A forth for LPC8xxx


--- a/lpc8xx.s	Fri Dec 04 13:09:58 2015 +0000
+++ b/lpc8xx.s	Thu May 12 15:53:05 2016 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+; MSEl=6, PSEL=1, DIV=3 ==> 28MHz
 RAMForIAP       EQU 128
 RomSize         EQU 0x4000
@@ -180,6 +182,9 @@
 ;       Configure USART 0/1/2 for receiving and transmitting data:
 ;       In the SYSAHBCLKCTRL register, set bit 14 to 16 (Table 18) to enable the clock to the register interface.
+; FLASHCFG et FLASHTIM >> à seter to 0 !!!!!!!!!
         MOVS    r2, #1
         LSLS    r2, #14             ; USART0 (bit 14)
@@ -193,7 +198,7 @@
         LDR     r1,=PINASSIGN0
         STR     r0,[r1]
 ;Configure the UART clock div
-        MOVS    r0,#3               ; UART clock 4MHz
+        MOVS    r0,#3               ; UART clock 4MHz/16
         LDR     r1,=UARTCLKDIV
         STR     r0,[r1]
         LDR     r1,=(USART0)
@@ -201,7 +206,8 @@
         MOVS    r0,#0x05            ; 8 bits, no Parity, 1 Stop bit */
         STR     r0, [r1,#CFG]
 ;Configure BRG
-        MOVS    r0,#207             ; = 4000000/19200 -1    
+        MOVS    r0,#12              ; 19200bps
+;       MOVS    r0,#3               ; 57600bps
         STR     r0,[r1,#BRG]
         BX      lr
@@ -210,7 +216,7 @@
 ; and leave the xEmit label on 
 ; the same line as instruction
-LTx     LINK    LExit
+LTx     LINK    LDup
         DCB     4
         DCB     "EMIT"
@@ -218,26 +224,16 @@
 ; Place here your code for the Emit
 ; routine 
 ; If it is a high level put a doCol
-; at the begenning and an Exit at the end
+; at the beginning and an Exit at the end
+Emit    DCD     xEmit
 xEmit   LDR     r1,=(USART0)
 Emit1   LDR     r2,[r1,#STAT]
         LSRS    r2,#3
         BCC     Emit1               ; ? ready to Xmit
         STR     TOS,[r1,#TXDAT]     ; Xmit
         POP     {TOS}               ; Discard & Update TOS 
-        RET
-;xEmit  doCol
-;       DCB     Lit32                                               !ne marche pas 
-;       DCD     USART0              ; (char, USART0)                !
-;Emit1  DCB     Dup                 ; (char,USART0, USART0)         !ne marche pas
-;       DCB     Lit8, STAT, Plus, At ; (char, USART0, @Stat)
-;       DCB     Lit8, 4, And        ; (char, USART0, flag)          !ne marche pas
-;       ZBranch Emit1               ; (char, USART0)
-;       DCB     Lit8, TX, Plus      ; (char, USART0Tx)              !ne marche pas
-;       DCB     Store
-;       DCB     Exit
+        Next
 ; DONT Change the 4 lines below
@@ -247,14 +243,15 @@
 LRecv   LINK    LTx 
         DCB     4
         DCB     "KEY?"
+KeyQ    DCD     Recv0
 ; Place here your code for the Key?
 ; routine 
 ; If it is a high level put a doCol
 ; at the beginning and an Exit at the end
-KeyQ    PUSH    {TOS}
+Recv0   PUSH    {TOS}
         LDR     r1,=(USART0)
         LDR     r2,[r1,#STAT]
         LSRS    r2,#1
@@ -262,7 +259,7 @@
         LDR     TOS,=0xffffffff     ; True flag
         B       Recv2
 Recv1   SUBS    TOS,TOS             ; Clear TOS (false falg)
-Recv2   RET
+Recv2   Next
 ; DONT Change the 4 lines below
@@ -270,7 +267,7 @@
 LKey    LINK    LRecv
         DCB     3
         DCB     "KEY"
+Key     DCD     xKey
 ; Place here your code for the Key
 ; routine 
@@ -283,5 +280,5 @@
         LSRS    r2,#1
         BCC     Key1
         LDR     TOS,[r1,#RXDAT]
-        RET
+        Next
\ No newline at end of file