Bluetooth module HC-05 Lib. suppotrs printf(); support IrqAttach, with using RTOS. include feature as background rxIrq attach. the lib store rx buf of serial, therefore can have over 16 bytes string. if you want to get string, you call read() or getLine(). read() is ALL string, getLine() is under CR('\r').

Dependencies:   RingBuffer

Fork of HC05 by Akinori Hashimoto

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mySerial.cpp	Thu Jan 21 06:29:54 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#include "mySerial.h"
+mySerial::mySerial(PinName TX, PinName RX)
+    : serial(TX, RX)
+void mySerial::init(int baudrate, int bit, int parity, int stop, bool CRLN)
+    serial.baud(baudrate);
+    // 力技
+    if      (parity == SerialBase::Odd)
+        serial.format(bit, SerialBase::Odd,  stop);
+    else if (parity == SerialBase::Even)
+        serial.format(bit, SerialBase::Even, stop);     // 8bit, NonParity, 1stopbit
+    else// if (parity == SerialBase::None)
+        serial.format(bit, SerialBase::None, stop);     // 8bit, NonParity, 1stopbit
+    // attach rxIrq. because, rx buf of serial equals to 16 Bytes.
+    this->serial.attach(this, &mySerial::_readIrq, Serial::RxIrq);
+    // Tx Buf empty Interrupt.
+    this->serial.attach(this, &mySerial::putcIrq, Serial::TxIrq);
+    CR= '\r';
+    if(CRLN)
+        CR= "\r\n";
+    return;
+void mySerial::setAttachRx(void (*fptr)(char))
+    // Serial.attachから呼ばれる_readIrq()内から、fptrをCall.
+    fptrRxIrq= fptr;
+    return;
+bool mySerial::readable()
+    return serial.readable() || !ringBufRx.empty();
+string mySerial::get() // public:
+    _read();
+    if(ringBufRx.empty())
+        return "";
+    return ringBufRx.get();
+string mySerial::getLine()
+    /*
+        string tmp= this->read();
+        if(tmp.empty())
+            return "";
+        // tmp is not empty.
+        int idx= tmp.rfind('\r');
+        if(idx == string::npos) {
+            ringBufRx.set(tmp);   // 戻す
+            return "";
+        }
+    */
+    _read();
+    // RingBuf is empty of doesm't find CR.
+    if(ringBufRx.empty() || !ringBufRx.chkCR())
+        return "";
+    return ringBufRx.getLine();
+    /*
+        string tmp= ringBufRx.get();
+        // find \r
+        if(tmp[++idx] == '\n')
+            idx++;
+        // idxは改行後の文字先頭Indexを示す。
+        string rtn= tmp.substr(0, idx);
+        tmp= tmp.substr(idx);
+        ringBufRx.set(tmp);
+        return rtn;
+    */
+void mySerial::sendLine(string str, bool addCR)
+    if(addCR)
+        str += "\r\n";
+    this->printf(str.c_str());   // _putc()が呼ばれるはず
+    return;
+int mySerial::_putc(int val)     // for printf()
+    ringBufTx.set(val);
+//    serial.putc(val);
+    putcIrq();
+    return val;
+int mySerial::_getc()       // for "Stream"
+    return -1;//mySerial.getc();
+void mySerial::putcIrq(void)
+    if(!serial.writeable() || ringBufTx.empty())
+        return;
+    serial.putc(ringBufTx.getc());
+    return;
+// Internal READ()
+void mySerial::_readIrq(void)
+    if(!serial.readable())
+        return;
+    char chr= serial.getc();
+    ringBufRx.set(chr);
+    if(this->fptrRxIrq == NULL)
+        return;
+    fptrRxIrq(chr);
+    return;
+void mySerial::_read()
+    // Bufferを吸い尽くす
+    while(serial.readable())
+        ringBufRx.set((char)serial.getc());
+    return;         // Bufferになくなった
+// EOF
\ No newline at end of file