updsted the USB to persuade it to build for the Dragonfly platfom

Fork of USBDevice by mbed official

Thu Jul 27 12:14:04 2017 +0100
Update libraries

Fixes the previous commmit, as some devices were not copied. USBDevice contains
now targets directory with all targets implementations

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 2 * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Nuvoton
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 3 *
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 7 *
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 9 *
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 14 * limitations under the License.
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 15 */
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 16 #define NU_MAX_EPX_BUFSIZE 4096
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 17 #define NU_EP2EPL(ep) ((ep) >> 1)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 18 #define NU_EP2EPH(ep) (((ep) >> 1) - 1)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 19 #define NU_EPX2EP(ep) ((ep == CEP) ? EP0OUT : ((ep) - EPA + EP1OUT))
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 20 #define NU_EPL2EPH(ep) ((ep) - 1)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 21 #define NU_EPH2EPL(ep) ((ep) + 1)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 22 #define NU_EP_DIR_Pos 0
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 23 #define NU_EP_DIR_Msk (1 << NU_EP_DIR_Pos)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 24 #define NU_EP_DIR_OUT 0
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 25 #define NU_EP_DIR_IN 1
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 26
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 27 #define NU_EP_TYPE(ep) (((ep) & NU_EP_TYPE_Msk) >> NU_EP_TYPE_Pos)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 28 #define NU_EP_NUM(ep) (((ep) & NU_EP_NUM_Msk) >> NU_EP_NUM_Pos)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 29 #define NU_EP_DIR(ep) (((ep) & NU_EP_DIR_Msk) >> NU_EP_DIR_Pos)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 30 #define NU_EP_NUM_DIR(ep) ((NU_EP_NUM(ep) << 1) | NU_EP_DIR(ep))
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 31
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 32 #define NUMBER_OF_PHYSICAL_ENDPOINTS 12
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 33
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 34 #define EP0OUT (0)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 35 #define EP0IN (1)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 36 #define EP1OUT (2)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 37 #define EP1IN (3)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 38 #define EP2OUT (4)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 39 #define EP2IN (5)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 40 #define EP3OUT (6)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 41 #define EP3IN (7)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 42 #define EP4OUT (8)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 43 #define EP4IN (9)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 44 #define EP5OUT (10)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 45 #define EP5IN (11)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 46 #define EP6OUT (12)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 47 #define EP6IN (13)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 48
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 49 /* Maximum Packet sizes */
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 50 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 51 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP1 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 52 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP2 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 53 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP3 0x60
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 54 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP4 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 55 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP5 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 56 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP6 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 57 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP7 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 58 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP8 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 59 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP9 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 60 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP10 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 61 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP11 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 62
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 63 /* Generic endpoints - intended to be portable accross devices */
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 64 /* and be suitable for simple USB devices. */
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 65
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 66 /* Bulk endpoints */
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 67 #define EPBULK_OUT EP5OUT
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 68 #define EPBULK_IN EP6IN
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 69 #define EPBULK_OUT_callback EP5_OUT_callback
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 70 #define EPBULK_IN_callback EP6_IN_callback
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 71 /* Interrupt endpoints */
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 72 #define EPINT_OUT EP1OUT
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 73 #define EPINT_IN EP2IN
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 74 #define EPINT_OUT_callback EP1_OUT_callback
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 75 #define EPINT_IN_callback EP2_IN_callback
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 76 /* Isochronous endpoints */
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 77 #define EPISO_OUT EP3OUT
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 78 #define EPISO_IN EP4IN
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 79 #define EPISO_OUT_callback EP3_OUT_callback
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 80 #define EPISO_IN_callback EP4_IN_callback
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 81
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 82 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EPBULK 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 83 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EPINT 64
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 84 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EPISO 1023
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 85
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 86 #define USBD_GET_EP_MAX_PAYLOAD(ep) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EPAMPS + (uint32_t)((ep)*0x28))))
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 87 #define USBD_GET_EP_DATA_COUNT(ep) ((*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EPADATCNT + (uint32_t)((ep)*0x28)))) & 0xFFFFF)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 88 #define USBD_SET_EP_SHORT_PACKET(ep) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EPARSPCTL + (uint32_t)((ep)*0x28))) = (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EPARSPCTL + (uint32_t)((ep)*0x28)))) & 0x10 | 0x40)
Kojto 71:53949e6131f6 89 #define USBD_GET_EP_INT_EN(ep) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EPAINTEN + (uint32_t)((ep)*0x28))))