Motor aansturen met mbed

Dependencies:   FastPWM mbed QEI biquadFilter HIDScope MODSERIAL


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
50:522bb6eebda6 2018-11-01 efvanmarrewijk Latest version just before merge, without calibration code and with code for movement of 3 motors, 3rd motor is TURNED OFF (after calibration it can be turned on again) default tip
49:48363ca21a15 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk New version for finetuning of Kp and Kd after afternoon session with Ki stress
48:36cdeaac67c5 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Good angles of the motors: minus sign in code (please dont delete this sign!)
47:bad50d34561c 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Part of calibration function
46:7c14fc3caf52 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Doubles
45:53c4fca47ed4 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Working version with all angles in doubles
44:de6b4eac5cb7 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk With doubles, works but prints wrong values
43:e8f2193822b7 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Alle motoren stil tijdens opslaan, daarna doen ze het allemaal
42:cef1b3187e4c 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk !!Does not work
41:ca00cbb02f92 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk version
40:1be9dfad0a10 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Version for question about influencing motors
39:dcf3e5019a63 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Both motors turn as specified by the potmeters, but the movement of one motor affects the other motor
38:681100ce5fb8 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Motor right moves, because encoder pins are switched in right motor wrt the left motor and the flip motor
37:c61d7768c18a 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Motor right turns, but not as wanted
36:077fe5b3189b 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Working copy with only movement for motor 1, names changed to somethingl (for left motor)
35:ba556f2d0fcc 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Not working, but with added code for movement of motor right
34:30100c1901d4 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Motor movement in ticker, names of variables for motors changed to 1st motor = l (left), 2nd motor = r (right), 3nd motor = f (flip)
33:ec07e11676ec 2018-10-31 efvanmarrewijk Version for questions
32:a5b411833d1e 2018-10-30 efvanmarrewijk Same as previous, but with comments and all floats are in the format number.decimals.f
31:91ad5b188bd9 2018-10-30 efvanmarrewijk Angle of motor can be set with potmeter, PID values are set to semi optimal and code works!
30:c4a3e868ef04 2018-10-30 efvanmarrewijk Working version with values for kp, ki and kd. The motor moves along with the potmeter value
29:d8e51f4cf080 2018-10-30 efvanmarrewijk With PID controller
28:aec0d9bdb949 2018-10-30 efvanmarrewijk Working version with control, motor still doesn't turn back
27:3430dfb4c9fb 2018-10-30 efvanmarrewijk HIDScope not working
26:b48708ed51ff 2018-10-29 efvanmarrewijk Working version with P and PI control of motor position, and a working emergency button (SW2 on biorobotics shield)
25:76e9e5597416 2018-10-29 efvanmarrewijk P controller not working
24:d255752065d1 2018-10-29 efvanmarrewijk Working copy with angle between -2pi and 2pi
23:0c02cf961344 2018-10-29 efvanmarrewijk Not working, but with several additional functions
22:71524e4fd1f2 2018-10-29 efvanmarrewijk Possible solution for the angle problem
21:363271dcfe1f 2018-10-22 efvanmarrewijk Fully merged version. Encoder input, angle conversion and working motors
20:695140b8db2f 2018-10-22 efvanmarrewijk Partially merged version
19:1d0b25d4d775 2018-10-22 efvanmarrewijk No change from previous version
18:ca084c362855 2018-10-22 efvanmarrewijk Working encoder input for 3 motors, with conversion to angle
17:0ae9e8c958f8 2018-10-19 efvanmarrewijk Only gets counts input from encoder for motor 1 and 2
16:720365110953 2018-10-19 efvanmarrewijk Version with working encoder input for 3 motors
15:a52be6368cd5 2018-10-15 efvanmarrewijk Update met PID controller
14:e21cb701ccb8 2018-10-15 efvanmarrewijk Update 12-10-2018, with added comments and extra libraries
13:6556cd086d07 2018-10-12 efvanmarrewijk With extra added libraries
12:ef4ba26d0e2f 2018-10-12 efvanmarrewijk Not working version with a state machine for the rotation of motor 3
11:3efd6a324f16 2018-10-08 efvanmarrewijk 3 working motors, with existing variables for the encoder (not yet implemented). With added comments about the working mechanisms of the program
10:ac36f9a204dd 2018-10-08 efvanmarrewijk Inclusief input variabelen van encoder (nog niet verwerkt)
9:65c52c1f4a57 2018-10-08 efvanmarrewijk 3 werkende motoren, de 3e motor werkt met buttons op de K64F, die zorgen voor een richtingsverandering en nog niet een snelheidsverandering
8:4f15670bc00b 2018-10-08 efvanmarrewijk Niet werkende versie
7:7c005b3cf288 2018-10-08 efvanmarrewijk 2 werkende motoren, zonder if-else statements
6:3c9569087274 2018-10-08 efvanmarrewijk 2 motoren tegelijkertijd aansturen
5:047db32db712 2018-09-25 Ramonwaninge 1 Potmeter stuurt beide kanten aan!
4:0c27632b453a 2018-09-25 Ramonwaninge Draait rechtsom door potmeter
3:d39285fdd103 2018-09-25 Ramonwaninge Meer richting potmeters (W.N.);
2:d8a552d1d33a 2018-09-25 Ramonwaninge Bezig met potmeteraansturing;
1:e40e981acbf1 2018-09-25 Ramonwaninge Constant draaien
0:3ea1bbfbeaae 2018-09-24 Ramonwaninge Werkt niet, PWM & Ticker