG, Homing, Operation_mode};
-states currentState = Motors_off;
-bool stateChanged = true; // Make sure the initialization of first state is executed
-DigitalIn Power_button_pressed(D1); // Geen InterruptIn gebruiken!
-DigitalIn Emergency_button_pressed(D2);
-DigitalIn Motor_calib_button_pressed(SW2);
-AnalogIn EMG_biceps_right_raw (A0);
-AnalogIn EMG_biceps_left_raw (A1);
-AnalogIn EMG_calf_raw (A2);
-QEI Encoder1(D12, D13, NC, 8400, QEI::X2_ENCODING); //Checken of die D12, D9 etc wel kloppen, 8400= gear ratio x 64
-QEI Encoder2(D9, D10, NC, 8400, QEI::X2_ENCODING);
 PwmOut motor1(D6);  // Misschien moeten we hiervoor DigitalOut gebruiken, moet
 PwmOut motor2(D5);  // samen kunnen gaan met de servo motor
 DigitalOut motor1_dir(D7);
 DigitalOut motor2_dir(D4);
+QEI Encoder1(D13, D12, NC, 64);
+QEI Encoder2(D10, D9, NC, 64);
-int pulses_M1;
-int pulses_M2;
-int counts1;
-int counts2;
+double pulses_M1;
+double pulses_M2;
+double counts1;
+double counts2;
 const double conversion_factor = (2.0*M_PI)/(64.0*131.25*2.0);
 double theta_h_1_rad;
 double theta_h_2_rad;
-// Definities voor eerste BiQuadChain (High-pass en Notch)
-BiQuadChain bqcbr;
-BiQuad bqbr1(0.8006, -1.6012, 0.8006, -1.5610, 0.6414); // High-pass
-BiQuad bqbr2(1, -1.6180, 1, -1.6019, 0.9801); // Notch
-// Na het nemen van de absolute waarde moet de tweede BiQuadChain worden toegepast.
-// Definieer (twee Low-pass -> vierde orde verkrijgen):
-BiQuadChain bqcbr2;
-BiQuad bqbr3(1.5515e-4, 3.1030e-4, 1.5515e-4, -1.9645, 0.9651); // Low-pass
-BiQuad bqbr4(1.5515e-4, 3.1030e-4, 1.5515e-4, -1.9645, 0.9651); // Low-pass
-// Definities voor eerste BiQuadChain (High-pass en Notch)
-BiQuadChain bqcbl;
-BiQuad bqbl1(0.8006, -1.6012, 0.8006, -1.5610, 0.6414); // High-pass
-BiQuad bqbl2(1, -1.6180, 1, -1.6019, 0.9801); // Notch
-// Na het nemen van de absolute waarde moet de tweede BiQuadChain worden toegepast.
-// Definieer (twee Low-pass -> vierde orde verkrijgen):
-BiQuadChain bqcbl2;
-BiQuad bqbl3(1.5515e-4, 3.1030e-4, 1.5515e-4, -1.9645, 0.9651); // Low-pass
-BiQuad bqbl4(1.5515e-4, 3.1030e-4, 1.5515e-4, -1.9645, 0.9651); // Low-pass
-// KUIT
-// Definities voor eerste BiQuadChain (High-pass en Notch)
-BiQuadChain bqck;
-BiQuad bqk1(0.8006, -1.6012, 0.8006, -1.5610, 0.6414); // High-pass
-BiQuad bqk2(1, -1.6180, 1, -1.6019, 0.9801); // Notch
-// Na het nemen van de absolute waarde moet de tweede BiQuadChain worden toegepast.
-// Definieer (twee Low-pass -> vierde orde verkrijgen):
-BiQuadChain bqck2;
-BiQuad bqk3(1.5515e-4, 3.1030e-4, 1.5515e-4, -1.9645, 0.9651); // Low-pass
-BiQuad bqk4(1.5515e-4, 3.1030e-4, 1.5515e-4, -1.9645, 0.9651); // Low-pass
-double filtered_EMG_biceps_right;
-double filtered_EMG_biceps_left;
-double filtered_EMG_calf;
-double filtered_EMG_biceps_right_1;
-double filtered_EMG_biceps_left_1;
-double filtered_EMG_calf_1;
-double filtered_EMG_biceps_right_abs;
-double filtered_EMG_biceps_left_abs;
-double filtered_EMG_calf_abs;
-double filtered_EMG_biceps_right_total;
-double filtered_EMG_biceps_left_total;
-double filtered_EMG_calf_total;
-// Variabelen voor HIDScope
-HIDScope scope(3);
-bool calib = false;
-static int i_calib = 0;
-double mean_EMG_biceps_right;
-double mean_EMG_biceps_left;
-double mean_EMG_calf;
-double normalized_EMG_biceps_right;
-double normalized_EMG_biceps_left;
-double normalized_EMG_calf;
+double offset1 = 0.0;
+double offset2 = 0.0;
-double vx; // Gelijk aan variabele die snelheid aangeeft in EMG (in x-richting)
-double vy; // Gelijk aan variabele die snelheid aangeeft in EMG (in y-richting)
-const double delta_t = 0.002;
-double Joint_1_position_x = 0.0;
-double Joint_2_position_x = 0.0;
-double Joint_1_position_y = 0.0;
-double Joint_2_position_y = 0.0;
-double Joint_1_position_x_prev = 0.0;
-double Joint_2_position_x_prev = 0.0;
-double Joint_1_position_y_prev;
-double Joint_2_position_y_prev;
-double Joint_velocity_x[2][1] = {{0.0}, {0.0}};
-double Joint_velocity_y[2][1] = {{0.0}, {0.0}};
-double q1_dot_x;
-double q2_dot_x;
-double q1_dot_y;
-double q2_dot_y;
-double q1;
-double q2;
-double Motor_1_position_x = 0.0;
-double Motor_2_position_x = 0.0;
-double Motor_1_position_y = 0.0;
-double Motor_2_position_y = 0.0;
+HIDScope scope(1);
-const double Kp = 17.5;
-const double Ki = 0.03;
-// Voor x-richting
-double theta_k_1_x = 0.0;
-double theta_k_2_x = 0.0;
-double error_integral_1_x = 0.0;
-double error_integral_2_x = 0.0;
-double u_i_1_x;
-double u_i_2_x;
-double theta_t_1_x;
-double theta_t_2_x;
-double error_q1_x;
-double error_q2_x;
-double abs_theta_t_1_x;
-double abs_theta_t_2_x;
-// Voor y-richting
-double theta_k_1_y = 0.0;
-double theta_k_2_y = 0.0;
-double error_integral_1_y = 0.0;
-double error_integral_2_y = 0.0;
-double u_i_1_y;
-double u_i_2_y;
-double theta_t_1_y;
-double theta_t_2_y;
+Ticker loop;
-double error_q1_y;
-double error_q2_y;
-double abs_theta_t_1_y;
-double abs_theta_t_2_y;
-// Noodfunctie waarbij alles uitgaat (evt. nog een rood LEDje laten branden).
-// Enige optie is resetten, dan wordt het script opnieuw opgestart.
-void emergency()
-    loop_ticker.detach();
-    motor1.write(0);
-    motor2.write(0);
-    pc.printf("Ik ga exploderen!!!\r\n");
-// Motoren uitzetten
-void motors_off()
-    motor1.write(0);
-    motor2.write(0);
-    pc.printf("Motoren uit functie\r\n");
-// Motoren aanzetten
-void motors_on()
-    motor1.write(0.3);
-    motor1_dir.write(0);
-    motor2.write(0.3);
-    motor2_dir.write(1);
-    // Door motor 1 een richting van 1 te geven en motor 2 een van 0, draaien
-    // beide motoren rechtsom
-    pc.printf("Motoren aan functie\r\n");
-void Inverse_Kinematics()
-    // Defining joint velocities based on calculations of matlab
-    Joint_velocity_x[0][0] = (vx*(cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*-8.5E2-sin(q1)*4.25E2+cos(q1)*cos(q2)*2.25E2+cos(q1)*sin(q2)*6.77E2+cos(q2)*sin(q1)*6.77E2-sin(q1)*sin(q2)*2.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*4.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*4.25E2)*(4.0E1/1.7E1))/(cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2+sin(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2-cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2-cos(q2)*sin(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2+cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*6.77E2+sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*2.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*2.25E2+cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q2)*2.25E2+cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*2.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q2)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2);
-    Joint_velocity_x[1][0] = (vx*(sin(q1)*-4.25E2+cos(q1)*cos(q2)*2.25E2+cos(q1)*sin(q2)*6.77E2+cos(q2)*sin(q1)*6.77E2-sin(q1)*sin(q2)*2.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*4.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*4.25E2)*(-4.0E1/1.7E1))/(cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2+sin(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2-cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2-cos(q2)*sin(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2+cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*6.77E2+sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*2.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*2.25E2+cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q2)*2.25E2+cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*2.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q2)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2);
-    Joint_velocity_y[0][0] = (vy*(cos(q1)*4.25E2-sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*8.5E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*6.77E2+cos(q1)*sin(q2)*2.25E2+cos(q2)*sin(q1)*2.25E2+sin(q1)*sin(q2)*6.77E2+sqrt(3.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q2)*sin(q1)*4.25E2)*(4.0E1/1.7E1))/(cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2+sin(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2-cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2-cos(q2)*sin(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2+cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*6.77E2+sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*2.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*2.25E2+cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q2)*2.25E2+cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*2.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q2)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2);
-    Joint_velocity_y[1][0] = (vy*(cos(q1)*4.25E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*6.77E2+cos(q1)*sin(q2)*2.25E2+cos(q2)*sin(q1)*2.25E2+sin(q1)*sin(q2)*6.77E2+sqrt(3.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*sin(q2)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q2)*sin(q1)*4.25E2)*(-4.0E1/1.7E1))/(cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2+sin(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2-cos(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2-cos(q2)*sin(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2+cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*6.77E2+sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*2.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*6.77E2-cos(q1)*cos(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*2.25E2+cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q2)*2.25E2+cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*2.25E2+sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q1)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q2)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*cos(q2)*cos(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*sin(q1)*4.25E2-sqrt(3.0)*sin(q1)*sin(q2)*sin(q1+3.141592653589793/6.0)*4.25E2);
-    // Integratie
-    Joint_1_position_x = Joint_1_position_x_prev + Joint_velocity_x[0][0]*delta_t;
-    Joint_2_position_x = Joint_2_position_x_prev + Joint_velocity_x[1][0]*delta_t;
-    Joint_1_position_y = Joint_1_position_y_prev + Joint_velocity_y[0][0]*delta_t;
-    Joint_2_position_y = Joint_2_position_y_prev + Joint_velocity_y[1][0]*delta_t;
-    Joint_1_position_x_prev = Joint_1_position_x;
-    Joint_2_position_x_prev = Joint_2_position_x;
-    Joint_1_position_y_prev = Joint_1_position_y;
-    Joint_2_position_y_prev = Joint_2_position_y;
-    Motor_1_position_x = Joint_1_position_x;
-    Motor_2_position_x = Joint_1_position_x + Joint_2_position_x;
-    Motor_1_position_y = Joint_1_position_y;
-    Motor_2_position_y = Joint_1_position_y + Joint_2_position_y;
-void PI_controller_x()
+void motors()
-// Proportional part:
-    theta_k_1_x= Kp * error_q1_x;
-    theta_k_2_x= Kp * error_q2_x;
-// Integral part
-    error_integral_1_x = error_integral_1_x + error_q1_x *delta_t;
-    error_integral_2_x = error_integral_2_x + error_q2_x *delta_t;
-    u_i_1_x= Ki * error_integral_1_x;
-    u_i_2_x= Ki * error_integral_2_x;
-// sum all parts and return it
-    theta_t_1_x = theta_k_1_x + u_i_1_x;
-    theta_t_2_x = theta_k_2_x + u_i_2_x;
-void PI_controller_y()
-// Proportional part:
-    theta_k_1_y= Kp * error_q1_y;
-    theta_k_2_y= Kp * error_q2_y;
-// Integral part
-    error_integral_1_y = error_integral_1_y + error_q1_y *delta_t;
-    error_integral_2_y = error_integral_2_y + error_q2_y *delta_t;
-    u_i_1_y= Ki * error_integral_1_y;
-    u_i_2_y= Ki * error_integral_2_y;
-// sum all parts and return it
-    theta_t_1_y = theta_k_1_y + u_i_1_y;
-    theta_t_2_y = theta_k_2_y + u_i_2_y;
-void Define_motor_dir_x()
-    if (theta_t_1_x >= 0 && theta_t_2_x >= 0) {
-        motor1_dir.write(0);
-        motor2_dir.write(1);
-    }
-    if (theta_t_1_x < 0 && theta_t_2_x >= 0) {
-        motor1_dir.write(1);
-        motor1_dir.write(1);
-    }
-    if (theta_t_1_x >= 0 && theta_t_2_x < 0) {
-        motor1_dir.write(0);
-        motor2_dir.write(0);
-    } else {
-        motor1_dir.write(1);
-        motor2_dir.write(0);
-    }
-void Define_motor_dir_y()
-    if (theta_t_1_y >= 0 && theta_t_2_y >= 0) {
-        motor1_dir.write(0);
-        motor2_dir.write(1);
-    }
-    if (theta_t_1_y < 0 && theta_t_2_y >= 0) {
-        motor1_dir.write(1);
-        motor1_dir.write(1);
-    }
-    if (theta_t_1_y >= 0 && theta_t_2_y < 0) {
-        motor1_dir.write(0);
-        motor2_dir.write(0);
-    } else {
-        motor1_dir.write(1);
-        motor2_dir.write(0);
-    }
-// Finite state machine programming (calibration servo motor?)
-void ProcessStateMachine(void)
+    motor1.write(0.6);
+    motor1_dir.write(1);
+    motor2.write(0.6);
+    motor2_dir.write(1);
     // Berekenen van de motorhoeken (in radialen)
     pulses_M1 = Encoder1.getPulses();
-    pulses_M2 = Encoder2.getPulses();
     counts1 = pulses_M1*2;
-    counts2 = pulses_M2*2;
-    theta_h_1_rad = conversion_factor*counts1;
-    theta_h_2_rad = conversion_factor*counts2;
-    // Calculating joint angles based on motor angles (current encoder values)
-    q1 = theta_h_1_rad;                       // Relative angle joint 1 (rad)
-    q2 = theta_h_2_rad - theta_h_1_rad;       // Relative angle joint 2 (rad)
-    // Eerste deel van de filters (High-pass + Notch) over het ruwe EMG signaal
-    // doen. Het ruwe signaal wordt gelezen binnen een ticker en wordt daardoor 'gesampled'
-    filtered_EMG_biceps_right_1=bqbr1.step(;
-    filtered_EMG_biceps_left_1=bqcbl.step(;
-    filtered_EMG_calf_1=bqck.step(;
-    // Vervolgens wordt de absolute waarde hiervan genomen
-    filtered_EMG_biceps_right_abs=abs(filtered_EMG_biceps_right_1);
-    filtered_EMG_biceps_left_abs=abs(filtered_EMG_biceps_left_1);
-    filtered_EMG_calf_abs=abs(filtered_EMG_calf_1);
-    // Tenslotte wordt het tweede deel van de filters (twee low-pass, voor 4e orde filter)
-    // over het signaal gedaan
-    filtered_EMG_biceps_right=bqcbr2.step(filtered_EMG_biceps_right_abs);
-    filtered_EMG_biceps_left=bqcbl2.step(filtered_EMG_biceps_left_abs);
-    filtered_EMG_calf=bqck2.step(filtered_EMG_calf_abs);
-    // De gefilterde EMG-signalen kunnen tevens visueel worden weergegeven in de HIDScope
-    scope.set(0, normalized_EMG_biceps_right);
-    scope.set(1, normalized_EMG_biceps_left);
-    scope.set(2, normalized_EMG_calf);
+    theta_h_1_rad = conversion_factor*(counts1);
+    scope.set(0, theta_h_1_rad);
-    // Tijdens de kalibratie moet vervolgens een maximale spierspanning worden bepaald, die
-    // later kan worden gebruikt voor een normalisatie. De spieren worden hiertoe gedurende
-    // 5 seconden maximaal aangespannen. De EMG waarden worden bij elkaar opgeteld,
-    // waarna het gemiddelde wordt bepaald.
-    if (calib) {
-        if (i_calib == 0) {
-            filtered_EMG_biceps_right_total=0;
-            filtered_EMG_biceps_left_total=0;
-            filtered_EMG_calf_total=0;
-        }
-        if (i_calib <= 2500) {
-            filtered_EMG_biceps_right_total+=filtered_EMG_biceps_right;
-            filtered_EMG_biceps_left_total+=filtered_EMG_biceps_left;
-            filtered_EMG_calf_total+=filtered_EMG_calf;
-            i_calib++;
-        }
-        if (i_calib > 2500) {
-            mean_EMG_biceps_right=filtered_EMG_biceps_right_total/2500.0;
-            mean_EMG_biceps_left=filtered_EMG_biceps_left_total/2500.0;
-            mean_EMG_calf=filtered_EMG_calf_total/2500.0;
-            pc.printf("Ontspan spieren\r\n");
-            pc.printf("Rechterbiceps_max = %f, Linkerbiceps_max = %f, Kuit_max = %f\r\n", mean_EMG_biceps_right, mean_EMG_biceps_left, mean_EMG_calf);
-            calib = false;
-        }
-    }
-    // Genormaliseerde EMG's berekenen
-    normalized_EMG_biceps_right=filtered_EMG_biceps_right/mean_EMG_biceps_right;
-    normalized_EMG_biceps_left=filtered_EMG_biceps_left/mean_EMG_biceps_left;
-    normalized_EMG_calf=filtered_EMG_calf/mean_EMG_calf;
-    // Finite state machine
-    switch (currentState) {
-        case Motors_off:
-            if (stateChanged) {
-                motors_off(); // functie waarbij motoren uitgaan
-                stateChanged = false;
-                pc.printf("Motors off state\r\n");
-            }
-            if  ( == false) { // Normaal waarde 1 bij indrukken, nu nul -> false
-                emergency();
-            }
-            if  ( == false) { // Normaal waarde 1 bij indrukken, nu nul -> false
-                currentState = Calib_motor;
-                stateChanged = true;
-                pc.printf("Moving to Calib_motor state\r\n");
-            }
-            break;
-        case Calib_motor:
-            if (stateChanged) {
-                pc.printf("Zet motoren handmatig in home positie\r\n");
-                stateChanged = false;
-            }
-            if  ( == false) {
-                emergency();
-            }
-            if ( == false) {
-                theta_h_1_rad = 0;
-                theta_h_2_rad = 0;
-                pc.printf("Huidige hoek in radialen motor 1:%f en motor 2: %f (moet 0 zijn) \r\n", theta_h_1_rad, theta_h_2_rad);
-                currentState = Calib_EMG;
-                stateChanged = true;
-                pc.printf("Moving to Calib_EMG state\r\n");
-            }
-            break;
-        case Calib_EMG:
-            if (stateChanged) {
-                i_calib = 0;
-                calib = true;
-                pc.printf("Span spieren aan\r\n");
-                stateChanged = false;
-            }
-            if  ( == false) {
-                emergency();
-            }
-            if (i_calib > 2500) {
-                calib = false;
-                currentState = Homing;
-                stateChanged = true;
-                pc.printf("Moving to Homing state\r\n");
-            }
-            break;
-        case Homing: 
-            if (stateChanged) {
-                // Ervoor zorgen dat de motoren zo bewegen dat de robotarm
-                // (inclusief de end-effector) in de juiste home positie wordt gezet
-                stateChanged = false;
-            }
-            if  ( == false) {
-                emergency();
-            }
-            if (theta_h_1_rad != 0.0) {
-                if (theta_h_1_rad < 0) {
-                    motor1.write(0.3);
-                    motor1_dir.write(0);
-                } else {
-                    motor1.write(0.3);
-                    motor1_dir.write(1);
-                }
-            }
-            if (theta_h_1_rad == 0.0) {
-                motor1.write(0);
-            }
-            if (theta_h_2_rad != 0.0) {
-                if (theta_h_2_rad < 0) {
-                    motor2.write(0.3);
-                    motor2_dir.write(1);
-                } else {
-                    motor2.write(0.3);
-                    motor2_dir.write(0);
-                }
-            }
-            if (theta_h_2_rad == 0.0) {
-                motor2.write(0);
-            }
-            if (theta_h_1_rad == 0.0 && theta_h_2_rad == 0.0)
-                // Veranderen wanneer encoders werken en motor in elkaar zit
-            {
-                currentState = Operation_mode;
-                stateChanged = true;
-                pc.printf("Moving to operation mode \r\n");
-            }
-            break;
-        case Operation_mode: // Overgaan tot emergency wanneer referentie niet
-            // overeenkomt met werkelijkheid
-            // pc.printf("normalized_EMG_biceps_right= %f, mean_EMG_biceps_right = %f, filtered_EMG_biceps_right = %f\r\n", normalized_EMG_biceps_right, mean_EMG_biceps_right, filtered_EMG_biceps_right);
-            if (stateChanged) {
-                motors_off();
-                Joint_1_position_x = 0;
-                Joint_2_position_x = 0;
-                Joint_1_position_y = 0;
-                Joint_2_position_y = 0;
-                Joint_1_position_x_prev = Joint_1_position_x;
-                Joint_2_position_x_prev = Joint_2_position_x;
-                Joint_1_position_y_prev = Joint_1_position_y;
-                Joint_2_position_y_prev = Joint_2_position_y;
-                Joint_velocity_x[0][0] = 0;
-                Joint_velocity_x[1][0] = 0;
-                Joint_velocity_y[0][0] = 0;
-                Joint_velocity_y[1][0] = 0;
-                Motor_1_position_x = 0;
-                Motor_2_position_x = 0;
-                Motor_1_position_y = 0;
-                Motor_2_position_y = 0;
-                theta_k_1_x = 0.0;
-                theta_k_2_x = 0.0;
-                error_integral_1_x = 0.0;
-                error_integral_2_x = 0.0;
-                theta_k_1_y = 0.0;
-                theta_k_2_y = 0.0;
-                error_integral_1_y = 0.0;
-                error_integral_2_y = 0.0;
-                stateChanged = false;
-            }
-            // Hier moet een functie worden aangeroepen die ervoor zorgt dat
-            // aan de hand van EMG-signalen de motoren kunnen worden aangestuurd,
-            // zodat de robotarm kan bewegen
-            // if ( == false) { // Normaal waarde 1 bij indrukken, nu nul -> false
-            // motors_off();
-            // currentState = Motors_off;
-            // stateChanged = true;
-            // pc.printf("Terug naar de state Motors_off\r\n");
-            // }
-            if ( == false) {
-                emergency();
-            }
-            if ( == false) { // Is nu voor de homing
-                motors_off();
-                currentState = Homing;
-                stateChanged = true;
-                pc.printf("Terug naar de state Homing\r\n");
-            }
-            if (normalized_EMG_biceps_right >= 0.3) {
-                if (normalized_EMG_calf < 0.3) {
-                    vx = 0.0;
-                    vy = 0.05;
-                }
-                if (normalized_EMG_calf >= 0.3) {
-                    vx = 0.0;
-                    vy = -0.05;
-                }
-                Inverse_Kinematics();
-                error_q1_y = Motor_1_position_y - theta_h_1_rad;
-                error_q2_y = Motor_2_position_y - theta_h_2_rad;
-                PI_controller_y();
-                abs_theta_t_1_y = abs(theta_t_1_y);
-                abs_theta_t_2_y = abs(theta_t_2_y);
-                motor1.write(abs_theta_t_1_y);
-                motor2.write(abs_theta_t_2_y);
-                Define_motor_dir_y();
-            } else if (normalized_EMG_biceps_left >= 0.3) {
-                if (normalized_EMG_calf < 0.3) {
-                    vx = 0.05;
-                    vy = 0.0;
-                }
-                if (normalized_EMG_calf >= 0.3) {
-                    vx = -0.05;
-                    vy = 0.0;
-                }
-                Inverse_Kinematics();
-                error_q1_x = Motor_1_position_x - theta_h_1_rad;
-                error_q2_x = Motor_2_position_x - theta_h_2_rad;
-                PI_controller_x();
-                abs_theta_t_1_x = abs(theta_t_1_x);
-                abs_theta_t_2_x = abs(theta_t_2_x);
-                motor1.write(abs_theta_t_1_x);
-                motor2.write(abs_theta_t_2_x);
-                Define_motor_dir_x();
-            } else {
-                motor1.write(0);
-                motor2.write(0);
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            // Zelfde functie als die eerder is toegepast om motoren uit te schakelen -> safety!
-            motors_off();
-            pc.printf("Unknown or uninplemented state reached!\r\n");
-    }
 int main(void)
-    // Chain voor rechter biceps
-    bqcbr.add(&bqbr1).add(&bqbr2);
-    bqcbr2.add(&bqbr3).add(&bqbr4);
-    // Chain voor linker biceps
-    bqcbl.add(&bqbl1).add(&bqbl2);
-    bqcbl2.add(&bqbl3).add(&bqbl4);
-    // Chain voor kuit
-    bqck.add(&bqk1).add(&bqk2);
-    bqck2.add(&bqk3).add(&bqk4);
-    loop_ticker.attach(&ProcessStateMachine, 0.002f);
-    while(true) {
-        // wait(0.2);
-        /* do nothing */
+    motor1.period_us(56);
+    motor2.period_us(56);
+    loop.attach(&motors, 0.002f);
+    while(true) 
+    {
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