QP is an event-driven, RTOS-like, active object framework for microcontrollers, such as mbed. The QP framework provides thread-safe execution of active objects (concurrent state machines) and support both manual and automatic coding of UML statecharts in readable, production-quality C or C++. Automatic code generation of QP code is supported by the free QM modeling tool.

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QF Class Reference

QF services. More...

#include <qp.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static void init (void)
 QF initialization.
static void psInit (QSubscrList *const subscrSto, uint32_t const maxSignal)
 Publish-subscribe initialization.
static void poolInit (void *const poolSto, uint32_t const poolSize, uint32_t const evtSize)
 Event pool initialization for dynamic allocation of events.
static int16_t run (void)
 Transfers control to QF to run the application.
static void onStartup (void)
 Startup QF callback.
static void onCleanup (void)
 Cleanup QF callback.
static void onIdle (void)
 QF idle callback (customized in BSPs for QF)
static void stop (void)
 Function invoked by the application layer to stop the QF application and return control to the OS/Kernel.
static void publish (QEvt const *e)
 Publish event to the framework.
static void tick (void)
 Processes all armed time events at every clock tick.
static bool noTimeEvtsActive (void)
 Returns true if all time events are inactive and false any time event is active.
static char_t const Q_ROM
getVersion (void)
 Returns the QF version.
static uint32_t getPoolMargin (uint8_t const poolId)
 This function returns the margin of the given event pool.
static uint32_t getQueueMargin (uint8_t const prio)
 This function returns the margin of the given event queue.
static QEvtnew_ (QEvtSize const evtSize, enum_t const sig)
 Internal QF implementation of the dynamic event allocator.
static void gc (QEvt const *e)
 Recycle a dynamic event.
static void remove_ (QActive const *const a)
 Remove the active object from the framework.
static void thread_ (QActive *act)
 Thread routine for executing an active object act.

Static Public Attributes

static QActiveactive_ []
 array of registered active objects


class QActive

Detailed Description

QF services.

This class groups together QF services. It has only static members and should not be instantiated.

Definition at line 1957 of file qp.h.

Member Function Documentation

static void gc ( QEvt const *  e ) [static]

Recycle a dynamic event.

This function implements a simple garbage collector for the dynamic events. Only dynamic events are candidates for recycling. (A dynamic event is one that is allocated from an event pool, which is determined as non-zero e->attrQF__ attribute.) Next, the function decrements the reference counter of the event, and recycles the event only if the counter drops to zero (meaning that no more references are outstanding for this event). The dynamic event is recycled by returning it to the pool from which it was originally allocated. The pool-of-origin information is stored in the upper 2-MSBs of the e->attrQF__ attribute.)

QF invokes the garbage collector at all appropriate contexts, when an event can become garbage (automatic garbage collection), so the application code should have NO need to call QF::gc() directly. The QF::gc() function is exposed only for special cases when your application sends dynamic events to the "raw" thread-safe queues (see QEQueue). Such queues are processed outside of QF and the automatic garbage collection CANNOT be performed for these events. In this case you need to call QF::gc() explicitly.
static uint32_t getPoolMargin ( uint8_t const   poolId ) [static]

This function returns the margin of the given event pool.

This function returns the margin of the given event pool poolId, where poolId is the ID of the pool initialized by the call to QF::poolInit(). The poolId of the first initialized pool is 1, the second 2, and so on.

The returned pool margin is the minimal number of free blocks encountered in the given pool since system startup.

Requesting the margin of an un-initialized pool raises an assertion in the QF.
static uint32_t getQueueMargin ( uint8_t const   prio ) [static]

This function returns the margin of the given event queue.

This function returns the margin of the given event queue of an active object with priority prio. (QF priorities start with 1 and go up to QF_MAX_ACTIVE.) The margin is the minimal number of free events encountered in the given queue since system startup.

QF::getQueueMargin() is available only when the native QF event queue implementation is used. Requesting the queue margin of an unused priority level raises an assertion in the QF. (A priority level becomes used in QF after the call to the QF::add_() function.)
static char_t const Q_ROM* Q_ROM_VAR getVersion ( void   ) [static]

Returns the QF version.

This function returns constant version string in the format x.y.zz, where x (one digit) is the major version, y (one digit) is the minor version, and zz (two digits) is the maintenance release version. An example of the version string is "3.1.03".

The following example illustrates the usage of this function:

static void init ( void   ) [static]

QF initialization.

This function initializes QF and must be called exactly once before any other QF function.

static QEvt* new_ ( QEvtSize const   evtSize,
enum_t const   sig 
) [static]

Internal QF implementation of the dynamic event allocator.

The application code should not call this function directly. Please use the macro Q_NEW.
static bool noTimeEvtsActive ( void   ) [static]

Returns true if all time events are inactive and false any time event is active.

This function should be called in critical section.
static void onCleanup ( void   ) [static]

Cleanup QF callback.

QF::onCleanup() is called in some QF ports before QF returns to the underlying operating system or RTOS.

This function is strongly platform-specific and is not implemented in the QF but either in the QF port or in the Board Support Package (BSP) for the given application. Some QF ports might not require implementing QF::onCleanup() at all, because many embedded applications don't have anything to exit to.

See also:
QF::init() and QF::stop()
static void onIdle ( void   ) [static]

QF idle callback (customized in BSPs for QF)

QF::onIdle() is called by the non-preemptive "Vanilla" scheduler built into QF when the framework detects that no events are available for active objects (the idle condition). This callback gives the application an opportunity to enter a power-saving CPU mode, or perform some other idle processing (such as Q-Spy output).

QF_onIdle() is invoked with interrupts DISABLED because the idle condition can be asynchronously changed at any time by an interrupt. QF_onIdle() MUST enable the interrupts internally, but not before putting the CPU into the low-power mode. (Ideally, enabling interrupts and low-power mode should happen atomically). At the very least, the function MUST enable interrupts, otherwise interrups will remain disabled permanently.
QF::onIdle() is only used by the non-preemptive "Vanilla" scheduler in the "bare metal" QF port, and is NOT used in any other QF ports. When QF is combined with QK, the QK idle loop calls a different function QK::onIdle(), with different semantics than QF::onIdle(). When QF is combined with a 3rd-party RTOS or kernel, the idle processing mechanism of the RTOS or kernal is used instead of QF::onIdle().
static void onStartup ( void   ) [static]

Startup QF callback.

The timeline for calling QF::onStartup() depends on the particular QF port. In most cases, QF::onStartup() is called from QF::run(), right before starting any multitasking kernel or the background loop.

static void poolInit ( void *const   poolSto,
uint32_t const   poolSize,
uint32_t const   evtSize 
) [static]

Event pool initialization for dynamic allocation of events.

This function initializes one event pool at a time and must be called exactly once for each event pool before the pool can be used. The arguments are as follows: poolSto is a pointer to the memory block for the events. poolSize is the size of the memory block in bytes. evtSize is the block-size of the pool in bytes, which determines the maximum size of events that can be allocated from the pool.

You might initialize one, two, and up to three event pools by making one, two, or three calls to the QF_poolInit() function. However, for the simplicity of the internal implementation, you must initialize event pools in the ascending order of the event size.

Many RTOSes provide fixed block-size heaps, a.k.a. memory pools that can be used for QF event pools. In case such support is missing, QF provides a native QF event pool implementation. The macro QF_EPOOL_TYPE_ determines the type of event pool used by a particular QF port. See class QMPool for more information.

The actual number of events available in the pool might be actually less than (poolSize / evtSize) due to the internal alignment of the blocks that the pool might perform. You can always check the capacity of the pool by calling QF::getPoolMargin().
The dynamic allocation of events is optional, meaning that you might choose not to use dynamic events. In that case calling QF::poolInit() and using up memory for the memory blocks is unnecessary.
See also:
QF initialization example for QF::init()
static void psInit ( QSubscrList *const   subscrSto,
uint32_t const   maxSignal 
) [static]

Publish-subscribe initialization.

This function initializes the publish-subscribe facilities of QF and must be called exactly once before any subscriptions/publications occur in the application. The arguments are as follows: subscrSto is a pointer to the array of subscriber-lists. maxSignal is the dimension of this array and at the same time the maximum signal that can be published or subscribed.

The array of subscriber-lists is indexed by signals and provides mapping between the signals and subscirber-lists. The subscriber- lists are bitmasks of type QSubscrList, each bit in the bitmask corresponding to the unique priority of an active object. The size of the QSubscrList bitmask depends on the value of the QF_MAX_ACTIVE macro.

The publish-subscribe facilities are optional, meaning that you might choose not to use publish-subscribe. In that case calling QF::psInit() and using up memory for the subscriber-lists is unnecessary.
See also:

The following example shows the typical initialization sequence of QF:

static void publish ( QEvt const *  e ) [static]

Publish event to the framework.

This function posts (using the FIFO policy) the event e it to ALL active object that have subscribed to the signal e->sig. This function is designed to be callable from any part of the system, including ISRs, device drivers, and active objects.

In the general case, event publishing requires multi-casting the event to multiple subscribers. This happens in the caller's thread with the scheduler locked to prevent preemptions during the multi- casting process. (Please note that the interrupts are not locked.)

static void remove_ ( QActive const *const   a ) [static]

Remove the active object from the framework.

This function should not be called by the application directly, only inside the QF port. The priority level occupied by the active object is freed-up and can be reused for another active object.

The active object that is removed from the framework can no longer participate in the publish-subscribe event exchange.

This function raises an assertion if the priority of the active object exceeds the maximum value QF_MAX_ACTIVE or is not used.
static int16_t run ( void   ) [static]

Transfers control to QF to run the application.

QF::run() is typically called from your startup code after you initialize the QF and start at least one active object with QActive::start(). Also, QF::start() call must precede the transfer of control to QF::run(), but some QF ports might call QF::start() from QF::run(). QF::run() typically never returns to the caller, but when it does, it returns the error code (0 for success)

This function is strongly platform-dependent and is not implemented in the QF, but either in the QF port or in the Board Support Package (BSP) for the given application. All QF ports must implement QF::run().
When the Quantum Kernel (QK) is used as the underlying real-time kernel for the QF, all platfrom dependencies are handled in the QK, so no porting of QF is necessary. In other words, you only need to recompile the QF platform-independent code with the compiler for your platform, but you don't need to provide any platform-specific implementation (so, no qf_port.cpp file is necessary). Moreover, QK implements the function QF::run() in a platform-independent way, in the modile qk.cpp.
static void stop ( void   ) [static]

Function invoked by the application layer to stop the QF application and return control to the OS/Kernel.

This function stops the QF application. After calling this function, QF attempts to gracefully stop the application. This graceful shutdown might take some time to complete. The typical use of this funcition is for terminating the QF application to return back to the operating system or for handling fatal errors that require shutting down (and possibly re-setting) the system.

This function is strongly platform-specific and is not implemented in the QF but either in the QF port or in the Board Support Package (BSP) for the given application. Some QF ports might not require implementing QF::stop() at all, because many embedded application don't have anything to exit to.

See also:
QF::stop() and QF::onCleanup()
static void thread_ ( QActive act ) [static]

Thread routine for executing an active object act.

This function is actually implemented internally by certain QF ports to be called by the active object thread routine.

static void tick ( void   ) [static]

Processes all armed time events at every clock tick.

This function must be called periodically from a time-tick ISR or from the highest-priority task so that QF can manage the timeout events.

The QF::tick() function is not reentrant meaning that it must run to completion before it is called again. Also, QF::tick() assumes that it never will get preempted by a task, which is always the case when it is called from an ISR or the highest-priority task.
See also:

The following example illustrates the call to QF::tick():

Field Documentation

QActive* active_[] [static]

array of registered active objects

Not to be used by Clients directly, only in ports of QF

Definition at line 2260 of file qp.h.